flax, irro 'B1 11 'Ill 1 i 'I.I " - THE DAILY NEWS. PERPETUAL J jjf mXCI XLTtXT - esxtxsh Columbia Rapert CHRISTMAS CHURCH NOTICES New En of Sfft-ataul Jr. Pmr-Hy FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and Fn Hu Broorbt Xtafater. Set. IT. a Gmt Bidlatwe1h, EV ahc r n y , xaii fall ia adaaare. adhaare. per per Bsi vtsx I 0m- a v yety perawi putt of Brttfec Wm. Christmas Spirit. 3J; Maattar.t Bibb Ea- ' . man CMriWU. pare tal WaSed Stun, ax-t !a aaHiaee. per year KM - -gmrnkwrn b ACTESTSiXTS BATES J 'i Local re-aas. per Dserase. per toe ""J I peace. The Lex! ccExst. each teerOos. per aaaae aae .13 -Bay- baee bee dark eg tfc first oeeuuc tats aiaa-ina SSiiSLj'i nw nrx kmc thraaah. taewe Mesber of AsU Barraa of Orewixli-M -achm Cbrta- ama, then hnl is not oniy tar btTtil dvCSaW aat -ta ta"a9B?i-BT oak atrea. Tharaary. Par . m B-ittml Tomorrow is Christmas Day. the day on which the Christ Child was born, bringing a message of peace and good will to men. After two thousand years this message is being heard with greater force than ever before and modern transporta tion and communication deveopments have made i it possible to carry it to the very ends of the earth. j omorrow tne wnoie or innstenaom will be Thfe Then there is the spirit of good will toward the people of other nations, which is required. While not as important as good will to our near neighbors, it is essential in the carrying out of the divine injunction. We must cultivate a spirit of good will to all regardless of language, color or race, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU May it be but the forerunner to a prosperous year to come! WALLACE'S OUR YULETIDE WISH May "Santa" shower, you with'gifts in profusion and leave enough cheer and joy to last long after Christmas that is our wish to one and all. MACKENZIE FURNITURE 1' Ml of the Met at Trtft alatitnr. of Gad. dMa Pinatapv j a aiild h ban. k bJks: aad the a i t f . . t irm tuns are ucing muae Kveryuonere 10 carry out ine able ta aB teday intent of the divine message. a, be aaW TfmAeitt. The lripMj Ged. The FUher The PxftKe ai the HMnhiiut of ibuck & li nit U''wu iuu beait the sick, trtrt known and will do so with the satisfaction that ef. ff - Thereby hmy freed of the xeeefrr " Peace on earth is being seriously considered by h aa statesmen as a practical policy and good will to apam aad hi Trav " Thraath men is being developed in the individual although 1!?- nJ Aere is 'ef a goocf Jea of spade work to be done sapph; on sptm nther before it becomes general in the world. ZTL llSJt In the development of the Christ spirit the first J' T1 -rum thing to consider is good will to our neighbors. If aerienee. we have no good will for them we cannot expect smmi jhredTthe wt to have it toward those who are farther afield and orB am rhnanam nhjbt whom we possibly have never seen. No man is a )oy to abenda aaMMajBtes Christian who cannot live on zood terms with j, J those around him. 12-is stanta cbbbmi KM P Jt -TH5 MDOBIBS OT Mt ST. ANDRTVS CATHEDRAL tChorah EH4 fT Err. J. K. Gatora. Dni CHRisnus bat SBtucas AJi" Heir QMMia HAM Moraine pn r Md Hair SUNDAY SCKTIOSaL s AJL Hory 11 AM Marr-m payer and 12 30 Chudres j T:3B Kmuot of the aid 1 1 wMf of da-tne Oomaaseat oiaeiMup of pohbr The cartaJa has seea SfM atalt-H u ta he -t-f' to nr. I flu - - 1 ' A trae Chriattaa. aaafnld and f he. Says at the Ut of Chrtai Traah. hat 1ehL aad fnajc- aiyuh." Be rarea-hh new aaderanad- lay of Oxi aad aaa hte yrieraaei feara. aad BBRtedhioa. ia other he aeoaada trae -Mutt! war- to Ike lBBBlaht of ' m j hi im .jn wi ure nr ukiiim PvkoBlate Loa Bnm before itotar message. Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men. 1-1 0ttoo hau pre hteijahe oCerz ap the rrtt: Kzamooe ran raaauame-t as- bh old lean, tar am caa- not be both BjdMtailly grateful and anteraOy afraid at one and la apt of ataoy a tiny tdC to hr aarartfted. nrUtnd h o near to the est fe ll of aeoee beCweea afl m- k is today, when aaea a. that there ia bat one dhrfae MhML Aad eaer oaovao trnly aarabifit Oo4- ilif ibb. ao expreet the nuudaai of right eoBaae aad ojr ad Wot oat of his 'Jtopgh: eren tr-leaat beUef in rrn, U datnt i hare toward brtoatat aa the aC-kru-aat. when aO mankind aha). Join k the angttte chores. -On rarta peace. teodvtB lonrard men ' DONATION TO CHURCH FUND 'CnW Edward Gamble of Kttkatla j and Headmen Grre K U Port ! PORT tPSOH. Dee H -A jlanje dooatlaa hat been tuade y I Chief Edrd Gamble of KHkatla land sene of hte KHkatla headmen I to the tend for rebaSdhH ot the tooal UaKed Chvrch. Mr. Gamble laaw sioo aad nk headmen raTe Sj9 ButtBC U70 tn afl. C N. It. TRAINS 1 Mondays. Wednesdays aad Fri-dayi ... 3 p Tveadayt. Tbersdari aai Saturdays 10 am an W. B ff PJ1 Canl Serriee CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, , Thh Seeaetr Is a krandi f the Mother ChwctL thr Hot i C Clu-lax. SrieBtht. ta TTwf. Mam 8m day aon- at 11 o'clock, aaajiq. CHM8TIAK SCTSNOE." at t eb. ni iiht Roobl JHa fuaawl A vena, open on Moa- fraaaXloSL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH )Uatr. Rer. W. D. Gnat HBtarvrtti. CI. OrraaBt Jotoa E. Datry SPSCLU. CHR1S7VA6 DAT SSIVICE Chtausas Day. Deremeer 2S II m 00 11:45 Sb ect -CHRISTMAS MHXTATJOK" All riaton Txcxe Pubb'c Ownership Is Preferable to Private Ownership vrueh took phvee laataajht and Aid. O 7C. were heaed at area 1 Let the Strrafth of the avaiabW fxon tab paay kirh wnl enable 70a ta pronde he your retirement. A poKcr ran be ar ranrrd to sak jww parti-cadar reirrBen4a. Vhen you lBTest In life tnnirance joa maVe proTiiion he tbe coatMHMtioa of yr weome to yoartelf r depeedefrts when it m needed toU ad yeu do so in the knowledge that yoar pooeifal 1 be abeltehr safe arl year la terrst retoras rood. Trite jm m mm i4 tditM WUtMlulU4affalMr H4 OsV dirtct See bWilru. THE Mutunl Life Assurance Company of f'anada nnt.t W-trlii.0-u t.Hllilll 1 Mnrnal be jvar rPjIIS m an oatEne of one SIOO mtmUr from of ol ihr pewka paKeiea 69, as Une as rcu lire ttkdkrr yvu lit or Jif) At Imst S19JM0 U yZ-irpmJfmlt if Attak ocam StQfiOO ifioA Man at aVe muk on orruimf Pnririm fir lrftt if lolaMy iitailtd. Ditidtnit pcii oeore peruUn tterU anj ftr Un yean after. OfionalmetftU$ftrtde. mntt axailaLU mt &jr (A if inini. 1 AM ITrtJlESTED Vi A PIASIOX POUCY 0 ........................................ J.J.T.C0LLART, Rcpresentatire, Prince Kupert, aa ?3 . if n 1 1 n i D C. 9ehaoer. aad K. S. K. Server i" pitwmad the case on behaJf of " acrrate ovnershlav 'jjf Tiv pub:te ovxyvahlp teaa woa ;f. both or. .udres decl-hia aad ahow If of in-ts Ja ' Pcrcj r.iraa preaaffd aad the Iniaiii in r r " i --- oabaae rt-oa aad iaaaea Calrto. ? Thursday, December H : v-: 3!sa!iM e extend our bestteisltes tor a iiienij umstmas' andaPmpemSlbxsljcar ' 'lllaiiaiidlstiare cCanmcrshtisberih beiiows hi 1932 TheRoya! Bank ot Canada Gyro's J TURKEY SHOOT All Funds For Relief Purposes A Turkey Shoot Will lie Held On New Years Afternoon, 2 to 6 p.m. At Canadtea NatMnat !tecreatton Awrtatfea BJfle llare m ik TieisMf of Raaay SUtf. between MiftiriH and MCS- T eoart. Rifle aad niiawiti i fwahind free, -eoattliat rr yra-IKd to aor ova rrfV if pref erred, earr St OBffbre RaV i be aed. Bach toaltataal w4 be Bstited U to Wrev ooe h for each bird. Price Per Shot, 50c rtacciee wM be penaMted betweea U- aed I tVbrt OapetiMoa aofs to aB. ao ate TitaK. ladies and temtJf air rtrK and bars. mrdy thoai t. Come every one ret a rood tti.rj . hare a rood tiaae aad beftp protide relief to tbe aredy and dt trial id faadaos ia Ike oHy. , I ALL FUNDS FOR RELIEF PURPOSES EaiBUXisatsMutataiaaiBtariiaiBsmnuKi3 a THE JOY OF CHRISTMAS Our joyous Christmas is due to youand we, therefore, wish that yours may be filled with old-fashioned happiness and joy. BRYANT COMPANY LTD. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Dtak ered pry to Yoar Bin. Yob are awired ta .ettlnr fall weitht X0. 1 ALBERTA EGG For Cash $11.50 NO. 1 ALBERT A LUMP For Cash , 120 PEMBINA EGG For Cash Dry Jack Pine and Cedar 1U0 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE ,580 HQ Cl QPM EUROPEAN BXPEKT Vi-UJ-1 1 WATCHMAKER Flw Haw aaaroBtfceabip at the Royal Danish Watchmakar School at CopenhAfen. then 12 years abroad wotktnc in the big citloa of Europe. AH Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA a o