7. : : c 2 ; THE DAILY NEWS Pore 4 a an ne —— SINERAL ACT Sn ae ae neem ‘MINING DEVELOPMENT STORY OF AMRITSAR SSS torture tf eT TT em ers IN BABINE COUNTRY TRAGEDY LAST APRIL porres Soettle Interests Bow Working on Troops Fire Upon Muge Gather- ant acter Creek, Oremy / 2 R mtly Bontet Grow ing at Rei geous Ceremony aaa . ——— ia ” : ™ . ‘ : a te €1368-8, \eene of Ca Hundrets Ki ‘let and ” —" : 27-7 sweet ealueiie of inpwret ~ome Ge Gete Berect, & OSG" Eb The ete (ce aa 7 wane Becurter Sor 8 Core = 7 » = 7 take uy; ar o he recemt- a : oes. for Ge purpere of at j tie ws eat te war uEteretult : . . _ . . tnt = vent of Ge above clam . j marr vufter trum Sie es’ ae so: arguarec Ss & = 5 fit aair: : 7 + 4 : " : : » : | . i ' amano it be weet Grey = the Babines. Save the Samrtiers : el svaertery that es smuet Be rmumenees te C ter evesigtt intiontar News & A. Ef Deve av- eam 6 were : 5 saw 4% - , ~ ———— 1) jens ai * : a werd ' the tradegy at As fn) aon re > cep ct Decemmer, 4.5 t ie eon of te come wt meke errengements ears - odin. Gwrime last 4p ee ——e : 2 ce memes te Ome OT stusl work in scooré-\éq cetinusied the casualties LAND ACT Unless it is the Best. ret owe auie —- -. 7 * . . ° ° . . . eas . . i io. aia hee Caen oe Spey pre ence with the terme : mas noes : Bt DST t- 2. wos ; STEY TION 7 af : mast It does not pay to < ev eoobore Gee wien & OO ; fn Moras atrompeniet a [ os z e° aayer nan ‘ ers BI a oe ant «lnm a cpe oreie leoenwer of workmen & the prop- *<« Hessen which ie printed ic NS Ge skta™s. AND GTUATE OF gat any other kind TEE ; i > : sey , erty. where camp fhuildings are jibe Fs Ma aretts today iy. — = et Bat BORESS : —_—_ no Sad VV querters pr -timeg mt > ur of ties trage? : s ‘+. : aye wae wil ed iv TAS NOTES es tn ig ' : . ; siée4. 6 ~—- -« ooh s & ut b be sare wae ineveed in —- Gy, Moresby iGand ~eeath Th A pP D : J Fred Jowdiry Wyo tc wut acing 0 tuad ca|reiatives of bin at Amritear, be |saen iar, meee, Soopey os fe e News Printing Department ie pul ¢ A : tunnel of 5 ae verchase wpe bamed ; ; i be vein. which ouicrops on Drift-iteid bo copie had gathers t tomeGet at ae ae sah- i | enth Gheak ante @asetbe atrese it ' at tee en tae anit Of 6. pont plat oné st de Bardi specializes on high-class — = Third Ave - - Prince Rapert oroperts. Mr. Davia is repre-ireligious coremumr. which wae me, Sener B80 ciate, Gene work. There are experi- ty : py men San vw . : . = : rh ‘ Poe ¢ | sent og & Sestile syndicate al-jheld im (bh Gallion Walabest fulowing te beech sowtherty se enced men in charge and t -etterheac ate interested tn miming 10 thic where a2 dats bad been ererts < commences St. ; )) oo a " on “et 9 wal TES RUDGE gees they do the work well } Envelopes ) ee ' whet sever bundred oat we? : 7% ’ . rs Semt, surrounced oF . } 7 Business Forms } t —- —— —————- ‘peaks ° them 26.600 ¢ LAND ACI gathering 50.508 to see heeg We have on hand a Posters z = i ° i persons. Sucerminy tee Sotios of Metention to Apply te Leane Lane ‘ : » a. TORK’ j Sport Briefs jitary appeared and opened fire |! Gur Caarsccee isteds Lane Instron few specially choice in Dodgers 2 awigiupon the crowd wikhout warninz | wie at “2 : ated wire vitahon cards in several i ieades, SELL} gh a lint Sevens & Comer Co Lneited. of styles. Call at the office and see them before Booklet: sketball league beving = bad i T OVEM | oe Ni F ‘ is s possible to size mat-|7* ordering — J ; : ene ere up and make a feu pari- ® _—_—_—_—o A eons Dredock players and sup- . it Gurneys commenced mak- porters are inclines to be rativer Dail News | ing stoves in 1943. Still im exuberaied over their team bav-} y | oi eg won their Eret two engace- : the same line of business ' » in Nie : ments. True the Gret game they} rtm t | i 1919. Hundreds in use in ff). cuits tavoet Oo epa en ive ¥ > ® <* a* ¢ By Prince Rupert. eons teete anpenestia thot? ye —_—_—ss 7 7 aa : ; f 4 Bons of Canada, but the Dockers/ a ~ a On SALE AT are justified im their “1 told » a} fa s , "s . attitude. They have made aj" * le. ' , r good beginning, now the excelient | ws Bt ‘iow-up will be im order. They |Clementson Biyth Williseroft |i sax¢ Associen . the said Bill bei> } Hardware | 3 have yet to meet th who|2nd Kelly. while the single men's [Negsungy tor toe 7 THEO COLLART, Notary P ) : | to meet the Callies who] 24 3 fe ublic | : - : : = tr a rv ae r | 4 was appointed | '-5¢. , Coast District. Ee / Club of London and will encour- 2 FS Le Pe a matoertior to ime estate a Paul (sa, be gars will be allowed for re OFFICE HOURS . a aré lameness ; c rhe - parties havin laims | oval of timber fc ' i! ’ TU RKISH ard spprismen of Vancouver and |i Of St sad peitoleta leence umber [ae inst the ssid estate are be reby requrea| Further particulars of the Chief Fores 8 am. to 12; 1:90 p.m. te 5:90 Hm will have a limited membership. | 10466, thence north $0 chains Se ee furnish same, properly verified, to me,| ‘et. Victoria. B.C, or District Porester, 60 chains, thenc th $0 ch , asilon or before the 29th day of December, | "Tinee e Rupert, B.C. DAR. BROW memes iidediiaiiae Sean Un dalae a> toe point aoe A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the TT J. 8. ; « estate are required to pay the am nt > DENTIST and © oliiiadaan Never forget to look through nmi CHARLES E. BURGESS thelr indebtedness to tre forthwith. ” When you have read the ntws etedes eas — the classified list on Page 5. By Hans K. Christensen, Agent + oRiciah’ haeaiste ino look through the classified column : Prone 4. Turkish, Medical, Ste Located October 9th, 1919 Dated this 20th day of November. 1919 on Page 5. rkigh, Medical, Steam, ; Shower and Tub Baths. Open Day and Night PHONE 309 722 FULTON ST. wee = : = -— - —— i OD Know ™~ ae t : cciesitinmanete a ci acitaaaratiatitcanitalin \‘S NEIGHKBO: . ’ PRETTY WELL — —e . Quer PLACE . ISA TERDERUN, , at 7 nay ees. ME WHERE Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue T THERE : Dalgarno & Watts oe rayne chee Neve ¥ LA MARY! AMG an , — AMD THE j CORN Fs Fectvegs | BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Stes apatites iret Class Staircase Work and Ketimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS CE AM “AE alle +