Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASS! i in, i'. ror rent, lor sale and all other small advertisements in this settlon charted at the rate of 2 cents a ward per Insertion with tlx Insertions for the price of four. My the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than Me, FOR KENT Fuuit Oil Five roomed furnished lem Grocery. (tf Foil RENT -Cosy cottage, Thirl Ave . 5 room Apply Dally News tf vnR RENT Very eholce modern jM,irimfnt. 3 bedrooms, see J. v. MrLf nnan. t-: BENT P EDUCED on five-room eot-ui next door to Daily News, price now $15 a month tn advance Dally News. FOIt SALE EGOS For stttlnf, thoroughbred jj.nri'd Rocks, Wyandottes and Rhode Islund Reds. Phone Green 773 M CLAMOLAS ANII DAHLIAS GJ.uRluUS GLADS, 100, assorts names, only S2.50; 50 for $1.50: U.mlias. 12 assorted $300; 8, $1 -7 j Postpaid. O. Dodds, Sorrento, B. C SPECIAL Chevrolet Six. good tires, very Kood upholstery and palm excellent mechanical condltlor Price $450; 1M Ford Cabriole. B.irKain $375; 1927 Pontlac. Snap. $175; many others. Terms. Open evenings. KaJen Motors Lii.. Prince Rupert, Phone 52. FOR SALE Two bedroom r'luss lining room suite, carpets, kitchen table and ehairs, electric Move, electric drop fixtures. ms- . cdkuceous households article. Also Essex super six ear. Apply Mrs Mclver, 1107 Park Avenu?. '"mil" Red 155. FIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIM ACT Villi ml Intention to Apply to lir l :i r ..ui Dlitrtpt Land ttoeordlnc Dw- i if Princ Rupert. B.C.. tad attutu ' Inland at Oaboen Potai Juiv ii lti'rnra and Dp Horarr, PwMai. k. hvrr and In from part o n.iimr i cuaat dlatrtrt. i ik( txntc that We, Inpertal Oi: I -:r.:!id of Vaneouvwr. DC, oeetipattor 0:1 Dta.rtkutora. Intend affdy tar a of thf tc41owinf dasertbod landc-( uimiirnoliia at a poat 4aM4 at h i air mark and at S. s. Corner of i- "tin Kata s. eoaai dutrtet, tMarr r-i-i thpnoa etuOM Nartfc v s rhin Wit. (hence 10 c iw Boutii folio wine mmI MntaintM !. m..r or k-w the hor line rl h w m. t pumt of eantneneflkMit. IMi'SKIAL OIL UMTTK) Fr U. A. Oervard. n.'rd March It ISM AaaV- I. A Ml ACT Nollre nf Inlrntinn to apply to l.eae , Unit in 4HM,, chartoe Ittent! Dlawi:'. Lend Hrrwemt Owtttft of FTtnee Rw-lri anu ituat on Ux 83outhert) part I Ai.tar. iManA rwry raM ,,"", lorwhtw adJoHtWia the true-Jloiml M, b, of lh f raatnmal Souf i ....arw at Lot 4. QoTfi Char-'"!' Mktid Dlntrtet ,T"" tht tke Home Oil Dia ni wiora Mmkted ot 7ncoUr. BntUh imnbia. crrupatton a meeaawndla.u , ''H-r1.tiu i,u,d to apply for a "a of the llowttii deacfHMcl lahd-- ' "mawatelui at a aunt atamed t the Bth-oui cttner l the traeiloawl V. f tlm nttnJ 8uth-et ? n,n '' , 7.' l)t e7- Charlotte I- Di.irict; thenee 8mXh one ehew ?."" ! ,w" 10 to,ir w then i-ilV " lnw w,r '" 'n 8ouUi-iriy ctirrcttoo 30 ohn mere w le imim South of the South-w oor-.7 ' fractional WeM half of 'n. fractional 8outh-eaat quarter ( LM thence North cue chain m-.rt :l,l, W Bouth-wet earner. ., . . W t, 1 mitlierlv . . Uoi.m. " lll-lJ . .... IVIJVHIUK ... . . . 1 1 lialaa luira i - .ll-IHMMA. .-j inw . . . w . . , win, . vi iviii .A. '" more or leoa. TUB HOME OIL niflTRIDUmtM LIMITED, u, bruary 7th. IM2 PRINTING OFFICK 8I!PrLIi:S nsc, Cownn & Latto Phone. 231 Why n4 Ret the best in Shoe Repairs for the same price? LOUIS SIIIHIO 3IR 8lxlh Street CIHUOIHACTIC W. C. Aspinall three Year Graduate Chiropractic modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 P Evnln Excrrange Blk. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 171 for Dry liireh. Cedar and Jack Pine, tf T. and R. Transfer Wood for sale and prices reasonable. Phone Green 609. AUCTIONEER lirt you gowlx with us Prinre Ruperts leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. I'hone Red G37 Manure For Sale $2.50 a Yard, Delivered Phone: Red 608 Painting and PaperLanging i ! By Day or Contract ! Charges Reasonable ! J. P. MOLLER I j Phone Red 802 i ' ! Guide to I ! Correspondents 1 The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics ' of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the j point. The long-winded correspondent i has no place in modern journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not neeesearily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket, let ters of a caustic character must have the signature appended i for publication. I Letter should be written on 1 one side of the paper only. ' Correspondents must avoid 1 personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed in the ordinary rules of debate. Dai., N.. w.nt-A. nnnc re.iu. j "TIME THE SITUATIONS WANTED RELIABLE woman wants domestic work or sewing few hours daily. Apply 612 Hays Cove Circle, to SALVAGE & TOWING "If ItS on ot unaer the water do it" I'acific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving aud General Salvage Work Ants for KASTIIOPE ENGLNF.S ' Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter How Boats and Canoes for Hire ItAIKiAINS I.V GAS ENOINtS Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidce Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water I'hone Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15C4 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and Oeneral Furniture Repairs LUt your goods with me CF.M. J. DAWES I'hone Black 120 Steamship Sailings For Vancouvti Tuesday ss, Catala 1:30 Thursday ss. Pr. George 10 p.m. Vritava Prtn Adelaide 10 n m. Ss. Cardena midnight, apmacn, wu.. w. . April 3-ss. Prtn. Norah pjn.lO"1 Imported, per lb. April 13-a. Prin. Norah pjn. ;0Da&c' - Anrll Prln Norah run. l.eiiuce. nwa ue w . fwftBG bvefiyfeodTTMAvreTit.ue)l I BEX HAbBEEN fVB J AbL JEEK. OfXA) -nuLigy -y V I iias' , , From Vancouver at" Mexican Field Tomatoes. 30c to Sunday-ss. CaUla p.m. Cal. Cauliflower. 25c to Wed.-as. Pr. George .... 10:30 a.m. Sweet Potatoes, lb - Friday 69. Cardena pjn. Onions, lb, Ss. Princess Adelaide p.mJBuIk Turnips, 10 lbs. April Sh-ss. Prln. Norah a jn. Carrots. 8 lbs. - April 20-ss. Prln. Norah ... ajn.jCal. New Carrots. 2 bunches April 30 ss. Prln. Norah a jn. Parsnips, lb For Naa-i Itlver and Porf Simpson jLeeHs. bunth - - Sunday ss. Catala 9 pjn. ! Hothouse Cucumbers, each .. From Naas River Si Pert Simpson j Apples Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn.j . DeMdous, M fancy vA box ... For Stewart a.d Anyox- Sundy-88. Catala .......... 9 p m. I Newjons. fancy box 1 " ons- C rade, box Wed.-ss. Pr. George 4 pm. Newtons. househoW. box iFrom Stewart and Anyox- r.-i ' Wmesans. fancy, box C grade, box Wlnesaps. Thurs.-ss. Pr. George 8 p in. For Ocean .PalH Fruits Tuesday as. Catala 1:30 p m. j Valencia Oranges, doz. 25c to . Thurs.-ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 p.m. j Lemons, California, large Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. Grapefruit. California, 5c to IFrom Ocean Fan (Grapefruit, Florida, 12tic to ... Wed.-ss. Pr. George 10:30 a.m. f ciifornki EmDcror. Cranes, lb Friday ss. Cardena ... midnight Ss. Princess Adelaide pjn. Prom Queen Charlotte Islands-April 14 am! 28 ss. Pr. John a.m. For Queen Charlotte Il;tnd April 2 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. April 18 m. Prince John 10 pjn. April 30 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. For Alatka April 9 sa, Prln. Norah ajn. April 20 ss. Prln. Norah ... a.m. AnrH 30 ss. Prln. Norah ajn. iFmm Tlka- April 3 ss. Prln. North pjn. ! Peaches, peeled April 13 ss. Prln. Norah .. . p.m.AP"cow, io. April 24 ss. Prln. Norah .... pjn. (Prunes, 60-70. lb From Skeena River Prunes, JU-4U. id. . - Frkiay-ss. Cardena pjn.,rrunes. 40-50. lb. - TOILER" m 3 a. ve SLV i K:'rn r THE MARKET Prices current on the local retail market today are as follows: Butter Fancy cartoned, lb No. ,1 Creamery, j lbs. Flour Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Pastry Flour, 10. lbs. Fish Smoked Kippers, lb Salmon, freshJb Halibut, lb. Eggs B. C. Fresh Pullets, doz IB,C. Fresh Firsts, doz B. C. Fresh Extras, doz Local, new laid, doz Meats Fowl. No. 1, lb. - Roasting Chicken, lb. .. Ham, sliced, first grade Cottage Rolls, lb Ham, picnic, first grade, lb. Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. Pork shoulder, lb. - Pork, loin, lb Pork, leg, lb. i Pork, dry salt, lb I . n. Ayrsnire oucuu, iu Veal, shoulder, lb I Veal. loin, lb iBeef, pot roast, lb Beef, boiling, lb, 10c to Beef, roast, prime rib, lb. 20c to Lamb, shoulder, lb Beef, steak, lb. 25c to Lamb, leg. lb. 30c to Lamb, chora. lb. - I Mutton, shoulder, lb eretablei Potatoes. 12-15 lbs sack. $1.65 to B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs pjn.'Pa"1' bunch - - uauiornia teiery, neaa Brussels Sprouts, B.C., lb. 18c to Bananas, 2 lbs. Rhubarb, hothouse, lb Dried Fruits Extracted Honey, per Jar .... Comb Hone - - Dates, bulk. lb.. 8c to Lemon and Orange Peel Black Cooking Figs. lb. Currants lb. Citron Peel . i White Figs, lb Apples, aneu .... Method in Her Madness vyeLurvt &trj 6ck cm fvhog ynATi i jin w t fAk f fkaf f a. a r-i aT ItWW fifTVLi 1 kvwrte w w vvww Raisins, Cat. seedless, 2 lbs, a. Sugar Yellow, 100 lbs, White, 100 lbs feed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta Wheat, Bulkley Valley ... .30 No; 5 Alberta ! Short. Middlings ... .50 Barley . baying Mash .15 Oyster Shell . ... .25 Beef Scrap 15 around Oil Cake Fine Oat Chops .. .28 Crushed Oats .30 Fine Barley Chop . 34 ; Lard J 40. Pure, lb. 13c to 30 25 .40 22 20 25 .15 j 22 ! 20 25 n 20 20 .15 15 25 20 on J30 .35 20 J5 and 25 2.00 25 10 m 20 ' .40 .05 35 25 i0 .05 25 25 .35 .05 M 25 325 2.W 2.80 2.10 2.80 2.80 j .70 ; 40 1 10; 20 the 30 35 11 Phone .351 25 98 15' 23, 1214! .15 .30 . .15 1 . 211 . 201 20 .10 .15 .12Vi .35! Compound, lb. I3c to-...-- nuts 5 qq Almonds, shelled Valenclas .... 50- California shelled Walnuts Walnuts, broken shelled i Walnuts, shelled halves ' 1.85 Peanuts "Si Cneese' U5f0ntarlo sollds ; 3' , rzir 1.40'? 1.85(1 "ZrZ - - -i - 1.70 often. Explain to folks plainly 2.65 and sincerely what you have UO to sell. Keep everlastingly 2.90 3.00 185 1.85 ip 15 . - i v r.iti niuiouajr .... -- Friday 11 pm. April 3, 13 and 24 pjn. com- From Vancouver lng at them. Advertising Is ' Sunday , , ., pjn. pretty much like shovelling a Wednesday 10:30 a.m. furnace. Once you stop stok- f Friday pjn. ine, the fire goes out." Wm. April 9. 20 and 30 ajn. Wrlgley jr. (tf) i For Stewart and Anyox Sunday X p.m. Wednesday 2 pm The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes, into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES . MINING CAMPS ! , LUMBER CAMPS ' f PAPER MILLS-FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a persori wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, Vp'er, week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United Stales, $6 a year. . v:, ' mau uiicuuic j -AVa .50 25 CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: .40 For the East J5l Monday. Wednesday and FrJ. L .r. "-"T.- Si"Tt. ?, L. El...... J - :10:4 am Vancouver- "., SSSL ,2 n -JL - ,r-By Westover; ISOSKTIUIC DO VOO 2ri vm r iW 1 ' Tam& late iu6T . O CLOCK, "rue 6065 ,TJ J An WOun.D MS s)