CLASSIFIED FOR SALE lc cheap. Phone Black tl I n i dwxryear Tires At lowef any man order Motors Ltd. Prion FOR RENT our-roaraed house. Ap-sith Avenue Btttt tf r, i fi Modern flat. Rand, ,ply Max HeUbraner. it ! Modern furruehod unsmulr Street, OffMa) :.:tor. Suites. flveMrooras in range 121.00. O. P. 131 TRANSFERS '.. Transfer Phone 171 :.r -v Birch. Cedar and Jasjc Eil ! THANSFI31 Wood for ,-iees reasonable. Phon AGENTS WANTED tr: ; at V Experience un-sell ttlrSCt to ron-(.uaranteed Unr of Clothing. Liberal write for completr Tutf-Wear Clothes rufct OUtee, Bax 4 is.: MO FOUND : of Olrri Kid Gloves isve tune by calking ew and paying for : .santo, I I'AI'ERIIANGING raporhanjiinjr, Kalsomining and Painting ' that will suit you "wRfdsig C. Rouse He AUCTIONEER Crating Wrapping ji' ui Furniture Repairs L - goods with me lct i IMWES Phone Black ISO ! AUCTIONEER tet "or goods with n Prince Kupn- leading Auctioneer. G. MHUNT ,rd w phone Red 637 Manure For Sale x" ftraw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose Cowan & Latta Phone 234 B.r- a. A J f'T'XHTtl! K , "i Dully News can be pur , Ka ' 'ff ice News 8tand? 825 t 'iiv; i, st Vancouver. f Anderson. Prince J'ite B.C. , W Ruey Terrace. B.C. t Otnr,a atore. Anyox. u'!"lfrg nrnir Rfhr Hmltll ADVERTISEMENTS tr rrz 'or sale and all other small admtkements in ihi. 1 tlon fharC at the fate of 2 cents wllh tlx liMtin-fl?. insertion inM-rtiun with si per Insertions for the i H.rd price of four. , By the month the eharee is 25c . word. suverusement taken for less than 50c CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall j rhree year Orsxtoate Obtrcpractle Modern Ray Treatment! Olren j Phene for Appointment J Oreen 241 and S49 mi SHOE REPAIRS GET THE BEST IN WORKMANSHIP At the Same Price LOUIS SHIBIG QUALITY SHOE ItEPAIRS Open Evening 8 Excnange Blir 118 Sixth Street Prince Rupert Summer Resorts SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS' AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply V. Soucie, Terrace, II.C. "THE DUNES" At Beautiful Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands The ideal summer resort A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to ret and where the ehHdren ean ptay unmolested and without danger. Miles of sandy be ac h, huge sand dunes, all the pleasure of the with fresh milk and plenty of thk:k cream Fresh veseUMes and home cooked meals Trout and salmon fishing In Tlell River. SPECIAL RATES FOR THIS SUMMER mike It possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is oost per person: Board and room for 10 days $20 Jhrtum steamship fare - Care hire to and from boat j $4 Total for 12 days - Children, half prtee. No extra Pfine J leaves Prince Rupert June 10, 24, July 8, 22. Aug. 5. 19 Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut 'TILL1E THE TOILER" PAINTERS ' LIOHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- IMG LABORS Phone Red 802 to ! J.P.MOLLER 1 for - f Kalsomining, Painting I & Paperhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHAROBB OPTOMETRISTS Mail Your Watch to A. E. IRELAND Watchmaker 321 Third Avenue Prince Rupert , for - Estimate By Return JEWELLERY and OPTICAL REPAIRS 1.AKK ACT SrtUr ot ntrtrtttm tn Apply ta! In 4iwRi Chrtott Diet net Laiu) -aoMnag Dtotrtet of Prinae Knpnt. fcii .' irttl'Tita in bwit uf Ptrt ol Block b. i Stead! vttton of Itot 3 4uec:i Cluu-lMtc ;Ototot. Map 94S. Tton:t of OrstMm ' Tkfct; nntloe that wc. Iiupprial On UmilMl. of Vane iwwr. B.C.. -t upnUti J ON DtetiMratora. laiteiii u i)y iir a the inn a pat piantra i... I chain south of De ' W ri-.nm at the mid BlM-k 6. ;hen )itthw5ftwimllj 3 1 j ebafcw: 'ittlifaxtam)! 5' ' ettaUw: t tor a.jr,",ally J 'Ctiaina; the' north. m tvnrdiy loliu-i uf tb akor line at H WM to point; , at iiiniimin Mrt an(i coiiiauuug n , cm. mote or Im IMTCRtAf; OIL l.TVDTED Fr H. T ColllHOii AW April 5 1BS2. . UNRESERVED SALE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1, S p.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 2 p.m. 216 Cth Ave. West (Opposite the AndHortum) Oonsistine of: Windsor Upright , Ptano Walnut': li-rge 6-hole Mal-', kMMe Steel Rans; Chesterfield . t I j Oak Roll Top Desk; Oak Flat j 1 Desk: Tea Wagiroa; Axmirmter j ' and Wilton Carpptsi Combination Desk and Boukcsae; Dining- j Room Suite. iValnut; 4 Canar- ; les; 2 Occa mal Chairs: Larce i Leather Covrh; Lounge. Chairs. Stnger Sewing Machine, screen, i Mirrors, large Walnut Dressing Table, Beds, Dots, and Cmtches. Pots and Pans. Dishes, rtc. Owner leaving Country and Goods mast be Mild. I G.J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Phone Black 120; Red C33. DAIRIES Phone Red f08 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 9 Quarts or 14 Pints for J 1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 jfl I" Phone 98 Turning the Tables i uiamei. uiuuy ure as iuiiuwm . Batter PAOTl TTV thousands .. . . of People Read The - Advertisements on This Paee Everv j Dav V RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT i , ! Mutton, shoulder, lb -- Apples I B.C. Fresh Pullets, doz 2 Lemons. California, larce UJC. Fresh First doz. 23 Orapefrult, California, 5c to The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B, C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES .MINING CAMPS : ' LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. ' When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to 6q without ift The cost is small. 0 Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. By Westover. rCX3B BOV f-'J SHT. fte tMTHl ALi.THlMOS-fa oO THINK. IT'S AfcOJT pMlt , TO BE I ' JIAV VK iLKt--- iMfM ILL 3IVE A TME THAT yoONfl " f' THE MARKET ISfsStelSfc s .30 5 Veal, loin, lb. .,. .25 Vv mtVGU l OPAI Mlt.lf PrW M,rnt rm 1h. lrv.,1 Totnll Beef, DOt rOaSt. lb. .15 W M lUUtl &Wmft4 mMl.:- u.. ., w. w.v. 1 ; , . . Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms , Fancy cartoned, lb .30 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. .85 Flour Flour, 49's. No. 1 hard wheat 1.130 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs SJ) Aust. Paatry flour, 10 lbs 40 Fish Smoked Kiopers, lb. Salmon, fresh, lb. .. Halibut, lb. Es Beet boiling, lb., 10c to 12ft j Beef, roast, prime rib, lb 20 'Lamb, shoulder, lb. . 20 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to 20 Lamb. leg, lb JO Lamb chops, lb. 25c to 20 .15 Delidous, fancy box 3.10 25 : Ncwtons. fancy, box - 2.80 '5 Stayman Wlnesaps, fancy, box 2M .15' Fruits Valencia Oranges, doz 25c to .S3 .10 B.C. Fresh Extras, doz .25 Grapefruit, Florida, 12Vic to .. 20 Local, new laid, doz j& Bananas. 2 lba. at Meais Rhubarb, field, lb S Fowl, No. 1. lb 25 Aus,t. Almerla Orapes. lb. X