r.uji. two THE -DAII&' "NEWS " PRIVCE THE RDPtUT DAILY BRITISH NEWS. COLUMBIA A Week's Doings at Parliament Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rsrpert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue By Tom Held, M.P. H. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor : .' SDBSCRIBTION KATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 Foriesser periods, paid m advance, per week r- :. , ... lOc Bymail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period , 3;rjr By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year $6.0(7 1 By mail $o all other countries, per year ....... ADVERTISING RATES Classified, advertising,, per Insertion, per word ; s Loal readers, per insertion,, per line' ..r,.,.. .,.,f ....,.... Leghl notices, each Insertion, per agate line Transiet display advertising, per Inch, per inserClon .. Contract rates orf application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor anil Reporters' Telephone ...8G .s. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations . DAILY EDITION AVOID TAX IF POSSIBLE Nobody likes to be taxed and especially at a time when revenues have decreased almost to a breakintr noint. That ',) , MiiMiNHMtfMrjtH6asKrain'sti'BHl Goes Through Health Insurance 1.40 Tuesday, April 5, 193? Discussed Minister of Agriculture Heard on ; Unemployment Bill Mondays and Fridays are usually days of slim attendance, many members from Quebec and 'Ontario tfoincr 9.oo i home for th.e week-end and returning Monday evening. j I his Monday (March zl) is the last of Fnvate Members m Days, which means an end to practically all resolutions .25 J and motions introduced by orivate members and which 15 nave not oeen disposed or. ,ni means that all government trust- r!ed orf all day, one of the main ness wuj now nave precedence. The first motion spoken to waJ cne introduced by Mr. Casgraln Libera! whip, whose constituency on the northern shore of the Sf. Lawrence Klver runs down to Labrador. The resolution was asking that some assistance be given to the fkhermttt by way of bona from a trust fond whleh had beer, given to Orrat Britain by the Unl ted States in the year 1879, amounting to some $3,500,000, one million of which was given by Oreat Britain to Newfoundland and tlw remaining $4,500,000 to the Gov is'why there was such a threat response to the meeting last! eminent of Canada. This monc night. Taxation is a subject that vitally affects every citi-had been gtven ln settlement of a zon ana today tne taxes are oppressive. We are in hearty accord with the idea that the improvement tax should be avoided if possible. If costs can be cut to a point where the second tax is unnecessary it will be a great thing. We know that the city council has already wrestled earnestly with this problem and the meeting last night will strengthen its hands in the matter of economy. The difficulty is that the merchants do not want the police reduced, those carrying insurance fear the effect of fire dispute between the United State fishermen and Canadian fishermen on the Atlantic coast, and u has been held by successive governments as a fund of monies only applicable to fishermen of the At-'antic coast. After considerbale discussion arul some four or five members had taken part, the resolution was adopted by the government with protection reduction, the schools have an army of friends I some sl)a:nt alteration in the word who would resent injuring their efficiency, this being es-i .. . tu pecially true of parents with children being educated. Thej? city hall has already been reduced to a point where effi-jmce, a resolution having been m- cifincy is endangered. ; troducea by Dr. Howden, Liberal A lull ,J e a: . : : i .nmtmhor c unirn. t i. i. i"' of L luu uiui ii cc uiftcucsiuii in regaru iu me sanation anui "- " uhed his address Just as the clock fl St.nlpmpnt tf tVlP nilhl? sVimvt'nrr ovnptlv wtiv arr in r-roncaa a nAM,4n, rrriU f,1 L,UV.J wlf ; i the doctors ta th House are when ! v..v .v mvwv aimjr uuiit umwi, i ! questions of this kind crop up. Dr jugiuu tu uus mauer. Buster Keatons Getaway Foiled "Frozen-Faced" Comedian Was Leaving Los Angeles With Two Sons For San Diego HOLLYWOOD. Cal., April 5: Buster Keaton.the "frozen-faced" screen comedian, and his two sons were remoted yesterday from a San Diego-bound plane at the request of Mrs. Keaton following a quarrel between the actor and his wife. You'll notice an Immediate improvement YOURSELF! HIS morning ep cf coffee will bring a new ray of tunihin lo the breakfast tab! h flavor U to wonderfully improved. Hit dinner of night will be tofnethin) to look forward la. Rich creamy tovp, at only StCharlei Milk cart make It a St. Charles entree fit for royalty. Then a crcm pie and what a piw flaky pastry, light at a feather. Tear owl thi coepon omi we'll end yov a wonderful cook boob, In full colors, showing you just how to molce fhes fhmgf and make them for better than yoe ever dreamed possible. Many Orders For New Cars Ford Models Proving Attractive 350,000 Reported Wanted DETROIT, April 5: Approximately 350,000 orders for new Ford models have been placed, it was announced yesterday. Delivery Is not being guaranteed by' the company for thirty days. Canada enjoys unique leadership in discovery of Insulin. 'SI. CHARLES lmM MILK Kksie? Tt Bont Co. tlul rr.el JO Pwll Street, VmkmvO, B.C. BORDCN HANTS Ctntlrjtm Ptn ttni cepy el your Irt coed book "Tin Truro, N.S., Intcrtoll, Ge4 rrevMor. Ont, Norwich, Ont t$uvS.C Nmi . BaBHliHaaaljtMJ 'Mi,tn..,:. bed as lectures. The Honorable D:-. black peaked hat and so home, without speakers in the afternoon being the Honorable Mr. Weir, the Minister of Agriculture, who roused the members of the Opposition to some extent by his criticism of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Mackenzie King. Before sitting down Mr. Weir moved a resolution that the question be now put. This move was a surprise as It had the effect of prohibiting any amendment to the Prime Minister's motion being put m the House. It also had the effect it practically renewing the debate iecause under the rules of the ilouse a member is only allowed to :peak once on a motion but this ;roposa) of the Minister of Agrl-rulture would allow every member o speak again if he saw fit. Mr. Mackenzie King was the last speaker of the day and he offered .o the government the whole-hear-td support of the Liberal party if the government would bring down a supply bill on the following day for any amount, five, twenty or fifty millions of dolalrs. If this was brought down for the relief of the unemployed and to buy seed grain for the farmers of Saskatchewan, he and his party would do all in their power to expedite this on, Wednesday and so pass a measure this kind before Easter. He fin- struck 11. It is remarkable how the speeches lutlon arking first of all for a per- ehq"a"yf T'th0an mem CarvadTaier?t of e Opposi ion went home iodlc examination of the afford!'""", thing had been people and, secondly, to medical relief for those suffering L J H! from ha . rniin..ri , i that final Judgment had 'better be "served on this until the govern nr stnnipv orw nr Rn rnn. vative members, who gave Interesting addresses also but which j could, perhaps, be better descrl-1 ment had a chance to reply. any decision having been arrived when the ai on mis very important suojeit Wednesday j It was a kincf of expecting House that gathered for prayers on Wed- MacLaren. Minlste rot Pensions andesday. It was felt that some mem- nuoiu wno iwiowo-iibe, of government would reply Eleven o'clock having the speaker donned his arrived, spoke untu n tne previous night and the House was not dls- appointed in their expectations Honorable, the Prime' Minister, rnsp tn orirtrocc tho ITnui which Menu to be agitating tho H(s rlslnK to k b M people of British Columbia more to dm or appIanse from the mmbers than the people of any other pro- of nU party and who Is there amongst us who doe not feel good t a Tuesday wnn 0Uf ehamplon arises for the Continuation of the debate on the- tray7 , resolution rntroduced by the Honor- The Prime Minister retraced the lable R. B. Bennett which has been nfotbry of the unemployment fight j under discussion for some consider-(rom I93ff to the present time, able time and which would have tho showing the necessity for the gov-! effect of extending the UnempToy- rnmenl ruling at an times and :ment and Farm Relief Act of last that the will of minorities should session until the first of May. The no be allowed to rtm Parliament, contention of the Opposition, and He covered practically all argu-that also Intrudes Liberal, Indepen- ments which had been used by the dent Liberal, United Farmer, and Opposition, his address being also a the Labor group, is that the powers very informative one, giving to the askedby the Prime Minister are too ordinary members of the House a great. This measure, they contend, I oeep behind the scenes of our gov-was put through at the close of last 'eminent and the conditions they session when Parliament was about j were confronted with in the hand-to prorogue and at the time It was fmg of the affairs of the country put through it was understood then during the past year. Before sitting that the Act would expire on the down he moved that on and after first or March so as to give mem- Tuesday next, which Is the day the bers of the House an opportunity to : House meets after Easter, fore- discuss matters relating to this whole question. It is felt by the Opposition that there may have been some grounds for the granting of these powers to the government while Parliament was not ln sesston but now that! closure would take place. Foreclosure means that all discussion of the proposal now before the House must cease after 12 hours from Its Introduction ln the House and that members are restricted to only 20 minutes each. The Prime Minister rariiament is sitting, questions re-!jpoke for considerable length of latlng to- the peace, order and good ime and it is safe to say his ad-government and questions relating ; dress heartened the members of his to expenditure, should be discussed , rjnrty at least. Honorable Mr. Raton th flnrtf nf the Ifon f Parlln. - . . ....... , i -via i iti cyt tiuu bum; uiilii ment as a whole. the hour of six, at which time the I It Is contended from the govern-, ir0u.?o adjourned unl 11 Tuesday at Intent side that smear no undue ad- 3 o'clock. Our thoughts, however, vantage na been taken of the , ore divided between the occasion of powers conferred Upon them last Eter and lhse of what will tran-yeaf, that there Is no harm In wire when the House meet again granting the? powers until the on Tuesday, March 29. flrit of May. What Is worrying; the . " minds of many of the Opposition Is what is- going to happen after the Union steamer Catala, Capt, A. first of May ln regard to the matter E. Dickson, returned to port at of unemployment relief with the 10:20 thW morning from Anyos, various provinces and municipals Stewart and other northern points' ties throughout Canada. land sailed at 1:30 this afternoon On Tuesday the debate was car- for Vancouver and waypolnts. ssssWfMKiBQnW9imBHni tm if nail 1 T Twcs&y, "April 5 1812 " 21.;...;.., 1 Atittm Baking makes many foods taste better but beans, above all, need to be baked to bring out their flavour. Heinz Deans taste better because they are really baked in dry-heat ovens just like your own. Most beans are simply steamed in a sealed can. But oven-baking makes Heinz beans marvel lously light, tender and digestible. The sauces, that only Heinz can make, permeate every bean. One taste will tell you the difference oven-baking makes. HJSOURES Edcli of tli e more tlian600 branches of the Bank, of Montreal, matter -where it is located, has behind It the full resources of the whole oraniza tionwhich has Capital and Reserves of over 74,000,000,and Assets exceeding 75O,OOO,O00. No account is too small and none ioo large for the BaTROfM0NTIJAL to handle with efficiency and courteous attention to the customer's individual requirements. Four kinds of Heinz Hen ns all baked! And what a nurfohlng meal they make all the feed raise of meat ami potafe. Cf Helm Oven-Baked Brum the twrt time yorr at your HEINZ M.d t L.mmston,OnUrio, for nearly eOiMrter of a Century OVEN HAKED BEANS BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets in excess of i750.ooo.boo Prince Rupert Branch: F. A. MacCAhLUM, Manager TTTT in . 1. 1 n OlV.I-' it'll Let Ihe Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.