mtt DAILY MCWS Tliut.niay N for an. , use of tho steamer. Mr. do (lex snld that ho thought thai had Sir The Daily News Oeorgo K. Foster been present bo FALL AND THE LEADING. NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WINTER changed his mind. vblUlii Dai! and Wkly would have Guaranteed Largeet Circulation SCHEDULES CHEERY LETTER FROM iikad OFFICE S. S. PRINftF ntnnnii Dally News Uullding, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, IUJ. Telephone 98. FORMER RUPERT BOY For Ocean Falls, oration mnongsl those who Friday at 0 a. m. For Anyox Wry01 wtVcL WP,eVf7 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cent per Inch. i,ntrcl S. S. PRINCE combat tho individualistic RUPERT seek to .r rnte nn M(iplt('.Miion. ' fleorgo It. iNaden; has received l or Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau " Sknim.n., grabbers who unite simply letter from urdny at 12 noon. ForWnncouvc maUr Interesting that they may grab, Wo a most every Wednesday nt 0 a. rn. oulh DAILY EDITION Thursday, Nov. 30, 101(1. Alex. A. Connnn, who formerly PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE cannot have too much of the worked for Mr. Naden In this city For SmKhsre, Prince Oeerae, Jasper. Cdmenten, tsitiu.. right kind of union, and we pt0, connecting there for all points In tsstern C.n.d. ,V W,M-end and later for tho late Duncan Eouthsrn Sttes Isaiee Prince W,d..! Un business Rgpsrt month tho CO-OPERATION next by should nol tolerate for n moment avsrv Tho following Is an oxlrnct day at 1U30 a. m. Mlied Iretn every Frldsy at si. Uitf' lloss. m The Keynote of Iho business men of Iiritish Columbia when the other kind. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines world today Is co-operation a business men's dinner Is being from tho letter: For Information nnd reservations nnnlv in The fact that there must ho held in Vancouver. This STIRRING ADDRESS BY "When wo first came out wo City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. phone unity to gain results has long movement is not designed to A. M. MANSON, Ml. L. had a shot at tho Ypres Salient 260 been recognited hy capital nnd deal with the problems of tho but that was an obsoluto summer, labor, the result being huge business men particularly, but Continued From Pago Ono.t picnic compared with this spot, r ' business corporations nnd to discuss the various problems Life Is a continual round of mud. largo trades unions, both assuming which confront tho people of Going on to deal with the grow. rats, shells of all descriptions,! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY International Importance. this province now, and the ng demand for puipwoou ior and more MUD. Ono of the results of problems which will ariso out paper making, Mr. Manson said "Hven CAPITALS cannol express Lowest Rates ' o all Eaitern PoinSa via Steamer tho war is to emphasize the advantages of tho war. From tho advance that there Is an enormous supply it: In fact if it is not over CANADIAN to PACIFIC Vancouver RAILWAY and tr of united action nnd notice, it would appear that it of pulpwood throughout this dis our knees now wo think it is Meals and Betth Includ.d on Stetmer today wo find Britain, France, is a "get-together" movement trict, within easy reach of trans dusty. Italy and Russia joining forces of the right kind, designed with portation. "Have been very lucky so far Princess Maqulnna for Granby & Allco Arm Friday 11 p. m. for tho purchasing of war supplies a view to general advancement. Dealing with the mineral re personally and of my personnl Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. in the United States and The question of dealing with sources of this district he de chums in tho Battalion only ono Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, December 4th, elsewhere, with a view to doing the thousands of returned soldiers scribed tho gold properties of the as been killed and ono wounded, away with competitive bidding will bo one of the most Kitsumkalum, of Lome Creek and although wo have had quite a few J I. PETERS, GenernI Aeent by these countries, which would important matters brought up, Manson Creek. Ho also dealt with casualties. Co ner Fourth Streel and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. tend to drive up prices, with and the question of trade after tho showings nt Fiddler Creek, "Being Pidneers our boys are detrimental results to all concerned. the war will ho another. Doth Copper IUver, Usk and Pacific and out almost every night and the are of the utmost importance, went on to tell of what had been great part of the work is done in The housewives of the United and both demand tho efforts of dono and is being done in the "No Man's Land" and no cover Slates have now combined to the best minds of the province. Hazelton district, dealing at length but darkness, which doesn I take decided action in regard Tho question of the production with the various mines of Hocher amount to much with Hares of all to the enormous advances In and marketing of the various Do Doulo 'and Hudson Day Moun kinds. the prices of eggs and poultry, resources of British Columbia tains and Nino Mile, Howson and "However, it has been a won while they claim that the produce will also be dealt with, and an Hunter Hasina, Dome Mountain, derful experience and, if I come dealers have combined In united eirprt will be made to Grouse Mountain, Owen Lake, Sa-bola, through nil right, I shall never order to drive the price of cope with the dlfllcultfcs confronting White Sail Lake, tho Babtno regret it. those valuable food commodities the producer generally. Itange, the Groundhog country "AH tho so-called terrific hard still higher. It is thus apparent and Fraser Lake. ships are largely mental. One can that, while "union is If such co-operation leads to Mr. Manson pointed out the adapt oneself nnd get lots of fun strength" thai strength is greater production, It will lead great possibilities of extensive out of it, nnd occasionally get often used in ways which are to cheaper food commodities gold mining In the Omineca and quite comfortable, though I never not to the best interests of the for the people of this province. Findiay niver districts by by- will get to love rats and other people at large, and there is a J It will mean a lessening of the draulicing and dredging. H e smaller animals." The Standard Test strong suspicion that such importation of foods which we pointed out that mining develop Royal . detrimental union is at work can, and should, produce ourselves, ment meant business for the agriculturist, Ilain-coats for ladies and child 151 in Canada, as well as in the and will lead to a larger tho store-keeper, the ren Wallace's. 280. Here where we test the United States. The "get-to-gether'' export of those lines of which wholesaler, the manufacturer, in choicest sample of Canada' Eider-down comforts. Pillows idea has two sides to we have abundance, thus paying fact for everybody. After deal,. six taJIion acre wheat crop. sheets and blankets. See Tito's it. When the movement is for for tho lin'es which we are ng with the enormous water We grind them into flour in the DEST tho benefit of humanity, and forced to import. If this cooperation power waiting to De developed, large assortment. tf. little tnUI you tee on the left of the improvement of food supply of business men sets the speaker dwelt on the necessity the picture. Then comei the Blue-rim cups and saucers. If or of working conditions, it itself seriously to go into the for refineries and smelters. supreme test bread-baling. is good, but when it is a combine high cost of living it may do He advocated a government smel 11.25 V, doz. Wallace's. the bread is perfect ia every on tho part of producers more in a week than any government, ter for northern British Columbia way we pronounce the wheat Leather chairs and rockers. A Al and the flour-ROYAL or manufacturers with the object with its round-about and also stated that Dr. Wilson, substantial gift. Big discounts STANDARD. of holding up the public methods, will accomplish in an expert who had reported on the at Geo. D. Tile's. tf. AT YOUR GROCER'S at large, it is simply scientific months. The only offset to cooperation subject of a refinery to the government, highway robbery. amongst those who had shown that this dis Vnnrniiwr Milling X Train fnl X BOYAl STANDAS) CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. Another form of co-operation seek to profit individually by trict would be tho proper one for cll & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward is being inaugurated early their united efforts, is co-op- a copper refinery. Electric Co. tf. lie dealt at length with the difficulties the farmer has to encounter, For tho little ones. Child's 1 snowing that, with the lablo and chairs. Doll buggies FRED STORK'S HARDWARE miner, he is tho man who builds Travel East and beds. At Geo. D. Tito's, tf. up cities. Broadening his view, the speaker said that our hintcr When you think of shoes, think OVER THE 1 710 SECOND AVE land extended much farther than of Wallace's. 280. Carpenter' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery the valleys and the mountains bo "MILWAUKEE" Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle hind us, and reached right across Iron Ripe Pioe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns tho continent to the Atlantic. DENTISTRY East The Newest and Shortest Line to the Rope Valves Ammunition "Through our gates should come Pumpe Kose Faint the Oriental traders and the CROWN AND SP MALTY MIDOa WORK Crossine the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Valley, the Columbia Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron treasures of the sea for manufac River, the Bitter Root Mountains and Montana t anyon, traversing DR. J. S. BROWN h'ston,i" intcre a country of surpassing scenic crandcur, ture and consumption in tho WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" OKMTIST and wonderful development. 1 cast,' said Mr. Manson, He be Ofllcti Smith Block, Third Avenue lieved that, as a result of the Phoa 44 TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE war,would commercialism bo saner, more of the socialistic future "The Olympian" and "The Columbian" and more altruistic than that of STEEN & LONGWILL Tho NEW AIX-STEKL TRAINS lo the past. JIUTT1C. MILKS CITY, SIOUX CITY. In conclusion, he dealt briefly Clliuw and SANITARY AND HEATING MINNEAPOLIS. ST.l'AUL. MILWAUKUIt witli tho problem of the returned Tickets soldier. He said "Tho duty of ENGINEERS For further Infonnation regarding fires, train service, reservation", etc., call address on or tho men who have had to remain Agents for City Ticket Office, Grand Trunk raciic. bH9N- UJsU'iBfiBBBB to and from Finland,Norway,Italy Sweden,and Rut Denmark, la. at homo is to seo lo it that tho McCLARY FURNACE8 Third Ave., 1'rince Rupert, N. C, or BAILINGS MOM NEW YORK men who return from the front, Cilr Ticket Offices, Chicago, Milwaukee k St. I'aul Kiilwir KjMti&miKmtfmWmJK& 'oBBiflBBBB "Frederick VIII .. Dec ttb. return to a progressiva province PLUMBING 44J Hastings Su West, Vancouver, J. C. 'Berreinfjord- ........ Dee. Stn. "Berremrjord" Dee. 9th. which will offer them opportunl and OR "Oscar II" Dee. I lib. Second Ave. and Cheiry St, Seattle ties. What our returned warriors SHEET METAL WORKS bbbbbbbbbbbbbKSuVPrbbbbI Have Veur Reservation mad larlv. For Rates. Illustrated Folders tod ask is not charity, but a chance." Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. Oeneral lorcrtottloo Apply to A vote of thanks was moved by Night phones 570 DYBHAVN A HANSON L. M. do Gex, and seconded by T and Blue 270 Insurance and teamehlt) Agency, H. Johnston, who coupled with it The right work, at the right Prince Rupert, B. O. News. time, and at the Daily right The price, thanks to tho 0. T. P, for the Advertise In EMPRESS C0FFE D- " WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR i , F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE PUPERT.