fUB 0A1L1 Hfl Thursday Nomnl,P nn Sheet Metal Work ('Local News Notes V n y-u I k o- s s, 7 Now Is the time to have A Genuine At k V 'e. the your heating plant put in I o- XMAS Acme shape for the winter; roofs Tor Xmas buying see Tile's and skylights seen to. 2nd Ave. In such cases consult new slock of carpets. Bpoclal : practical man If you want discounts. tf. X.JJJJJJJJJJJffrrrfrrrrr? "-"""r results. C. 0. Rowe COAL Favorite f.adysmith Wellington lump and nut, best re. Practical shoet metal man. suits. Phone 15. P. ft.G. Co. tf. Opposite Hoard of Trade Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Pedro Salinas, one of the owners of the Spanish Group at Alice PHONE S40. Estimates Furnished Free. Arm. left for the north Inst night. SA Col. Guthrie will be accompanied here by Mnjor C G. Goggle, Prince Rupert Feed Co. Capl. Pcake, Copt. K. Alban Ftur- dee and Lieut. F. Hyder. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Capt. P. F. Godenrath will return AND FERTILIZERS t o Vancouver tomorrow morning, returning on the 1 3 tit. WE HANDLE accompanied by Mrs. Godenrath. Bulbs, and Take Order for Nursery Stock. Mclntyrc St. Andrew's Hall tonight.night dance Invitations in the Many may wonder how it is possible for us to offer Sale Prices Chicken Feed A Specialty. must be presented at the door. Mall Ord.rs Promptly AlUntf! To. Cards for thoe who don't dance. under existing conditions. The Acme has agents in most every P. O. Boi 833. SOS Third At. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexander in Canada and after PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. arrived from Vancouver yesterday large city London, Eng., looking our interests to make their home here. G.Mrs.Dawson.Alexander is a sister of F. and when any special values are offered we are on the spot with B. C. UNDERTAKERS St. Andrew's Society. is arranging the ready cash. We are not taking advantage of the market in to have Col. P. A. Guthrie, O. BALMCRS UNCRAL DIRECTORS SATISFACTION AND OUAh-NTEEO C.meeling the 236th when Battalion,be arrives address here on a holding goods back from the public to realize large profits. We OPEN DAY AND NIOHT 117 XND STREET-PHONE 41 December 13th.... share jn Bargains with our Customers Pert Froud, formerly of this city, has had the misfortune to lose a leg at the, front. Mr. Froud AKERBERG, THOMSON was one of the pioneer merchants COMPANY of Prince Rupert. Arents for The coroner's inquest into the "FRISCO"FISHERMAN,"IMPERIAL,""FERRO""PALMER,"AND circumstances attending the death SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY CLAY" OAS ENOJNES. of R, A. Vade, who was found dead PHONE 626. yesterday, has been postponed until tomorrow morning. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT At the Board of Trade luncheon DECEMBER THE SECOND ATTENTION VOTERS yesterday. Captain P. F. Godenrath Tenons who bold lots under agreements, or assignment of agreement must make gave a vivid accound of the a declaration giving- particulars of tbelr experiences of the Prince Ilupert title, be Tore the last day of November. Any person neglecting to take sucb declaration boys .at the front, and took the will not be entered on tba voters' And Continues Till Xmas llsL opportunity to thank the people It Is Impossible for me to ascertain the of Prince Rupert for the many names of agreement holders unless they kindnesses shown to their citizen come In personally. It will greatly facilitate matters If persons soldiers since they left these their them wishing agreements,and thus to prevent make so that declaration errors.I may Inspect bring shores. AT THE ACME, SECOND AVE. Hefercnce to old voters' lists satisfies CHRISTMAS SALE me that only a small proportion of agreement holders have registered In past The Acme Importers, Limited, years. This, I believe, has happened because people wrongly think tbelr names announce a great Christmas sale will be inserted without any action on for December 2nd, when a large their part. I therefore call special attention to the necessity of agreement assortment of men's furnishings holders making declarations. and clothing will be offered at remarkably FRED PETERS, City Clerk. cheap prices. Wool is The Acme is known to tell the truth. When we advertise a Sale LAND ACT mounting in price and dyes are Vancouver Coast,Land District Rang 3.District of hard dearer.to This get and sale ever gives growing an opportunity it is genuine. Every article in our stock will be at reduced prices, .occupation Vancouver,TAKE NOTICE,mill l'rovlnce that manager,Archie of British of Barnes the Columbia city Martin,of below present to buy market at prices values.away marked in plain figures and one price to all. We mention a few Intend to apply for permission to pur chase the following described lands: SUN AND TIDE of the values offered: stock entire Commencing at a post planted on the December 1st. our at compared prices south shore of Cousins Inlet about Ave Friday, chains west of the southwest corner of Sun rises 8:54 a. m. Lot 31, Range 3, Coast District; thence south SO chains, thence west 40 citalns. Sun sets 4:22 p, in. SS,SS3SSfSSlSStSttlSfSlStiSStlSStttISStSSStSISISSSIStt stSSSlStlStS-M-fJSSf t fr"" thence north SO chains, thence west 35 High water ...C:i5 lit. 18.8 a.m. chains, thence north 18.5 chains more or PEA BODY'S OVERALLS PENMAN'8 WOOL UN- COTTON STRIPED MENS BLACK CASH- lets to II. W. M. of Cousins Inlet, thence Low water . .12:14 p. m. III. 8.3 DERWEAR GLOVES MERE HOSE following the II. V. M. to this post and High water ...0:14. p.m. lit. 18.2 containing 185) acres one more hundred or less.and twenty-five Captain McGeo. M. M. S. A- $1.45 pair 90c garment 10c pair 25c pair RATED at Vancouver, B. C, this tst day of November, A. D. 19 IS. LIQUOR ACT, 1910. J.SI. ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN. iSectlon 41.) MEN'S NAVY" BLUE MEN'S ODD SUITS, VAL- MEN'S FINE FELT HATS ABSOLUTE GUARAN-8ERQE NOTICE Is hereby given that, on the SUITS FOR UES TO FOR ... TEED $20.00 RAINCOATS MINERAL ACT first day of December next, application will $20.00, FOR be made to the Superintendent of Pro FOR vinclal Police for renewal of the hotel Notice to Delinquent Partners. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel $16.50 $9.90 $1.45 $11.90 known as the Pine Tree Hotel, situate at To Grant Mahood and Patrick Daly. Discovery, In the Province of British Co- TAKE NOTICE that whereas we have luiiiuia. dune and caused to be done assessment Dated this- 10th day of October. 1916, work by surveys on the Daly, Sullivan, CLARENCE MARMADUKE SANDS, Edith and I-ol Mineral Claims, situated In Nov. IS. Applicant Our Guarantee Your Worth Your Money Back the Salmon Bear River District, Portland - Money's or Canal Mining Division, for the year 1916, Ales M. Maosoa. SJL and iiave paid for said work and record W. K. Williams. B.A L.L.B lug same the sum of 1510.00, unless you WILLIAMS A HANSON pay to us the sum of SJ55.00 for your share of said assessment work, together Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. with the cost of Uils advertisement, we HONEY TO LOAN shall at the expiration of ninety (90) days BOS list THE ... fruiu the date hereof, apply to the Mining Uelt.rsoo Block Prince Rupert, B. a Recorder at Stewart, B. C, to have your Interests In the said Daly, Sullivan, Edith and Lois mineral claims vested In us, in pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral Act. Acme paled at Victoria, B. C, this 16th day Importers, or November,james A. D. 1 Mcdonald,vie. Stuart J. Martin k 4. frederick a winkler. AMAYEH Call the Puny llxpress for wood LIMITED HAZELTON B. C. cut In stovo lengths or 4 feet. Best household coal and general transfer. Piano moving our .The oldest established Assay Second Avenue Prince Rupert specially. Prices moderate Phone I Offloe In the North. 301. II. V. Rogers. tf, SSSsTBj V'SS