PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS "And don't forget two packages of Shredded Wheat" "There'll be a fuss in our family if you do! The children love it; my husband insists on it because he says it's the perfect food for health and strength. And I like it too. So don't forget to send it, please." THE CANADIAN .SHREDDED WHEAT ' company; LTD. HREDD G0LDBL00M WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert BraiM" SMOKED BLACK C Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, RC. FURS! FURS! FURS! Made to Order In Any Style IJ&Expert Furrier Special attention to repairing and cleaning f urs Lowest Prices For Sale-Here are some Snaps FIFTII AVENUE EAST-4-roomed house with bath $1,200. $500 cash, balance arranged. EIGHTH AVENUE WEST-Lot, and 4-roomcd house with bath, $1,000. Balance on easy terms. Houses on English HllL Summit Avenue, Borden Street and any part of the city at reasonable prices and terms. McCAFFERY, G1IHJONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE W. Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE ; ' " PHONE 575 ;'" . ' BESNEIl BLOCK DENTIST TELEPHONE 11 COAL Buy the real Coal our fa-vtntous . Edson ami Cassldy-JWflilfieton In any qnantltles. Also1 Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. USK MAN MARRIED iMiss Slay Williams of Terrace is Dridc of Erlin? Willman j USkf., Feb.' 20 The thriyihff little community of Usk was en fete on Monday on the occasion of the. wedding or Eriing wuiman, nepn-cw of Captain John Willman promoter and manager of the well known Columario mine. The lady of Erllng's choice wa-- Miss. Agnes Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Willianis of Terrace, and she filled the rolo with a charm and attractiveness which contributed much to the effective success of the event from a social point of view. . The day was on to be long remembered by the residents, foil Eriing had spent the years of hi-, youth in Uskv and is known and well thought of by all. The wedding took place in the Marsh Memorial Church the first to be celebrated In that edifice and attracted a crowd tve like of which has never been witnessed here, the church being . crowded to its utmost capacity and many being unable to gain admittance. Prior to the ceremony and as the bridal party were (entering Mrs. GlQver played Ihe Wedding March. Rev. E. A. McCarthy, Anglican of Terrace was the officiating minister and made the observance of the rite a soulful ceremony. The bride had her close friend, Miss Esther Ta'f t, of Terrace, as bridesmaid, and the groom was supported by hi? brother, Jonas Willman, as best man. The bride wore a lovely gown of ocean blue trimmed with fins French salmon colored lace, and the bridesmaid was attired in a pretty pale pink dress trimmed similarly. The bride's father gave her away and, after the blessing by the officiating clergyman and the signing of the register, the whole party repaired to the Usk hotel where genial Tom Shac'cel-ton excelled himself In providing a wedding banquet the memory ol which will be cherished by over a hundred guests who partook of it. After the customary toasts were duly honored the party moved once more, almost en bloc, this time to the Bethuren Hall, where the rest of the evening and well on into the morning was spent in lively dancing. The hall was tastefully decorated and four artistes provided the necessary music. Gifts to the happy pair were alike numerous, beautiful and useful. Among the many visiting friends were Mrs. II. A. Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. E; M Smith, Mrs. Clark, Miss E. Taft Mr. and Mrs. Olsen, Miss Olsen, S. Person, G. Temple, O. Kenney, ol Terrace, Miss James, Miss Elsie Dannhauer and Sidney Dannhauer of Copper City, and others. WE KNOW You Can't Heat These Prices So Why Not Give Us a Trial Netted Gem Potatoes OS) 4A Fresh Eggs per doz Swift's Premium Back Bacon, per lb ' Fresh Creamery Butter-j per lb Peanut Butter Squirrel 2Vi's, per tin Shelled Walnuts per lb, Del Monte Apricots 3 tins - Sweet Mixed Pickles per quart Arrowroot Biscuits per lb: Princess Soap Flakes per pkg. 25c 40c 37c 44c 30c 50c 43c 30c 20c Braid's Tea Each pkg. cpntalns cup and saucer tCn per lb Thd Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT . George Copper Still Prospect Granby Co. Kip Factor in Canadian Industrial Life Dr. Mandy Speaks at Vancouver Official reports of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. indicate that the George Gold Copper Mining Co. Ltd. property cannot be considered as other than a working prospect, says the Financial News of Vancouver. No work was done during the last year owing to extremely low copper prices. Considerably more work must be done before any opinion can be formed as to whether George Copper can be made into a paying mine. In the event of successful production, Consolidated will have first call on all earnings until all the funds it has advanced for development have been repaid. had workpd contlnuously he MWf In "Industrial Canada,'' a magazine published In Toronto by the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, appears an article from the pen of Charles Bocking, president and general manager of the Granb Co., dealing With operations of that important copper producing com pany. "For over thirty years, says Mr. Bocking's article, "the Granby Co., by developing and operating metal and coal mines in British Columbia -and by establishing towns at their mines and. reduction works, has contributed in a large measure to the progres,ef Western Canada." Mr. Bocklng tells how the company was Incorporated in 1899, starting its first operation at Phoenix with the establishment of a smelter at Grand Forks. About 1910, the company acquired the Hidden Creek mine within the Dominion of Canada since 1900 upwards of $200,000,000. Since 1900 Ihe Granby Co. has produced In round figures 1,000.000 ounces of gold, 13,000,000 ounces of sliver and. close to 1,000,000,000 pounds of copper." Addressing the British Columbia Chamber of Mines 'in Vancouver a few days ago on mining developments and possibilities In Northwestern British Columbia, Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, Prince Rupert, declared that an Important feature of the last year's depression had been the stabilization of the mining industry in the district. All producing mines HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot iind cold water in all roomt A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. Savoy J. C. Frlzell, Massctt; Smith. C.N.R. J. R, New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, Prop THE 110 IH, UOKTII WHILE Hot St Cold Wntcr; Bteim !!t 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphoiir Ml Royal M. F. Brew and son, Port Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Ms lit, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties jwlth increased efficiency and re-jduced costs and development had progressed steadily. Several pros-jpects advanced appreciably toward the production stage. Interesting new features pertaining to the probable existence of a gold belt in the batholithlc rocks of the coast from which several small producing mines might result and the char acteristic features of the rocks of these areas were explained by Dr. Mandy. The importance of developing the non-metallic resources of the coastal section was stressed and lttentlon was directed to opportunities in clays, limestone, marble, buildin? stone and the possibility of finding commercial deposits of phosphates in some of the younger sediments along the coast. ZfS? fig "o" IPriests Had Hard northwest siderable development being carried out there prior to the smelter starting operations In March, 1914. "The company's operating expenses," Mr. Bocklng declares, "at Cas- 400-Mile Trip in Central Alaska sidy, Allenby and Anyox plants in' cash outlay amounts to approxl- SEWARD, Alaska. Feb. 20:-Con-mately $7,000,1)00 annually. It is QUlrig the ice. snow and bad wea-conservatlve to state that the com- jther of Central Alaska for a dls-pany has spent In their operations j tance 400 mlles- Fa"1" B- J- Hub- bard, priest-explorer of Santa Cla ra, Cal.. and a companion priest succeeded in making a trip from Nenana to Ulotto in 11 days, ac- cording to word received here. They travelled with a team of 13 dogs. Week-End Specials Blue Ribbon Cofiee QCJn 2 1-lb. tins tf 01 Blue Ribbon Tea Q C n 2 1-Ib. pkgs VOX, Malktn'a Best Peaches 2's CT 2 tins Malkin's Beat Apricot, 2's irn 2 tins Malkin's Bast Peart 2's r 2 tint Faultless Socktye Salmon oe l'a, per tin dOl Nabob Red Pitted Cherries ffcp 2's, 2 tins JtJC Royal City Loganberries ETCp 2's, 2 tins 00 Sunnybiook Creamery Q1 1C Butter, 3-lb. brick Brookfield Creamery Butter Aftr per lb. , Ul Ashcroft Tomato Catsup IfCp 2 2C-M. bottleif&r lOv Icing Sugar- 90O 2- lb.pkg. Beektot Honey QCin OUC 3- lb. tin - Enos Fruit Salts Q(ln per bottle Ul Navel Oranges QHo ! 5 doz fltK' I Alberta Market I. GAMIJLA. P'oprfetor I Fifth Street Phone 208 ' 'ffTi" 1 11. 'Ji'Jifi ir;iiVv;Tiw":'nrEUi,,Ti I , . , Dr.H.O.Johnsen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Block Phone 109 FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS j Mew samples Just arrived of -spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the. patterns of the very, latest. LING THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city.. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhone 0-19. Impressed With Queen Charlottes DuBois Brothers of New York Sec Great Deal of Interest on Trip With E. C. Stevens SKIDEGATE, Feb. 20: D. DuBois! and L. DuBois of the United States, who have been looking over the Queen Charlotte Islands in company with E. C. Stevens, have been ;very much impressed with all they have seen. While out they paid a ! visit to Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyers at their beautiful home which Is well known by its name "Nlka-lllhee." iOn the way back they visited Ma I dame Rajaut's at Tlell and looked over the golf course which she Is having built. The course will be one of the largest and most up-to-date in Northern British Columbia. The DuBois brothers plan to leave for New York in April and return to the islands again in June. Their vL'it here is supposed to have been in connection with a pulp mill pro- ject for the islands but nothing definite i has been stated about this yet. Hobo Bridge Party at QueenXharlotte u Mrs. P. F. Size Entertaihcd Recently With Novel Affair QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. Feb. 20: A very enlovable Hobo Bridge Party was given by Mrs. Dr. F.I Size of Skidegate. The prizes were awarded to Miss Margaret Stevens, ! Mrs. G. II. Jolllffe. Consolation! TALL SIZE ON lEVAP (APRnnnrr nrrlNADA NESTLES BABY SIZE I OUR 1 "V I B . NEsti AS , Vaporated Frlday- February 20. i93l Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS - 7 & 9 ru Eddie Quillan, Uolicrt Armstrong and Jan Gleasonin MONEY With Miriam Secjar and Mar caret Livinjston First show Inc In Canada , rjomrdi Drama of the Underworld-Love, Lau;htrr and Tfiiilb with Gamblers Can., & Brijlit Lishts of BroauVir Comedy "RANCH HOUSE BLUE FOX NEWS ADMISSION n k Feature Starts at V :o tc ) SATURDAY MATINEE at j 13s Si 10c Feature sU.ts ; ,. Monday and Tuesila Ruddy Rogers & Nancy carroll in "FOLLOW THkT" prizes went tp Mrs. D. Wii C. Valley. The supper -was a mv ! , a-la-hobo. Mrs. Jolliffo u Chasteney sang solos ,ti' Mrs. D. Wlltorf accom; ;i i. piano. Among the gue.u and Mrs. B. Monroe, H Y ui Stevens and Philip Turin i A Product of B.C. NESTING'S Ss3s3 MILK CANADIAN housewives have come to' know that they an depend on Nesti.$ Evaporated Milk product of Canada. For this delicious, creamy milk never varies in quality. Pure cow's milk, Y uniformly rich ; maJe safe by itcrilization ; kept safe by sealing in airtight containers. NESTLE'S rrorir, tdtrgrsl I'rojuiert and Stlltrt ef CnJcmcd and CtvperaltJ Milt. AJ COAL IS. IN A DRY SHED When yoi are burins; coal opk on the economical side of life U you buy wet coal, yoU are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1 ' 9 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton UJH HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 tPotm-n'i "OALT" D Men'i "NORTHERN" bhock" LOOK POR TUB TRADB MARK UMITKO Rujbber Footwear V Equip your family, from ho- v td dad, with "NORTHERN" Rubber, and enjoy the comfort of good health. 1 4 .t. .t1 i (iff every shoe y l a rubber for M ' every pnrtose Child. -SNOW- .llVblu A complete rntf el -NortlieMi" Rubber and Slyl-Sh"' U on hand to nteM your nacdi t