L IS lis tow . v- .Mthf 3... WW . 2" .;s-eis 1 t"ir 1 "f-iliJv w 1 .'rM. v 1? J? 1 M PAGE $tVR TJIf nut.v jvcs I News of The Sport World j ATHLETICS MOVE UP Displace Detroit Tigers From Third Place in the American League Red Take Cellar In National CLEVELAND, June 9 By defeating the Cleveland Indians here yesterday, the Philadelphia Athletics advanced to third place In the American League standing ahead of the Detroit Tigers who dropped a close game to the New York Yankees at Detroit. The Washington Senators lost by a margin of one run to the Chicago White Sox at Chicago and the lead of the New York Yankees In the league standing was Increased to six full games. The three-way tie for cellar position In the National League was broken with the New York Giants going into sixth place by defeat-' lng the Cincinnati Reds who took undisputed cellar honors. The Phillies defeated the Pittsburg Pirates and captured seventh place. The Chicago Cubs Increased their margin of league leadership to one game and a-half by defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers at Brooklyn while the Boston Braves were losing to the St. Louis Cardinals in a slugfest at Boston. Yesterday's Big League scores were as follows: AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 3; Cleveland 1. , New York 5; Detroit 4. Washington 2; Chicago 3. Boston 4; St. Louis 11. NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 2; New York 9. Chicago 7, Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 15; Boston 8. Pittsburgh 10; Philadelphia 11. FOOTBALL HOME OIL vs. REGIMENT TONIGHT, 6:30 Baseball Standings American League W. L. . Pet.! New York 34 14 .708 Washington 29 21 580 Philadelphia' 28 22 i5 Detroit ..26 21 Cleveland .27 24 .531 St. Louis .24 24 .500 Chicago 17 30 .365 Boston 9 38 .191 National League Chicago ..JO 19 .612 Boston 3S 21 .583 Pittsburg Si 21 .521 St. Louis 23 24 .485 New York 21 25 457 Brooklyn . 24 28 .462 Philadelphia 23 28 451 Cincinnati . 23 30 .434 BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 10 S. O. C. vs. Empress. June 13 Elks vs. S. O. C. June 17 Elks ys. Empress. June 20 Empress vs. S. O. C. June 24 S. O. C. vs. Elks. June 27 Empress vs. Elks. July 1 8. 0. C. vs. Empress. July 4 Elks vs. S. O. C. July 8 Elks vs. Empress. July 11 Empress vs. S. O. C. July 15--S. O. C. vs. Elks. vs. Young EmDress. On His High Horse Gene Raymond, one of filmlands' best riders, said recently that If he weren't tied down by his movie contract, he would ride his horse. Glory, m the Olympic Games. American Lady Gofers in England June 19 Young Empress vs. Young Elks. Jane 22 Young Elks vs. Young Son of Canada. June 26 Young Son of Canada vs. Young Bmprew, . June 23 Young Empress vs. Young Elks. GUARANTEED TUt Wkite Scat, i, AUtk.i mr aLrrd ky rtu IApr Control Mnf or ktUfUmumnmimlmBnlttk Clii. - July 3 Young Elks vs. Young Son of Canada. July 6 Young Sons of Canada vs. Young Empress. July 10 Young Empress Young Elks. July 13 Young Elks vs. Young I Sons of Canada. TANCOUVER AVI I EAT Senior Football "vs. VANCOUVBR, Juno 9: Wheat was quoted at M'Ac on the local exchange today. NO IIALinUT IN I No boats being. In with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the I local fish exchange this morning. June 9Hom Oil vs. Regiment. June .14 Merchants vs. Home Oil. 4. iVi4 ' -v 4 r Anvr.nTisiNn cofy ' MUST RE IN EARLY Copy for display ndvertlse- men tt -should be In the hands of the" printers not later than 3 pin, the day prior to publl cation. ThU ,U necessary to en able best positions to be se 1 cured. HIGH WINS JR. TITLE QAiilnr Ilrtvc Tnln Kwnnil 1 1 n 1 f nf ! Season as They Did First In the Junior Football fixture last evening King Edward Man. School win over Booth Memorial! School by a three to nil score after ! a very keenly contested game and inereDy won tne second nan 01 mei Junior League schedule. High! School having also won the first half, there will be no play-off. I The game right from the start was well worth seeing. High was out to avenge its defeat In the last match with the east-enders while Booth was hopeful of repeating the ' previous win. Both teams were at) lull strength. The first half was evenly fought out with Gay In goal . for Booth turning In a splendid game. There was no score at half time but, In the second half, San-1 turbane headed a first goal from a 1 corner kick and later Wilson added two. Oay saved a penalty kick ta-, ken by ivarson. Booth Gay; Eby, Ritchie; Gillis, Gomez, Fulton; DeMarco, Lear, Colussl, MacDonald, McMeckin. ; High Morgan; Fisher, Naka-! mo to: Kirkendall, Cromp. Faw; Santurbane, Christlson, Ivarson, : Wilson, Dungate. j For Booth School Gay, SfcMee , kin, Rltehle,. Eby. Gomez and Co- lussi were best while Cromp and Faw were "Outstanding for High School. J. Johnston refereed. Canada enjoys leadership in the largest inland seaport at Montreal H EX TO V3QA & O : American golfers stroll about the lodge at Wentworth. Mrs. Glenna Collett Varo. Miss Holllns, Mrs. Cheney. Mrs. Hill, Miss Van Wie, Mrs. Hlghe. Mlsi Hicks and Miss Orcutt Revised Schedule Of Intermediate Baseball League June 12 Young Elks vs. Young 80ns of Canada. June 15 Young Sons of Canada Final Shipment Of Free Bulls Thirty-One Animals Placed In Interior Under Government Policy PRINCE GEORGE, June 9f T. Q. Stewart passed through Prince George on Tuesday of this week with the fourth and last consignment of purn-bred bulls to be de livered under the Dominion govern ment bull leaning policy this year. The last two shipments were dis tributed as follows: one Holsteln to Teikwa; onf Holsteln to Quick; one Shorthorn f Nadlna River; three Shorthorns to Fraser Lake; two! Shorthorns 10 McBrtde. I Of the 35 bulls placed with farmers In B. c under iho policy this year, 31 wei located in thVrilstrlct lying betwi n Red Pasr an'di ,tei kwa, three t Blackpooi fan the Ca; nadlan Natiunal line between Kam- J loops and Clue River and one was.! placed at Brigade Like a few miles .south of Kumloom The bull dls-; rlbuted an all of miUlflndlnjc merit In breeding and type and Jihould go :i long way In the Improvement of the livestock of the jdlstrlcts In which they am located. , Qanada enjoys unique leadership , ffl lir fflrmlnn wrrwliintlriti frnin K-l I COO fur farms. PASSING OF PAT CLUNE Veteran Employee of, Gran by Co, Dies at Anyox Had Broken Back Years Ago But' ' Recovered ANYOX, June 9: Patrick Clune, who spent 22, years in the employ of the Grunby Co. as a hard rock miner, first at Phoenix and lar-r here, passed away at the Anyox General Hospital on Tuesday of last week. The' funeral took place at Alice Arm on Sunday under the auspices Of the Anyox Elks' Lodge of which deceased was a charter member. Born In Ireland 62 years ago, Mr. Clune was mining in the boundary country during the boom days of the 90's. It was in the Phoenix district in 1902 that his back was broken in an accident at the Skylark mine between Oreenwood and Phoenix. Miraculously -enough, he recovered from this usually fatal This advertisement Is not published or displayed u Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia injury and subsequenUy enjoyed .50 came to Anyox a; good health although suffering a'o Ron to fail in 1U2'.i . considerable deformity. Some yearj Ailfi Arm ..hue h : after this accident he Joined the l.- final illness ma Mr Oranby Co. at Phoenix and years rc brin ,- him to hospr S ..- MAIL COURIER "As a Mail Courier who .smokes a lot, I alwayt carry Turret iiie tohaeeo on my rounds and when I nlop, as like as not, the farmer comes out with his pipe and enjoys a fill of this good tohaeeo. At first, some of them imagined it vas a very expensive hrand and were astonished when I told them how little- it costs. They all buy and smoke Turret pipe tobacco now, because Ife. aiul t. MM-lrofrf tltrntt In H-p"1""' rr--(o lint. it is a tohaeeo with a difference' Enough said!" ' TrWT'ttt"17Tr pipe JL U At, MASEa m. T O K A c c A good, cool smoke s0 Pipe tested Turret tne rut for than who roll their oirn Teamwork , tliey can depend upon this malt over and over again. Have your dealer deliver BUD. WE1SER and'watch BUDWEISER deliver the goods. Biuhvcistf M.ilT Teamwork between a Malt and its user is absolutely ncccs sary to get results. Because it is made by and or ex pertt, BUDWEISER users know Budweiser MALT AN II EU S ER.BUSCH ST. LOUIS If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office I- 1