2 THe DAILY NWS 2 {9 - = a ne “ 1944 We i ee hee Fy : ee Vee gee, =>. — smmntimatam ieee san aman, | = THE DAILy NEws | RC 7 ROMANCE OF SALMON —" a TELRORAPHIC >) ME RE DING NEWSPAPER IN Ni BRITISH COLUMBIA « CORMMEATIONS ) SPAWNING TIME HE THE LEADING N . i: ae ee ay Wonk on cur OFF Zr tn Aes ‘ublis aily an eekly by the Source of CE RUPERT PUBLISHING D., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee DS, Pistet ED ARMS Salmon Run to THE ree — ING CO. LT vo @ BALLYMENA 0 AMMUNITION, Rivers to Spawn ‘ 5 and Die H. F, MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER AN FRIM ‘\ COAST. PATROLLE tii : t 2 a BY 's : . ° . 4 Nobody ever saw a Pacific ¢ a ore BaLcv eines A ES ( ty a n more than. seven Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle - cs Hts 4s. : g ‘ Ws . ¢ » eae : fan Steamer Prince George leaves Prince p Maily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Te repnote es ANTRIM ee oe 5 UNKNOMIN VEMELS years old, although some spring Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince | MONDAYS at g SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: | a Qeanezere ifmon have been caught that Steamers Prince John of Prince Alber: heb FRIDAYS 4 An Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in * KILLEAD 8 fee a OLAS TAKEN FROM weighed almost one hundred pret TURSOAYS 920 py advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, | LOUGH ie BANGOR. “MOUNTSOY rounds: Low Excursi: on Rat $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, CRUMLIN Se Sonacinnee rhis is the tragedy of the Pa- To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED srare; es * NEAGH. LBELIRS T ‘ific in one sentence, The sal- with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL CHICANO WAY BRANGH OFFICES AND AGENCIES CoMsEeR Cirle ° , : with NORWEGIAN GERNCAGO In connect New York—Nat ! New B { Fast 23rd St ew / yi mon run, whieh has begun now 8.8. HENRIETTE carries roug! soitsa hee lon Ve on C ‘ mt reer: that eo wey ay ete Siseugiy 7 in the rivers of British Columbia, For full particulars and all informa: ost t ae er ae | (nouns e~ y is a funeral procession. This THE A. T. P. TIOKET OFFICE, Hor: p Third heme “Dbly ty Seatile—Puget Sound News Co in CORAP SAINTFIECD applies to five out of six mem- AGENOY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines ent London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Bu ilding, | or bers of the Pacifie coast salmon Trafalgar Square. . é D O WwW N family. The ee member 3S . a vai | sia ial ‘ small species related to the ’ . aie ge ai os . as ¥ trout. “The other five species ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY hone $54 de DAILY EDITION aD Tuesday, May 12, 19144 visit the spawning grounds only roome : ss w fonee, and then die. The salmon | secon Satie, Sideealte Riapress 1 ) Saget , : es 3 . er GUN-RUNNING TERRITORY | always spawns in fresh water, as Rooms open from "s ‘. - to 11 p. m VPERHANGN We are told by ‘the Cea from 7 protectionist. He ds = Principal points in exciting gun-running episode which may call 'far up from the sea as it can get, bsg + ange cag Bb ty ety ANTING ment papers that free fuel oil special privilege man, his for intervention of British troops. near the sources of the rivers, |S. D. MACDUNALD, CHAS, DENN OLISHING ANp for fishing boats, which has argument is humbug and is The young fish agree with the President Seer Wall been recently granted, is going designed solely and wholly for current, and this accord takes] mens ALL TINTING ~ : : Den ’ « i to be & great boon to'the fish-| personal gain or to suit poli- | qUS>SRDNES SNOEAED ROCA GOUSDUD TNIEAS | SUSURED | heim nack vo the salt nen KNIGHT & HICKEY Me ee oe ing industry here and for this tical exigency. | i } The salmon inhabits the sea aL © Spey beneficence we are to take our a died aisles tae Contractors and Builders : ; "n = ” lew | until it is a grown-up fish and artin hats off to our “popular”! — Next summer the ity willl TERRACE NEWS ITEMS _ | foald Uiaroteone: taffumbescot ‘he Jobbing & Repairing Swansoy Pca at Ottawa, Mr. H. 8. be called upon to meet close | (By Special Correspondent) }| mating instinet in its mind. This, } Shop: ae Or he Street: neat “= slements. ii ce the su, i PHONE GREEN 269 spe upon a million and a half dol- —— = ens cae like the sex impulse of the bee, is If free fuel oil is good for lars in treasury notes. What NOELLE) SPIO OGRE COLES PRMD DEANE, 8 a message of death. a fishing boats why isn’t it good 3 , is the city council doing to for other industries? meet the situation? Why wouldn't it be a good What is going on under thing for other articles in cover of which the poople are connection with other indus- not being advised? tries to be free? The people want to see a ‘Why wouldn't free food be a sale made of the long term good thing for the people who issues. They want it, foo, be- eat? fore we can be held up on a The protectionists tell you renewal of the treasury notes, that you must have protection| and they want to know what to encourage home _ industry, is being done in the mean- but the moment the tariff is} time. They will not stand for reduced or taken off alto-| any deal being closed before gether they tell you that the} they are given any informa- change is made to encourage} tion as to the price realized. If they the penalty. home industry. : oA You can never get logic | i FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery FRED STORK’S HARDWARE do somebody will pay CARPENTERS ! SHINGLES, MIOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager Ave. and McBride 8t. PHONE 25 1st PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Branch Yard at Omithers KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Tinware HARDWARE 2s, MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ ° Read The Daily News Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Paints Oils Varnishes Supplies Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ A most successful bazaar and dance was held in the Progress club hall here under the auspices | of the Women’s Givie club on Saturday last. were filled with numerous cles which had been made by the “CLOTHES” PORTRAYS SHAMS OF SOCIETY Grace George’s Success Will Ap- pear at Empress in Pictures “Clothes,” the latest produc- tion of the Famous Players’ stu- dios, will be the attraction at the Empress for two days, beginning Wednesday, May 13, and will be shown at the usual scale of prices at this house. Few dramas ever produced on the American stage have attained the conspicuous and sensational success of “Clothes,” formerly one of Grace George's greatest dramatic triumphs. Written by Avery Hopwood and Channing Pollock, two of the foremost dra- matists of the day, it portrays in a realistic manner the sham of society, and the sincerity of the simple life which pride of clothes does not dominate. The part made famous in the original stage presentation § by Grace George is portrayed in the film by Charlotta Ives, one of the most clever ingenue leads of the American stage. She forces the auidence to follow every devel- opment of her pitiful love for clothes with poignant sympathy. She is ably supported by House Peters, as West, a rascal; Ed- ward Mackay, as Richard Bur- bank, sincere and upright; Fred- erick Webber as Horace Watling; Josephine Drake Anna Wat- ling, the woman with social am- bitions so strong that they over- come her very love for her child: Minna Gale Haynes as Mrs. atheart, the eold, cynical woman of the world, and Mimi ihe noted stage child, Kuth, the Watlings’ precocious cleverness. The story gives to each char- as Yvonne, who plays child, with acter and incident a just and ~ | equitable proportion of import- ance, Each character is acted with a keen realization of the meaning of the role, and each Two of the stalls) arti- | ed, the music being provided | partly by the local band = and | partly by a string band consist- ing of two violins and a guitar, | Mrs. Little, Mrs. Large and Mrs. Lazelle were responsibie for the |Civie club stalls, while Mrs. Pet- ladies during the winter, while a/ter presided over that of the W. third was given over to the/A. During the evening Mrs. Women's Auxiliary of St. Mat-|Sparks and Mrs. Little were re- thew’s church. The cake and|sponsible for ‘the stall on the candy stall demanded constant! platform containing the few un- attention, and long before even-!sold articles. The whole affair ing all three of the stalls were | was pronounced an unqualified practically empty. The dance!success by every one who which followed was well aes eer fits into the cally and impels the play logi- performance character in a convincing manner. The society circus scenes, amid the gaiety and frivolity of which suddenly descends the stroke of tragedy which brings Olive to a= realization of her ambitions, mounted with unusual scenic worthless and empty are beauty. “Clothes” may well be termed a production with a soul. Netice Storage belonging to Joe Jor- gonson left in the Houston Cafe will be sold by private sale after 30 days if not settled for and re- moved. 91-417 GEO, E. ST. CLAIR. For the convenience of travel- lers there has been invented a pocket electric heater, taking current from a= light socket, which will boil a quart of water in three minutes You will soon be able to pur- chase local shingles, made in Port Edward. 102tf Ww hat everyone should know: People of discriminating taste dine at the G. T. P, Cafe. 83Lf The Dye that colors any fae of Cloth “nnn SAME sisi ene No Chance of Mistak: oes yous D: our Dre Then the salmon mate, and be- gin their nuptial voyage up the rivers to the spawning beds. It is no exaggeration say that the beautiful fish, in whose bodies life runs rich and strong, meet-their death after a desper- ate honeymoon of struggle and suffering, which lasts only a few to JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder .. Estimates Given on Moving Buildings Phone Black 2954 FURNISHED APARTMENTS weeks. They ‘do not take food after they leave the salt water. in two and three-room suit« They are like the lovers in the J. E. DYER. Phone Black 334 Greek poem, whose passion was ; z ¥ so great they forgot to take] nourishment and died of starva- WHY PAY RENT ? tion, a romantic death, jerk bulid. Yau n:-home on ees _ — terme to sult you. For Sale Cc. K. YTERBERG, Re. P. O. Box 641 1712 Gth Ave. &. Fishing boat 44 feet long, 12) —— — feet 7 inches broad, 3 feei 9 inches in depth, equipped with - CEORCE LEEK 30-h. p. 4-eyele Camauran Fair- eialt Msiadditneebnae- nd sheen: Breuer banks - Morse marine engine. Notary Public. Rents and Collections Price $1,500. Apply Akerberg, AUCTIONEER Thomson & Co., Prince Rupert, 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert or A. Bailey, Inverness Can- oo nery. 107-33 Wanted—Pupils for piano les- Miss Mason, 1136 Second Phone Red 412. 105-10 sons. Ave. Auction Sale of Prince George Lots | Government of the of British Colum- The Province bia will sell their holdings in the G. T. P. townsite of Prince George, by auction sale, at Vancouver on May 19th, 20th and 2ist; at Victoria on May 26th and 27th. Prince George for the next three years will be a centre of railroad construc- tion, with an immense pay- roll and purchasers of lots at the forthcoming sale should be able to realize a good profit on their invest- | ment, If you are unable to be present at the sale, | AM PREPARED TO BUY FOR YOU Write, call or phone for maps and full information ee Edward F. Doyle { Room 11, Smith Block Third Ave. Open evenings | | VHONES ; Seal Cove HARRISON W. ROGERS .. Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Phone 300 P. CO. Box 185 “SECOND HAND GOODS kinds mechanics { will buy or sell all household goods, guns and mens clothing Will call any time. F. M. CROSBY ss 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work ist Ave., Manson Way HARRY HANSON | THE RELIABLE PLUMSER Lools, Phone 525 Phone 489 Second Ave., near MoBride DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ‘Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER co GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 433 Becond Avenue PRINCE. RUPERT | BOAT BUILDER H. JOUNSTON Phone Green 321 | (MPERIAL New Wel nln Tavorite Household Gey Cleanest, Brightest, Best NEW W ELLINGTON COAL @, * & Albert, agy Phone a ng {Or an.aps ARENCY, plaae | ‘he handeg GEORGE LEEK Phon ay) Second Avenue ——- I ‘ bar Hh, FOR PLUMBING AND HEAT ro wb SMITH & MALLETT } { Pipe wrt Valves ad Mm to order. Head of Second tet Prince Rupent UNITED TAILORS NG AND CLEANING Prone @ T 1 Ave St, Next O PR D. C, STUART accountea B08 2ne Are Pron it MINCE RUPERT, & CG alex a A awe, 8 ALUE WILLIAMS & SIANSOR Barristers, Solicitors, Ele MONEY TO LOAN , 1585 hupert, 04 — PACII I TRANSFER (0 era! Cartege LADYSMITH OOAL Phone—Os — t P. O. Box 2 pat J ROBERTSON hartered Accountant ne, Ag, usimentt, ue s and Assignments Smith £ k, ard Ave, *rince Rupe BF ? : ete phooe O WILLIAM T, HOUSE i d Sui veyo* PERT MACHINE Si g Quickly Dene ong RED Pi — JAMES GILMORE po 8 fon Hadn’ t Let Out a Peep About It ito Aaa ee COME ON IN A MINUTE “7 = MiSSUS SNOOP- MEET eet nity SCOOP, T WANNA HAVE. } 1/7 URE MISTER SCOOP-ANSCUSE (evr \ co eee een DO MOU THINI< \ A ABET - ~ ea CHAIR, ) THAT & Loox A YOU MEET-MiSsUS A O- SO MEA S\FF -WHILE I GO MistER FINE SON - oe SNOOP - an A WASHUP 4 BIT- MI\SSUS lu Vg Jf |7 < om LUKE MISTER h WV it Architect : iy McBride sired 2nd A ———— f rt News bY - or — bA\