6 Vfl Prince Rupert Overcast, sttong goumcast wind; barometer, 20.98; temperature, 52; sea choppy. XXHI , No. 128. ARE NAMED IV Ilovle Elected Noble Grand of Oddfellow' Lodge at Meeting Last Night nw, ifted offkers for the ensuing "-fir of office as follows: K"ti' (irand, 8. N. Doyle ' f.rand. MIMe Hudema tiling Secretary. 8. V. Cox. F:i, ,iv ml Secretary. A. E. Wood. Trf.nurer. N. W. Appleyard. ftiummtive officer will be an-n -xi i-r, on the first Tuesday in Jj.' wn. 'ii installaUon takes place. Tea and Sale Is Being Held Today Affair by Angllean Woman's Au-lUlarv Taking Place This Afternoon at Home of Mr. Parkin Th' Home of Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Bom. n street, is the scene this af-! ': on of a tea and sale of home ; -""k:ih! by the Woman's Auxiliary; s Andrew's Anglican Oathe-j rii ''. Tl.c rooms have been taste-J i :i decorated for the occasion ink flowers, j Parkin Is being assisted H -iving the gueats by Mr. W. J. On-vr. president of the Woman s Auxiliary. J. C. McLennan and Mrs ; H Arnold arc pouring and Mrs. F A MaeCallum la acting cashier. Voting in the tea room are Mrs. ' I'.irlow. Mrs.. E W. Tucker, Mrs A I Holhby. Mrs. James Farquhar. Mi o. o. Treleaven. Mrs. A. R- Ben West and Mrs. A. H. KlelbacK. Mrs. Thomas Andrew and Mrs. W c Asptnall arc In charge of the lii-mo cooking table. A musical program has been arranged for the afternoon Including solos by Mrs. Ernest Ander son iinpfSmnnnlcxi hv Mrs. ttilltn. violin solos by Mrs E. Wll 'ni'u Millar, accompanied by Mrs. l' K CulUn. piano solos by Miss Margaret McCafferjr and piano ou by Mrs. Robert Dartlett M' W L. Stamford. and Miss Ubby Miller arrived In the ch on the Prince George this morning from Montreal and will Pay a visit here with her father. 1 B Miller, well known local merchant, who i at present recetv-ng treatment In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. OUTSIDER WQNRACE April the Fifth First in Derby Dastur Second and Miracle Third EPSOM DOWNS. June 1: A-ril the Fifth, a rank outsider, won the Derby here today. Dastur was second and Miracle third. Twenty-one horses ran. The betting was 100 to six aiainst April the Filth, 18 to one aiainst Dastur and 100 to nine against Miracle. April the Fifth, owned by T. Wall and ridden by Jockey Lane, raced to the finish line three-quarters of a length in front of the Aga Khan's Dastur with Lord Koseberrys Miracle a short head further back. Royal Daneer was fourth and Firdaussl fifth. The time of the winner was two minutes 4$ seconds for the mile and a half over a fairly slow course. It was the slowest time since 19M. Orwell, who was the favorite, proved that those who doubted his stajing powers were mainly right. He was well up among mc front division for the first part of the journey but weakened when the final test approached and finished ninth. Halibut Landings Summary American-76.000 pounds, and 2c to 5.2c and 2c. Canadian 41.000 pounas, c Nil imlls. Mrs. J. O. Johns. Mrs. mxv 4,1c and 2c. Resolute, A tUk fliirl American 21,000, Cold 4.8c Storage, Norland, 19.000. Booth. 45c and 2c. Mnmui nsoo. Pacific. 5.2c and 2c 3c. Anna J. 1W00. Cold Storage, 5.1c Midway. 13,000, Pacific. 4.9c and ' Canadian Viking, 8,500. Booth. 4c and 2c. White Hope. 7.500; ' J.' R.. M. and Tramp. 11.000, Cold Storage. 4c and 2c. .... , . 2c. Teeny Mllly. 8,000, Auin, .ic Julius Johnson', for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment. In city Dollo'p court this morning. Customs and excise collections at the port of Prince Rupert for the month of May this year amounted to $8.09327 as compared with $2',- 574 In the same month last year. So far this year the revenue has totalled $48,962.97 as against $54.- 477.80 during the first five months of 1931. CARDINALS : INCELLAR World Champions Lose to Chicago Cubs and Drop to Foot of Class in National ! League 1 CHICAGO. Junel The world champion St. Louis Cardinals were defeated-by the pace-maklnr Chicago Cuba here yesterday and. as a result of the reverse, dropped Into the National League cellar be-j tow the Idle Phillies. The Boston : Braves scored n e yjetory oyer I the New York Giants and re-; malned In second place feur-and-j a -half game behinds the Cubs., Pittsburg Pirates continued their upward swing by defeating the Cincinnati Reds. Extra Innings were required before the Chlcafo Write Sox were ble to eke out a victory over the Cleveland Indians In the American League. Washington Senators drop ped their Jinx by defeating tnc Philadelphia Athletics In a close game. Yesterday's Big League scorer American League Washington S; Philadelphia 4. Chicago 8; Cleveland 5. National League New York 2; Boston 7. Ctndnnatl 1: Pittsburgh 4. St. Louis 1: Chicago 3. FIRE LOSS WASHEAVY Blaie Downtown in May Brought Damage Up Nine Alarms During Month j The fire department responded to t total of nine alarms during the month of May this year as compared with five calls in the same month last year. So far this year there have been 36 alarms in an as against 31 calls In the first five monhts of last year. Of course the most serious ure during May was that which vUlted the Katen Hardware. Montreal importers and Boston Cafe when damage of $26,000 was done, being iireely covered by insurance. There was S18 In a roof fire at a house occupied by Alex Barbc. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, June 1: Wheat was quoted at 50&c on the local exchange today. Following was the result of the prince Rupart Football Association's membership draw on the n.. first. 1460: second. 919: IS Today's Weather Iff Tomorrow's Tides Thursday, June 2, 1932 VICTORIA. June 1: The provin cial government has made arrange ments to supply garden seed to poor settlers In the Peace River Block so they may plant gardens this year. It Is hoped to make the seed avail able through government official Stew NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1932 Miss 1932 recalls bathing suit fa Uion oJ 1890 and Vsw. Anything that is not indecent will b' ?llo ved a' Detroit's beaches this year and authorities have decided that the sky, or something, is the limit. Free Garden Seed Shirley Young Provided By Gov't , Queen of May Needy Settlers in Peace River Block ; Crowning Took Place at Stewart on Assisted to Troduce Food For Own Use Tuesday Last in Connection With Victoria Day Celebration STEWART, June 1: In connection with the Victoria Day celebration here last week, Miss Shirley Yonng was crowned Qoeext of the May. within the newt few days so thai 1 j jriri TJ 4 TLTT planting may prWed Immediately II h FLAINC All m, nrltlrti Pnlnmhla this W KJMJ A year officials of the government have helped to arrange for the dls trlbutlon of seed among needy set- I tiers. Diviner Locates Water at Depth at Tabor Creek PRINCE GEORGE. June 1: Harold M. Mathews of Smilhers. employed by the Department of Agriculture tn water divining In the Interior, has successfully located water at Tabor, fifteen miles from here, at a depth of 170 feet. At this depth the drill went through hard-pan and the water rose to a height of 100 feet tn the well. It was the first well located by this method In the district. TO WED IN SEATTLE SEATTLE. June I: A marriage licence lias been Issued here to William B. Edwards nd Miss Mar- Jorie Lee of Westminster and for merly of Stewart. third ' U31- " wa deeided by the j Mrs. Hill Barrlngton and son. who Association at a meeting last night have been spending the winter ln that the names would be withheld Seattle, were passengers aboard the ON PATROL Customs Preventative Work to Be Carried Out By Seaplane Arriving on Coast From Winnipeg VANCOUVER. June 1: Having made the flight through Yellow-head Pass under Ideal weather conditions. Flying Officer Martin Cos- tella and Flight Sergeant J. Winnie of the Royal Canadian Air Force have arrived here from Winnipeg with a Fairchild seaplane which will be used on customs prevents tive patrols here during the sum mer by the Royal Canadian Moun ted Police. The machine will make its base here at Jericho Beach and will carry out patrols over liners ar riving from the Orient as well as being used when occasion requires Lifted at Seattle and Boats Go to Banks High Low . SEATTLE, June iAboul, ihr lhree weeks reeks ago when thehamjut fish- In various branches of preventative ; level. 30:41 on May 27. work. WEATHER REPORT tpead Tree Point Cloudy, southeast gale; barometer. 29.88: temper ature. 52; sea rough. Triple Island Cloudy, soutneast gale; sea moderate. H. D. Roohfort, who has been onl a trip to Vancouver for pensions PXAminatlon. Is a passengers on CTwhnng Tu.r-towSn.B where they will take board the Prince George this in the city ' up residence for the summer. 1 tcrnoon returning to Stewart. ermen held a meeting here and decided to sign up with the proposal made by F. J. Kwapll In regard to the sale of halibut, It was decided that all members of the 'Deep Sea Fishermen's Union must sell their fish through the new organization. The result was that a number of the boats tied up At the last week-end another fishermen's meeting was held here at which the resolution binding' their members to sell through the new organization was rescinded and the boats went out. WEATHER IMPROVED Lowest barometer reading at sea level. 29:51 on May 19. Maxlmu mtemperature, 55 May 19. Minimum temperature, 30, trict on official duties. on on 'Mean temperature Jar month. 48:5. Total sunshine, 138:4 hours. Total precipitation, 5:9 Inches. Game Warden Ed. Martin sailed thks morning on'the Princess Norafe for a trip Into the Taku River .dis 12:30 pjn. 17:2 ft. .. 6:26 ajn. 4:3 ft. 18:12 p.m. 8:6 It. PRICE: FIVE CENTS JAPANESE WOMAN DONE TO DEA TH WELL KNOW VANCOUVER SHIPPING MAN DIED SUDDENLY Mrs. Tsukamoto ofh&b,, Westminster Strangltu With Pair Of Hosiery Her Husband, Arrested Barefoot and Delirious on Street In Early Hours of Dawn, is Charged With Killing NEW WESTMINSTER, June 1: With a pair of silk ?! in 'kings tied tightly around her throat, Mrs. Iku Tsuka-trii.iii. aged 30, was found strangled to death in bed in her nomt.' on Auckland Street here early today. Her husband, K. T ukamoto, employee of a lumber company, who for a v. in was in a partially delirious state, was charged with Hthe murder of his wife In police .court later In the morning, flppllp AnniOPn l n N Tsukamoto was apprehended, by ' Jl 1 JLv'JLjIAiJ a constable who found him running barefooted and coatless, along Car narvon 8treet in the early hour of dawn. Customs Revenue ! Shows Decrease Total of $8,093.37 Collected This May, Bringing Total For Year to Date to $18,962.97 I Fashions of The Gay Nineties Melville Dollar Dies Of Heart Attack; Body Was Found in Garage Had Driven Home From His Office Was 51 Years of Age Past President of Canadian Chamber of merce and Other Trade Bodies VANCOUVER, June 1: A. Melville Dollar, aged 54, head of the Canadian-American Shipping Co. and son of the late Capt. Robert Dollar, who died recently at San Ra? fuel, Calif., died suddenly here last evening from a heart attack. The body was found in the garage of deceased shortly after he had driven home from his office. a Born in Bracebrtdge, Ont.. de Resolution of Fishermen Has Been Rescinded ceased was a former president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Vancouver Merchant' Exchange, the Board of Trade and' Chamber of Shipping. The late A. Melville Dollar was owner of the yacht Rio Bonlta Restriction as to Sale of Halibut' whlch sPnt Ust summer cruising in northern waters under charter. VICTIM OF POISONING Cyanide of Potassium Caused Death of Alphonse Levecque, it is Determined by Coroner's Jury Potassium of cyanide caused the death of the late Alphonse Le vecque, whose dead body was found In his room at the Shamrock Rooms on Friday of last week, according td the verdict of the coroner's jury which Investigated the matter yesterday afternoon before Coroner Norman A. Watt. It Is believed that Levecque was poisoned on Wednesday of last week- The witnesses at the inquest were Dr. R. O. Large. Mayor C. H. Orme. Dr. J. P. Cade. Mrs. Elisabeth Dahl-bere. Provincial Constable O. A. Rainfall Less and Sunshine MrcWyman an(rg(gu Demase. This Year Than Last I Tne verdu.t r M tMm. "That the said Alphonse Levecque The month of May this year eon-j came to nte deatn' ln Room Nar6, tinued to build up the improved weather record for 1932 ln Prince Rupert over last year During May this year there was 138.4 hours of bright sunshine as compared with 91:1 hours In the same month last year. So far this year sunshine has aggregated 337 2 hours as compared with 279:5 hours for the first tive months of 1931. Rainfall this May totalled 5:9 Inches as against 8:42 inches in May last year, bringing the precipitation for this year to date to 39:97 inches as compared with 48:80 in ches for the corresponding period of last year. Weather statistics for May 1932 were announced as follows this morning by R. O. Emmerson, Digby Island, Dominion meteorologist: Highest barometer reading at sea Shamrock Rooms, somewhere Xo-tween 6 pin. Wednesday, May 25. and 1 p.m., Friday. May 27, as result of having taken an overdose of cyanide of potassium apparently administered by his own hand while temporarily of unsound mind." HURT ON HIGHWAY Harry Wright, Cloyah Camp Resident, Sustained Fractured Skull In Fall From Truck Harry Wright, one of the men who has been staying at the Cloyah Bay unemployment relief camp, suffered what is believed to be a frao- ture at the base of the skull this morning in an accident on the Skeena .River Highway about a mile beyond the Oallqway Rapids Bridge. Wright war riding . Into town babout- 9. o'clock on a government truck, driven by frame wans, wnen he fell off the vehicle, apparently when it took a Jolt Dr. L. W. KergUi and the ambulance Immediately proceeded to the scene and Wright was rushed in to the hospital tn a semi-conscious condition. Just bo-fore noon he was reported to bq resting easily. ( ,., v.;