;1. Is 1-1 pAcre four. TTtE DAILY NTTV75 i JAIL FOR CRUELTY MARGIN IS INCREASED: Culbertson Builds Cp Lead Over Ltm in Bridge Marathon to 14,525 NEW YORK Dor 94"Winntncr live out of seven rubbers played ' last nlaht. Ely Culbertson and .Then ! Lightner increased their lead in! the bridge marathon to 14,525' point over Sidney Lenz and Oswald . . ... v jacoDy in their bridge marathon. During the evening Culbertson, playing again with Lightner after having had other partners earlier in the week, gained 3.825 points. Last night's play was in the Royal Suite of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel where Lenz will be host for the remainder of the 150-rubber competition. Up to that time, the play had Deen at the exclusive Chatham Hotel with Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson as hosts. Allstalr and Tommy Ross arrived from Jasper Park on Tuesday to spend Christmas with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Killin, Eighth Avenue East. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original tor Sale at Vendors or direct fiom "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board. Victoria, B.C. EST PROCURABLE aV PURE SCOTCH RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT ih.s, iidw-rn-i-im-nt i, not .ublih.:! or displayed bv the Liquor Lomr.l Hoard or the i .uvernment of British Columbia. THIS CHRISTMAS A Smart, Modern Car for All the Family fimiwVnK11'. inlng new Chevrolet for all the S2lii13? "J del8nted wth its smartness and iU style. IU Hreamlhied, ultra-modern silhouette. Its modish Fisher Bodv luxury. The huppy choice of colors. lhelLbe glad "you chose a car with built-in smoothness--the n;w Chevrolet Is always smooth and quiet and restful. ni Cileni . ? lh w1 V iw hndlin power and flexibility. Syncrc-Mesh transmission to make gear shifting easy simple and absoluu ly siient under every driving condition. Slm-pliflod Free Wheeling, the new driving sensation! 20 per cent more power, t a give tj-jick gei-away and more miles per hour! Dowti-dratt Carburetor for eaty starting! Is it any wonder that so many people are singliqg out the new Chevrolet i Six as just the rljht family car-the ideal ChrUt-ma (sift? Perhaps yva plan to buy next 8prlng why wait? Come in and let us help you plan vour family's great surprtae today! Ihe new C'hrvroltl may be purchased on tasv G UI A C terms with the broad protection cf the General .Motors Owner Service Policy. The New CHEVROLET SIX If it were, possible I would like to see you ail personally to wish you a Merry Christmas, as thb is impossible let me therefore, on behalf of myself and our company, wish you all a Verv 3 Very Happy Christmas. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. V. S. MOOItE Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD 12, 14 or lG-lnch length DRY SntUCE and CEDAR GREEN HEMLOCK, ALDER and JACKPINE Cedar Pilings and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Floslrand Telephone Green 556 : 11' ' I The six-round bout between ! i .... . . . I mna Gurvlchof Prtnce Rupert and Freddie Mack of Seattle, ftrfcfnAllw oAUaliilitJ . 1 i -! pmtc ui ouiicciu lass nigm, nas t been postponed until Decern- b& 31 wnen lt wlll be made the feature of a New Year's Eve nht card at the Alaska capl- A great deal of Interest has Deen worked up in the event at Juneau, according to word reaching here. . Tomorrow's Tides High 2:26 a.m. 18.9 1'. 13:19 p.m. 21:8. ft Low 7:24 a.m. 9:2 ft 20:12 pm. 2Q:12 ft Aid. S. D. Macdonald will sail to morrow night on the Cardena for Victoria where he will attend the annual conference of the British Columbia executive of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada with the provincial cabinet. WHISKY BottM lU turnup be WillUm Grynt A Soot Limitrd Gl-nfiddich nd itelvtnir-Clrnlivrt Dntillrrm, Duff-town 4 Gli(ow, Scotland. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We maintain a day and night service. Our garage Is open from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. You will like our servlco Please try lt KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Telephone 82 ; MEETING ON BASKETBALL Various Matters Taken Up at Oath- trmi itf KnAn A c f a jih I i'a . v " ivtcimuit The Prince Ruoert Basketball As soclation. at a general meeting last night, decided to adhere to the for mer schedule of playing league games on Tuesday and Friday eve ning instead of changing to Monday and Thursday evenings as had been tentatively settled upon It was decided to end the first half of the season on January 15 and commence the second half on January 19 with the ending on March 18. R. B. Skinner and William Mlt chell were appointed official ref erees with Dan Morrison and Wal ter Johnson official substitute re ferees. Walter Cross was appointed official timekeeper and scorekeeoer In order to effect a better balance in the Ladles' League competition it was decided to transfer Enyd Morris and Chrtesle McLeod from the Amazon to the Comet team an take Nellie Ourvich from the Come to the Amazon team. Reports presented to the meet ing showed that the season was to ing along very well financially ant otherwise. J. W. Plommer. Dresident of thr association, presided over the meet ing. BASKETBALL December 28 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tuxta v. Merchant. Comets vs. Amazons. Scouts vs. Japanese Ass'n. January 4 Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. Merchants. Cardinal v. Comets. Rovers vs. Scouts. SECOND HALF January 7 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tuxis vs. High School. Amazons vs. Cardinals. League of Nations vs. Japanese. January II 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tuxis vs. Merchant. Comets vs. A masons. Scouts vs. Japanese Ass'n, January 14 Panthers vs.. 32 TaxL High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comet. Rovers vs. Scouts. January Is Panthers vs. C. N. R. ter Tuxis vs. High School. Ing Amazons vs. Cardinals. Japanese vs. League of Nations. January 21. 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tuxis vs. Merchants, Comets vs. Amasons. Rovers v.' League of Nations. January 25 Panther vs. 32 TaxL High vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comets. Seouts vs. Japanese Ass'n. January 28 Panthers v. C. N. R. Ttixte vs. High Sehool.' Amasons vs. Cardinal. Rovers vs. Scouts. February 1 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Ib Tuxis vs. Merchant. Let Comets vs. Amasons. Japanese v. -League of Nations. February 4 Panthers -vs: -32 Taxlr High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comet. Rovers vs. League of Nations. February 8 Panthers v. C. N. R. Tuxis vs. High School. Amazons vs. Cardinals. Scouts vs. Japanese Ass'n. Boy Suicides On Account of Christmas Gift HAMPTON, S. Caro., Dec. 24: Because he was told not to open a gift package which bore a "Do Not Open "Until Christmas" label, Cole Bowers, a local youth, committed ; suicide yesterday. JVa.shIngtonj,Man ami Woman ! J $)0 bisfi C,A to Serve mson terras WASHINGTON, Dec. 21: Mr. and Mis, Harry Riley have been each sentenced to two years' Im prisonment here on charges of cruelty to Riley's nine-year old daughter. In addition they were each fined $250. It was found that the child had been kept for two years in a dark cupboard by her father and step mother and cruelly beaten and abused. The sentence was the maximum provided under the law. The judge stated he would have jiven a more severe sen tence had the law permitted. RACE TRACK IS CLOSED AQUA CALIENTE, Mexico. Dec. : Owing to increased taxes im- xwed by the Mexican government, he famous Agua Callente race course, which has been losing noney steadily for several weeks, vas ordered closed yesterday in nid-season. It will be reoDened for Vew Year's Day race by which time t is expected an amelioration of axes will have been arranged for. INSANITY IS FOUND Vancouver, Dec. 24: It was -erealed at the inquest Into the death of Miss Mary Shaw, who was shot to . death in a Pender Street restaurant by Lee Duck, a Chlna- nan. who later took his own life bat the young waitress had been varned no less than seven time bv ne uninaman that he mtended tc her because ihi rafttaad to no nit with hhn. The jury found that Lee Duck had killed the airl and tat on hu awn life while temporarily insane. TUGBOAT IS SAFE Roosevelt In Shelter at Neah Ray Alter Having Sent Out Distress Call PORT ANOELBS, Dee. 24: While JnltJd States and Canadian Datrol boat tearched the terrific seas off Cape Flattery for her. the ocean- ioing tug Roosevelt, with eleven men on board, escaped from tht fury of the storm and reached sh safely in Neah Riy todav Notr had been heard from her pre viosuuy aince she wirelessed lust night: "For Ood aake. Hurrv! The Roosevelt had left Seaitli Monday niht to take the schoont: Vigl!..nt In tow. Noel Over true anow-capped, distant hill Riiifcth the old, sweet message etili. 'PEA'.K UPON EARTH, TO MEN GOODWILL!" And once satn, the whole, wide earth, Eehfies the Joy of children's mirth memory of a Baby's birth. uj not lose the Joy they tell The Bells of Yule o'er hill and dell Hall to the Season of Noel! 1 - Wlnnlfred O. Brass. Established 1819 LAMB'S RUM AGED, HLENDKD AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old NavyM PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good! Ask the Itritlsh Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Government Liquor Control Mall Order Department, Victoria, B.C. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British UrlUih Columbia ' ii . i i ' i . H i i i -i 1 " ' i . '' ' THE ALE In Ihntn and Phyllis Hamblln. seconds. J. Clifford OUker presided the progtam was a follows: This advertM ;meiit u uoi published or displayed by the Liquor XMAS TREE LAST NIGHTimZ i?!cndttl Entertainmrnt at Ilrst Baptist Church Santa CUus Pays Viit The annual Sunday School 'hristma Tree entertainment of Irat BaDllst Church was rtresen - In the church parlors last nlaht iefore a large gathering of children ma parents. After a splendid pro- ram at recitations and vocal and 'trumental music had been dls - ensed. Santa Clau appeared on he scene to present toys and candy i uie cruMiren During the evening the suuerin- ndent presented to scholars of Irs. P. II. Linrev's !, )rizes for r? best essays on Tl;r Life of St. 'aul." Cissy An- received Irst prize and Lj .i hv Blake and rey royal H.M. THE 543 Baitlst Hymnal , tone Sankey's. Prayer. Bant. Prlmsry Department. 1 HecltaUon, Thomaina Krause. I Recitation, Norma Watt. I DWoeua. Evelyn Meore and Mar- garet Caravan. Slumber tone. Amr Armxtmnir 1 RccitAtim Pvivn muu Piano sola. RUtav AMitmnt , Recitation. Elmer Bourne. Dialog u. Junior Dacaett and Fletcher Hemmooa. ' Recitation. Jean Kmu Recitation. Zeld Hal Vocal duet, Audrey Oreen and .nitw Davn. Piaao soto. Joy Oreen. Recitation. Margaret Lamb. Recitation. Helen Msedonaki. Duet. Velma Thurber and Oer-gina Lamb. Recitation. Aatrid Teterson. IN Match, 1778, Captain Cook, in search of ' "a navigable waterway from the Pacific Ocean to Hudson's Bay and the Atlantic", cast anchor in Nootka Sound (Vancouver Island) . . . Just eight years before John R. Molson began to brew what is now Canada's oldest and finest ale. Molson's quality has stood the test of time for more than one hundred and forty-five years. YOU R. GIUAT GRANDFATHER. DR.ANK. UrlvNi M-II41 Control U-iard or by Uie Uovermutnt j Violin solo. Bob Houston i Kxerclse, Miss Smith s ri..- and Piano solo, Riuseli Camei n Recitation. Melbourne B)vm v Recitation. Pat Ratrhfonl I Song. David Houston Violin sola PhylU Huir.b.i.i j Song, Mrs. Ltnaey's Cki.v. : Exercise. Mr. Oilker'i C'la ' Piano solo. Eileen Ha mbU : : Song. Mis Home's Class. . Violin, Efctith Johnstone One act play, 'Old Grater'! ChrUtma.-' Mr. Ollker s Chi assisted by Victor Houston and P H. Llnsey. Doxotogy. WEATHER REPORT ! Triple Dtand- Raining mt soutbeaAt wtnd. sea modern Langara Inland1 Riiinine : t; eagerly wind: sen snif":h Dead Tire Point -Cluiti! ; :ot southea-'t wim! b.iroth- 29."); temperHtun1 S8 hv w APPOINTMENT TO KING OF SPAIN Hi ST1ET0E 1 drygin , " ORANGE COOttAILjallBj MISTLETOE RICKEY i Mimstoi dt Wk ' ajaasH I ! ;m i II III il j "IK lalTiiBslsg r "eeWfc - " JlounceJIls jjsrJS 25-oun )P For sale at Vendors or direct from "Mail Order Dent cpi T L,"uor n . . Control Board, Victoria, B.C This advert, lement is not published or dismayed bv thn Unnnr r-. i , . of British f ib,, r hy GovernmtDt