CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED toANT' r Second-hand Englisn' Bj.h'. .image in guou cunumgn.i P)!. Black 397. 263 i I M . a i WA: 1 1,J AI once, gin ior ngnu dun - in good nome. siu per mi,n: :, ram paid permanent po-i , ,., write Box 42, Anyox, B.C.j 269 1 FOR SALE FfiR 'Ai e oaty saie. Apply l,. ;. N s. tf TOR sale - OOQd u$ed cars at r. ir prices. Kaien Motors FOB fiAI.-E Dining Room Suite ton -is'iim of gate-legged table.! g uirs. buffet and china cabi.j tip: u ilnut finish, practically Biw ?!5 Phone O. C. Arseneau 153 or Green 148. tf FOB RALE -Gas-Boat bullt on C!yd ' opper rlvltted. oak ribs nut pl.tnklng. tail shaft, siiltab'c for 10 12 engine, also Barbour's almi'M nets and twine, hose-tip'- Bargain for cash,- Apply Haii t y government Float. 270 FOR SALE Elgint Chesterfield v. M-'id walnut, beautifully . i rod in lustrous English rti li . i cost $500. No reasonable :;: refused. Rare antlqu PrPiv h cabinet, Louis XIV. period Encyclopedia Britannlca. up-; -(la rhlnaware, curios, cabin t; ink. leather suitcases, etc COMFOnTABLE Room to rent, close I Pi!' no Red 218. tf) HOARD AND ROOM . .... i ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Redi !- (f i 'i' " me for ChUd with prlvaffl 1,1 Apply Box 900. City. tf Hi.,. ,, 1, PALMISTRY .LAMES CLARK, PalmUtry no n-ystal Reading. Federal Blt Phone Oreen "ot FORESTALL PROFITEERS soi.aI Government Puts Through to Regulate Imports J-fN;j()N, Nov. 17:.The National ""icnt put a bill through Par-"""iii yesterday giving the. ad- J'i 'Uiin special powers ttL rel '"reign Imports coming Intol . , ''" '""'y. The purpose of the bllli uiiiie me now or imports' s been coming with A view 'Uing possible action In 1 irlff that may be decided 'he national government. h , ".port of the United Slates Hum' "w complete, casta no , on the workings of prohlbl-w Quebec Telegraph. I! AUCTIOiNEEIl TRANSFERS B. St R. TRANSFER. Cartage aix" Furniture Moving. Phone 204. r.f CAMERON'S Transfer for Dry Birch Pine. Phone 177 " r - I Drink More Milk j FOR RENT For Frcsh Uc3Ll Millc I Phone Red 608 j FOR RENT-Furnished room flaV DOMINION DAIRY . : bath. Phone 547. tf . POUB and five-room apartments ...... - - turrr,t Mussallem proccryi th Bi niTiiirm i mtuatnmmiaum W pent Modern house with TELEPHONE 657 ( u at 136 Fifth Avenue W. P : Red 720. tf VALENTIN DAIitT FOR SKERNA BRAM1 - EXCHANGE Creamery Butter & wiu, ride oak Heater in gooa Cottage Cheese H ' f0r cnar or fRESH PASTEURIZED MILK ' 11 - Apply Box 114. Daily AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throuihoul - . ,j. , ' the City SHOE REPAIRS mmmmimnmmm nmi MAC rhue HOSP1TAU Shoes re- - - - " "i Second Avenue Wet. tl i SHOE repairs Belst materials- m f D i ji i work-price, reasonable ! 1 VDeVVTlterS IOr Keilt PM::n.m Co.. Opposite POSt Of -1 Jr 1 6 t' by day, week or month - - ! Rose, Cowan & Latta ROOMS FOR RENT ' Pnone234 Silversides Bros. - TAINTS -WALLPAPERS - GLASS Third Avenue C.TOOMRS Radio Service Radio Salts and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. K. , . SALVAGE & TOWING PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy kU or exchange any "if if on oi under the water e wi iurnjmrc or nousenoio; doit." goods, musical instruments, nu chinety. etc General repairs. ; Tacif ic Salvage Co. Ltd. 0encral S,vaw Work Phow Oiac 120 and we will! call 0. J. DAWES. Auctioneer. ! Federal Block. ' Ant EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Soows of all dtssrlp- " "" " "" I tiona for Charter chiropractic Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Children Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Black ZlS'i CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the spina: column. T. W. HOLLAND 15 Besner Block Phone 8S7 Row Boau and Canoes for Hire BAIHiAINS IN OAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 564 P.O. Box ISC1 WOOD FOR SALE ,Any Length Apply T. Glenn and It. Viereck T. & R. TRANSFER Phone Oreen 609 Reasonable price? Orders Promptly Attended SKKEXA LAND IIISTKICT tHSTIWT. j OF IJI'EEN CIIVKtOTTE l.I..tlS , TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D. Eronaon. . of Portland. Oregon, Intend to apylj 1 for a llonue to proaaect tat coal auJ , patroUum, ow ana under tot loUo-1 In aeecrlbetf land, oonuoaaewf ei post planted at tn BouUxeat ooraer of Section 8. Tp.. 9: thence North 80 chains, thenoe Weat 80 chain. then Cedar and Jack South 80 chain. Utenee Kaat 80 ehalte , . to point ot ooaunanosBtent ami eon : talnlni 84 acre more or V .I.MH w . i ixxrateo inn iwi C D SUMON8- SKKEVS LAND niTKICT 1MSTK1CT OF C(t'EEN CIIAKIOTTE 1SUWKS TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D. Km mom. of Portland. Oregon, Intend to apply !t a licence ta twoepeet far ooal anj petroleum, over and under the following described land. Commencing at a neat niaated at tb Soutkweat comer Skeena Land District District of Queen Charlotte Islands notices: Marriape and Enjranement announcements J2. Birth Notices 60c Funeral Notices $1, Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. l M. A A Mail Scheduli CLOSES AT POST OFFICE! For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Satur day 10:30 am. From the East; Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 3;30 p.m. For Vancouver 1 Tuesday 12:30 noon' Thursday 9 p.m. Friday ...11 p.m. Nov. 18 p.m. From Vancouver ' Sunday pjn. Wednesday 10:30 a.m, Friday. p.m. NO?. 28 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday . 8 p.m. Wednesday 4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday 11:30 ta Thursday 8 pjn. Nov. 18 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ..-j. 8 p.m. From Naas Klverand Port Simpson Tuesday : ...11:30 am For Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 21 9 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 19 a.m. ror Alaska Nov. 28 ajn. From Alaska Nov. 18 pjn. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn Friday ss. Pr. Mary : 10 p.m. ss. Cardena. midnight. Nov. 18 ss. Princess Norah p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday . Catala pjn. Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Prlneess Mary 4 pjn. Friday- ks. Cardena pjn, No. 28 ss. Princess Norah a.m. i of Bectiou . Tp 8: thenoe North 80 r,,,. aa, RVrr and Port Simpson Ohalna. thenoe Baas bo onauia. uienoc nw. .k.t.. 0,, Sunaav ss. Catala .9 0 D.ri. ta rtoUti at ""i"" and COB lr lAJ Ay n-i C t . ; i r . " rrvin Him w inn ijiuiniwu LooaWd l-Hh Oct.. i3i ; Tuesday w. Catola .11:30 ajn C. D. EMMONS. jFor stew)(rt anJ Any , gunday as. Caiala 9 pjn. UM disthict iustript Wednefdav Pr RuDert 4 -i 1 weneiay ss rr. nupen cm pjn i Ot Ol EEN ( MAKi.oTTr. ISLAMW TT7 Ci..... .a - J A ' rnuu ?icwri u IE JJJ Tuwday-ss. Catala ... U;30 ajrJ apply for a llcenac to prospect for eoal ! Thurs. SS. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. and under the fol- aud petroleum. oer 1 - n-. Ocean p,n halls .i rriM land Commenelna t Doat nUntad at the Northeaat cornar! of Section S. Tp. 0: thenoe South nj ohaln. thenee Weat 80 chain, thenar; North 80 chain, thenoe Baet 80 chair.' ' to point of oommenseroent and eontatr. - ina ew acre mora or ma. Located nth Oct.. imi. ROBERT M MOUNT. "TIME THE TOILER" Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn. Friday Pr. Mary 4 p.m. Friday ss. Cardena p.m. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 p.m. For Queen Charlottes Nov. 21 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. take notice that i. c d. KaiwNv ; f Queen Charlottes Tor fSnlZ to prifwt for cotiYr NOV. PriDCC John prtrolum. over atf under tlv follow-1 Alaslta - ea - - IUK WW" poet pluitad at the Ncrthweat corner ot (section 4. Tp. thence South 81 chain, thence Kaat 80 chalaa. tbenot North 80 chaltu. thence Weat 80 chain u point of commencement and con-talnlnc eX aorta more or lesa. CD. EMMONS Located 17th Oct., 1881. The following Is the scale of charfcea made for reading ! November 28 TO IMPROVE YOUR a.m. a.m. From Alaska Nov. 18 ss. Princess Norah pjn. Fiom Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pjn APPETITE Feeling Indifferent to food! Out of aortal Dcprcated? Stimulate your dlgratlva tra,ct with Dr. Carter! Uttle Liver Pill. All tvgrtohle. Gentle but thorougtv. Tt.eT'11 get rid of boJr r0" that cauac InJlftnllon, Caa, etc, and give you a new la tcreit In food. 25c &. 75c red package AL unur druaaltt fftf Carters uspiixs The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of jthe city, or $3.00 a year to those who live outside the city but in Northern or4 Central B. C. Put yourself in line for happiness find good cheer by subscribing jtoday, if you are not already taking the paper. Be optimistic. fRead the Daily News of Prince Rupert and cheer up. Keep in touch with the district. Read all the advertisements. Then buy at home. Buy the home paper. 7 , Have faith in the city. Work hard and smile. That's the way to keep yourself happy. There is nothing like Optimism to cheer yourself up and ban the blues. Make a start at once and give the plan a good trial The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of Prince Rupert or $3.00 a year to residents of the district outside the city. Keep yourself in good standing and on the road to happiness by subscribing to the Daily News today. British Columbia's Favo?"te Brew! Ask for It! lM9Rlllllfei Vendors' Stores and Licensed Premises now sell this special brew ... a rice and malt beer of supreme quality and flavor. Victoria Phoenix Brewery Limited, Victoria, B.C. rhls advertisement is not published or displnu-d by the Liquor Control Board or by the Uoverurm'nt of British Columbia. Mac's Nothing to Lose a By Westover, TAMKis POtl teTufeMlMS IJ Wo- 1 i Q. MAC- VOO'leS 5Ktl.OOS.j 1 NOT COMIMfS f V53-'RE I'LU TAKG A chanu- TMff PitoTO C)5 teir y, l-ou wcvfl j JOJ'T wamT him r 1 -.0 voOK. ov.o I smto HS CCRTAlNUV CAM'T j Ue -r .o 3SJNO mjm MEi ". to , ZttZ V-VSr l IPaUTV I S CHAMfiK HAI( MB Kiy vsoowy, v K ZfVl V Wcaji. CAiisw M'C TTQCOj - imwWion iiavs jitX an ' Mimo loqkiiug f-rCarT l&P-L rro M)o J rfxi i-oomfivr JjoolMq J -, it eftr 1. PAOE FIVE THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, November 17, 103! The Daily News, "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column ( iWwsl,!H V. 'Sir ' It 4: