111- '& -4a "'-I 1,,! , if j "'I 3Sl 1 "B ; 5 m I ; 1 ,1m m S-ji 'i 1 PAGE SIX YOUR CHOICE of (he Largest Slock of Good Used Cars In the City at Prices LOWER Than Anywhere in B. C. All Cars Guaranteed Boat Engines and Motor Boats For Sale HAS COAL Bay the real' Coal our famous Ed son and Cassldy-Wr Din Eton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'llONES 58 AND 558 Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK CO, II Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SHE Mr BOV IflL? Remember Bovril strengthens you against the risk of colds, chills and influenza. M TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City RECONCILE VILLAGES Indians of New Metlakatla, Metla-katla and Kitkatla Agree to Bury Old Differences Progress Is being made in efforts of the natives of New Metlakatla, Alaska, to effect a reconciliation with those of Metlakatla, B.C.. and KitkaUa. The recent visit of four representatives from St Elizabeth's Church, Ketchikan, to the church people of Metlakatla was part of the effect to bring about this reconciliation. Those who know the early tory of the Church of England Missions on the Northern British Co lumbia coast will remember that in those early days there were serious divisions of opinions between the founder of the mission, William Duncan, and the authorities of the Missionary Society which sent him to this field of service. The result It's got to be good to be ADVERTISED READ THE GROCERY ADS TODAY All the king's horses ... and all the king's men can't make a success out of a bad product. No amount of advertising will create a market for it. The more it's advertised, the more its defects become known. A Good Product Well Advertised grows as swiftly and naturally as a healthy plant. People try it and like it. They tell others. They like it. Soon that product is found everywhere . . . and its name, spread abroad by advertising, is on every tongue. When you see something widely and consistently advertised, you can be pretty sure it's well worth havirig. If it weren't . . . i'f it didn't represent an honest and worthy value . . . the maker couldn't afford to advertise it. Look Over the Advertisements in this Paper ..ffi'-SQigeoff an are ent bese names ypu know. Others, perhaps, are newcomers, titled toVotir trust . .j all are here because thev have potential friends bringing some new comfort or convenience. But something real to contribute to your advantage . . . your service . . . your happiness. THE DAILY NEWS TELEPHONE 98 TEX DAILY WBVn Februaq Models on Principle of Bird Flight . -- - .if" - vjfi- J. H. Montgomery of Loo Ange'cs. after year f s:udy o! bin! flight, has built model planes on the same principle By specul permission of tht copyright owners" to express its sincere sorrow and contrition for this long-standing of these differences was the with-1 separation and misunderstanding drawal of Mr. Duncan and a large I in the tribe and its willingness, yea, body of his followers from Metla-1 eagerness to do all in its power to Katla to Annette Island in Alaska, the work at Metlakatla being con tinued under Bishop Ridley. Father Duncan as he was familiarly called. established himself and followers on Annette Island calling their village New Metlakatla and his or-1 aantzation the Christian Church. Of recent years a large number of the descendants of these native; have desired to return to the fold of their mother church. There has been erected a fine church building in Ketchikan arid a progressive congregation is connected with it. For some time this congregation' ha desired to establish friendly re lationships with the people of their mother church at Old Metlakatla ind this was brought to a head by he deputation of four beaded by their native pastor, the Rev. Paul Mather. This deputation was rry- ally received by th" church people of Metla katla. They were enter tained by every organisation in the church and village and the visiting deputation provide! a fine banquet for their hosts. During these festivities the Ketchikan brethren presented from their people of jr. Elizabeth Church the following resolutions: Resolution Presented "Whereas, we, the Tsunpsean members of St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Ketchikan, Alaska, wish to be reconciled to our brother members of the Anglican Church in Metlakatla, B.O.. therefore, be it resolved: "1. That the undersigned com mittee, representing the communi cants of St. Elisabeth's Church, sends cordial greetings and felici tations and heartfelt gratitud? to the members of your community. "2. That this committee wishes terminate this unchristian situation as soon as possible. "3. That the two branches must ever bear in mind the noble soul, leader and apostle. Father Duncan, who led os forth from darkness into light in order that we may see, in whom and by whose work and min VALUATION REDUCTIONS istry, we, the two Anglican bran-1 provemenU but made no change in ehes of the tribe have a common 1 assessments on land Derating con- bond and a common Ideal. He was j 5toraUon of the whole list of ap- faithful to the end. and when our peals. The session yesterday after-Heavenly Father took him from us.! now, was taken up entirely with our hearts turned lovingly back to ' the hearing of appeals entered by the church which had sent him to ii o. Arnold and M. M. Stephens us, which is now shepherding us, administering the sacraments and feeding us with the Word of Life. "4. That this same church of which we are both members should bind us together, heal our wounds, cleanse our faults, and make us truly one In heart, soul, and life In Him. who is the Author and giver court; of our life. "S. That 'the God of peace may nake us one, that His Spirit may ;uide us into all truth, and that we nay work and pray in oneness of spirit to His honor and praise. "Paul J. Mather. "Robert Ridley. "Walter Calvert, "Alex F. Guthrie-" Message in Reply In return the Metlakatla church people gave -the deputation the following message to be taken back to the church people at Ketchikan: "On behalf of the members of St. Paul's Church. Metlakatla. B.C., we the undersigned leaders extend to you our hearty welcome on this your mission of reconciliation. "We Join with you In your sorrow and contrition for our long past separation and your desire to termin-at the result of those evil days which occurred in the first days of the church at Metlakatla, B.C. "We do not forget Father Duncan nor Bishop Ridley and others who were pioneer missionaries among us Tstmpseans and who opened our eyes to see the Light of the Gospel and who although they have departed to Eternity yet speaketh. "We hereby declare that the church people of Metlakatla, B.C. welcome your offer of reconciliation and pray that we may all live in love and fellowship until we gather around that throne where only love' and fellowship can enter. "Signed on behalf of the congre gation of St, Paul's Qhurch, Metlakatla. B.C. "Pete Haldane, "Wm. M. Leigh ton. "Geo. Leighton, "W. J. Robinson." Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 9, 1912 James H. Thompson and Aid. L Bullock-Webster have been appoin ted police' commissioners for the year by the provincial government. The new Isolation hospital at Dlabv Inland has now been com pleted. The building Is now ready to receive the furniture which has been purchased in Victoria. CAPTAIN TUFPER IS 10VEI;IUGIN,1 Captain James M. 'WpelvTn sector of Roval Canadian Moun I ted Police, who was recently moved from Prince Rupert to Edmonton has attain been moved to Reslna Mrs. TuDDer and family expect to Join him there within a month or two. "5E-is -Tv .-ji STSpi itotfryrr y vrrsssy -i: t on behalf of numerous individual: property owners of the city. Mr ! Stephens' list of appeals had not! been completed when the session! adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Following were among the reduc tions on buildings allowed by the Lot S. block 32, Mctkm H f Artlm. H. Hale i from $1030 to )fM. v Lot IS. block 27. section -6 Dan Archie $1060 to $900. ' " ' " Lot 16, block 27, secttoir 5 Dau Archie) $1800 to $1500. Lot 19, block 23. section S. it.. Brooksbank) $1100 to $1000. Lots 1 and 2. block 32. section 1 S. J. Jabouri $500 to $9,800. Lot 14. block 14. section 7 (Wm J. King) from $1500 to $1,000. Lot 19, Nock 28. section 1 (Ed. C Kane) from $800 to $400. Lot 10. block 11. section 1 W. J. Alden from $1,900 to $800. Lot 26. block 34; section 1 f W. J Alder) from $1,900 to $1,000. Lot IS, block 31. section 5 (Yuen Yen Son) from $806 to $500. Lot 3. Mock 18. section 1 Ma", Curtis from $3,000 to $2,090. Lot 10. block 30. section 1 Us Curtis from $3 .000 to $2,000 Lot 10. block 20, section 1 (Jas Curtis from $3,000 to $2,900. Lot 39. block 27. section 1 (Clan Duggan) $1,000 vo $800. Lot 4. block 6, section 9 E M Kenneway) from $1,500 to $1,300. Lot 24. block 34, section 7 (Dan Archie) from $3,000 to $2,500. Sound travels much faster through warm air than it does through cold air Square Deal Meat & Fish Market Third Avenue 1 Cauliflower Rump Roast Beef, 5 lbs. 1 Cauliflower Pork Roast per lb. Phone 958 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Specials Round Steak 2 lbs Loin Lamb Chops 2 lbs. Pork Steak.- 3 lbs. Liver. 1 lb. Bacon. 1 lb Loin Veal Chops 2 lbs Loin Pork Chops per lb. Liver. 1 lb. Onions. 3 lbs. Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs 35c 45c 45c 25cj 45c 20c 25c $1.00 $1.00 15c Boiling Fowl -Local killed rn per lb. DRAMA IS POWERFUL "Ladies of the Bit House" is Heart-1 Appealing Talking Picture , "Ladles of the Big House," current feature offering at the Capitol Theatre, is a heart-appealing story bfa girl who Is, willing to, and does, make nnv sacrifice to Preserve love. fraught .unjustly with her man in the tolls of the law. she takes desperate chances to triumph over fateful forces which are pitted against her, only to see each hope i for success go glimmering until the last dramatic climax which brings all to a sunshiny conclusion, j As implied by the title, a penal institution makes the setting for a good deal of the picture. Those who Jsaw and liked such pictures as "City j Streets" and "Five Star Final" will i appreciate "Ladies of the Big j House." j Leading parts are taken by Sylvia Sidney, who is gaining note as one : of the younger dramatic actresses. jand by the handsome and good; natured Oene Raymond. Wynne j Gibson. Rockcllffe Fellowes and' Civic Court of Revkion Cuts Down.Purnell Pratt are among those Building Assessment B.it Leaves j playing important supporting roles. Property in Meantime j This is the first showing in Bri- tish Columbia of "Ladies of the Big The civic court of revision, at its House." which only recently com-1 session yesterday, made reductions j pteted a successful run in one of! In several cases on value of im- New York's largest theatres. iw a . . oiarnng SYLvi.j 'I r 1 H.mi Monday andTuJ rwn Dim 4UCSU Future start, 7 "Jl A FIRST SHOWING ft Ladies of U win wrne iiaxmontt (iibson and a wonderf, See the boy whowu and the j;irl Rho quit, fight thru to hi, A Pa amount Pick Comedr TP POPS THE DUI Musical- "jazz niroRTtt PARAMOrST X WedneMh and Thr "ONCE A LADi Telephone Service lo Vancouver Vict ona etc. NOW OPEN It is now possible lo telephone from Prince Rupert to points throughout Canada and the I ruled States. Ask the operator for "Lonj; Distance." Rate to Vancouver One minute Two minutes ... Three minutes Rale to Victoria- one minute Two minutes ... Three minutes $3.00 $3.15 $3.90 StJ5 $3.20 S3.55 For the present the hours of service arc I) a.m. to 0 p.m. North-west Telephone Co. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your nin. Yoti are assured In Vl ,u" . . " illl IASPER WILDriRi: LUMP Per Ton, S13.50: Cash M PCMniNA EOn Reg. Price. 312.50: Cash Price Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 5S0