Mr- R' ,1 fly, June 1, 1032 This is My Secret for Keeping My Family Well" ird. Hilton Beach, On-'flii i ny secret for .' , ,!v of fix well. For all t ii .vc used Baby's Own ,1 i ,;mnot pra4!,tbjm too ),li i- (rttful, I glVeher' ,., ,, ljblct, and in a short ! If there Is sign of i In tablets, and she is ' i it 'he it constipated, I , N wonderful regulator. .,, 1 1 tic rturinu teething. I , .it being without a box iMv reared my family on DR. WJLUAMS Baby's Own TabltU," writes Mr. Ray haXerftolrt11rM!rr"m JEyW sick speu." Hundreds pi other mothers luva writ. . ten their heartW thinks for Baby7 Own Tablets, the absolutely SAFE remedy for the common illnesses of babies and children teething troubles, simple fevers, colds, summer complaint, colic, upset stomach and the peevishness that indicates something wrong. 25c a package more than 1?50,00) packaia told in 1931. 22s Mate and Keep Children Well At Mothers Know DEMERS' June Clearance SALE 25 Percent Off All Stock AIR DRIED SHINGLES dar oil in the wood, affording extra and better pre-a m kiln-drled shingles from which the essential oil . itorated. Our shingles are made on Queen Charlotte , a home product, deserve your preference. Shingle , . on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru-V mrouver wages never come north. Support a home ,!,! vour own welfare bv specifying Air Dried Shingles- Prices: No. 15X $3.75; No. 13X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 liNJON'STKAMSIlli'S .LIMITED - i.,-i; r, Ifae t't ..!. Ku.xrt :i VMtAMTOt.rr, f mkiu n iMv i . r u. , v.t., arriwiu Vai, 'i f T! rsclay pm. i i IVI.UV I'KIIMY MllMiiir. .: mrr S'iniav mtdiisxr-.t apirox . to Port 8mi:... .t re A m M.yox. Stewart and Naaa Rlvrr pi..: SuiKluy. B ;i n. .ii. -ii retarding 11 u'll P and Uck at i Ki ri ltT AilGM'Y: !em A niur. rnone saw. LET A MOTHER TELL YOU ' ATTirrt IWion, Toranto, gratrfnUr Haka of what Eatle Brad 1 1 drr little dangtot. Marsawt n "For the oral three Bvoatfts 1 ' tmrafil, I Hit tki (In! not arrm In 4lih hrr. M iller JTiB l! I (1 'I. pvitvlhiB, I retd an ailvfrtiwmrni in a nrwppcr obwm -a 1 t'l drriifai l try it. Shr twk I" i wiT TJ r"' trouble aince. Shf has 1 1 ith, all mining through without v Hrr rleaJi k Rnn. Invfly .Iraighl limba. g.iod hone dwlop-""'i rontrnled. Slip wnn third priw at the Canadian National n lUby SiMW latl S-pirmber in Claaa D, with 103 aatrefttt. " ' unable lo nurae vour babv. or h i not gaining a he ' I fMw ,L ..1-1 .f L...r4. nl itwiuunata fit Other - WHO - 'imiw inp atinrp 01 nunuiru, w, and try Eagle Brand Milk. If you will end ua your name and - nau w glad to acni you nripiui, wuain " tilled with advice and practical auggeetiosa that will delight you. ''' photograph and Itltrr puMuhri by tki Bardtn Ctmpmf '"luntarUy irnl im fry a grateful frtnt or alhtr rtlttvt. FREE! A Wonderful Baby Booklet! '"l'n Cn. I lmil.l CW.4 , r II Sireet. 1,1 ''t. ll.c. L";!-'nn: riraae imd tne free wpy of ywr new 6tpige edition, Baby ""iirn. Ai SAWS The most economical saws to use .vVoSaliM- LOCAL NEWS Whyfhlre a ton truck lor pound parcels7 Phone Messenger 131. (tf) Presbyterian tea and sale of tome cooking at home of Mrs. II N. Brocklesby, 403 4th Ave. E., June 2 from 3 to 6. R. McRae, who has been in the employ of the Power Corporation of Canada here, sailed on the ss, Princess Norah this morning for Atlln. Jut received, a large shipment of Welldre LadioV Full Fashioned hose" In all shaclee at the new price 85c. pea:, pair. B. C. Clothier's, next door to Frizzell's Meat Market. 2t Mrs. T. J. Marsh and Miss Sooba arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from the south enroute back to Terrace after hav in? accompanied Mrs. Marsh's sls- ier, Miss Deacon, to Vancouver. Sixteen members of the crew of the steamer Prince Rupert, which is soon to be reeommlssloned in service after having undergone annual overhaul at the local dry dock, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from CNil. steamer Prince George, George, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in port on time at 10:30 this morn ing from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will re- turn here tomorrow evening south bound. Miss Phyllis Mooney, R.N- who since leaving here two years ago has been in tile Peace River coun try and in Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the ss, Prince George this morning to re join the nur'.ng staff of the Prince Rupe- General Hospital of which she was formerly a mem ber. Skin Irritations Quickly Healed By tha Pur Antiseptic T will I Wrprlard fa w kav qth-tly jam ran rat trlitt frva kw, nitm. P ptM, acalra. blotch, and athn ail tpaMM. IrriUtrf llvan. ITcniSrf STUPS IX. ITAXTLT rxD.D. U okar ! nalmlra. SV buttaa prwM tti nwrti rgoralni-tiJt McCUTCIIEO.VS DflL'G STORE O RAILS LIMITED Imported Italian Olive Oil. Lucca and Ramella, $190 and $2.10 a gallon. Macaroni, all varieties. Phone your grocery order to Mrs. uouis Amadio. Fulton Orocery, eerier Sixth Avenue. John Bldnohard, passenger agent for the White Pass and Yukon Ku;iu at 3kagvay. was a passenger io;rr the Princess Norah this .: lining returning north after a v i :t iii Vancouver, Seattle and else- t re in the south. Milking 1 c final voyage on wln-r- -rhcdule. C.P.R stnamer Prin-e- s Norah. Capt. Wilteun Palmer, in ived in port at 10:45 this morn-inn from Vancouver and sailed at vxn for Skagway ami other Aias-an point? whence she will return 14-xt Ennday afternoon south- vjjid; A week from next Monday .he Prlncesi Norah will arrive en- oute to Skagway inaugurating the oTinany's schedule of summer nrirt ra'I'.nes and. after that rogue, will be replaced for the -Uaflsler by the s teamen Princess . ' . All J nlMMAaa OU)ae, i'nnccan ttx uu riuntn Charlotte. The Princess Louise Is iue here June 17 on her first voyage north. The Princess Norah orought ninety passengers north of whom two Disembarked here while half-a-dosen or so left for Alaskan ports. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY IFOR RENT Furnished flat, four rooms and buth. Phone 132. 133 (COAL! COAL! SaHsfactlon guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta it Bulitlev Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats & Barley, Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds & Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 558 26. MhiVDliJiii A;i;n flii:n fWJfl'nmitiWw,''l': a-ia-i ' THE DAILY JTEW8 PAOS TRRBf Thurs. Special Peaches, Pears and QEp "" Apricots, 5 tins for Munro Bros. Chimneys swept, stove pipes an& gutters cleaned. PH6ne 5. tf Don't forget the Elks' Flag Day June 3. Come out and give the children a good time. tf Len Bond has opened the Eighth Avenue Cash & Carry Qrocery at the old Phillip's Store. Phone your order to 250, the same old number. Vancouver Man Suffered For 129 Twelve Years Cbarlet J. Ptrne, il-koowa cltnta ot VsDcuunr, B. C . r-ctntlr m!4: "Stsmub trovbl im coDstlpft tloa had btn puDlnc m down for 11 ;nn. I'd b to Derrwi at nlfbt I eouMai in U alefp for hours. Ur circuUtloB u poor and I had a-tert rheumatic palna In nr knea. Tha r- liaf I lot from Barton aod PUla wu amaa-lor 1 aat anrthlna I aot I alep aoandlr and tha palna and numbMU hara (one. But tha rtatat bluaUK of all la bit rallef from eonatlpotlon. I ant all mi frtanda to know what thla truljr won-dtrful aedlcloa ha dona lor mt." ORMES LIMITED All retail stores will remain open Thursday afternoon, June 2, and will observe weekly half-holiday on Friday. Retail Merchants' Association. 128 Mrs. D. J. Mulcare. who arrived In i the city on the Catala yesterday from Hyder, salkd this morning on the Princess Norah to pay a visit In Juneau. J. O. McMinn, representative of the Canadian CredU Men's Trust Association, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah this morning from Vancouver, behig here on of flcial business. , Dr. J. H.,Csm. jgho has been. recemnc treaunen. 101- several weeks at Shaughnessy Military Hospital In Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the ss Prince George this morning. Mr. Justice C. D. Mscautay. ter ritorial Judge of the Yukon, and Mrs. Maeaulay were passengers on board the Princess. Norah this morning returning to Dawson af ter having spent the winter In Vancouver. Rev. Father Joseph Allard OMJ.. well known district priest, who has been on a visit to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning going through to Skagway whence he will proceed to his missionary parish of Atlln. Notice of Tender TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and until the 15th day of June. 1M, for the purchase of the following property 1 Lots 15 and If In Block 19 of Section 1. Prlaejt Rupert. 1 2 Lots 6 and 7 In Block 10 r Section 1, Prince Rupert i3 Lots 10 and 20 in Block 31 o Section 1, Prince Rupert. Tenders will stale, price am terms. Tenders will be upon the basts ot all cash or one-third cash and the balance In six and twelve months at 6. Tenderers will tender for par eels scperately. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. V. W. SMITH. Administrator of the Estate of Michael Sheady. c-o Messrs. Abbott St McLaughlin Barristers. 702 McLeod Blag. Edmonton, Alberta. Announcements Elks' Flag Day June 3. Rebckah Tea June 9. Eastern star Tea June 15. Moose picnic. Dlgfry Island, Juni LOCAL NEWS II. W. Houlden of Terrace Is pay ing a brief visit to the city, having arrived yesterday from the Interior. S. D. Murray of Anyox is paying a brief visit to the.cityhaylng iir-t rived yesterday from the smelter town. Mrs. John Milton of Triple Island lighthouse Is paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived In town last evening. R. C. McDonell of Smlthers Is paying a brief visit to city, hav ing arrived on yesterday's train from the interior. Mrs. Benson of Maple Bay in the city on the Catala yester day from Portland Canal for a brief visit to the city. Get your Tennis Supplies at Gor- J don's Hardware. Agents for Dun- lop Air Seasoned Racquets and balls. tf Miss Olive Gordon UH. of the Prince Rupert General Hospital nursing staff left on this after noon's train for Calgary where she will spend a vacation. Mrs. S. V. Cox will sail on the Prince George tomorrow night for New Westminster where she will sit is delegate from the local lodge to the Rebekahs' Grand Lodge Mrs. H. B. Rochester and daugh ter, Janet, who have been visiting for a month In Vancouver and Vic torla, returned to the city from the louth on the Prince George this morning. J. E. Douvllle, M. McLean. H. J Grady, S. Bell. C. C. Smith and J. R. Drysdale, who have been here to appear before Pensions Board of flcials. are sailing this afternoon by the Prince George on their return to Stewart. A. E. Wood will sail tomorrow night on the Prince George for New Westminster where he will attend the Oddfellows' Grand Lodge con vention as official delegate from the local lodge. C. A. Armstrong, who arrived by 'xain yesterday from Toronto, sailed in the afternoon on the Catala for Bella Bella where he will Join the medical staff of the hospital for the summer, assisting Dr. George E. Darby. Royal M. Shepard. Juneau min ing engineer, who has been on a trip Into the Vital Creek country north of Hazelton inspecting a pla- er property, sailed by the Princess Norah this morning on his return to the Alaska capital. The city council test night de ckled to defer until the regular fort nightly meeting on Monday eventn text final reconsideration and ad iption of the amendment to thi tarly Closing Bylaw providing tut toe closing of certain classes of Hores at 6 o'clock Saturday eve-lings instead of 10 pm. as at Father P. J. McOrath OJ.I.I. af r having spent several days In the ;lty to attend a meeting of district iriests, left by this afternoons .rain for Lejac where he will pay a irlef visit befoer proceeding to hte Mrish at McBrWe. Father McOrath vlll be leaving the district soon foi Baker, Ore., where he will pay a visit with a brother before proceeding on a trip to Rome where he will present this diocese at a church convention. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c rCR DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Trlrptiena tSI The bait thing you can buy or IILIOUJNEIl and SICK HEADACHES Sold nrrywhrrt tn lie and ?Sc Ttd tit. Gutters mpias $25 William Esselmont, who sustained hadly sprained muscles In his left foot in a recent softball game. Is tow able to be about again without ufferlng much Inconvenience. Mrs. Harry Zeffertt of Stewart nas received word of the death at Brixton Hill, London, Eng., recently of her father, L. S. Abrahamson, aged 68. following a protracted The Stewart Board of Trade has Instituted a movement to encour age as wide a variety of recreational activities as possible In this com munity during the summer months. With this end In view a meeting of various organizations was held re-ently with E. T. Applewhalte presiding and P. S. Jack acting as se cretary. A committee was appointed and will report back to a later meeting. Mr. and Mrs. R. Young and child of Hyder passed through here recently enroute to Seattle. Ed. Hough has left for a trip to Vancouver. A. J. Pelletler of Premier, who had been on a visit to Prince Rupert, has returned from the south. Miss M. Campbell of Premier, who been on a trip south, has returned from Vancouver. Mrs. C. Farquhar of Premier has 'eft for a visit to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hslnekey and family have inoved Into their new 1 home "On Sevwrth- street. Then- for iter home was destroyed by fire ome time ago. H. D. Rochfort and S. O. Law- -enee left recently for Vancouver, Lve Reason Jor Cvovbinql "Chantcclcr cigarette papers, rcady-gummcd and packed in the booklets casy-to-usc a a make 'rolling your own an unfailing pleasure, and smoking your own, a joy. They're the best cigarette papers you can buy!" YOUR RENT PROBLEM Do you know that ypii 9an intja 4 5 room apartment, heated, on the hilt for $25 per month, and will be conditioned to suit you. Just a few left, ec Collart & McCaffery, Limited NORTHERN B. C. NEWS STEWART VANDERHOOF ' Word has been received here that Last Friday night the Vanderhoof Oeorge Dacon, formerly of 8tewart Choral Society, under the direction and now in the employ of the Al-jof R. H. Moore, assisted by L. C. aska-Juneau Gold Mining Co. near, Curtis, presented its annual enter-Juneau, was instrumental recently J tainment in the Canadian Legion in saving the lives of four fellow, Hall before a large and apprecia-employees. Bacon was examining tlve audience. The program was a a flume near the camp when he 'splendid one and many appreela-heard the noise of an approaching tlve comments were beard as to its snowalide. At the risk of his own! excellence. It included glees, plano- llfe, he rushed to the camp and I forte duets, vocal solos, mixed quar-roused the four men. who wereitets, sailor shanties, one-act com- asleep, and who escaped In their night attire a few seconds before the camp was swept away and completely destroyed by the edy, Instrumental trios and dances. The new 78-foot bridge across the Nation River has been completed and men who were engaged In Its construction have returned to town. ALICE ARM The summer program of the department of public works has started In this district. Six men, under foremanshlp of Jaofc Graham, are clearing and repairing the line of the Dolly Varden Rail way and three men are engaged lit clearing obstructions from the train up the Northeast Fork of the Kltsault River. Wages are $20 per eight-hour day. J. Deeming of Anyox was a vis itor here the earljr part ol test week. - ' Mks Bmiiy McOuire was here from Anyox last week for a brief visit to her home. Softball seems to be gaining In popularity here at the expense of baseball whkst for years has been the principal sport in Alice Arm. A general meeting of Alice Arm SHlzens was held last Friday night to consider the advisability of holding another exhibition of vegetables and flowers here this fall. there they will appear before the mentions board for examination of renditions resultant from war series. In recognition of the splendid work he did in locating the body of Robt. Law, trapper, who died from -xposure during the past spring north of Big Missouri mine, the local Canadian Legion has, conferred 1 tlfe mKnbershfp upon Tim Williams, a resolution of thanks has also been passed to Owen MeFad-den. B. Charlton and Deughu Campbell for their efforts tn the same connection. PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS MAM IN rANCt If you want anything:, try a classified-ad.