PAGE BIT. WHALE IS NOT FISH Interesting Toint is Raised in Trial at Portland Yesterday PORTLAND. Dec. 34: A whale is not a fish, a Portland judge ruled yesterday in an interesting trial. A small whale found its way up the Columbia River for a distance We extend to our many friends and customers our best wishes for a ' Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. an d Promise Yourself To be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything, and so make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, and to expect only the best. To be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and to press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too big for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Third Avenue of 140 miles last October and was I caught on the Portland waterfront ! by two men who jrere liter charged , with fishing in the city limits without use of rod and line which Uj j contrary to the law. ' The trial iudee dismtaiMf th- lease on the grounds that a whale was not a fish but a mammal. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec 24: Wheat was quoted at Wc on the local exchange today. 1 Dies After Being Struck By Motor Mrs. Elizabeth Purdr. Aged 63. Lost Her Life in Vancouver Last Night VANCOUVER, Dee. 24 Elisabeth Purdy. aged 65. was fatally Injured when she was struck by an automobile last night dying a few hours later. By ROYAL APPOINTMENT TH M E KIN F SPAIN flalaMiflLHHBaHHHHaHBflLVHBiHHflivl FOR SALE AT For ciie at Vendors or On-oi : GOVERNMENT LIQUOR STORES a to. C .1, Be This advertisement is not published or ! npi ..yi tv :ne I su t C'outroi Buaro or by the liovrrumeut V of Bnusu Columbia THB DAILY NTWB Thursday December 24, ig3l WATERFRONT WHIFFS Fishing Outlook Much Improved New Type of Container at Porcher Island Biological . ... Men In Ottawa In view of the general hard times and the fact that relief work may not continue much longer, it seems more than likely that an exceptionally early start may be made in all lines of fishing endeavor next season. Agitation is on to have the halibut fishing season opened in 1932 on Jan uary 15 instead of February 15, the present legal date. In some quarters the expectation . seems to be that this will be per-1 ","VTf,CDrr AT mitted. In any ease, many of the j CUIN VHK 1 A 1 boats are planning to be at work just as soon as possible. It also seems likely that the salmon t rollers will be oat at an earlier date than usual next season and the end of January or the first of February will, undoubtedly, see many boats at work. Market conditions for all types of fish appear to be encour aging for next year. Frosen stocks of halibut and other fish are auth oratively stated to be much leas than at the same date last year. Canned salmon stocks of aU varieties are also going down satisfactorily and it is understood that practically all canneries in District No. 2 will operate next year when, incidentally, a big run of pinks is due. Without being unduly optimistic it appears safe to say that times will be a good deal better for the fishing commun ity at least daring the coming year than they were in the course of the The Porcher Island cannery packed a quantity of fancy sock eye salmon in half-pound oral tins during the past season. These were all snipped to the United Kingdom where consumers demand the very best and are reported to have been highly spoken of there. Col. F. H. Cunningham, managing director of the Chatham Sound Fishing tt Packing Co, is very particular that none but the best fish go into tins at Porcher Island and the resultant pack attests to the care taken in this respect. Capt. Peter Byrne, owner and j sktpper of the halibut boat Helen ground fish and other varieties which he is landing dally for the Prince Rupert fresh fish market. For this work he is using his smaller boat. Dolphin II. He is fishing in the neighborhood of MeUakatla and off the moeth of the Skeena River. The local halibut boat Em Ma has been at the McLean shipyard plant at Seal Cove for the past week or so undergoing reca Hiking and other hull repair work. The McLean plant is keeping fairly busy on this sort of work throughout the winter. John Dybhavn. member of the Biological Board of Canada, and H. N. Brocklesby. dtreetor of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, wiirisave on tomorrow afternoon's train for Ottawa where they will attend the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 psx Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjr Friday ss pr. Mary 10 pjn as. Cardena. midnight. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala pm Wed. ss. Pr Rupert 10:30 am Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. : Friday- s Cardena pjn i Dee. 36 ss. Princess Norah ajn.' For Naa RSvcr and Port Simpson j ! Sunday ss. catala 0 prij From Naas River Ac Port Simpson ' j Tuesday-si Cats la 11:30 ajn ' j For Stewart and Anyox j Sunday ss Catala 0 pjn.' ! Wednesdsy-st. Pr. Rupert 4 From Stewart and Any ! Tuceday ss Catala 11:30 ajr Thura ss. Pr Rupert ..-... p.m .. From Ocean Falls i , Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ..10:30 aw. ! Frtosy Pr Mary 4 pjn Fria-s ctrdena ..-.jar For Ocean Falls ... ;4 Tuesday ss. Oatefea . ' 1:30 p.inM Thursday--s. pr. Rupert 10 pjn 1 Friday- -ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. From Skeena River i i Friday- ir Cardena ...... ... pjn ! Arthur AIkii of Usk arrived to the :"v on Uits jaorntng' train , fn.3 the interior and wUl spend rhrtstm here as the guest of Mr and Mrs Frank Morris. Sec- jund Street. METLAKATLA Entertainment Held at Neighboring Village to Mark Feslirc Season METLAKATLA. Dec. 23: -Last Thursday night a fine entertain ment was given In the village town hall by the pupils of the MeUakatla Day School before an appreciative audience. Chief Councillor Leask was chairman for the occasion, and every thing went through without a hitch and was a splendidly successful af- i nr. ine louowtng program was rendered with Mrs. Henry Ryan at the piano: Overture, MeUakatla Orchestra. O. Haldane. pianist. Singing, -o Canada.'' "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," school chil dren. Reading. "Wind Bird." an Indian! legend. Richard Leigh ton. Singing. Tta the Night Before Christmas," "We Want U) See the Reindeer." school children.' Reading. "Bpannondos." Leon ard Leighton. Spelling match between teams. won by Horace Leighton's team. Singing. "Jolly OU Si. Nicholas." "See-Saw." Junior Pupils. Work and play, word boiMinc match between teams, won by Frank Robinson's team. Recitation. "Furry Bear." Leighton. Song. "Land of Freedom," Sehool Children. Reading. "How the Humming Bird Oot His Osy Feathers." by the Juniors. March of the Merry Christmas Children. Reading. "A Wonderful Journey." Senior Pupils. Singing. "Welcome, the Beauteous Christmas Tree." "Santa's Some," School Children. Finale. Santa Clsus distributlne Christmas da in ties and toys to ev ery child of the community. No one was forgotten. "God Save the King." Chairman Leask distributed nri-ms to the following, Frank Robin son, for good conduct: Alvtn Leask. for attendance: Marjorie Rudland. for progress: Leonard Leighton. for lunior reading: Lillian Leighton. for writing Chairman Leask Droposed a vote of thanks to the village council for all the candies, toys, prises, etc.: to the orchestra for their assistance: to the decoration committee, and above all to Mr. Bryant, the teacher, for the oolendld oratress made by the children In all departments It was seconded by Peter Leithton. and the audience showed their appreciation bv aoplause. So ended a ver? haoov and successful affslr. Of special interest was the exhibit In the hall of crises won by the Dunlls at the last Fall Fair at Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operator three ixrr bocks-Total capacity 19,66 tans ' Shipbuilders snd Ship Repairers for Sleel snd Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlnrMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Bra. Casting Electric and Acetjlene Welding 5Mm Derritk for Heavy Lifts g Wednesday & Thursday HVO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. I Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:40 S ADMISSION 20c & 63c jj William Haines g in- I 'A Tailor Made Man if With Dorothy Jordan, Joseph Cawthorn, Marjorie llambeau A Beau Brummel By Night A Pants Pressor By Day A Ileal J Laughful Comedy Comedy "Fur, Fur Away" Musical "Lessons In Lore" p FOX NEWS NO MATINEE ON THURSDAY g ; Fri. & Sat. - Two Shows - 7 & 9 p.m. The Noted Musical Comedy Whoopee m Starring Eddie Cantor and a wonderful cast. A cror geous spectacle all in technicolor and with tuneful p melodies and beautiful dances. Directed by Ziegfield and and Goldwin. Goldwin. t Razors Knives Carvers Scissors S55 THIRD AVENUE Novelty Ripley in "Believe It or Not" Scenic "The Wonder Trail" Cartoon "Minding Baby" Admission, 20c & 63c Feature starts, 7:25 & 9:25 Matinees on Friday & Saturday at 2:30 15c & 10c Feature starts at 2:55 MONDAY and TUESDAY "SILENCE" CS1IBniBiiItSliBClliI1IBiltSitllltIlVlllBllk.u: Christmas Suggestions Oil Stoves Bird Cages Spark Guards Clothes Racks Polishing Mops Rifles Ranges Roasters Percolators Thompson Hardware Co! Ltd. TELEPHONE 191 SEASON'S GREETINGS W?S.? n' n morr n ,hf Christmas than to bh that the patronare ve have enjoyed may be returned to our friends in the form of true Christmas joy. MUSSALLEM CASH & CARRY TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCE RUPEKT. B.C.