Thursday, December 24, 1931 mm Hall, Monday, 'pac tStpjn. L.OJ3A. Xmas Tree, Metropole Alberta Sootless Egg, $11.00; Tclkwa Lump, $12.50; Nanaimo-Wellinjton Lump, $13.50. lib Alberta & McCaffcry, 117. D. C. McRae, who has been at the Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minnesota, to receive treatment for neuritis, returned home from the East on this morning's train. Treatment he has started has already commenced to show beneficial effects Frank Russell, who is engaged in electrical engineering studies at Calgary where he is reported to be doing very well, arrived In the city on this morning's train to spend Christmas at his home here. FREEMASONS are invited to attend Divine Service, St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, Sunday evening December 27, St. John Evangelist Day. Masonic clothing will not be worn. Assemble in Church Hall at 7 p.m. In each case of Australian oranges sold during recent months, numbers were placed by the Au stralian Citrus Growers' Associa tion for the purpose of drawing for a free trip to Australia. The winning number is now announced as being 15,250. If this number is held here, further Instructions can be received from H. F. Claseey. Rt. Rev. Emil M. Bunoz O. M. I., Bishop of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at the Commodore Cafe today. He delivered a Christinas message to the members of the club of which he Is an honorary member. President O. II. Munro was In the chair. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Our haTvd-o1oredi framed Pheto-iraphs make Ideal Christmas gifts. These pictures are individually, box-. ed. ready for mailing. Also local view calendars and Christmas cards. We can supply you with calendars and Christmas cards for you own snapshots. Your friends would like one. See our display. Wrath a IPs Photo Finishing THB DAILY NKWB This store wishes you a Merry Christmas OrmeslM. Pioneer Drttqgists THE KEXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. a' est Colds Rub well over throat and chest VICKS VapoRub . Come tq the Gyroi Turkey Shoot Jan. 1, 19322 to 6 pjn. tf Mrs. S. A. Corley arrived in the city on this morning's train from Pacific to spend the Christmas sea son here. Olof Hanson. M.P., returned to the city on this morning's train from a brief business trip to Smithers. Miss Gertrude McKenzie of the Imperial Oil Co. staff here sailed on the Prince Rupert yesterday af ternoon for Premier where she will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Have a good time and home the Turkey. bring rainmviMiaj w Glasses fitted by registered PAGE THREE ,. I ' t-u--"-' .'.I!,...,, .11, .!..?!"! Hj nil ,,;.!, i, ,;, n.iuiuj I m Hc tope mf the spirit of good cheer that typifies Christmas will be with you during the next 365 days of the New Year, FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. DE JONG'S CASH & CARRY Extend to all their customers and friends the Compliments of the Season, wishing them a very Merry and Happy Christmas UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sleamrri leate Wpw Rupert for Yinrourer: T.S.h. I'ATALA EVERY Tl'MIUV, UO P-M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursda) Morning. T.J. CARIiKNt EVKRV I'RIDAV MIIIMOIIT Arriving Vinonuver 8undajr mldnlbt appro. Weekjy tailing to Port Simpnoa Alio Arm. Anrox, Stewart and Niw Rlvtr points Sunday. 9 p.m. Further infornution regarding til aailinaa and ticket at - PRINCr RITFKT AUI M't : r ond Atenue. Phone 66S PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They are a discriminating people. If there are any Princo Rupert peoplo not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that thoy arc making ii mistake in not taking the best. The price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Dally -News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow Rccausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy uiose auvcruscu. Local Items Moose Concert Sunday 9 p.m. "lrb AAA I . NOTICE On and alter this date. I wll' not be responsible for any purchase-, made for my account, unless delivered on my written order or made by me In person. CARL JOHNSON Drrember 14th. 1931 FROM ST. JOHN To Olasfow-rirlfast-Liverpool kDm. 31, xJan. 20 MMrtclmrc :&. s. Mar. Umuni -Mm. IS Fb. 13 Mailt Jan. 13, Feb 10 Montcalm k (Mte at outgo Liverpool only. To flrecnork-Bclfast-Llverpool Jan. S Duchew of York To Cherbourg-Southampton Hamburg April U tJ-iifimlm April at M-ntela.-? - FROM NEW YORK To Cherbourg-Southampton-April 9 XmprfM of Brltan. I mm V.M'Ot W:i and WCTOUIl Tii IUHHll-Jjpiiii-riilni-t'lilllijilnri . xjn. t. xUar. 13. Emp. of Canad 1 xJaiti IS. Mar. 38. . . Emp. of Ruu: aJan. SO lApr. 9. ... Emp of Japan Feb. 17, Apr 23 Kmpr?M of Aila vCalU Hi Honolulu. AnolT to Aieni ererewhere or J J imtMTER Stearaabip Oenl. Pau. Agent C P R Station Vneciwr Telephone Trinity 11J1 COAL lluy the real Coal our famous F.d.ion and Cassldy Welliiif ton In any quantities. Als Bulldey Valley Hay, Grain anJ Kobln Hood (lour. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'll ONES 58 AND 5S8 Mayor Cyril H. Orme will sail on the Cardena tomorrow night for Victoria where he will interview the provincial government in regard to the relief work situation here. He expects to be away about ten days. Nonet Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf Announcements Baptist School Xmas concert, Dec. 23, 7.30 pjn. Sons of Norway Xmas Tree Dc cember 26. Xmas Tree and Demonstration. Salvation Army Citadel, Dec. 28. Hogmanay dance I.O.D.E. Hall December 31. , Gyro's Turkey Sjfcffi, Jfy.- - Eagles' Social 8. Gentlemen 50c. ments. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet 25. tX.Ki.ll HKTsTTK KAI KHXUM MSB HappyXmas To Our Friends and Customers !Ve Offrr the Following Seasonable I Specials For Wednesday and Thursday At Our Usual Money-Saving Prices' Pastry Flour Wild Rose Alg pei 10-lb. sack Flm Bulk Mincemeat per lb. Caiuda Dry per carton of 6 pints Libby's Queen Olives per 10-os. jar Libby's Stuffed Olives per 10-oa. Jar B.C. Fresh Extra Eggs Scotts, In cartons, dot. Saanich Whole Clams per tin Chrystalllzrd Ginger per lb. Fresh Roasted Peanutav-, per lb ... Riverside Peas No. 2 tins per tin Royal City White Corru- No. 2 tins, per tin Royal City Apricots No. 2 tins, per tin Oysters Blue Point per tin . , Shrimps Dunbar Dry, . per tin . ,, Barley Sugar Toys per 1-lb. pkg AAV 14 c $1.10 19c 26c 36c 13c 19c! 10Cf 8cj 10c1 19c! 30c, 23c Give Us a Trial and be Convinced That We Can Save You Money Thrift Cash & Carry j 201 Third Ave. A Few Doors Down j From Moose Hall Phone 179 k taxa i! ma mmmm m mm optometrist at.IIeilbroner's store. Leif Erlckson Xmas Tree Dec. 30, at 8:30, Metropole Hall Admission 50$ Everybody clcome, 302 iMr . M j i:- J i' , , rs. M. A. Dupuis of uaysporv is paying a brief 'visit to town, having arrived In the city from the Skeena River on this morning's train. Melvln R. Dafoe arrived In the city on this morning's train from Calgary,, where he ,is engaged In the grocery business, to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season here with his parents, Re and Mrs. F. W. Dafoe, Cotton St. Alderman Theo Collart received today a present of a Christmas Turkey for making the highest Individual life insurance sales since December 1 for the Mutual Life of Canada, the company which he represents. , C. S. Obata, secretary of the Prince Rupert Japanese Association, returned to the city on this morning's train from a brief trip to Port Essington oh business in connection with recent changes in, the fisheries regulations affectln; Japanese. TENDERS INVITED Tenders are Invited in writing for removing two Commissary Buildings from their present site on our property, the ground to be left in a clean and tidy condition on completion of removal. Further details are to be had at our office, and tenders to be submitted not later than noon December 31st, 1931, to this office in sealed envelopes marked "Tender for removal of Buildings." Bt or any tender not necessarily accepted. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK. (302) Merry Christmas t .. to Everyone Dominion Dairy Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c TER DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Telephone tSI Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. PKUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Westinghouse j Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McRAE BROS., LTD. Rupert Motors Dodge & Plymouth Dealers WJ specialize In- complete overhaul lobs and all kinds of automobile repair work Nitht Calls: 161 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City SELECTING GIFTS IS V UL , ; DIFFICULT Let Us Help You If you will call we can solve a number of your gift problems. We have unique and individual needlework; Christmas Cards, singly or boxed at low prices; choice line of stationery; variety of toys; Christmas Tree and parcel trimmings; novelty gifts of various kinds. TALK IT OVER WITH JOHN AND MRS. McRAE. You Don't Have to Buy REGAL SHOP THIRD AVENUE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON May the Christmas Season bring a full measure of happiness and joy to our many friends, and may it last the entire year. SMITH & MALLETT MERRY CHRISTMAS We thank our friends For their patronage And wish them all Just loads of happiness. WATTS' GROCERY , CHRISTMAS 1931 We hope that it is a bigger, jollier, happier one because of the many good wishes that your friends, including ourselves, are heaping upon you, JOHN BULGER SEASON'S GREETINGS As the. Christmas Season heralds the approach of another New Year wc pause to express our thanks to those whose Courtesies, Co-operation and Loyalty have made possible our progress. May your Christmas be Merry and your New Year Prosperous. FRIZZELL'S LIMITED Prince Rupert, D.C. Christmas Day , N Turkey $J FULL COURSE Dinner COMMODORE CAFE