November 30, 1010. Xhurwlir in daily hbws. THAT them wero severely reprimanded IMC HIE by the Judge for departing from tho truth In lliclr efforts lo ex. BRINGS HtALTH their plain premises.the presence of the dopo on Rubber Supply Is Steady While Leather Gets Scarcer "Fruil-a-tives" Builds Up The Wheat in England has reached Whole System the highest price in a century This Explains Low Price of Rubber Footwear and other foods arc soaring liko-wiso. in Spite of Increasing Cost of Fabrics, Those who toko "rruIt-o tlTcs" for Potatoes are $70 per ton oftcn stonis,lf'', at Chemicals and Labor the (In lm! ar0 over there. Farmers are being the way UP and urged to sow wheat. The war Is using both of f. Mtft all over. They may bo up enormous quantities H,tn "Frult-atlvcs"for omo apccMe leather and rubber. At the same time it is seriously tauinj? restricting the output of the former, much of which dissc, as Constipation, Indigestion, Major (1. Ii. North, who enlisted Headaches or Neuralgia, came from Russia while rubber production keeps Cironic ns a private In the Engineers or I5111-' Troublo, llhcu. pace with the demand. From the great plantations Kiiiarr mat sffl or Tain in tho Hack. And they has been promoted rapidly for his now reaching maturity in Britain's tropical Dominions fifteen"Fruit-a-llTcs"has cured Ilia skill and bravery and is now made will come this year 150,000 tons of raw rubber 75 disiass. that they feel better and the recipient of the Military of the world's production, and an increase of over it ocucr In every way. This ii due to Crnss. The gallant major, who Is 40,000 tons from last year. ndtrful tonic frofertitt of theso Uid u Ublcts, made from fruit juices. well known around Hazellon, is Thus, thanks to the British Government's foresight famous fiOc. a bo, 0 for f 2.50, trial site, 23c. still In his twenties. in encouraging these plantations, the Allied At all dcalcrsorscntpostpaid by Krult-a-tirci armies have been abundantly supplied with all the Limited, Ottawa. Two skeletons found in the rubber products they need Germany and her allies have been cut off and the price to the world at Fisher district of the Peace River large has actually been reduced. Meanwhile, leather country are believed lo be those has been getting scarcer and more expensive 80 of John (J, Moen, of Nelson, and higher than in 1914 and the end is not yet. . E. Davey a companion, McNeil, who were At normal prices a pair of good shoes cost about trapping in that region about a four times as much as a pair of standard quality Teacher of Singing and year ago and had not been heard rubbers, and would last nearly twice as long if the Production. of for a long time. The mounted rubbers were worn to protect them in bad weather. Voice So even before the war rubbers were a mighty good police believe that death due was investment, to say nothing of their prevention of PHONE BLACK 217. lo scurvy. wet feet, colds and doctors bills. Salvation Army. Now, when shoes cost seven or eight times as SPANISH PRINCES AS BOY 8COUTS LEARN GAME OF WAR Public meetings, Tuesday, much as the rubbers, the saving from wearing the latter is so outstanding that no one who believes in l'rince Alphonso left., the ntne-year-oid heir to the Spanish; Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m thrift will think of going without them. Nor will Harry A. Harvey throne, and Ills eight-year-old brother, Jamie, who Is both deaf .Sundays at 7:30 p.m. those who are anxious to help win the war, for by (Lets London, Eng., Conservatoire and dumb. The photograph was taken at a meeting of boy scouts wearing rubbers and overshoes we conserve the leather of Mualc) at Sanladar, Spain, at which Queen Victoria was the guest of honor. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 so scarce yet so absolutely necessary for the soldiers. V, PUPIL OF LANSDOWNK COTTELL pupil j Taken Tor - PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Wear Rubbers and Save Leather VIOUX. PIANO, VIOUKCELLO and for Our Fighting Men HARMONY. FROM FAR AND NEAR Pupllt Prepared EXAMINATIONS for Examination "The Daily News" Transfer aid Storage id Associated Board, Vancouver, Cantor Rortl Colloa of Muslo, London, Eng. CLASSIFIED ADS. Tho Alaska-l'aciflc Navigation BE8T LUMP A NUT COAL Co. will launch a wooden-hulled TERMS - PHONE BLUE 278 motor ship next month. This will NO LONO WAITS WANTED. be the firnt ocean-going motor NO SHORT WEIQHTS ship ever built in the United When You Order from Us. I'OnTEP. WANTED HOTEL CENTRAL. CANADIAN WOMEN FOR RENT Stales. Tho vessel will be equipped SHOULD KNOW THII REQUIRED Board by young business man In quiet home with use of sitting room. with Diesel engines. " LIQUOR ACT, 1910. "CANADA FIRST Milk Is the BEST Milk Apply Box 110, Dally Newt. ISO. sMj by Yotsr Grocer. The Government Bulletin Modern 8 roomed bouse close In (Section II.) N j.305 1 ells the story IT COSTS TH E SAME. and Hon. W. J. Howser Mrs. Ird Avenue, 3 bedrooms. WANTED First-class general servant. NOTICE Is hereby given that, on the I roomed rut tnd Ave. Modern. Mrs. J. F. nttchle, 110 rourth Avenue, Uowser have been presented with flrst day of December next, application wUl ciDADua state noauct-iNSiST $ roomed cottage No. 1036 th West. tf. be made to the Superintendent of Provincial I f roo want wh'niMderMin.chlir'CaaadaFint"Evaporated Are., E. Near drydock. Sec 7. two silver vases and a silver Police for renewal of the hotel Ihea arbip as with fresh cream. Collate partly furnished close In WANTED To buy a second hand set flower basket by the members of licence to aell liquor by retail in the hotel ThiAYLMER CONDENSED MILKCOmLto. tnd Arenue, i rooms and bath. Encyclopedia Brltannica, Amerlcaaus or known is the Northern Hotel, situate at AVkMCa,OUT Canada Cottare No. (71 Summit Are. 4 National. Apply Boi lis, Dally News. the cabinet which has just retired. rort Simpson. In the Province of British larre rooms. Bath, Tho presentation was made Columbia. furnished cottage No. 37 tin Are., FOUND Dated this 7th dsy of October. HI. E Near school In section 8. by Dr. McOuiro at the residence ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS. ADpllcanL I roomed flat opposite school In Found Black corker spaniel about alt of Mr. and Mrs. Bowser. Section e. Bath. months old. Apply Dally News Office. McMordie Apis. 3 rooms and bath. 4 reamed cottage No. sot tin Are. E. FOR 8ALE There is to be a Provincial roomed cottage No. ISO 8th Ave.E. Jiure tt corner Oreen and Seventh Business Men's dinner in the FOP. SALE Carload mlnlag machinery. Including Ave. 4 rooms. Near school. 17 machine drills, column bars, Hotel Vancouver on tho evening If Your Houm Is vacant Llt It with Ua. W can fill It for You. drill-steel, steam-fittings, etc Apply of Tuesday, December 5th. The Dally News. tf. WC WRITE FIRE INSURANCE idea behind the event is that of H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD of tho business co-operation The Daily nts delivered by forces of the province with a rarrff-r. 50 routs por month- view to mobilization into a coin-pact THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING unit of various interests INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR which individual have lines.been working along DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. RamsayV . It is believed that one of the first things done by the Hrewster Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. As Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free government will be an investigation of exchange at any chartered Bank, in Canada) at the rate of five per cent JECRBM ;. Empire Cream Sodas into working conditions in per annum from the date of purchase. tho coal mines of the Crow's Nest Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued the of cash, in of allotment J'ass and tho province generally. interest, as equivalent payment any made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. In 2-lb. Tina Vancouver detectives made a Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. haul of eight cases of opium the A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers allotments made in of applications Have their superior on respect attained their enviable reputation by other day. Three Chinamen were for this stock which bear their stamp. quality and uniformity. The moat discriminating housewife fined in consequence and two of For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Insists unon "Ramaava Emolre" when buying Soda DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. OTTAWA. Biscuit. OCTOBER 7ta, Jl. J.L.HICKEY They are mad In B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and qulokly, Insuring freshness, which means CONTRACTOR A BUILDER J crlspness. i Prov It by buying a tin with your next order. Storo and Ofllce Fixtures, Sash, Door and Moldings. I Manufactured by Oak and Hard Woods of all I RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. kinds.We Specialize In making Vancouver, B. O. and fitting storm windows, any alze. Plate and Sheet Glass and Qlazlng. Corner Fraaer and 6th St. Let Us Save You Money on your PHONE OREEN 269 Gasoline or Distillate P. O. BOX 448. We purftnlee to save you 25 per cent, on frasolina or distillate and upkeep and free any motor from CAKUON troubles. A evert ounce ox of Carbonvoid is equivalent to 60 gallons of gasoline, hvery box Wl AUAJtANTKB 1 PIR CCNT. ?f will save you SAVINO. WHY PAV MORI 15 in gasoline nnd eive from POR 0O to MX) ad. Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, Larbonvoid is a dry powder you FIRE Just drop h the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank, Will re from eyllndera. The largest companies in the world use It. THE ALLIES ORDERED INSURANCE JUNK 2W.000 CARTONS. Previous order zau.uw carton., r uiiy KuwanteeU or your money ref unded. Mailed anywhere on receiptor 11.00 OLD, STRONG COMPANIES For Sale Only by SEE Geo. L. Clayton, - Frlnce Ruperl B,c CONSOLIDATED Houm tt smith SICURITItS,Block LTD. PHONI St tnS BLAOK MS V5