Baturdny. December 20, 1017 THE DAILY NEWS THE KAISER S DREAM LAND LEASE NOTICES WATER NOTICE SEIfEfl YEARS BE CLEAN Tlierc"s a rumor now current, tlm' w:im LAfm DMTUCT WSTWCT or TAKE KOTICE thai Dolly Vrden Mine FIRE AUnat IT STEM. strange il mny scern QOAflT, BAXOE rtVC INTERNALLY ctmpaey mbmt addreit it Alice Arm, Of tlm Herman eiiicr6r's womlor. &, win apply for a llrenne to take and eiROUtT NO. I. TORTURE ra.tE netle lhal wner . Walker, or dm lee eebte reel or water per ecotd ee tS-im st and ird Ave. ful dream. van- uvtf, B. a, oeespaiion Manaier, Bea 11-llh em m Trout creek, a tributary or Kit ft aod Ird Ave. Uelng tired of lie mi. r,,u le arply tor le Kate Over 600,000 People Are Now war, la? down In peruiMion laou River flewinr Into Alice Arm, C Bea 14 lib Bt and Ird Ave. bed, it- r.-avlflr deeeribed land - Dolno So. liar DiMrlet Tbe wter will be diverted oa 1S Junction or lei, tnd aad Nothing Helped IHm Until fe Took i:immerr it a peel pJamed at Inttr- And 'niongsl other things dreamt at lb bead or Ibe rail on ibe Silver Ird Are, "FRurr.A.nvES" et ititn vtaier wara Tonrav raa-1 oe is lit Ave, between It tad thai he was dead. ...e end as Ea.i and Well Line pa.l ntaey year, bar. sireripS 'STwLZ lL' th. Wo? lib SU. (Knot Hotel), . ... IkenattJ -aflSBln U.ntinuef at t tSatavttB i ttlalt MSa fwr SKawBl eiuiwaare eilai wa And in a deep collln, lying In state, ;.: ;:' ,..r:r;.7.. ' ,''.,:i.. ;;,..7-., ' 7..: . . v..:r i M v.rdn omup or Mineral ot 17 -lat .. and TW St (Cefl. ' Willi his cold, waxen feature :. .J.;.k. 7:. " I J7 " "..l.Tz ,r.v". I Mm meintive. Iral Hotel). frozen with hale; i-L .' :.wVmZZJ 'i. . r. lou sm w ht mciunv. 0d ti v ww, vv vtbsci- mmtm vufmmm rmw yimwwiv vsuiu mi rniiVTf im WBBI1 CftftgUf DUtfffl. CIRCUIT NO. t. He wain't long dead when he ill!; TV. .IL . ltnr jwitnoei aaMuaee, no matter bow reruierl AppMeaiton will be made ald for ibe Bet M ird Ave tnd Ird St (Pol found lo his con I, " " "' mmrmtmt mtgai eej ana it i toe poiton rroroirfrnl lo tier ISO acre feet In f1rl Troel Office). Thai Ids map of the next world to tbe point or comrnentement. ind eon im wtit ertsuted tbream t&s ttoodluke and f.ioo acre reef In Second. Third as rd Are. aa.t MeBrld l. IHMar 110 atree, mere of lei. I pulled ua sway down betow bar and were I and foertb Trout Lake. Tba water m Bet 24 lit Ave. and MeBride St and passport were lost. WALTER E. WALKER, rpMale foe many die ot a erloub t to red ttf rtnt Trout Lake by tbe con- Bei M!nd Ave. tnd tnd St H" leaving this earth to heaven Date t lib day ef October. IS 17. nature. itrsetion or a dam at It outlet and In Bet 20--tnd Ave. ind Sib SI went straight, tmrtar UM ttrue UM "I. B. L. Caicade" Second, Tblrd tnd Fourth Trout Lake et Boa S7 0. T. P. IKEEMA LA.1D DtSTntcT district or Jauntily strutting right up lo the CASSIAIL fur Inurnal Bttbinf baa, beeaute of Ibelr tbe eonatructlon or a dam at Um outlet gato; recoMtoeoeaHoa and Uv of iu uaer. of Soeond Trout Lake. Tbe eaUisatedi CIRCUIT NO. S. been tea1Uy trowing in favor. area of land to be flooded at rirtt Trool Bea SI tut Ave. and Fulton St Hut the lookout angel in voice TAKE none Out Waller t. Walter, of Lake u 17 and Vancouver. D. c aeenoauoa Masaeee. Tteeontly, bowever, Ine turUlfij- new, acre at Second, Tblrd and Be 32 Borden and Ttylor Sta. strong and clear, foortb Trout Lake I twenty acre. Bit S4 Ttli Ave. and Fulton St teletid to nt for pertiXtalen le leate I " mm eoeorlna; tb country tbat Haid. "llegotw! Kalier W. we TMa nolle wt potted on Um tround Bea SB 1th Ave, and Comoi Ave. " umrwtu ni I """Ion tha Itlh dar r OetTe taie Bet ST in don't want you here.' CetBBMncmr at a pott punted at the I ran on she Lower inteaune in tucb I . ,' . ' :';, I Are. and Dodge Place M-ik -... ... ... - ...I ... - ... .. I I mm u application Be ss -in Ave. and Tbompion St Well," thought Wlllielm, -llmt's pnrauaei thereto and to Um Water Att, Diairiet; ibenee norUierly and Itrtbnu condition ot Ul-rMewtor wetlerly cbronle mm ALBERT VARriER very uncivil, tilt, will be filed In tbe office or the CIRCUIT NO. 4, Um Une or lllfb Water Mark tea lis a Kcevew DeblUly and Rbeuma-rortland Hucklnc' am. t . ? . r-d, ):,. Does he mean I must go straight Canal to a point nbere an EiiIhmi to tbi cauae. alto tarlnr thai Umm Water Tbe date Recorder or tbe at fin!Prince appearance Rupert.or B.tbi c. Bet 41- lib Ave. and Emmereon For seven years, I suffered terribly lo the devil?" Place. from foJaiAfi .. .... ...... " - --. ' I - Bea 42 lib Ave. and MeBride St Keren atf fHdifnfiori. Ho he turned on .Ms heel and off ' T"u' " -ef cancer and TubereuloaU (at auied in flrd day or October, HIT, and objection Bet 43 im Ave. and Oreen St I lia4 belching cm from tbe e'omnrh, he did go ... 7 . ,, " .. T , . , I1 recent arua in ine new tora Tunc), imay ne filed witn tbe comptroller or Bet 44 tb Ave. and Bail! St bitter taff would nam mm.mi umi unt "'". I ha. uiixl naonte La btma thnrnnrhlT I U'.t.r h,mh anthifi ..... come up Into my Running full speed to the u.lh..l. mt ......I. ...u.l I . - I ' Bet 48 7lb Ave. and Eberl. regions Km i i or importaoce or keeptnr mil I the taid date. tnoulh after r . . . . . eating,while at llmnt I had Boa 141 Ttb Ave. and Toonr Si. below. " V ,nw "wr "' I lower Inteeune free rrem all pouonouil DOLLY VARDE5 MIMES COMPACT. nanaea and vomiting, nd had Hut when he got there he was r, ' L!.. , " . I WMI M"mu waller, and ever tee.oeo are now Jr. B. McOlnnU, Agent, pert A. QeeeUnd. ConaUpaUon. I wenttoaereral doctors w vi wwiiimuwiwun uiriH 1 J uatnt internal natba. filled with dismay; ts esairn to taKi point of commencement. and wrote to a kpeclalut In Xloaton lxit Tkt esinwaiatue and grateful letter U For whilst walling outside he Ind eonuintBr StO acre more or lei. LAND ACT without benefit, I tried many remetlte by no mean an eiecptMnel one among I heard WALTER E. AVALKER. but nothing- did me rood. Finally, a Satan say Oaie-tttb ef Mm nmnatred on one Me.- day October, HIT. SrUnJ aJrisrJ"VraU Uit". I took To his Imps: ".Vow, look hofe, boys TSS 71b Ave. Sosta, LctbbrMfe, Alberta. SKEE.tA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Harry A. Harvey UiU grand fruit medicine and it made I give you all warning, IkEEKA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT Orl0''- T'"n, ToroMa: COAST, RAJICE 4. (Let teoeee. Bag., Conoorvatelr Fin expmlng the Kaiser down cassiail I oear Doctor Tyrreu, arier utior your of MitaU) me well. I " am grateful to Fruit a-Urea I. b. i caacao" roe rear Benin, reel take .iuticz uui jonn ortee, or van and to everyone who ha miserable here this morning, tale netfcw that ti Aniia.Rritiih Cj. I 7 daly a a UuakTal patient to e-eeuver. B. C, ocenpaUon fltbennan. In PUPIt OF LANSDOWNS COTTtLL health with ConUpation and Indi-reetlon Hut don't let him in, for to ine il lumbla ratlin r CemDany Limited, or Van-1 P eaawiam lor um freai bum- btoj m appty ror penmiaion to waie ine PupiH Taken ror and lUd Stomach, I say Ltka is clear. eawver. B. C. oeeucatlen Salmon (Unnrri. I " nw. iw cannot leei bj mcttutu uw.- VT0LI.X, riA.fO. Y10USCXLLO and We're far Intend le apply roe permlailen to leatcmsHMI ' lm M,wr ln Prul uimmenrinr i a poti piaoiea on ine HARMO.XT. Frult-n-tlTes and loo good for the mon )on will get well . tb raUowlna- dearrtbed Uiuin Ton to yoar treat work. Word ua-1 roreabere on tbe weal tide or Stewart EXAMI.1ATI0.1S , ALUKKT YAILVE1L grel down here; tonmwtMtne at a tt minted at HirhlPW " eapeee my iBanuuinea reriAarrow. aoosi two muea aoutn or Hartley Pupil Prepared for Etamlnallen If he gets in, there'll be the dle-k of Caaeade. Prettoo Bay; the ore weal S cbaln, thence nortb eOc. a box, 0 for $2.30, trial aixe, Kc Water Mark fwruand CaaaL SO cluln Due,r1 yoar Aaaoclatod Board, Vanceavte, Center Weill" M 1 not aw a day witnouljte cbaln. I hence eail so ebain, thence lo Kevtb and ts etuln. oe Due ens more. ef Can. At dealer or ent poat paid on receipt of pay. Plojal Colloge atuale, Leneee, r tha Norm Weat earner nf it att I ants or mom orr, ana (ince turn; ii i .How ic cnain v um point or commence price bjr Fruit--Urea Limited, Ottawa For bad as I am, he's much worse Caaaur IMairkt; uience nerUterly end I" mr wor4 boor. waUowed meni and ronuininr 40 acre more or lei. any day." aitlertv rouonme tba Lino of li I en w.tee worm or crag, t pent over JOH.f GRACE. Applicant TCntlS PHONE BLUE 273 'Oh, Satan, dear friend," the emperor Mark, Portland canal to a point wbero an y" prevlou to bear DATED Xovember It, HIT. cried. tat! and Wett Use drawn tbrougn a point te r " B- - WoM " u 'Hxcuse SO cbaln Dee north or Um potat or com- J(Mtat 1 see in tbU town me for listening, whilst ",U lbr '" "vered wlUt berrld. unlit menecmcnl Inteeeecu wlUt Mid Una or waiting outside; til Water Mark: Ibenee Wett so chain!; ttf wewld ute It Tbey would If don't lei then where tfience and xbrm' m I did. I matt you me In, eawtherly eaturly para lied wttb FRED STORK'S HARDWARE hall I go?" It Mid Une of lligb Water Mark. Port- . or I wtu be keeping yon rrom your land so ort- b1 1 on un mon P cf Canal, to a point cbaln Da Weal Indeed," said the devil, "1 really TIMBER SALE X 926. um petal or eunmencemenii ibenee I ". " don'l know." eaat SO tha mi u (aid point or commence- of tbe "I. 3. U" May you enjoy Uu life FOR CANNERYMEN Oh, do let me In; I'm feeling I and eootalning ISS acre mere or to tbe rutt. We hnve added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Sealed tendere' ill received bjr lb Im et UM Bed and roreabore r Portland Stoeerely your. quite cold; line of Rubber Belting at right prices. Minuter ef Unit not later than noon on CaaaL wmum Devey. ibe Ittn Jy or Irbruarr. Itll, for Um If money you wanl, I've plenty of THE AAOLO-BRITISII COLUMBIA PACK1.10 U ywa try the B, L. caaeade you FOR FISHERMEN purtnete or Licence X MS. to cut I.WMOI gold. OtMfAST LIMITED. Walur E. Walker, Agt. wtfl and yourteif alwara brtgbt. conn. A complete slock of the best goods that money can buy for on feel an or area Hemlock.aliueted Spruce.on Loot KtUua Lake,and rratee Cedar Just give me a corner, no matter ttata SStk day ef October. HIT. and eapakSe Um peUeneu wute trolling Spring Ilrass, Silver and Drome. bkse, doll and nervoua. Heath, lune 4, Co 1 1 DUUKL how hoL FOR THE WATERFRONT SKEENA LAXD DISTRICT IHSTRJCT or aatornal Batba are rtature't own cure for Tnree l, jeer will Ut aliened rer re So," said the devil, "most certainly CASStAa Cunaitpattoai Jttti arm waur properly The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat Until of timber. not. antHied. Drug fore Sature Um -I. B. "FLOGLAZE" A complete line of paint Ship Chandlery. rvnhrr farilrultr of the cat I reeeetee. We don't let apartments for take naeiee UMt Tbe Aagto-BHUtb Cav L. Caaeade" genUy aaUt her. Victeru, ft. c. or DUtrte i Ftmix, prior-Unpen, FOR EVERYONE riches lunawa Packing Cuanpaay limited, of Van can and' tee H at Cyrtl H. orme's Drug ft. c rtl or pelf; B. C. eastton Salmon Caaoers. store, toe. fed Avenue tnd SUt St. Prince A tine stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Stoves. Mere's some sulphur and matches. t annty roe pa mm Hon to leaae RuawrL We Soil Nothing But The Beat. TIMBER SALE X1036. make ' UM feMaweng tnuliil land: a hell far yourself. Att tor Wbr Man of Today I Only SO Then he kicked Wlthelm out and Cienmiawig at a poat ptanted at High Per Cent Effletent," a booklet or great Inter Water Mark. Peetland so cluln Da neafcxl tender wilt U rrtf4 tr Um vanished In smoke. Canal, lf ntaicb U given on requeaL If you Seetn and i cttam or more Due Wett f FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Minuter or Land out awr Uua noon on peeree, write at once to cnaa. A. Tyrrell, And just at that moment the Um 5eth Weet Cotwer of Lot C II. Catatar the fltk djr of Jaaatrv, Itll. fr Um V D, HI coiicge Street Toronto, ror UU DUtrteii UMnee norm ae chalnt; thence r .rebate or Licence x !!, lo eal lM Kaiser awake. book. neel to ebatn. more or lea, to lilgb i f Cedar, Spruce, llemlerk and Pal-tiu Jle jumped out nf bed In a eliivvr- water Mark Pormnd canal; UMnee aeuib- on an area Mtutied oa Btitfi Inlet, ing sweat. eety and eatterty foHetcg tbe Una ot Ran . Cull I DUtmL And cried, Ooshl thai dream I'll Kirk Wtler Mark reetland Canal U tb um it Jrr wtu fee allowed for removal forget; peini ef aafnmeneeroeni and coeutnlsg so oT timbre. never ntXhrr perUraUr of Ux Chief rereatee. That t won't go lo heaven. I know THE AOLO BMTISII COLUMBIA PACkXtO Victoria ft. u, or Dittrtei fare tier, rrtne well very CUMPA.XY UMITEO, Waller E. Walker. AgL ftapert, B.C J 14 Hut it is awful lough luek to be bale fSth day of Octabee. HIT. kicked out of hell," TIMBER SALE X1017. 8 k ELM A LA3D DISTRICT DISTRICT or HOHACU IL IUUTZ. COAST. RA3SE HVE. Sealed lender wilt be receded tjr Um TAKE notice lhal waller E. Walker, ot LAND REGISTRY ACT MluUler or Landa not later Uua noun oa Um tSlh Uf at January, III, for the ptr-chata (SeeUoo IS and lit.) vaneuntee. Bf C oeeatpauon Manager, Inteetda a aopty for perntUaten to leaae ot unset X HIT. la est lll.sto fret of S pruee, Hemlock aod Balma on an the roetowlag deaeeibed Undt: tie AppHraUon Xa lllt-l, mint ISTI. at Um CuNUnetMenr at a put! planted arre aiiuated ou kUdela River, Kant f. Cuall lIUUICL TAKE KOTICE I bat appUcaUon tui been interaecuon of aa Eatt aod Wett Una aude to re tiller Anne Duffy, or Prutee tfeeougb CancreU Mooumenl at BtrUett Two (t. tear will be allowed tor rental of umber. Rupert. B. C a omner In tee under a eeant, Walee found. B. C. wttb lligb Waur runner parueular or Ibe Chief rnreater. Tat Sale Deed from tba CoUetter or Um Mark Tongaaa Pkaeage; taenee touiberly or rrtnc date Um nd (aid lilgb Waur VlelorU, ft.Ti. or Dltlrltl roretter, rrtaee air Dupert, bearlnr raaterly reilowtng Rupert. 0. C Dll leu day or Septeniber, llll, or ALL A.XD Mark to a poMt vibere a north and South SIMOULAH Umi certain parcel or tract el une draan tttrougb a potai so cbaln Due land and prrmUe tlluatc. tjtac, and bctns Eatl of Mm potat of aoismeocemeni lnier-rct TIMBER SALE X1129. in tbe Municipality of rnnce Itipert more MM lligb Water Mark of Too rati parueularly known and detcrtbed a Lot PaaMge; ttteoce aowtb IS ebain; UMnee Sealed lender will be received tj Um rorty-otM (ID, Block lairty (10). SecUoo aelbaeeteely In a ttralgbl Une to a point tilttrlct roreater, rrlnce Hupert. B.C. not eUbt (i, hap 111. It enaioa Due Weal of ifc point t wm-wncemeeli tialer than noon on tb tin day ef January, You are required to conical Um eiaun or the oca is cbaln Due Eatt oi till, for Um purchase of Licence X I lit. tbe Ut purrbaaer mlUiln at day rrum Um tor point ot eommeneement and oonutning la eul UI.eoe reel ct Spruce, Cedar, Heat-kick dale or tbe crvUe or tbi neuce (btd IIS aerea, mnre or lea. and Balaam on an area tliaaled In any be effected by publication), and your WALTER E. WALKER. ontcmlory Inlet, Caiar DUtrifu anenttau la called to tecUon is or Um lute- tllb day or October. HIT. ne l) year will be allowed far re-nwtal -Land Dcrtatry Act" llb amendment, and Sunli of llntber. lo tbe rHeint ettraci tbererrom: Si tCW LA.ND DISTtUCT DISTRICT OF Early Morning turUier rUcuUr of ibe Uuef roretier. - And in dctault or k caveat or certificate CASSIAR. Victor!, ft. C. or tiuuict rvmier. Prince r It pendena betas filed berore Auperi, ft. C DSI tbe redatrauon a onr or Um perawn TAKE bottee tbat Walter E. Walker, or entitled under ucb tat ale, an peraon Vaaeonvee. B. C oeeupatton Manager. u aeeted ltb notice, .... and intmda t apply fur pcrmtttton le letM TIMBER SALE X 925. iboae claiuinr tbroutb or under Uwm. the roUonieg decetbed Uada: -will find washing finished earlier and better and your Inlertal at a poat planted at Um and all peraon claiming any OdMaenewg YOU Sealed lender will be received bf Um la loo land by virtue ot any tart tittered ,ot lb Wett Corner of Lot SIS. Caitlar work will become far easier by using Sunlight Soap, Minuter of Land not later than noon oa luttruntenL and all peraon eialmlnf any Dtatrtcti the nee norUt SO cbalntt tbence for it cleanse and purifies clothes more quickly and the ttlb dr of January, till, tor ibe pur-rbaae lateretl In tbe land by dearenl boe eat to ebain. more or leat, to lligb of U crura X III. to rut 3.111,000 title I noi rectiurtd under Um pro-iuiui Water Mark rortland Canal; Utence aoutb- thoroughly than ordinary soap. Irel d( Hemlock, Cedr, BaUam and Spruce or tbi Act, ball be tor ever eety and eatlerly tellowlng lilgb Water oa an area aituated on Lout Lake, rraacr cau-rped and debarred rrom aetuar up Mark Portland canal to point or wmnence- Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap w1d on the Canadian Itrarh. Iianre 4, Coail Dlitrttt. any cUtm la or In reaped or Um land meet and containing HO icret more or Two (t) year will be allowed Tor re-luoval so told rr Ut, and Um !Wltlrar to' market today It is pure beyond compare. WALTER E. WALKER. of timber. (ball rentier tbe peraon entitled under t'urtber parucular of In Chlet rvreur. tucb let Ml a owner or tbe land o DM flife day of October, HIT. You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and you'll see Victorl 11. C or DUlrlcl roretur, Prince td tor ute." Kupert. B. C iti AM) WlltREAS appUctUoo bat Uen NOTICE. the early morning sunlight shining on a line of the whitest oiade lor a CcrUflcaU or tndertaaibl TlUe clothes that ever spoke of housewife's pride. le Um above-mentioned landa, In Ibe name Sta OtUt, "Bron Sear," "Utile Touij or Anne Duffy: Fraeuon. "SunUgbl rratllon," "Sea Lloo AMU WHEREAS on Inveailtaunc Um UU ftirM'i "Sbeet Aacbar mtUon, "Sky. II appear tbti prior to Um Ulb day of line." "Oaup Bird melton and 0bMr Septa-tuber, llll. (Um date on bib tb vatury" Mineral Claim, tltuate In the aid landa were old for overdue Ute . Hkwna Muriog Divtaton of Coat I DlatrlcL lou were Um atteated owner Ibertor. VU.n leeatwl tar Bear Lake, Surf ri'itTiitn TAkK auticc mat at tb nu-i fritkea Royal ttland. u mi Soap TIMBER SALE X 1033. tauM hum I thai! effect refltlrallon In pur rake MTICE ttat I, rred M. Well, light uuce of turn tppllealloa and taaua a rue Miner' Certioeate no. ituisc. lb Scaled lender will be received by tbe Ccc tineal or Indt reaaible TUU lo Ibe M i.,u mutboftaml aieel of Millard F. War. Milrlci loreuer. prince Hupert, B. a. not land In lb itarne or Anne Puffy unleal nn. rrve Minora CerllflcaU o. tlOUC, Uier than nuun on tbe tnl day ot January, you take tnd proaecute lb rrvier pro iia,ii.l. aitty daya trwn Ibe dale hereof, llll, lor Ibe tmrcbaae or Licence X toil. coed in it to eaublltn your claim, ir any i aiH'iy lo Um Mining Recorder lor. a said laud, or to prevent tucb , i n, ai of laiprovemenlt. for Um pur U lb pro tut T.OOo UiMtl reel or cedar PUe on to ll'e Vln4 In dan kanJa. A tS,0OQ there ,,i ibttintng a Crenn Oram of eatb guarantee eay ' an area tlluated oa Wwi Snore, Hunter pneed anion on my part p tb Land Off.. in.- ahuvd rlaliut. Follow dlreetloae. la nut n parttele of adulterant bland, liumtxr Pataare, um t, Coaal I)AT 1 1) it liestttry uuiricl Prime Ituperi. B. C tbit lib day of Sep Mi rt ltrilER TAKE S0T1CK that 10. Sold at all grocer. r Impurity 1A SunUgnt Staap. , tm,ii aeetlon 11. mutt be com UU une (1) jear wtu be allowed for re trtubee. A. D. IS IT. Pioval or limber. IL P. MACUOD, i brf.irc tbe Haue of ucb Certtfictl rurtber particular or in Cbiaf rwreater. Diatrltt netu-ftr or Tine ' iuipMerueula, Iblt Sltb day ot Uciuber. X. D. Vlriori. To Robert Muniuck, CATtU n. C, or Plilrltl rrir, Trlnce L'tq., nupert, B, C Oil Ill liobaon $U, Vancouver, B. t . HIT. ItO