Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides j Friday, June 10, 1932 prince Rupert Overcast, llfht High 4:49 a.m. 175 ft. - westerly wind; barometer, 3052; 18:09 pjn. 17.3 ft. . temperature, 58; sea smooth. Low 11:38 ajn. 4.5 ft, " NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V()l XXIII., No. 135 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS FLOWIA OF PLANES COMING HERE CARL FkmCKS ACQUITTED AT KAMLOOPS OF MURDER Ad m truiii i arted at B; ccntly at auct A Surprise Package Illlil.'i :, :. x-k. : i . A cl' en. I.oi.'i'.v .pried is - ul hard stuff. BEAT TARIFF INTO STATES fco arrived here Tuesday ana loading a cargo of several thousand tons of bltaler copper for United States ports This Is a special trip and Is presumably for the purpose of getting the copper Into the 8tatea prior to the UnposlUon of the duty. TOItONTOjIAS ronto Ratepayers V BIO 'DEFICIT TORONTO. June 9: Aid. II L. Rogers, addressing uw i predicted that the city of To . n: .1 : Ole wore un-jlc: bui!".t them re-oli lid got iwenty Five Flying Boats Land On Skeena River on Way To Liard Gold District Expedition Financed By Detroit and Toronto Syndicate doing Into Scurvy Creek $50,000 Has Been Subscribed Por Undertaking LEAVE FOR PRINCE RUPERT Canadian Oovermneat Telegraphs HAZELTON, June 9 :-Fivc f lying boats from Detroit left here at 2:15 this afternoon for Prince Rupert fthcrc before proceeding to the Liard thcy will pay a brief visit River district to engage in prospecting. HAZELTON, June 9:-A flotilla of five Detroit flying boats, on their way to Scurvy i eeK m me hn TiriHah Cnlumb a-Yukon border where they will be used by a syndicate of Detroit and Toronto men m proa-'Iia i.Q,i n th. Skeena River here at S . iY r... .un.r nnrfwt andines in the BWift OCIOCK JUKI efllinn, iiianmhr- - ,. which Iff nirinif water. Trie planes, whbu had made a two -hour stop ai trams Lake on their way hen?, expect to remain at Hazelton lor a coupie oi H.wt hPfnre continuing their flight north along the Yukon Telegraph trail. . . I Th. nartv is headed by J H bmv Steamer (Jriffco Loading Several jman deBjgner and builder of the Thousand Tons at Anyox flying boats which are doiiir useo. . j Each plane is being navigated by a ANYOX. June 9: -Steamer uru- Canadian pilot. Thp syndicate which is financing the expedition has subscribed $0,-000 for the purpose. CROPS ARE IMPROVED 1 l i . ; if. Hopeful Report Issued by Govern- nient All Prairie uuiricis ut Beneficial Rains 1 OTTAWA. June ine woinm- t4.4. et 'r 'il"'.'vv "ins n.... nf atattaUM has Issued PASSES IN VICTORIA Late Andrew Wright, Aged 73, Was Candidate for I'rovincial Party in 1921 VICTORIA. June 9 Andrew Wright, aged 73, who came here .ram Winnipeg in 1905, died on Wednesday. He was born in Scotland and In 1924 was an unsuccessful candidate for the provincial Party in the provincial LESS GRAIN IS SHIPPED Falling Off in Exports From United States Shown by Statement of Commerce Department WASHINGTON. D.C June 9:- The Department of Commerce has released figures showing that grain j exports last week from the United! States totalled 1,568,000 bushels as against lW.OO bushels In the previous week and 4.14U0OQ bushels in flhVcbVresporffllnt week last year. Canadian grains exported last week from United States port totalled 585.000 bushels as against 781.000 bushels the previous week while exports of flour were 71,000 barrels as against 57.000. SCALING IS PICKING UP Volume of Output Increasing As Season Advances Although This Year Is Still Behind Last Although not yet coming up to last year's figures, timber sealing In Prince Rupert forestry district Is beginning t show a distinct Increase In volume as compared with earlier months in the year. In May Ms year log sealing totalled 7,-761320 boar dfeet as against 9,350.-990 board feet In the same month last year. So, far this year scaling have reached a total of 12.493,327 board feet as against 22.246.341 board feet In the first five months of 1931. Spruce scaling for May thlt year show a considerable Increase over those In May 1931. Log seallngs In May this year by ; pedes were as follows, figures for May last year also being for pur- xMes of comparison: May 1932 Doard ft. Douglas Hr 21.642 Cedar 131.386 Spruce 444035 flemlock 2.C80.142 Balaam 778,113 Miscellaneous I month last year. May 1931 Doard ft. 8,118 950,002 3.771,004 3,690,330 930,21 585 Totals 7,751,820 9,350,280 Timber Products Output of timber products this year in the interior Is still lagging behind that of 1931. Pole and pile production for May this year am ounted to-20,197 Uncial1 feet of which 9.38t lineal feet was in cedar and 10,800 lineal feet in Cordwoo'd for this May amoun- f AJRMWn. tmi w.T tn 19, d. hi awlnst 122 . ' i hjjpnrds In Mav 1931. ronto was likely to have a de- .n with Va7ly every I" this May 17,190 hewn Jack licit Of $11,580,000 at the end p alrle praM TJJ t, we of 193X. 1" . . , i.aht Rhnwprs to ! Dared with 129.750 In the same Raps Bankers SLAM AT Third Trial For Youne Hon H H Sv ns. niOii-er of trade ana commerce. CONFIDENCE INjHERRIOT Chamber of Deputies in Favor of New Premier PORIS. June 9 Premier Edou-ard Herriot was given a mandate Wednesday to represent French Interests at the Lausanne repara tions conference by an overwhelming vote of confidence in the Chamber of Deputies. NEW TRAINS NEXHVEEK Will Be Three Full Passenger Trains and Three Mixed Trains Each Way Per Week Effective on Monday next, the six trains a week service of the Canadian National Railways to and from Prince Rupert will come Into force. The summer service will bring full passenger trains In here at 1:30 Monday. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons while full passenger trains will leave at 13:30 noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. On Sunday, Thursdays and Fridays mixed trains will arrive from the east at 11 o'clock at night, leaving for the cast Tuesdays. Thurs days and Fridays at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Part cloudy. light southeast wind; barometer. 3024; temperature, CO; light chop. Triple Island Part cloudy, calm, sea smooth. ROYAL BETROTHAL IS EXPECTED SOON LONDON, June 9:Accord- Ing to a dispatch from Brussels to the Dally Mall the vlstt of King Albert and Queen Eliza- beth. who. left Wednesday for London, may result in the be- i VJsW 4- trothal of their second 'son, Prince Charles), to the daugh- ter of a British Duke. MH. tttt H BANKERS i r II. II. Stevens Thinks Technical Experts Should Have as Much Say in Industry OTTAWA, June 9: Hon. H, II. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, addressing the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, at the annual convention here, demanded that technical experts should have an equal voice with bankers in control of Industry and denounced the type of financier who ovlr-capitalized corpora-tions for his own benefit. COMMITTEE Ontario Government to Receive Assistance From Newly Formed Body, Premier Announces TORONTO, June 9: Premier Henry, implementing .. promises to the municipalities, hat announced the personnel of the new provincial relief eonunHte which JkeadeiLhx. W. R. Campbell of Windsor as cnairman. The committee will advise the government in dlstribuUon of re lief in all parts of the province PRINCIPAL PUT DOWN Rev. Thomas Eakln, Principal of Knox College, Demoted and Prof. Morrow Retired LONDON. Ont. June 9: The Oeneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In Canada has passed a recommendation to retire Prof. E. Lloyd Morrow of Knox College, Toronto, and demote Principal Thomas Eakin. Rev. Robert Johnston of Ottawa, Moderator of the ' Assembly, was named acting principal of Knox College to succeed Rev. Thomas Eakln. THORNTON PREDICTS Declares That New Order of Things Generally Will Come Out of Depression BOSTON. Mass.. June 9: 8lr Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Railway, de livered the commencement address at the Massachusetts Iastttute of Technology, predicting that, out of present economic condition, would emanate a new social, political and financial structure. Conservative Wins Contest Dululch Camber well, Tory Stronghold, Elects Bracewell Smith In By-election LONDON. June 9 Bracewell Smith. ConservaUve. won Dulwtch Camberwell by-election with a ma jority of more than 8'flOO over fcis neareet Liberal veimun nzzuuz in ins Freedom Being Won Had Faced Jury Twice Before and on One Occasion Death Sentence Was Passed Killing Occurred Two Years' Ago in Lonely North Country KAMLOOPS, June 9: Carl Fredericks, young German, was acquitted by a jury at the Supreme Court Assizes here yesterday afternoon on the charge of ing his two countrymen and prospector companions, man Peters and Max Westphal, in the lonely Trembleurf Lake country in the Ommeca district in the summer pf. ON RELIEF Sir Henry Thornton ggggHsfBsSt' lB IssKSgHP Sees new order of things following present wnrld crisis. YOUTHS TO Four Years' Imprisonment and Ten Strokes Imposed Upon Two Young Victoria Bandits VICTORIA. June 9: Eugene V. Colley. aged 17. and Robert John Martin, aged 18. perpetrators of a number of robberies here recently, were sentenced to four years' imprisonment each with 10 lashes by Magistrate Oeorge Jay tn city police court today. Complete Audit Is Ordered For Insul Interests CHICAGO. June 9: Federal lodge Lindley has announced the ordering of a complete audit showing every transaction, payment of money and transfer of stock of the lnsul utility Investments. British Squadron To Visit States Four Cruisers to Make Cruise of j United States Ports, State Department Announces NEWPORT. D.I.. June 9:-Statc Department authorities have notified the naval station here that opponent. C. T. Taylor. four Britten cruisers are expected The riding has always to visit United States waters this been a Conservative stronghold, summer. R .830. The trial here was the .third hat Fredericks had faced since, he. vas arrested nearly two years ago following the discovery by Indian, if the bodies of Peters and West-ihay In a rough grave several weeks after they had, apparently, been done' to death. In the first trial at Prince George he Jury disagreed but In the se-;ond, also at Prince George, Fred-Ticks was found guilty and sen-enced to be hanged. Fredericks being pennllesa, hi case, was then taken up" by a Vancouver charitable organization and a new trial was I obtained, the venue being chahged ! from Prince George to, Kamlobpl Chief Justice Aulay Morrison' was the presiding Judge nt the trial I here. ' ' jSTEAMSHIP ! MAN DEAD Body ofH. E. Van Presley, Manager. oi Alaska Meamsnip Co., round With Bullet in Head SEATTLE, June 9: An all day! search ended last night with the: findlne of the bodv of B. E. Van UE? I A QUI? ia "k aged 42, general manager jDjLi Ij1Ol1laU of the Alaska Steamship Co.. slumped beside a tree in the woods nearby with a bullet wound in his head and a pistol lying by his side. Van Presley returned to Seattle several weeks ago from a business trip to Alaska. He had been Under severe strain and appeared to hoc on the verge of a nervous breakdown. HELD IN KILLING Duncan Man Died After .Being Struck In Face Wm. Corriey Is Atrested DUNCAN. June 9 William Cor-ney of Cowkhan Lake Is being held by the provincial police here on a charge of manslaughter as a result of the death of Louie 'Martin. Russian, whom he Is alleged 'o have struck in the face on e GARNER PLAN IS f PASSED BY HOUSC i WASHINdTbtf.'b.C.. June 9 : Democratic representatives In the House over-rode the Rp- publican attempt to obtain sanction of President Hoover's relief program and approved the plan of Speaker John' K.' Garner for relief of the unem ployed.