J Legisianive Libeer? a - “ EN j - > . F GOOD EATS aS - ae . ‘fy at i ALLIES’ CAFE a” { 2 7 us oe “~ Phone 75 and 35 . BAKERY We Never Sleep HOME | PRINCE RUPERT ZUT® PRINCE RUPERT 707 Seeond Av i 211, Cees 'M. H. LARGE| | *.* —_— . att Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper od NO, 304. me a 2 ke - VOL, ; PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., FRIDAY, DECE MBE IR 26, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS oe ee a — ' * Esthonia and Soviet Russi Loy eorge 4 orce sthonia an viet Kussia FOR PILLAGE =P Negotiations Se Acce ptance of Home Rule Bill Likely to be S ful lQerman Ofcer wi Who Destroyed e y o uccess: ‘ . . EE ‘ . French Factory Machin : * s y Ma ery While Sinn Feiners Cannot be Compelled to Form their Own "Sear pea win ne oe ee p. : ‘ ° ° ‘ DORPAT, Livonia, December 26.—Some indications that an I arliament, They will not be Permitted to Interfere special by 1.7. P. Telegrepns.) agreement might be reached in the negotiations for peace be- _ With the Ulster House Amiens, Dec, 26.—The Court|iween Esthonia and Soviet Russia are being observed here. The ; ° ee Martial held hege sentenced the Bolsheviks are showing a distinct willingness to make further (Special to The News via 6 T.P Telegrapns, ‘CHRISTMAS EVE ee en Pandan of tina concessions in the nratter of territorial adjustments, which it is * wito ‘4 ‘ ato Oo i > : “ LONDON, Deceinber 26.—Ireland may have to ac wad Premier | PARTY at Karifvuhe, t0 ten peers im- believed would obviate the necessity of the Tarva front, to which George’s plan introduced into the House of Commons on AT GENERAL HOSPITAL prisonment, fifteen years exile and the Esthonian Government has been offering strong objections on * M whether she likes it or not, an official close to the British a fine of ten million franes, upon}account of its strategic position. declared in an interview. The premier is prepared to; Tree Loaded with, Gifts for the|"!* conviction on the charge of According to the Esthonians, the Bolshevik forces on the 'Tarva i , the acceptance of his measure, this oflicial asserted. Its| Nurses—Presentation to niger of Oe and Pskof fronts combined now total 100,000 men. it . ‘ 0 eastern ‘rance, @ col- ‘“ by Parliament was assured before the measure was sub Miss Atkinson. lected the machinery and other, ce lace oa ae Lea ed. he added, Lioyd George, according to the oflicial, a tao. ; rf Material from the faetories and CLEMENCEAU T0 WOULD POOL nd soul” for the passage of some legislation which will} Sean meat VE 2 IFS" blow it up in November, 1948. His a he aidiaeas party and Christmas Tiree Was a oaalin rs Herman @nd Ludéwie star re government on its mission Of solving the irish | peg ; © General Hos 7 ’ ms . ™ ' af & held at the General Hospital for | wore given similar sentences by tion. ey es and probationers. The! gorayit I premier places this problem as second only in importance Vening’s entertainment took the elias gc hs { the war. It is believed in Government cirele m of dancing and excellent TA y ‘ : — , urce of information, tt t the Ulsterites will) a is provided by Will Ed- SANTA CLAUS VISITED rae ines Geoeten Cn ' ig to this sour ) i ! erite i unds and W. J. Pitman, Ail/@he ed Without Opposition; Cabinet ept the plan. If Ulster accepts, and its parliament is threatene alin spital staff were in attendance JAPANESE KIDDIES to Resign January 17. ee the Sinn Fein element, the “entire British’ army is available |as well as many friends who were ——- ‘ie Ge ito. Onl me General Biiss of United States In- * . ects eo Be Pe e . protection of Ulster, it was added. specially invited. Grand Dactalenen Tree in Anglican | aa es - j dicates Method of Recon ! rhe gifts of the beautiful: bie Missi aa Venterd PARIS, Jec, 26.—President structing War Torn rhe Government re alises that it is impossible to force the , , 2 ee om |} Poineare’s . successor will be Countries. 6 re section of Ireland to organise a parliament, the offici al], aac ae aah Roach ae Pieased Little Ones. jelected on January 17, aecording _—— he pointe! out that 1! would be easy to offer them alis held and it was loaded wit! rhe Anglie an degeae e Mis ion |? the inference generally drawn| WER SEG Cle Cae i € : y e r € Ss ss . » — ' to deal wit® the Orangerhen through a legislative body, |inany remembrances, both useful) jinij at the corner of Sixth Avenue by the Parisian press from Presi- DIRECTOR OF SUPPLIES | he Ulsterit pr it tion e there w ny at-|and ornamental. Santa Claus we i Fult treet w tt a Sees San : grant the Ulsterites protecti 1 case re as any at-|¢" eos at. OS « aus eS | ant ulion Stree as le scen . "he a1 » eabi _ . he ° j there and was kept busy making); Christimas festivities yesterday. ene Came -— am congnts peers Rey era Tit. ueg: pt to interfere with them. i wepions peenemiedions. . bins ; |would definitely resign on that} WASHINGTON, Dec. 26.—The a : | ry «se eaeited ain Dr ‘ , sixty Japanese were present, j date. It is also deduced that he| fate of all Europe is so closely in vhom half were children, rs yt ill be a candidate for the presi-jinterwoven with that of Germany an afternoon te a set and tray DY was a Christinas tree and San . : : a be , deney, which means that he will/¢hat the other Europear. nations the junior nurses. Matron here Claus was in attendance. Chris st- | ; = od be elected virtually without oppo-| should lend her every assistance ; only a few months, Miss At-)mas hymns were sung, some in} sition in ie ouieamelanibl os has already won the con elish by the children and some| a = ih in e organization and maintain- and esteem of her helpers Japanese by the whole assem-|-p Speculation negarding rhe! ance of a stable government, Gen- ill with whom she he 7 — at on > ‘eten in| figer's” successor as head of the! eral Tasker H. Bliss, United States it a oWweiit? Siit ‘ ) eci.ations were ! y : » a bad : . » aeli i ome in contact. Miss Bunberry|peth languages. Mr. Higashi, the cabinet is consequently eclipsing representative on the Supreme | Employ Aiready Forty Thousand ding part in the at ae tas : nae a, : discussion as to the next presi-|War Council, said today. The . cading : a ssionary charge, ave i de o » republic. x ar ; . Persons—in Two Years Ought ie fan the happy perth. ketene ah fies Geen lent of tne republic, Alexander | present unnest in Europe is due to Surpass 1914 Output. _ , o- Miller, governor of Alsace Lor-|almost entirely to unfair or eco- F eS _— - a iiigashi d reeted 1e «=6various “ to have the greatest . : ‘ Prince Rupert Drug Store Broken el . on, {reine, seems to” d nomic oe are rrpeere ts Ries... --4 inte and Fulton St. Cigar LINEN WEAVING RETARDED NORTHCLIFFE PRESS ee a“ 7 i were ™ “jlead in popularity, so far as ean! continued, but this could be raised _* ‘ SOnKES ¢ 0 “rT arts. 1 ; : . Store Robbed. j OWING SHORTAGE OF FLAX PRAISE PREMIER. : Mr ‘he a whe oan > ert be judged meantime, and wholly corrected if all Ku- Bese | i WEEN | ene cetead taal —————— rope combined their resources in nt rnoon the Princ .| Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs —_ Essington ve twenty eo $ one big effort. lav ¢f mo ar ce iago as e “hairmeé ie ’ : estore. Third Avenue,| LILLE, France, Dec, 26.—Over|Signs of Heating the Breach Be- ee > Baw dw § Bishop General Bliss suggested the 7 store, pevel g. anc srprete s : 2 ; broken into, this time|forty thousand persons are at tween ie Two Big Men of D ‘ oe Vs bball Shee wy a pooling of necessities and raw “ 1s ag ns work in the French textile mills, a Britai tc ms. = a materials under one man, vested # ui day-light. t being rr n. ss it of Christmas. Canon Ki | vith th thorit a the staff were not on | Which were razed or looted by the iia | nd the Rishop satin eating’ wi e necessary authority anc « i ae ie s af er. | Germans of their wonderfully (Specia! via G.T.P. Telegraphs. ae: The os +, ciated organization. This man wuld 7 ; day and during the after-| jguests. The peals of laughter} he dest ted Di t l of . . rately cut a delicate machinery rhe repair- LONDON, Dec. 26.—Some of the} ». Senta (iaus ‘ated that , - cesignate irector Genera o eves deliberate}; i . jover Santa 1 indicated that| Winners Announced at Barries’— Supplies and would have associ pane and entered the ing of the mills and the anne - itieal observers yesterday 84W | child nature, whether Japanese ol Numbers Given for ated powers as Director Guinred Here they were met ing of the stolen machinery IS B0- | jn the unanimously laudatory at-| G@anadian, is essentially the same. Others. i ft moses sen ¢ ’ that th ed door and probably (88 0" steadily and many titude assumed by the Northclotfe see o e ution to see a e they oo ld get it br ken sands more will also find employ- press toward Premier Lloyd 5 With the exception of Bulger’s ee omy se ae on aon ey cou ’ ” Aiea. & ee ae , om *|itioned whére they were the most + disturbed. Immediately ment soon. wee George’s proposals for Irish Homet R JSSIAN PROPAGANDA Christmas drawing, all the draw- urgently Ser y of. the entry, the Wilnin a year both Government Ruje, the possible rapprochment} BY CFRMAN AGENTS ings in the local stores for Christ- e e notified but no trace officials and the manufacturers petween the great Britisher, and | un mae prince Gal aie en Cini. was to be found of the burglars *#'ee that the production of teX¥- | Rritain’s statesman. Both the} i mas Eve. The drawing at Bul- ALLIES VERIFYING some foat-prints and ies will reach half of the pre-war ,ondon Times and the Daily Mail,|Geeman Agent Had Free Entry to ger’s store takes place tonight at hie window sills. The total and within two ew? — the two leading Northetife publi U. S. State Department and 8 o'clock. GERMAN STATISTICS pe ind that the place had men forecast that the 1914 ov cation were profuse in tneit Was Well Vouched for. No. 1969 is first prize winner sy he tered before this week. 4! wiiil be s ———— aoa a rae pre! 8 — ‘pect va 6 . . relegrapas.) ior the eiderdown comforter ot | RasiReation of Versailles Treaty 5 ar seted and ei industry is said to have e- Heretofore these newspapers have! Pk oe ae : Vallace’s. The ladies’ silk sweat- d How Soon 1e boys are suspected and it ©! ‘at . G N 96 — ‘The! * aa : Depends Upon iw ine police will make a eovered the most rapidly, : =— been bitter in theit; aliaeks up \ = ed ck on eae rr eris won by 5175 and the pair of Figures Can Be i up today. cotton in second place nen premier Lloyd George, loliow OSures av Lis vee _ ~liadies’ shoes goes to 2700. Mr.| Checked Up. I r store on Bighth Ave. Weaving is repo! ted to be the upon the break between him and) gation Mu the Russian Ratohevik Minns, manager, announces* that) nd } re st hhtocaiaie to Miss Slowest in getting back to normal, [ord Northel during the Peace! propaganda in the United States, if the winning tickets are not | (Special by G. 7. P. Tel-