vriday, December 26, 1919. (Jrm the Canadian Rockies q to the coast of Nova Scotia Canaday Favor whe FA) , BD a elle Sh we if Son ef ; - oN ‘* s é oS PARKIN & WARD Electric Co. Ltd. Third Avenue and Cow Bay Electrical and Marine Supplies REGAL 4 CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES Tas age ENGINE — THE DAILY NEWS Reclamation Scheme For Massett Inlet Residents Claim that 600 Acres of Fine Land and Boat Anchorage Could be Made. 24.— MASSETT, Dec. A reclamation scheme in Masset Inlet between New Massett and Delkatla is being talked of here. Flats exist at this point that could be easily drained, it is believed, and would provide 600 acres of the finest agricultural land. Besides the land an anchorage could be provided for 200 fish boats by | > af > of : tT - he ime scheme. This is a pet project of many local peopte ind the, hope to see it carried into effect before long. Moreton Frewen, on his recent visit he re, inspired great con- fidence in the residents and they are confidently expectant of seeing the wealthy Englishman! go ahead with his scheme ot CHRIS AS TY colonizing the district. rhey| ™M PAR vould welcome the returned men | among them with open arms as} AT DAWSON HOME feel that the coming in of a! number of settlers under the aus | Most Enjoyable Informal Dance pices of such an influentia! man| Thoroughly Appreciated ney would mean great things in the by Guests. development of the district. —— rhe people of Massett and Port Among the numerous Christ- Cle ments are by no means satis-| mas parties given last night, one fled with the present boat service! of the most enjoyable was held at hat is given them by the Prince] the home of Mr, and Mrs. F,. G Albert or Prince John on the fort- Dawson, on Fifth Avenue, Kast. nightly schedule. They maintain rhe evening was spent in dancing that it hinders people from the ind the party was @n informal utside coming into the district to] one Mrs. Dawson is an unexcelled and learn of its possibilities. Besides that it works a great hardship on those who are already entertainer and hostess of those and everwone present had a Trollers Sizes from Sizes from 2”. to 2 HP. : 59 ii.P. 59 HP. Complete Lighting and Ignition Outfits to suit all requirements. Owing to the high cost of production the Regal Gasoline Engine Co. are compelled TO RAISE THE PRICE TEN PER CENT. ON ALL ENGINES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 Take advantage of present prices. Place ycur orders now for spring delivery. OUR PATRONS To You and Yours We wish a Merry ’Xmas and a Happy New Year The Prince Ruperi Drug Co.| | FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. PHONE 134 Mail Orders GiveaSPrompt Atiention Pd. BOX 215 FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC 4 Room House and Lot 7th Avenue $1600--- Cash or Terms “FE DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent Cor. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. PHONE 57 P.O, BOX 1535 —.. Subscribe for The Daily News he Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia time of perfect enjoyment. Mrs. settled here. Dawson was assisted by her Se nother, Mrs. J. Rothwell, and her PATIENTS AT HOSPITAL | "'-". Miss 3. Rowen rhe following were among the WERE ALL REMEMBERED guests: Col. and Mrs. 8. P. Mc- Mordie, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Cam- Gifts Given vesteréey Morning | "0" Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Morri- Were Provided by Board son, Mr. and Mrs. R. G, Grieve, and Auxiliary. Dr, and Mrs. H. R. Grant, Mr. and We Mrs. James Carmichael, Mr. and Yesterday morning Santa Claus| Mrs. W. G. Humble, Mr. and Mr;s. visited every patient in the Gen.|W. H. Wilson-Murray, Mr. and ral Hospital. Gifts had ‘been| Mts. A. E. Bazzett-Jones, Mg. and ided for all and yesterday|™Mfs. A. M. Manson, Misses K. g the pr sentations were} Grant, A. Stewart, G, Hunter, Mrs. me of the presents were | Linnell Messrs. 8, Dawson, 3. « pretty and all were useful. Steen, D. Jay, W. 8. Fisher, Rh. : provided by the hos- Fishen, A. Grant, G. A. Hunter tal board and Ladi@s’ Auxiliary}#9d Arthur Barr. Iped very much in lending ry » spirit of Christmas cheer to the|#%~ — ns 1 0 au. ' The Man in the Moon ! ise in the Daily News. / SAYS:-- - x 3 That Christmas, 1919, vith considerable gusto. ’ * came off * The gusts, however, could not dampen the joy and spirit of the old day. Christmas Cash Specials That this Christmas was by far the merriest for six years. >. . . . Cmera spepmae® essucee That he looked down on many 1 J sat the ; $1.25 to $1.00 families that had not been com- a © Foc 0 50c. ic ty 26c. plete for years. 25°. Discount of All Lowney'’s and . © . Wsfreah Stock and Best ‘Quality. that whoever presented him —_ with that home-made stocking 10 ei “Cnanets ron filled with lemons and suckers CHRISTMAS Special, 3 doz. for $1.00. e0c, and $1.00. showed a lot of good judgment be- it reminded him of his He has a lot of fun with Also 50c. cause youth. inuts, Bragils, Almonds, Peanuts . ; Wand Fuberts, 45¢. per pound, of the horn ‘and is keeping the mixed at 3 ibs for $1.00 chocolate boat as a souvenir. All) Wines, Ginger, Loganberry Claret, . A vepp, Skee and Port Wine That next week is going to be SS filled with social affairs Spitz Cider, reg. 25c, Spec for 35« . . . peanee Coe, ES > patie air That many of the butterflies FULL LINE OF CHRISTMAS BIS- ours FRESH. are wondering how they can make them all. In ms 4 and per pound . . . Special tins, segular . 95.05, Oey Phat Santa Claus did not for- rT are assorted and all good get the nurses and neither did the doctors and patients. MALAGA GRAPES AND 6PANISH ONIONS AND NO. 1 APPLES PRESH STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES Phat New Year will be the next stop and then we'll take the 1920 run “full of pep.” GROCERY SPECIALS ik Flour, per sack $2.01 heliog’s ¢ : Flakes, per pke. 10¢ ——___—_ sikin’s t t Coffee 2 ibs, for $1.10 Maikin’s Best Tea, 2 ibs, for $1.2 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS the Brand Peas, 3 Uns for 50 Quake Brand roma toes . TO THE G.T.P. STAFF Broom, regular $1 , on sale f ( Fresh ground Coffee, Speci: o lbs for 3 $1 . ¢ Purity Tubes On 5a 2 for os Buik Rolled Oats, ‘ ee 2b vl i Meal, Special 5 ibs ; ee 3 I ve extraordinary value bot Ihe ough Messrs. H. McCall and tles for 2 ain > s Catsup now selling, per bot G. H, MeNicholl, the following hristmas greeting has been sent uke Pork and Beans tc of per dozen to the staff of the railroad from i Heing Tomato Soup, per tin ! > ice.pre > id Heine rity Peach Jam, reguiar $1.3 W. P, Hinton, vice-president ar ale for bet : $1.1 general Manager, sd special 7 bars fol Qh ; hice now 6 ing per I + “A yearn has passed since the Maple Leaf MUR, per case 38°35 | cessation of the world war and ps : per case $5.35 ‘ u : special per tin o | many difficulties faced during or ee ) as there Wh aval e ’ y Be > pound very ;}1919 have geen surmounted in a ana st lway to give every promise for the speedy readjustment of conditions | oreated by the war, and of a bright | future and opportunities for all l'you have done your part by your learnest endeavour and co-opera- ition during the trying period and lon behalf of the management, | ldesire to express appreciation land thanks to you all, and con- fidently look forward to a con- tinuance of the present agreeable TEAS at 50c, 60c nt are giving the be tok | fruit cake home-made and Pp im and ‘8 —— Have You Made Your Deposit Fuller’s Ltd. Phones 45 and 534 DO N’ T chine that because your stomach can divest food mah are proof against indigestion. "he most mportant digestive work is done by the bowels, liver and kidneys. Unless tiese are active and work in harmony, you are in danger of seif-poisoning. ws es Ae eye eat Hye ie help +g bowels to functionate and influence the liver Plane to act very efficiently. Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing - classes of boats up to 100 feet in len: WOODWORKING, BLACKSMIT ING ‘ND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central ” “ritish Columbia. Seal Cove Marine ‘Ways, Ltd. A. Swanson, President W. E. Thompson, Gen, Manager Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE PPLICATION FOR GRAZING papeate FOR THE SEASON OF 192 | | | | Applications for permits to Braze live-| tock on the Crown range within each) razing district of the Province of British} ‘olumbia must be fled with the District oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kain- oops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver nd Vernon or with the commissioner of ivazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B., . on or before February 29, 1920 Blank forms upon which to submit ap- lications may be obtained from the Dis-, rict Foresters at the above named places | r from the Department of Lands at- Vic- To back up the Holidays and tide you over the busy sea- son, better order a load delivered now. oria, B. C. G. R. NADEN, Pet iad Minister of Lands. SCREENED Department of Lands, Victoria, B. C December ‘Su, 1919. “A IN THE SUPREME COURT OF Britisit OLUMBIA. LUMP COAL $13.00 per ton, delivered in bin Phone Black 85 IN THE MATTER OF 1 THE “ADMINISTRA- TION ACT” — and — THE MATTER OF SELDON EDWARD STEBBINS, DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Honour F. McB, Young, made the 19th day of December, A.D, 1917, | was appointed admyiistrator of the estate of Seldon Ed- ward Stebbins, deceased, and all part re | having claims against ihe said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly | verified, to me, on or before 15th day or | December, A. D. 1919, and all parties in- debted to the estate are required to pay IN Terminal Coal Co, the amount of their indebtednss to ime forthwith. J. H. MeMULLIN, Oficial Administrator Dated this 29th day of November, 1919. |OUR Pool Room moved to NOTICE OF CANCELLATION ® 5 Ot Sonne 721 Third Ave. NOTICE 1S HEKEBY GIVEN that | the Opposite reak Reserve cover , an tag Rb og ty width and simuate along The Empress Hotel the north shore of Graham Isiand, holice of which appe ared in the “British Columbia Gazette” the 28th January, 1909, ‘ts cancelled in so far a8 it relates to ‘that portion lying between Indian Reserve No, t and Indian Reserve No, 3. UG. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Deparunent of Lape, Victoria, B. November “13 “Z71h, CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer 1919, IN PROBATE. THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN COLUMBIA, | Phones 41 and Red 391 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- For Hire by the Hour, rH ’ Ce Day or Week IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, | e INTESTATE, TAKE NOTICE that in order of His) L h ce Honour F, MeB. Young, mate the ®ixteenth aunc ® day of Decemaber, A. D. 1000, 1 was ° pointed Adminisirator to the estate Charlies W. Shairlin, deceased, and ail} Pienic and Fishing Parties parties havin tate are her ng _clalens against the said ¢s- y required to furnish same, | prope rly. verified, to me, on or before the | 16th day of January, A. D, 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to Trips round Harbor J.“MYHILL-JONES mo forthwith éehmaniennninanedtiatinatinliiisiattiaie ite cilities JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator. Dated this 16th day of December, 1919. ; 3 a relations. That you and your Chilll Con Carne * Hol Tomales families may have a Merry! At the Christmas and a Happy New Year and many returns of the same, is my earmest wish,” CHILL! PARLOR - 635 Second Avenue Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 POOCe