n I I 111; I Imiit on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original tor Sale at Vrndora or dirrrt from "Mall Order Drpt " Liquor Control Board, Victoria, B.C. . - . . THE DAILY NgWB "AQ UIC to . . - Restore an Estate TELEPHONE 657 SKEINA IUIANI1 Lreamcry Butter & " J-offagc Cheese PASTEUHIZKII MILK ANI) CltEAM DAILY Ut' HfltwW Tl,rous,ot Ht,., le C tv I Ml- , . I kwav RE you among the thousands who have suffered from the great depression? Have you had to make a hurried survey of your financial position only to find that you are worth less by thousands of dollars than you were? Do you realize that death compels a liquidation of tecurities at current values? How can that situation be met? You can instantly restore your estate to a healthy basis by taking out more insurance. The sane way is to insure to the point of safely at least Over five hundred million dollars of life insurance was taken out in the Sun Life Company last year much of it by level-headed men who balanced their accounts by this simple method. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada H..dOrtiti MONTREAL S. J. (Sam) JABOUR F y, 015 Office No. 11, Smith Block Prince Rupert, B.C. Y rthern F ntative SUN LIFE m H m6C0c wllISKY I RICHEST IN FINEST ( AjfA m. HIGHLAND MALT B Vm C.nnl A Sea UmIimI UknlkMicb id W ; wBk BlvMiiM;itiiNwt Ihotilkrin. tKtt- M tuwa a (ilnw, Sroiltnd. Bfyml Vffil ni i mil nul.li-lu'il or ltii1a i-J lv tlu- Liquor ml i.r tlic I'.uvcrnniciit of l!ritih C'olmiibia. COAL! COAL! Satisfaction Buaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat. Oats & Barley, Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds. & Fertilizer. , Pnncfc RiiperC tki flo " I'MONE 53 & 558 nauripww'iuiaiiri!ww' I NION STKAAISIIIPS LLM1TKI) ' '-nnvei H Iravr rrlnce itvi r Tt lor Vancouver:- -VHX Tl llAV. 1 :.! I' l ""INA j;vi:itv ntlltAV Mil' "HIT. v'iic(iver Bunday mllivht. appro. i Port 8lmon, Alit Ann Anyox, Stewart and Na.ii nier point. Siiiway. pn. :,"M rrnardtoi all MI Hiid ticket at AlilA'fV: Srt'tmil Aent. I'liftlli SfiS. LOCAL ITEMS Grotto 'faxi. Phone 456 tf Put T7nfA CV r. . m I I i X and chUdrcn's twear. lpl I Rillable Messenger. Phone 131. ay or Night. Stand Besner Blocir tt Mrs. w. Ilagcn of Copper City Is paying a brief business visit to the city, having arrived from the interior on yeoterday'g train. '"Sprint footwear of all kinds at surprisingly low prices at Cut Rate Shoe Store. 101 Bring your Painting Problems to us. We will save you money. Gordon's ..Hardware. McBrlde St. Phone 311. tf Provincial Constable Wm. Har rison, of Cloyah Bay, tailed on tfee Princo Oeorf e last night tor a trip ; to Vancouver en escort duty. ; Why pay high price when you can get the same for less at Cut Hate Shoe Store? i CPA. steamer Princess Adelaide j Capt. S. K. Gray, Is due in port at 1 4:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her re- turn to Vancouver and waypolnts. I - J. C. K. Edwards, who has been in the employ of the Oranby Co. ti Anyox for trie past two years, ar-1 rived In the city on the ss. Prince j George last night from the smeltr; town on his way to his home a', Shuttle Island at Lockeport. Runr.in ''hoes, lowest prices, at Store. highest quality. Cut Rate 8h 101 ' Mrs. W L. Sandlson and Mrs. Lawrence Harrow and chile1 loft o this aft-irnmii i trun forMonv rfrl where they will embark on Miy 6. uboard the .nsamer Athenla to vl.Mt their native homn In j Scotland. Mrs. Sandlson goes to the 8hcUand Islands while Mrs. IUI-cow will go to Glasgow. KINDLING rilEE ' The Seat Core Transfer will give to any customer who buys a cord of wood, stove length, a sack of klndlin:; fret. This offer is made for on week only. Phone Grern 609. 106 FAMILY MEAT i MARKET Roat of Beef. 6 lbs. Braid's Tea. 1 lb. Roust of Veal, 5 lbs. Braid s Tea, 1 lb. Roust of Pork, 5 lbs. Braid i Tea. 1 lb. Roasting Chicken per lb Spare Rips, 2 lbs. Kraut lb. Corn Bef pcr.;Bi. Pickl4ork per lb. PHONE 357 ! Prime Rib Rolled' Roast of Beet, per lb. $1.00 $1.00 S1.00 25c 30c 10c 10c 20c :LTH WINTER SAILINGS From Trine lliiprrt for Van routrr, rntlliiR at Ocean Falls and r 11 ltlvrr 10.00 p.m. ThnrMlajt For Anyo and Stewart 4.00 p.m. Wednesday Forlnlahtly erlee to Quen Cliarlotle Island. Particulars -on requet. TKAIN SEHVICK IVoeilStr traina Jea ,l'rine'. lluirt ijonlays. WeIiieday : ....iifriilTva i;(lliontoii, point F.'t. at 3)0, p.m.'' for.;. Winnipeg and fW (formation rail r writ hiral fill ar ii. MoKWKN.w.r. ar.A. rlnr Knprt. B.C. Canadian Blafional Saturday Special Little White Beans Ofn 6 lb, for Munro Bros. Before buying see the shoe bargains at the Cut Rate Shoe Store. JO) A. G. Birch of Vanderhoof ii paying a brlf visit to the city, having arrived from the Interior on yesterday's train.- Miss A, Mcnzlos, missionary teacher at Klsplox, lelt by .this afternoon's train on her return to the Interior after a ten-day visit in town. The management of the Dollar Store wishes to thank the citizens of Prince Rupart and vicinity tor their support during the past seven years and hope to be given the opportunity of further serving them at their new place of business. 102 FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be receiver, by th undcrjtgned to Monday the 9th May, for old city Packard Truck now at corner of 8th and Dunsmulr. D. J. MATHPSON. Purchasing Agent mm L No better corrective exists today for IAD COMPLEXION and ACID STOMACH Sold evrryu hrrt (n Carter's kphxs Mm.ua.aj.BZU!iMx ax& m su bukiks MONEYSAVERS for Friday & Saturday PRUNES Medium size No. 2 pkgs. per pkg ..U o 1uA per 1-lb. pkg. RICE KRISPIE8 per pkg QUAKER CORN per tin SHELLED WALNUTS Light pieces, per lb 3WANSDOWN-For better cakes, per pkg QUICK QUAKER OATS per pkg. 19c SOc 11c 10c 29c 29c BAKER'S COOKING CHOCOLATE 26c MALTED MILK TOFFEE per lb. 25c DINGER SNAPS-Red Ar- OQp SHRIMPS B.C. Pack, H's per tin 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS IfiP Nabob. 15-oz. pkg. per pkg. Fruit Combination Special on Malkin's Best (Juality Fruits 1 tin Bartlett Pears, 2's 1 tin Royal Anne Cherries. 2s 1 tin Loganberries fiQp The 3 tins for DOU 19c TELIX GINGER ALR-Replenlsh your stock now at Q t( perdos Ol.'iU ROYAL CROWN SOAP 9$p per ctn SONDE FRENCH CASTILLE n?p SOAP. 8 bars FRESH FKUIT AND VEGETABLES California Grapefruit OtZn 4 for Outdoor Rhubarb cn per lb Spinach, B.C. ftp per lb. Asparagus IQn per lb Hothouse Tomatoes A fin per lb. VV Remo Potatoes ff 15 lbs sack . $1.45 Watts' Grocery I'HONE 55 PHONE 56 "THE STORE OF PLENTY" i:r.i'K:Bi:fi,vBi,wui'f!Br;'ra'n II Announcements SALAM Eagles' carnation dance, Friday fAprll 29. Admls4on Ladles ro freshments; Gentlemen 50c. Ei cryoody welcome. Ridley Home Bazaar May 5. Three Plays, Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6th. Moose Dance May 8. Legion Band Concert May 13. 87 Soring Sale. St Peters Church. Way 19. Elks' Balloon Dance May 20. La Casse Bakery Phone 190 BREAD 4 Loaves for 25c rhone For Delivery Mussallems Sanitary Meat Market Prime Rib Roast per lb Pot Roast 4 lbs Brisket Beef 5 lbs Loin Pork per lb Leg Pork per lb Shoulder Pork I 7 lbs Shoulder Veal 1 I 7 lbs Breast Veal I 5 lbs Pork Chops I 1 2 lbs. .Diamond A Back Bacon ' per lb. 16c 50c 50c 18c 18c S1.00 $1.00 50c 35c 15c 18 Phones 84 Come and See These PAGB THREE REDUCES PRICE High class shoes at low clars prices al Cut Rate Shoe Store. 10 1 10 c a lb BROWN LABEL NOW 30c YELLOW LABEL NOW 25c (OTHER LABELS REMAIN UNCHANGED) lb. lb. Prices Effective Now do not pay more Grocers - we will protect you AGAINST ALL LOSS SEE REBATE FORM WHICH HAS BEEN MAILED TO YOU BitEEEM IJiai'SUW.a JlKtBK3rK!:KrB,tKl?Et KTW3 Kl 13 V f K! MS KXU.IB Another lot of Baby Dresses has just come in. These are the most beautiful both in material and workmanship. Beach Pajamas We are showing the newest in Beach Pajamas with Flop Hats to match. Baby Presses; 1 CAPITOL BABY SHOPPE (3Irs. Anna Johnsen) xi i i ilS f rii ki tu tu km is nixBXB'ra eb.J'H ib-jsxsb.h t:n n ran DeJongs Cash & Carry 953 - Phone - 953 Free Tea For the Week-end FREE TEA FREE TEA we will give away With every order of S3.00 Absolutely Free 1 LB. OF BRAID'S BEST TEA, BLUE LABEL Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester McltAE BROS., LTD. FREE TEA FREE TEA MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Kotcx Special, 10c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results If V .. v ! V- At! 4t . ' to-- U.,