A great many people are at present telling the residents of Peace River what they want in the way of transportation. Vancouver has been. urging a railway to that port, Stewart tells them what they need is a railway to the head of Portland Canal. Prince Rupert has been inclined to follow suit and urge a railway line to connect up with the present C. N. R. line running into Prince,Rupert. Each of these places would like, the people of the Peace to agree with its pet scheme. The difficulty is that the real interests ef the Peace country is given only secondary consideration. Prince Rupert, while also inclined to see its own inter ests first, has from the time when a local delegation visi ted the Peace country, taken the stand that the route to be followed should be the most economic, regardless. TTiey have urged that the choice be left to engineers, and they have also taken the view that the interests of the Peace River farmers should be prior to all other considerations. The local argument against the P. G. E. has been that the grain growers of the Peace would be for. many years handicapped should it be adopted jis the official outlet because the cost of hauling grain that way would be enormous, and the growers would be the people who would pay the bOL On the other hand if the Prince Rupert out let were adopted with the easy grade to the sea, the best possible, the cost of hauling grain over ft would be low and the farmers would benefit. That is the strongest argument yet found in favor of the Port of Prince Rupert as an outlet. PLAN THE GARDEN NOW Tetlav the Daily News publishes the first of an series of articles on gardening and proposes to continue to do 80 occasionally. They are written by author ities but some exceptions wil have to be made In applying them to Prince Kiifwrt. These articles have aroused a good deal of interest athong gardeners in the past and doubtless will be read with interest this year and will tend to encourage gardening in the city and district. Starvation Reigns In China While the farces of :!r Chinese are batUing for military sapr photiupi) above si w vourt O'lvcmmpr.: ana the Japanese he pe"p!r ire -rrtrte Thn n br sdline at Shanghai to prove conehuoveh' that the pro- clutches ol the police, and con Hts "fl0 vmcial police are able to give qoentty have been gathered m or: Prince Rupert better service, at a had their toes tramped on. j lower cost, than a local Torce. The public should refresh their The provincial pehce agree to njemories on several discreditable ; police the city for the sum of $10.- - events that have transpired in this 000 and one third of the Xtoes. In within las' few years. The, cases of special emergency they P"I,cr Qla esr auiv in eacn case-are responsible for the adequate ta bnsgtag e offenders to Justice, nuHber sea tn the dry. withe Swefr they ate sot o be condemn-JSwift any a4UdOesal expense to the tax- tor - aneveftheiess it kjoroHo aayer in Ifee city. The teapertanee real ese far the effort made L 0 0 F af tMs wffl be noted when tt is seen e ;Mu?xeters that instead of five pen origtaaBy Ttie presef force should be re-jjuo atate to the cv rater out ag- teteed lor the fesV4nc reasons: P. r. Hid teement owing to special circsm- il' 'Tt v bfH actiTe ta Seal Oove ftonees there are now seven. II this enysg out W ownes. K of c were a civic force these necessary cxpanslflns veuW have to be ceet ftea the dty treasury IdBde magistrate's salarT. light. twlepbofies, and other charges system of policing was tn force The city share of fines for 1930 ?eus.fri, TDKfi, oedocTM from the sua ef $10,000. paid to the gov-? erament leave a balance of S3441.46. ' The government paid to the city I the shti of $522X3 for the keep of prevhietal prisoners in the ckv As to the contention that the etty ' could be ponced by three men, til has to be regarded only to see how' impossible it Is, if our property is to! Mtsza. 3 They lave sbawe no favor-; aot which leaves a balance ot $2,- beet parts, the best In-SlgSS To this must be added thei,9n,rton and the falest opportan- govenunems portion of the fines, M eneeafagemenv This tneans that from the Mrs- was born ta New Or- W treasaty wis' pi id for p3!lcfcV L- DHber 19. 186. Her in 1930 the sura of jam.10. This oto-' " was west Known si we soutn vieearv cannot be dene bv a far. theatrical manager, and her operating under the city's poNee daughter of Rkh- commission. It would probably ; ard Maddern. an English musician aaorat to at least doub! this, if Mmme laQwrn- "iree adequate proteetten is to be in force Many Prince Rupert people have been studying .ed ! ,"'7 By reason of the system 'J .YQt to I catalogues and planning their gardens and making pre-ioaiia Prison. ie the dimMhig up parations for active work just as soon as the weather is suitable. The bright sunshine that for several days fol-tawed the fall of snow indicates to them that the season is drawing near when they can get busy. Sweet peas, for instance, may be sown on the first day when the soil is dry enough to work it Broad beans should be planted in the vegetable earden oon. Preparatory work may be done any day when the snow is off and the foil is sufficiently dry. and sharing of expenses between the province and the eit, must have saved the etty somewhere afeowt $990 or $900 a year TbryrhaT cJeared the town Relerrteg ta the report lor mi, 0014' the last year we had city police. R is seen that salaries amoont to 511,-2a. wtna rlxed chanrs of S479.14. totalling J1C304J4. Compared to this m 1930 w find payments to the been reduced. 5i liUlntemnee costs are less. X thmk thercfeee that all fair-minded citizens sheaM use thtir best efforts to assM in retaining errtee, $10,009. and fixed charges Lprrs'atfrf of SiSSSSO, totaffing JS290. The fixed charges for 1930 tn- This requeaft ttomM especially ap peal to heads of fasriKes with growtag children. I hape therefore j that everyone who has the best in- teretta of the dty at heart. w4H fefch wo be toetirred whatever wl m r)rcyon Mf and $up. pert the prevtMlal police. Thank- TAXPAYER NO. 2. ACTRESS IS DEAD tOonHseed from Pave 1) years of age. first stood behind the footlights in UUle Reek. Ark., when she played in "Richard III" as the Duke of York, a juvenile part. Her 4age work was interrupted for brief periods while she attended convents in New Orleans. St. Louis. Cincinnati and Montreal. Despite her ever changing residence, her ttVMni tea mmA Vittst I v-vav Under the provtacUl system the lt . h,r . city has not to meet any eharSeJ;woiaan of broad culture far uniform, equlpwerr. autuK7 . v ,. ,n , 1.. hties ot supplies of any kind. Tolbwame a jUr , ow J In 1890 sir- wa married to liar- ably cost the taxp-.yer around $3, tl,m ... p,,v. allfhm. anA u,.,r and then tt wwMnet be Jew. equm-; nalM 000,, ,he retired from n .a,nrr tnT-wm: crew'the gUw untfj 1894 ta our city ta the eyes of tourists. 1 etc. j The pnvinctal ponce are trained T) UPAKf CTFllTD nen and uwHy hate experience iijJll011yJLiv. which ceuM not be expected from! looal men In additlen routibn 1 PCrsT TPTiriM trm place to ptece has obvious ad-! IVEilU V 1 1 vantages over men in the same . ptaee year after year. t T . Cannot Keep Work tip To Btsuirements Under Retrenchment Policy have protection at nights, especial- ly when it took six men in the less , te a etter addressed to the dly year of the city force. Again If thl 'meettn8' CM Treasurer DJ. MaUj view Is taken. Col. McMulItn has;,on advised the council that, un- tated to the mayor that he is wUl-, r mt policy of retrenchment tag to keep as many or as tew men f 18th. It will be no good ue satisfied and leaving wnicn had nad been been decided deeWed upon, upon. U U, would be lmpoastbl hnpossibl to to keep keep the the say MS, Steamship Sailings Everybody must come and vote or we will find ourselves saddled with Fr Vancouver an increased expense tor at least i Tuesday ss. Catala l.39 pin a year and probably not as effldent service. 1 If everybody turns out and votes no one wlB have cause to complain alter the election. 1 RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSU Thursday pr. Rupert 10 prr Friday ss. Venture, midnight Feb. 26 as Prin. Mary p.m. From Vancouver Sundayas - Catala .. pm Wed. ss. pr Rupert 10:30 am Fitday- ss. Venture pjn. CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE February 22 Elks ys. Seal Cove. Bagtes vs. Kluaketeers. Swifts v. Moose. I. O. O. F. vs. Grotto. P. R. Hotel vs. K. C February 29 Orotto vs. Musketeers. K C vs. I. O. O. F. ISfes vs. Eagles. Seoi Cove vs. Moose. P. R Hotel vs. Swifts. ESTIMATES RECEIVED City Council Asks Scheol Board for Mote Particulars Regarding Expenditures For Year The city council last night r--retved ordinary estimates from the ooard of school trustees for the year 1932 tot&rUng $8500 as com-pared with $8900 last year. in.1 : decided to lay them on the table pending receipt of further detailed information from the board regarding certain proposed expenditures. In brtngtfig the ottbnates before the council City SotteitoT E. F Jones expreseed the opinion thai they were not entirely m order Xlr Jones was of the opinion ths; further detail wuld have ben school board was rfnlmr all n ). m the city as Is considered neces- DTOpoSfd that ,mlead r. .r . ' drawn1 ' "te tiepartment up to re- STbeing thwS.'ffS .sary. a new agreement to be Mvntd . up on thU basis. Z'tFtX tabfe Id tS IS, asf eo Had the former system been sat-13? SJfJS'S "r rrgnrd to tbS. .sfactory there would have been no , 1 I K.vi AW Wt that the boird need to change it Having changed ! l ,"MS ? ?a mht at nt a lett and ratified it twice at the polls 5 J XTt to the council in mpany with th why is there now any menUenot I S would reconsider estimates explaining why th ( hanging. The city is now as effl- hT,!:'. ... . not complste. cenUy policed as any other dty 'J1' Te II nn 4 Qu"un by AW. e "naace comU5ltt we have heard of in B.C. Ti Casey. Mayor Orme stated that h- Our advice to the dUaens U to be j fhad met the teachers some ttee isure to turn out and vote on the lairo and advWl them of the ab- sol ate heed for economy and re tfenehment This was a critical year. Aid Casey pointed out and. If the dty was unable to meet them, II wtM have to break salary contract The teachers should understand that After some further discussion, I was decided to table the estimates and request the bird for the necessary further particulars. COTtVALUS. Ore., Feb. 16:'- Washington State College defeated Oregon State College by the tight score -of 28 to 24 in a Pacific Coast conference basketball game here Monday night Whist Schedule February IS TJrotto vs. Fish Packers. Moose vs. I.O.O.F. Legion vs Musketeers Sons of Norway vs. Empress. Totem Park vs. Seal Oove. February 23 Seal Cove vs. Orotto. Moose vs. Legion. Musketeers vs. t.O.O F. Empress "vs. Fish Packers. Totem Park vs. Sons of Nsrray March 3 Grotto vs. I.O.O.F. Moose vs. Totem Park. Muskceters vs. Empress. Zjegtoa vs. Seal Ceve. Sons of Norway vs. Fish JUNIOR B1LUAROS Feb. 18 Empress vs JeweJefs. Feb. 22 Hawk vs. L. of N. Feb. 25 Jewelers vs. Empress. Mar. 1 Empress vs. L. of H, Mar. 4 Hawks vs. Jewelers. Mar. 8 L. of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. 11 Jewelers vs. L. of N. Three of five games In last night's junior uuuara League nxtare between League of Nations and Hawks were played, the League taking a lead on the aggregate of Individual scores were a7rnV AAtAa' iTadnua nf Msa, atven the council of lump sums si- TT Ptaved loted each school for general ex wndttures of the year. The total of $33,000 Included $65,000 tor salaries. S1.97S for med ial inspection. $367 for Janitor?' ' suDprles. $750 for insurance, etc. ! In view ot the oplnton that had been given by the dty solicitor. Ad CoHart moved thtt the estimates be returned to the schow board for completion. Aid. Macdonald told the coanril that he had met the chairman nf the sefaool board daring the d and Mr. Greer had informed hln that another conference was to be held wtth the teachers when tt wai hoped that an amicable arrange ment wooM be reached regarding -atary reductions. In the mean time. Aid. Macdonald felt that thv. 'Spring Presbytery Meetings to Open Here Wednesday John Dybhavn Is President lie-elected Head of Prince Rupert Club tV. II. Tobey Vlce-Prrsident The executive of the Prince Ru- oert Club has Ye-elected John Dyb- page, two TEDS DAILY NEWS .Tuesday. February u, 185 Dr. Wood's Norway Syrup Turned Blue In The Face He Coughed So Hard Mr. Joseph Laudhardt, Melville, Sask., write: "Last winter I had such a bid told that when I riirtd) eourhinr I would turn blue in the face. I went to the druppt end aaVed him what I could, ifoTpr it, end he handed me a bottle of Dr. WoodY "Nco-ay Pine Svnip. When I had finished it I felt aja bette Kfekfrt another d after tiia wu IBasnea 1 nevpr naq anoiner ccug a mu wuner. Prite 35; bottle: large-family sue 65c.; at all drug and general ttorea; put up otb by The T. Maburn Co., LtL, Toronto, Out THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCf. KirrCRT - BBITlSUOOLIiMBiA Published Etit A-'temoon, Except Sunaay, by Prince Rupert fly .news. Limited. Thin' Avenur H. t. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mail or earner, yearly period, paid in advance M M For leas f period, paid in advance, per week 10c DAILY BCtlTtDN Tuesday. Mb. 16 193i WHAT PEACE RIVER WANTS IN THE LETTER BOX t'KGE RATEPAYERS TO VOTE LADT IS OUT FOR PROVINCIAL TOLICE Editor. Daily -Newt: f In your columns recently it was Editor. Dally News -mentioned that the "Retell Mer- I hare mad -wtoi a freat eal of chants' Association went on record Interest letters appearing in your sls primarily tesiring the maximum valuable paper recently with res-of efficiency and protection in and pee to the replacement ef the pro-from the police force, regardless of vtacaal police force try dty police, what system of policing was In Teu are likely aware ef the tact force. Economy, of course, is very that thte agitation against the pre-, desirable at (bis time, but it must sent force has been stirred up. to' not be had at the expense of the a large extent, by .hose who hare pprotettien -of rr piopetty and Seen vi&Unrrg our tars, and lave' irtthts TKp frtx riven twlnw wmi therefore thefisselves fallen into the IP ,2 8 ELKS TAKE .1 Washington State HOOP TEAM HEAVY LEAD Scored Decisive Victory Over Mus keteers in Cribfcaje League Last Evening Crtbbage League scores last night 20, Mussieteers T t. O. O. P. 16. Moose 11. Grotto KK.ofC 11. Ba4es It, P. R. Hotel IS. Swifts 14. Seal Cove 13. Lea;ae Standing W. L. PU. 105 84 195 96 91 96 97 9S 97 9t 97 96 93 96 94 95 94 91 8 91 91 98 91 90 99 90 87 102 87 Defeats Oregpw hjeore of 28 to M Last Night in Pa cific Coast Conference Basketball tame WiiLtUlutD Basketball Players Return tt Tomn rrorn nnyox Officert i( Athletic Club KINCOUTH. Feb y, Way night a welcoitrc was extended to tli-ball teams on their : yox where they in t. areat Vlndness and : the resident of that ; waieome address f Herbert Dsohm. p-Sons of Kmeonth S KinooUth Silver Ba eondwtership of s played pleasing i-the evening. The board of officer Ot KtncolHh AthletK ( . h a tollots: Wf sidenL Herbert t Vice-president. Heioc Secretary, James E ; TreasFtiret, &Bas Mtt ' OcneTal manager J"-Football manager Ai Football taptaln He ' DasketbatI martag r son. BaeketbaB capUi: coin. Baseball manager P Baseball captain C: : Oeseral referee. C1'. General coach. Abe A Juvenile athleUi been formed and a b aid In financing was held during the c loyable Ume was pt jla maIUa fMMa Tin .mVT T M receive 1 tlonai. .m 193; John May m.V Hawks, ' 200. Earl BaU, 260; W. Hstson. 187. Prtmo Vaccher, 200; Roy VAttt, In eommenting up Aid. W. J. McCutcheoi t. Oamea of Benny Wend .League dJln ' o! Nations, v. llam Murray ? -Hawk,, and Roy Fong and ChrU ZJ ifniu Bxva iatii -sw jvlew of the fact, ttw romc 150 merchants ai . the ReUil MerchanU 1 rnd a membership of the tetter cosld harchy lered lepreeentaUve he Ns maHer how nun - members the aasuciai n aere entlUed to con-Kk Carey felt. As far as .'if District clergy of the United jcerned. he could assu-o Church commenced arriving this cnan' that they wouk momlne bv boat from the nnrth i protection that the .n nd train from the Interior to at tend the spring meetings of Prince Rupert Presbytery opening tomoT row afternoon In First United Church here with Rev. W. Gibson ot Bella Bella, chairman, presiding. Clergy from points down the coast will arrive by steamer tomorrow morning. On Id; l. lUi ft. Br- De A E. League of Nations (LETTER ON v v rtti 1 I alaM.r Uil lii V W Vltll L.CrlUllIV IJUUdlUV Ul II II IMI Three Games Plajed Last Night 1 and Hawks Are Down 523 to 93 on Aggregate Score Council ltecdres Letter Tnm Krli Merchants Aing -V. iti:t tion From Present Sirtsrtli A letter Trotn the P r Setall Merchants As ' pressing opposlUon a' redjucc the number rf tr-.. i)reatt. or the grot would endanger poln' ilast . nights meeting eaurwU. r t z: t r 1 T. : A-" finances, of the city wet a 7c and no more. The letter Wat then orfr -tor future reference 1." Trades Licence Bylaw Amended Clly tounen Wm No l.or. Coll Roth Wholesalers and facturrrs Levies ham president of the club for thellkc,ent fe of $50 Inste ensuing yea t. W. II. Tobey Is vice president and Walter Hiime has been re-elected secretary-treasurer. TOTHEK REPORT Langsra Overcast moderate southwesterly wrnd; sea Choppy. Triple Island Overcast light westerly wind; sea moderate. Dead Tree Part cloudy, calm; barometer. 30.40; temperature, 46; tea smooth. The city round! last Initial readings to a bv' fng ihe Trades Lhtci ' wherrby mall taanni the city will be require to pay wily the who-sui' -i to pay both this and fadurets" licence. It was felt that there w dustrtes of sufficient ' 1,1 ernces brine collected. If the byUw could be amend at any Ume rticn cfrrnti w.ni 'he li- t!."n t.itu-e mltht seem to warrant It The amendment to tire -lowed a recent complslnt J. Clapp at having to pay M 11 ence tecs.