November it, 1931 The Children's Coughs Dr wood's Norway Pine Syrup I'.E'tY 'l.Mtl wvuny i ne motner Mm. 0. W.. Harper, Silver Water, Ont.. writes- tfLTiV u"Jh worried ovw the nwly rT One day my hunband was in the druK store and overheard . lady and the druwist dwcu. ng rVms 1JF m two tW chilto Were Price 36c. a bottle; large family eize 63c.: at aU drug and general atorea; put, up odJv 7 bv X The T Milbum Co., Ltd., Toronto. Ont. Wahl Fountain Pens Values to $8.00. Sale Price, $2.00 Eversharp Pencils Values to $5.00. Sale Price, $1.00 TOW es IM, Zfie Pioneer Druqtjists THE REXALL STORE V) :.t :( -s SI and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. oHHBKaBaKMWrmflasatw'i :d Time Prices For Cash h 1 la Lump $12.50 LJAlherlaEgg $11.50 P.-.-.&np. Peerless Lump .... $12.00 T . Jxnal'eirkssEgg. .... $11.50 'uSE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 17, Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Cdtiadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. R.C. BBUS: sivertowns Cet Them Now! Rupert Motors and Service Station Phone 5G5 (Night calls 161) IMSTRUH TORS: DODGU and PLYMOUTH CAHS UNION STEAMSHIPS I. M : . ;( KXCUHHION PARM Effective November lat (Oou4 ! o'WN": .. RETVRN FARM. From PR1NOB BUPSRT ..: v. .! i:r.iO f. V!.i. uvir and Victoria MW rrt. ' i r : i i ..Mi- M.-il mid Dfrthl C. ' .!.! Ml 8r ret Frh ANVOX II3.S0 m. in b'l v' . I l ' 70 vet 1 - k'tt -in" -t fi r .i.:," mT !V 'I : i i :! CATAf A i :.iin: KiHl ins cauiUNA.i 1 M SMI 'r. rrliic Uet Ari-iii Mn'iinii .Wriiuiv 1'lionf Local Items Basketball, Auditorum, tonight. Permanent Special, now till Xmas $5.00. Make appointments early La Parlslenne Beauty Parlor, Phone 301. 1 ' 1 ' Skates! SkafSesl Skates. We have a nice outfit for $7.50. We also sharpen them, hollow ground. Kalen Hardware Co. A. E. Newens of Smlthers sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on Farmers' Institute business. i Angus McDonald, for his second offence on a drunkenness charge! was fined $50, with thirty days' i option, in city police court this morning. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 3 o'clock Fancy-work, plain sewing. Home-cooking, candy, White Elephant, Japanese Novelties and Fish Pond. Afternoon tea. Supper at 6:30, 50c. followed by a musical program. St H. W. Birch, district deputy grand master of the Masonic Lodge, returned to the city on this after noon's train from Smlthers where he paid an official visit to Omlneca Lodge. Returning with him were W. D. Vance. O. P. Tinker, Frank Dibb Thomas McMeekln, W. M. Brown, C. H. Elklns and C. V. Evitt. Father E. M. Leray, O.M.I. of Stewart and Father Charles Wolf of Anyox arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from the north to attend the annual meeting here this week of the Roman Cathollr clergy of this district. Interior priests are arriving on this afternoon's train to attend the meetlny. Announcements Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Varden Concert, November 19. Eagles' carnival and dance. No- vember Ocnts 50c., Recreation Club Scotch Dana-November 20. C.N.R.A. Bridge, whist and danc? Eagles Hall November 25. Parish Hall Seal Cove Dance November 27. United church Baiaar Dec. 3 I.O.D.E. hard time dance December", 4, Utah School concert, December 10 and 11. Presbyterian tea at Manse December 16. Presbyterian Burns Banquet January 25. OAL T" tin- real Coal our fa- n ' ' h nu ('aiNldy- W'i 1 IilIoii in hit m:ntltiM .tui.-y V.illej nay. f" " i i: (1 Knhlx tloud Hour. ft tiiijitrf bed U tmtr -K.', ;,s AM) MS PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection anil Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR HI 7 Si-oond Ave. Phone 619 MWWS3SSXUliai,IIIIJIII II II -'.AFE WINTER TIRES - SURE FOOTED loedne: Si b Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick'for Heavy Lifts POISONS IM TH blood vri FOft OVER'HALF ACtNTU RY Nthis PROVEN PRESCRIPTIONS HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED ASTHEtlOSTEffECTIVC REGULATOR OF THE UVER,KIDNtYS & BOWELS THK DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. II. V. Morehouse, district manager for the B. C. Packers with headquarters at Namu. and Mn. Morehouse will sail on the catala tomorrow from Namu to spend the winter in Vancpuver. A new list of polling divisions In Fort George electoral district li announced in trie current Issue of the British Coumbla Gazette. Elgh ty-flve polling divisions are named including many- In- the Peace River. Union steamer Catala, Capt Jas Findlay. returned to port at 9:43 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and wayports. Dr. W. C. Pitt of Fraser Lak has been appointed medical health officer of Fraser Lake and district and medical inspector of schools for Endako, Forf Fraser, Fort Fra ser North. Fraser Lake, Fraser Lake North, Nlthl River, Orange Valley and Lily Lake, sueceding Dr. D. B. Lazier, deceased, the B. C. Gazette announces. NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buv coal and ret yonr full weight. Discount $1.03 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. -' rf Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP 3. Zarelll Ttlrphonc tSl' Mah Fen. city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hut and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUnilOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts W. BIckle. Grassy Plains. JONES FAMILY MARKET 209 Second Street Phone 957 Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIALS Bacon, i lb. 9n Lirer. 1 lb Round Steak, 2 lbs. 0l OP Onions, 4 lbs pf ibsrk" " soc Loin Pork, 4 lbs. fi A A Apples. 4 lbs PX.UU Leg of Pork 20 C Loin Lamb Chops AFZn a lbs. Sirloin Steak- CCn 2 lbs Fresh Side Pork - ffAp t,Ul 4 lbs Rump of Beef. S lbs. A A 1 good Cauliflower MU V Bulk Lard 35C I Dinncrware, china, crockery glassware. Hellbroner's store. j For Nanalmo - Wellington coal phone 771. C. C. Ketchum St Co. tf . Regular meeting Carpenter's Wed. Nov. 18. Special business. 207 This afternoon's train, due front the East at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Skates! Skates! Skates. Wc have a nice outfit for $750. We also sharpen them, hollow ground. Kalen Hardware Co. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vandersluys I sailed this afternoon on the Catala i for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Van- dersluyi Is manager of the Lacassc Bakery here. Henry Hellbroner. who has been on a brief trip' to Anyox, returned to the city from the north on the Catala this morning. A. Frebourg of Edward Lipsett Ltd. staff returned to the city on the Catala this morning after hav Ing made the round trip to Anyox, Stewart and other northern points. Clay Porter, well known plonee' mine locator of the Portland canil district, was a passenger aboar-1 the Catala this morning bound from Sewart to Seattle where he will spend the winter. The Ladles' Club of the Lief Er- Ucson Society had a meeting last night at the home of Mrs. P. Wlckdal. 327 Slx'h Avenue Easr. There was a good attendance of members and business was of a routine nature. The Blbn ff Caledonia and Mrs. Rlx expect to move into their , new residence, "Bishop's Lodge," on ! Fourth Avenue next month. W. J. Greer, the contractor. Is now put- Mn the flnJnthlng touches on the fine new residence structure. J. J t.)ti- manaer of the nor-fhrn British Columbia Power Co., htch services Ihe city of Prince Rupert Is at the Empress Hotel tor a few days on business. Th town of Stewart Is also supollsd with power by the same company with a local plant In each case Victoria 'Colonist. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo rorahlp Norco arrived In port U 1:85 this morning from Ketchikan ind. after discharging eight car- 'oads of frown fish and one car -f mild-cured for transshipment Tast over the Canadian National tlways, sailed this afternoon fjr Seattle. NOTICE We offer. 1 ton of coal and 1 load of wood for $15 cash. Albert & MrCaffery. Thone 116. (268) WEDNESDAY SPECIAL LEMON SPONGE SANDWICH 20 cents The Electric Bakery Phone 667 Typewriters FOR RENT Call or Phone 6 McRAE BROS., LTD. BOAT ENGINES 10 to 60 H P. From $8.50 Also Generators from ' $5.50 and Guaranteed New Storage Batteries from $7.95 VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1219 Granville St, Vanco uver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave. East TALK ABOUT HARD TIMES A FAIR EXCHANGErTW0.5Qc,J?IECES..FDR $1. NO. 1 ALBERTA .EGG, Per.Ton -. . . . . .... $11.00 COAL - CASH ONLY Also Nanaimo-Wellington Lump and Nut Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 116 Telephone 117 Fa 1ST r I A I i mmm 6Y8S-Jack f-Al1 -Jbs! Fror er!y morn to lit t niglit w "crowd" our tyn re-l.tlw!y from on job to mother . . . from one light con-Hn (or lick of it) to mother . . . from getting a difficult duw-up to ipotting a tiny object it long range. Throughout it all w demand unfailing accuracy, mfort, efficiency. How long will your eyea Mand it? Or don't they now? Only a thorough anatysil of your busineo, rporu, and locial habits anf "ejobt" will tell you. Ccr.Wdt u -without obligation. You have much to gala and nothing , to lot. " JOHN BULGER Registered Optometrist DEPENDABLE as "OLD FAITHFUL" s "Old Faithful" Funoua mwr In Yellowatoae Tark which, ever 65 minutea, without fall, throws a columo of hot water and team 120 feet in to the air, the eruption last, ins four minute. The clocklike regularity of Old Faithful is not more dependable than the unvarying flavor and slrenctli of White Seal liter. White Seal it making firm friends among those who arc glad to find at last a beer which never varies in quality and which gives them the same enjoyment in fine flavor and invigorating strength wherever and whenever they buy it. Like a faithful friend, White Seal Veer is "Always the same." Wlutc Scat war The Kiewel Brewing Commny H11K; Limited St. Boniface, Man. This advertisement i$ not pubKshedordi.iplaynlby thqLiquor . Control Boartl or by tlus Government of British Columbia. SINOMOS SAWS The most economical saws to use Si morula Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Reml ii. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver, R.C. MONTrtCAb SU John. N.B. ' "ft.: J "1 . ; 'IH a "if '.3 in Hi a . ' i a.- I tf ii ti fi i 1-; m ri or i ' A ; mm 1 - i u .a Ha- i. t . ii hi