Lowest Price in 15 Years FPU If AH All Jet Vn uuvo fSBsffl. TP A im mm "Fresh from the Gardens" . v.. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m. : i v ss. Catala 1 30 p.rr : iv sv pr. Cjkxjrf' 10 p.n. , .- Pnn. Adelaide lo an? t'ardena .... midnight :a ss. Prtn. Norah p.m .J ss. Prin. Loiit p.m. I t Vancouver . my -ss. Catala pjn. s Pr. Qeorge li. 30 a.m. r ss. Cardena pjn. Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. '' ss. Prln Louise a m ss. prln. Louise a m. For Nan Hlvcr aiMl Fort Simpwj . s. CaUla . 8 p.m. From N Mvtr & Port Hlroi'""' 1 mv ss. Catala 11:30 am For sti nart and Anjwx ' ss. Catala 8 p.m From stmarl ami Anyox T f (., - ss. Catala 1130 ajn. :;s ss. Pr. Ocorge .. 8 pan F 0 ran Fall M u v -ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pm. Tmi .is. Pr. Oeonte 10 pjp. F: iv ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pin From Orcan IaIU V s.s Pr Ororgc 10 30 am ' . s Cardrna pm. Ss Prinrpss Adel.Ude p.m. From Queen 1'liarlolte Islands- Real Bargains!! For voiir brurfiL Don't forget M assail- m. lie it responsible for bring-In. vour high cost of living down. AH he atks is your loyal support. li ' :mr PoUtoes A-l QQo J7t71' P.-sack n,ba 25c Kii ih.irb For preserving utt OC 1 ; milking wine. 7 lbs. (, i pIcsn cabbage 25C 3 Fresh Eggs and 'jP i H) Bacon, for Cl"i"!ate Bars For your 9f indiy treat, 10 for Bin Ribbon Malt Extract- QOo :i ii) Un. plalr . .. Bl'"' Ribbon Malt Ex- Cf 00 ?UU ' t. Hop flavored G"k1 for making your own beer Piilmolive Beads For fine Ogo '"mdcrlng. 4 pkts. Ji" kie Coogan Cookies fitf f,ll I J ' '"pnnr mui. i pa.i'- 'iiiDrew Indo-Ceylon Tc,i. 3d hi. , V -U si.oo Tils is a good buy tea is going up fast Mussallem's Cash & Carry Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" s9 Third Avenue-Phone 18 & 3C0 tU TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship Sailings June 22 -ss. Pr. John a.m. For Quern Charlotte Islands j June 10 and 21 ss. P John 10 pjn. i For Alaka- j Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 3 pjn. June 13 ss. Prin. Norah am. June 17 ss. Prin. Louise ain. June 27- -ss. Prln. Louise -im From Alaska June 18 ss. Prln. Norah pjn C-N.U. TRAINS For the Cast Mondays, Wedmsdays and Fri days ' 3 pjr. From thf East Tuesdays. Thurscays ana,8atui days 10:40 am Week-End Specials Swifis' Fresh Picnic Ham 1 9s X small sue. lb. Malsins Best Spinach 2s ggQ 2 uns Malkin's Best Spices M 25 C 3 tins Malkin s Best Extract 9 0 C Vanilla or Lemon, bottle"' Globt Lunch Tongue l's OEn per tin Robertson's Chocolate 1 5C 7 bars - Jccklkt Honey dOp 2',-lb. tin - rtogers' Syrup- 45f! 5-lb. tin -.. ligcr 8llced Plneaplti rs og( 2 tins - Fieth Cheddar Cheats "u 25C 1-lb. pkg Ensign Strawberry 3ua gQp 4-lb. tin B. & K. Pastry Flour 45C 10-lb. sack I2;gs Fresh. Firsts SOf 3 dOS. : . Frawr Valley Pure Creamery Butter 100 B. C. Product 55C 2 lbs B. C. Strawberries Arriving 1 gp Friday, per basket Vakncl Oranges 95C 5 dos. Phone Your Order We Deliver Alberta Market . OAMULA. P-oprfetor Iflh Street Phone Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTKL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. 1'1-H DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphunt tHI LOCAL NEWS $1.00 for your old Electrical Appliance when traded In on a new Hotpolnt Iron, Toaster, Percolator at Gordon's Hardware, McBride St j Mrs. A: Currlc of Claxton was an I overnight visitor to the cltv, having arrived by gasboat from the Skecna River yesterday afternoon. Mrs. James Denholme and young child will sail by the Prince John tomorrow, night for their home at Tlell after having spent several weeks hi the city. W. II. Tobey, C. N. R. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on this mornings train from a brief trip over the line on Inspection duties. John Currle & Son have started on the construction of a bungalow court on the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and McBride Street. There will be four separate dwellings in the unit. Frank Waterhouse freighter Bast-holm, Capt. Henry Porritt, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning with aarM of powder.' After discharging, the vessel will proceed to Port Alice to load pulp and paper for Vancouver. Miss Kate McKay of Borden Street School teaching staff left on Monday for Calgary where a married sister died a few days ago. leaving a widower and children. Mrs. James Farquhar will complete Miss McKay's duties for the term at Borden Street School. W. V. Stewart, chief of the Vic toria fire department, who is paying a .brief visit to the city, was thexfcker today at the regular weekly luncheon oi the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe. President O. II. Munro was In the chair. W. V. Stewart, chief of the Victoria lre department, who paid an official visit to Klncolith Preoep-tory of KnsghU Templar here last night In his eapacity as provincial grand prior fr BriUJh Columbia. will, etf bythe"PrinW Oeerge W-night on his return to the J. J. Payne if Fraeer ic Payno Is feared to have broken bis collar bone as a result of an accident at Dlgoy Island last evening. Th" Injury was sustained when Mr. Payne slipped on a sidewalk and caught a ratling whkh gave way. falling fifteen feet to che ground below. Mr. A. L. Pritchard. who arrived In the city from M&ssett Tuesday night, will sail tonight on the ss. Prince George for Vancouver. Dr Pritchard will return tomorrow night on the Prince John to Mas- sett Inlet where he Is engaged in scientific research tor the Biological Board of Canaad. C. 8. Gsowskl. chief engineer ot construction for the Canadian Na tional Railways with headquarters 'in Montreal: Mr. Hills, anotner I member of the engineering depart-! ment, and F. B. Tapley, engineer of maintenance of way, Edmonton, arrived in the city on this morniiui'ti train in the course of a western tour and left by way freight this afternoon on their return east. City of Prince Rupert Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the property known as the "Holmberg House,'' situate on Lot 8. Block 8. Sec. 2. The committee will require a reasonable initial payment and thereafter monthly payments. D. J. MATHESON. (St i Purchasing Agent. Announcements Eagles' Social Dance June 10, Ladles refreshments. Gentlemen S& Cadets Tag day Saturday, June H. Eastern Star Tea June 15. Salvation Army Sale ot work June 18. Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, Jtuv 20 Presbyterian Missionary Tea on .July 6. Friday Special New Line Cheddar QCp hcese, each Munro.Bros. CL.D.L. Dance Fri. 10th, 9 pjn. Gents 25c. Ladles refreshments 835 2nd Ave. West;. ... Merely routine business was taken up last . night at a general meetine of the lftSftl Canadian Le gion. Presljlent WlSlam Wilson was in the cHifr."" Ml. J. W. Collier will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver where she will receive medical treatment at St. Paul's Hospital following a recent operation. Miss Bernlce Ross of the Prince Rupert General Hospital undergraduate nursing staff sailed yesterday afternoon, on the Prince George for a hoiday trip to The . Canadian Legion, at Its meeting last nlghfc decided to hold a picnic at usual wis summer. The date will be set sy Che executive which will have general arrangements in hand. Mr. and Mrs J. Shields of An-yox will be passengers aboard the Prince George this evening bound from the smelter town to Vancouver whence they will proceed to Cobalt, Ontario. The Canadian Australian Lin-motorshlp Hauraki. after loadlnv cargo at' Vancouver and Now Westminster, has come up the coast this week to complete cargo fo Australia with paper from Powcl River and Ocean Falls. James Michle Of Winnipeg, assis tant fire prevention engineer fo the Canadian National Railway: and W. A. AMJceh. fire lnspectoi Vtnnipeg, who have been spending a few days here on official duties will sail on ine Prince George to night for Vancouver. Aits i &i Kf a m, .n.t asuxuxaz Savings on YOUR PANTRY NEEDS MALKIN S BEST TEA per lb 4Qc HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS Arrow, Cellowrapt per lb. pkg. QUAKER CORN FLAKES 2 pkgs HALVED PEACHHB Lynn Brand. Natural Flavor per tin JHOICE APRICOTS Aylmer. No. 2 tins, per tin PHONE 53 IS Red Red 22c 17c Valley 17 c 17c CORNED BEEF Ubby's -f ETp No. 1 tins, per tin w PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel i Cp Brand. Bulk, per lb. MALKIN'8 BEST MARMALADE- Australlan or Seville AO per 4-lb. tin SANTA CLARA PRUNES OC Nice sine. Fresh stock 3 bs UUKy FINE ONTARIO CHEESE OAo ner lb MANY FLOWERS SOAP A quality Toilet Soap 4 bars CHATEAU or KRAFT CHEESE, prr Vlb. pkg. AYLMER PORK & BEANS 2's, 3 tins ... PEAS Sieve 4. Garden Brand. 2 tins TOMATOES Aylmer No. 2 tins, per tin SPINACH Malktn Best No. 2 tins, per tin GRANTHAM'8 FJtUIT Sweetened, Orange or Lemon, per bottk k CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT 25c 17c 25c 19c 10c 16c JUICE- 25c Seedless and Julfty 2SC Se lis for your FVesh Fruits and Vegetables. iVe carry a complete stock and our prices are right. Ar. riving every boat. Watts Grocery PHONE Bfi "THE STORE OF PLENTY" 'i:ai:BT8i:ali',a';a,rK:RB;i:B,ri,KiB:aiii A delicious in every pa Li recipe ckage ikuSSflBBBBBBBBDrl i V Your favorites . . Christie's Graham Wafers . . . now put ;-up,'.fqr.yp.ur prdtefoByfi1 new package whicnkeeps them fresher, crisper and more delicious than ever,' Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Itepalrcrs for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlngMachlnery Bepalrcd and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts For qutek returns Try iv Want Advertisement. tnrist :ies Graham Wafers Plumbing Prices Reduced Why Send Out of Town For Plumbing Goods? 4-Plece Plumbing OutJit Complete with QQt trimmings $0 Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced from $1.50 to $1.25 per hour Smith &Mallctt Ltd. Phone 171 P.O. Box 271 COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta Si Dulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat, Oats Sz Darley, Pratta Baby Chick Food, Seeds St Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 558 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED StmuKTs iftv Prince Rupert lor Vancouver: P.S.S. r.TAI.. EVCRV TI ESDAY. 1:39 P.M. Via WavpoiulA. arriving vanccuver Thursday ajn. J.hJi. CAKIIKNA KVEKY IKIIIAY MIllMdIIT. Arrlvtns Vancouver Sunday midnight, appro. WeUr tailing to Port Simpson. Alice Arm, Anyox. Stewart and Naaa River points Sunday. 8 pa Further Information regarding all aa'll ' and ticket at 1'HINCE RIPKRT AGENCY: 8eeond A venui-. Thane SMI. TAKE KLIM ALONG and YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE FRESH MILK! NO matter how far from the beaten track your journey takes you how far into the bush along untrodden trails you can always have a supply of pure, fresh milk, if you include Klim in your dunnage. For Klim is milk milk in convenient powder form, from which only the water has been removed. The replacing of that water gives you pure, fresh, full cream milk again whenever you require it Klim is compact and easily carried a 5-lb. tin makes 16 quarts of rich milk. Klim does not sour in the dry form, even after the tin is opened. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS, LIMITED IIS Gtorit Strctt Totonta COUPON Cinidlin Milk Company, Llmittd, 111 Grt St. Toronto. Ptctti lend mi Irrt booklet, "Camp Cookiaf." Stmt Aiitat Early Ad. Copy is appreciated