,.lBe 0, 1932 THE DAltT p(!.., CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT rft for alr and, all i4her small advertisements in this section rhargrd at the rate of 2 cents "word P" Insertion with six InserlUns for the price of four. Ity the month the charge Is 25e a word. ' No advertisement taken for less than 50c. l?IA-v; :.CEH' FOR SALE TRANSFERS , s Transfer Phone 171, Birch. Cedar and Jaek tfi ,T TRANSFER- Wood for iricrs reasonable. Phoir 009 PM'ERIIANGING PperhanK'mg, Kalsomining and Painting f: Uiat will suit you I none Rod 318 C. Bene The AUCTIONEER Li rratlng Wrappmi : (Mnrr;il Furniture Rrpairs I mi- Roods with me CEO. J. I'aWES Phone BUcW 12 AUCTIONEER Ut four toods with us Prince Kuprrls leading AucUourer G. M. HUNT ltd Ave Phone Ited Ml Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Hose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes forr. spondence on live topics of the day or any other sublet ot publlo Interest, but lt-tof must be brief and to the point. The long-winded cor-"MMndent has no place In BiiKiurn Journalism. Evnry letter must be signed tV Ihn turltof tint tieCCfldftrily for publication but as y&il"Ji - it goofl jaUiind cWRsf: waste peV basket. Let-of a caustic character must have the signature np-'"'nikHl for publication. letter should be written on ,Jn side of the paper ony-Correspondents must avoid Wfsimallttesnnd the language nuld be such as would be al lowed in the ordinary rules pf CHIROPRACTIC , .do cheap. Phone Black t C. Aspinall - - - Three Year Oraduate Chiropractic ioouyear Tir at lower' . M,.in any mall order. Modern Ray Treatments Given K i.n Motors Ltd. Phone; Phone for Appointment FOR RENT IjjoOIKN ii.ur-roomea now. w SiXWJ nvwiuc rmw. lmR 1:INr Modern Iiai, itinai ii1'" . ..... ifi g;,, , Apply M" .. 1 p.-., 1 1 si Two or Feur-roomed ,ished, inodefn, Phone, p.' Lf j,,ti m dean well furnished 2 -room sue. j-aimer , s Phone Red 444. tf. firren 211 and S19 Open HventMCs v.,;t ,inT tt 5rr SHOE REPAIRS GET THE BEST IN WORKMANSHIP At the Same Price louis sniino Summer Resorts - - - SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic ' Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI CMl Wood Terrace,.H.U FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the .... .... novo liVIP WlrPW-1 l HV OvuM NAMfx Lakelse 1 JIlPISP Lake LHKC bhore OllUIU "THE DUNES" At Beautiful Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands Weal nmmt rVlTnd whlriTe &An ffpfa"? tne Ured butnaj thout danger. prclAl RATES FOR THIS SUMMER Vnvone visit. Here is cost per person: .k, fr for anyone tepaya W make it posalble $2Q iimnI and rotim tF 1 day8 18 HMtttn strarashlp tare - 2 ffir&JTS amriiom boat TBtol for Wdy: ; No .xtena"' Chticiten, " "TILLIE THE TOILER" Tl $40 u!-5-" P , - Write or Tcicgrap" ww-- LIGHTEN YOUR string CLEANING LABOltS Phone Red 802 (evenings) to ! .1. P. MOLLER ' I -for- ! Kalsomining, Painting - & Paper-hanging Uy pay or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES WATCHMAKERS IIUALI1I ailllf. ".. ( . , , , Send YOUP WfUCn, WOUl, 6 iOrnange m 318 Sixth Street Prince Rupert! I Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 324 Third Ave, Prince Itupert, IVC iThlrty Yaw Practical Experience! Asaurea Aoeoiuie oausi." OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU DAIRIES iFor FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 9 Quarts' or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from BuUdey Valley, i arms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 037 -OOYEItNMHNT III OK APT" KAtlw of AnotteUon for Osnaent Vo - Traii.icr of lf i.ii KM -KurV MltfUCliwf -iHO-Y HAMtiS - l a: if-. r ALL IT JL T Jt MAC'S FOLLY . that. on UK lector trZrSZSnM. situate L,-n Third AteMW WW. mow and Lodge ac. T'Z Close to Mineral Baths . . . I"?.1-"-. TiZT n nnwr: Land Apply V. S-.: Terrace. UjP -.S'V; TftoVince or Si n Kort'im Hot C4mny Ujn.u d of Prtnot Hupert. DrRtot Olumbla. in.- I"!?!?- . o.in ihi. n.h jbv of June, a.u. NORTHERN HOTEL OOMl-An. LIMITSO tASU ACT Nollce of Intuition to Apply to t t I anil Crt'. ... -w.. . Tn.rrl.l Oil TflKA nonr VISv wo. """liL J... i.tvWi t .dd1v for ttJimir t . port plant4 t' tr-e tMo BouUiMwrd y 8 5tX; thtrw northirtiy tonow- ill omnMawtunit MKt oonulnln 1 IbGmv, hum f w -.. 1UPBHIAL OIL LIMITED, '4 I bcWT EC 1 1.1V1B THAT V-- iSMB MAC ? A 5000 tw L, Loral, new laid, doz. .m.wj in! i 'io i i i Phone 98 - - - aasw BW l r n i t i rri i l i t TUI UnA Himm I raw icanfls nt rpnno kajhi nip ttnvp.n semems uu una msc livciy uj 1 I . - . . nnimrn intrrnTKTMPMT RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL, ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A LLAbaifitu auyiiq. . ' ' -' ' "rill i i ii "r JlT i .. , - mi m r w i - - - - - painters " Tup M ARKFT 'PS Sjvaiencia bir , - I 11 ILl WlrlUlll l.L,,, ton, tb ' 20 , LemoiM. Calif., large 30c to ......i. .35 r. in is and 18 : -iratvf mit. California. 5c to 10 Retail DHce current here at pre- n. . , ,h trir .,, 12U. riinnfi-. Mexten. each 25 sent are us follows: Deef roa$t prJme rib, lb 20 nhubarb, field, lb 0d Bullet f omh .hr.uMpr lb 20ltinnaiiaa. 2 lbs. 33 i Fancy cartoned, lb tieef. steak, lb. 25c to -SOl Aust. Almerla Grapes, lb 50 No. l Creamery. 3 lbs 5 r . lh . 30!.-.ri rank. CaL. Ibl 40 ! Flttr .tarrJJ chops, lb. 25c to .30 tetrawbcrrlea, B.C.. 2 baskets 55 ; Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat lWmtt0n. shoulder, lb - 15 ! Gooseberries, 2 lbs 25 ' Pastry Flour, lojhs, 50 Cottaee Rolls. H. ..... J! feed Aust. Pastry flour, 10 lbs ITsri Smoked Klopers, lb. Salmon, fresh, lb Halibut, lb 40 f i. .Ha IK 1 1ft inm iiii-iiiii. mat uiaui;. i ' : w. . . . . ...... ....... t n AlU.to 1 l.-i ,'mcon. side. sliced, best grade.. 2i uulkley Valley 115 '1. Pnrk shoulder, lb .15 1.75 .15 22 25 forx, hum, iu . pork, leg; lb. Veal shoulder, lb. Annie 20 150 Bran - ...... 155 F O' ork. .tlry salt, lb i0. ' 2 2o . 51 ma lings 21 . : nr awn Pnilota dra. : iu RC Fresh Firsts, doz. OjC. DAS. Fresh ' Extras, doz. : aortey 1 70 uayma - njmtfr Mloll 1M Newtons. fancy, box 33S Boef Scrap in'nwuinH 'cimi rf 1 , M Ho. .. . y.niinniiUHHni i The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all thc- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS " PAPER MILLS ; FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district the three Maritime Pro-vinces twice as large as of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia of sending it, and that is, there is only one way through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of tf I 1 I. ..i.'fhnfff if the country, ivo one can artora iu ue The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. 2 90 3.00 icr ii. ww"""'" ssn Dftto April 6, tana : - - ' I nn ILfA HM I iCA 1UU UUUU I ui wuw Ti ' mm a lit vu' c ' Aun r-A if-a - oft "BuBn Vouft cwm- V . -. niimi' 1 1 li i'vE sor L-OT of PRfZe MAMB9 FOB By Westover. 1 ( BUT I VMOULOT lijft. t O f -Tpb ' T III m PRtUT ir-r XiL ? t. t i ii i lit - a c -- i. v tt.yswiff'' t 4 V 1