vriday, December 26, i919. Deere tiie ini THE DAILY NEWS : Page 6 _ RSET SL —e ——=- ee = Regis Cafe | ORT CLEMENTS | F | CLASSIFIED there's big n money, . ; J id ri Slt Special Mem, 50c. ||... rine oe =| STN muskra trapping nue Operations This is the Advertising Column that Saturday, Dec. 27. Saye Over Seventy Men people — when they want anything] , on eee —Hu t brings resulis Luncheon 17 am. to 2 p.m. b of Islands. a PEE pe Be PA Dinner 6 p.m to 7:30. ; pened PCT OLEMEN I U WANTED. 5S, Dec, 26 se Ro wn —= —e NS SS vegeite on ity at Port Clements, Graham and ooon =e Soap JANITOR WANTED, Applications | Spring Salmon, Cream Sauce sland, is still great altho igh the . upons will be received by the under- ' Halibut, Steak Tartar Sauce Winter season ig on Several = signed for the position of jani * Stlorine a% F pat the 0 eo e . ¢ i : i a feet with Cabbage pms have been experienced but| p ie home of the bride's parents.| (or at the Borden Street School Pie's Gomes. Spanish thé weather ie nsidered quite} oth bride and groom are old} until 5 p.m. Tuesday.—\W. D. y ded Breast of Lamb, Tomato normal this season and some 6x popular residents of the district VANCE. : 302 ' $ . ve aww nit 1 Tripe ‘ala t re ile Sauce cellent weather h iS prevailed ' : iaile a ‘i 2 : , sperial Pot neon A number of the en: , ams eS veterans Mas.| For SALE small Dinner Stea yPFuce CaMps|querade Ball held last Fride 9 nitailiniihinis Lilidhciemaes Roast. ind mills have 104 dow: ay |- ne Reef, Pan Gravy the winta: be a ; 1 fe night in the Veterans’ HAL was © OR SALE- Music cabinet, five sllw : ul a ort eme . . iy oo itself, two mills employ, nts|the event of the season. Many shelves and drawer, mahogany — in, Cues men are working nb hits B : ae y customes were seen and the finish; a nice Christmas gift Tea and Coffee tween the two. the L i . te he vas ded with speci stors | Special price, $11.00. Alsy an : tp Queene Lynch mil} t , ind) as well as dancers. Dr Bamford. | attachment for your Edison so Watch for omorrow cla rg I ills lere s aft present! of Endako icted a ar iin’ that it will ls Victor record = llieis tao area”, vo, acted as an impartial, that st will play Victor records! = $f You Ship them to r a varde oe 2 ' spruce in the de ind awarded the first prize | only one, Special $4.50. Prince u e ‘oe £ COP ET O E, ty idded t ms 1s Deng continual-|for the best dressed lady to Mrs Rupert Music Store, opposite “Shubert” Wants BRITISH Furs Pha | “ | Warren Johnsot Butterfly) ;| postofiice. 306 COLUMBIA ° tug Lome left on Monday|most original character, ladies, ~~~ — All You Can Ship ast with a scow of 400,000 feet} was won by Mre. Gord 7 oyver| OR SALE at sacrifice, first-class . for Prince Rupert. The little G.| Sunflowers: beat ae tower quarter, aecties ta. the Mes And Will Pay These Extremely High Prices oston Yl r. P. steamer is making regular man, Mathew Semple as - High. Valley at $1,500. Will be worth GET A SHIPMENT OFF—TODAY trips a 88 the straits with scows llander; most original gentlemen's $5,000. Partly improved. Light | Nol LARGE Nol MEDIUM Nol SMALL no2 but the barges car t be obtained |costume, Lemuel Hav represent- taxes. Good location. Country EXTRA TO AVERAGE | EXTRA TO AVERAGE | EXTRA TO AVERAGE | EXTRA TO AVERAGE | AS TO SIZE @ QUALITY is often as they could be used.|ing Rolled Oats opening up. Just the thing for MUS KRAT The Best Place The result is that lumber is a eo. a good farm in future. Apply to Eat sg; °UMmulating in the yards faste1 rhe boxing bouts put on in the| ox 28 Daily News office. 295 Winter 4.00 to 3.50 | 3.25 to 2.75 | 2.50 to 2.00] 1.75 to 1.50 | 1.75 to 1.25 ( than it can be take ay Richards ane , Aine isat | ee Wr ea Peon ER ge: ‘ . Count poh are n ay ay. . a _— oe ee, last POR SALE- One 32 h. p. N. & 8. Fall 2.00 to 2.75 | 2.50 to 2.25 | 2.00 to 1.60 | 1.50 to 1.25} 1.50 to 1.00 MENU ON THE UC ER al - aS 7 - ; cs gas engine; rebored and thor- ww population of about 350 people|ing and considerable fstic talent| &* etme: | WOLF 42 COYOTE . besides quite a number of tran.|s displayed by the boxers. The oughly overhauled. Complete We have sient folk who are always passing |¢vents were as follow 3 Hoenn at tive ometece| [anrFared,Cosed]32.00t028.00125.00t020.09] 18.001014.001 13,09t011.00] 12.00 to 6.00 ai.” «@ «. 1. ae a ee ae boat. List of other engines b J throug! « b ' ea neat Ale AMO Ss ee Cochre > ’ , 4 ; No 50c Lunches Sane enka ox tha En x Lamont vs, Lee Cochrane] raised on application, Union| JemaséMades }25,00te20.00|18.00t015.09] 13:00t011.00| 10.00% 8.00} 10.00 to 5.00 W ; sti te * , . on snoeai em it aian: tan itt iad Seetes Mz chine Works, Juneau. tf e employ lands at the present time.) oe — —nemeri WEASEL Besides the two mills right at Port Hartley, shadow boxing. \ SNAP Fifteen H. P. 4-cycle e See } All White Help Clements there are about 25 men Ce Hartley and Don Ellis, engine and equipment in first White 4.00 te 3.00 2.50 to 2.00 1.75 to 1.50 1.35 to 1.15 1.25 to .75 employed at Woolridge’s logging four rounds, no decision. class shape, for sale, $800.00. Stained =| 2.75 to 2.25 | 1.75 to 1.50 | 1.35 to 1.15] 1.00 to .75] 1.00 to 50 camp "hese ar¢ eo ee an be seen at Parkin & Ward Open all of the imp. These are tt nly threelgggpeeeee een eenane pe nt re _ : 24 h timber plants at present operating |» Electrical Co., Cow Bay. tt] ‘These extremely high prices are based on the well-known “SHUBERT” liberal ours. vetively ot the Island ’ aot ‘ on grading one — ont moet econ, Per Guana No. 3, ~ & ond ghereie ee . onus * Notice to Advertisers */ EDISON GRAMAPHONE. Large nferior skins at highest market value. For quotations on other Britis umbia : i see © . Sine teiteiem. Gein. tale Sa Furs, write for “The Shubert Shipper,” the only reliable and accurate market Look out«for Tomorrow’s HAZFLTON a mm ; 2 , tia f _ report and price list of its kind publiched. It's FREE—Write for it. : 1asu advertisements new, with twenty selected rec- Menu in the same place * ste insertion same day * ords. Special price. P. R. Music A - ment to SHUBERT” will At the church bazaar held last]® Should be in the Daily * Store. Opposite the ‘poet offic e. resul more money —“quicker. ileal ical eiiataitiemaneeeenis widew nave a ry ' * News office before 10 a.m. *# Tey ee _SHIP ALL YOUR FURS DIRECT TO Frida r two hundred dollars “eh ™ FOR RENT was received to be divided towards Changes in advertisements *| _ Z LUAMITED the support of the local churches should be on hand before */p on RENT—Large room with two ao sueporh of NEE tates Ceenehens, Satan «A Large room with two] “HET ARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN re ladi both towns worked beds Steam heated Suitable rity litands the sictln Wi t|@@@eeeeeeeeesees| | susiiinn, auch! NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS event and their efforts were most|- 3 Avenue, between 5 and 7. 300 SWEETIE, Th aitinciy rewarded with the art Synopsis of ¢ —erv—v— 524 Donald St. Dept. 224 Winnipeg Canada complete §furnishings, coal fving result FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom — ts . ° th use of telephone, ten and wood supply. . - . | pply ie sing exe e at the New land Act Amendments minutes walk from drydock. if ny The Easiest Possible Terms aeetiam itil saietah geen Apply box 29 Daily New® office, - redit on the teacher, Miss Wa sie alias : : a DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Si rh, ca cane. Snell oe aie prin ot of _ Sret-clase land FOR RENT Five-roomed house Men Ss Poc ef 523 Third Ave. dae > | $8.50 an acre. . with bath, furnished. Newly } ay Btu ae _ - 4 ene ae new cenfined te sur- decorated. Close in. Phine 195 oes a iin . 4 : ad de Menem es Teeetnaneiiicaneiah covering only After 1 o'clock, phone 292, t! eererereere ** land suitabie for agricultural purposes ia es Bas and which is non-timber land. rO RENT—One furnished suite. Leonard and Ralphine Wrinch eat ae ——— | mp yw Mrs. Wolters, St. Louis Rooms. have returned fr« Kdmonton to — 2 } peo-ematiens P hone Red 91. 298 e ; : n ence, but each making vane aged spend the Christmas holidays With] pesessary improvements on respective are in eman th parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. ¢ el OR RE NT essed ping rooms : t ust clat for . PLUMBING AND HEATING Wrine}l lhevy ure attending o> yeare mart and ‘make Enencanenaue to Drexel Rooms, Sec ond Ave, $ . id ENGIXEERS , the prairie city ing. Senet > EOS SE lau pecen_ Deve, peated © tene There are Styles in Men’s Watches the istimates furnished . . . before receiving Crown Urant. : ask Af . , Bred. Duboard has surned Where pre-empter in occupation not with bath. Phone Black 451. same as anything else. enna ed voane 1a less than 8 years, and has made pro- _ om ” a oe Address, 3rd Avenue, head $} home from a fur bush lan P lO) Foose of Wichealth, or other coush, Bo Lost The Gruen Verithin is one of the neat- . the Cariboo country hile IT) granted Intermediate certificate of im- eee eet te ee ee if Second Street. + : -_ : ted Val ' provement ona wanater his claim. LOST — Pocket-book containing est and best at from $25. to $150. me sour : meee —_— © ecords without mt resi- Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 a 2 dence may be teoned’ provided appli- army discharge papers and a We carry the Waltham from $12. to tte one +6 0° OO POMOOOORDCCCCOOES Harry Larment, Francois Lake, oferty Yr cum of money, Finder pleas 100 d "ll fi d id i t f ———wee—= fand James Eastmount, of Colley year. Failure to make imprevements return to Daily News oflice. 6 $ - and you ind a wide variety 0 _— ‘ or record same will o te as for- . —_—-—— - ro. AND Noss 1 q mount, passed away at the Hazel fetture Title cannet | obtained = MISCELLANEOUS cases. ‘ 0 . il las eek. Thev were than 6 years, and improvemen - DEAFNESS 3 Re ee te te of ~BOR per acre, nciuding b nerea | — et ea Also we stock Hamilton Howard and aged of years = SF suelo tye oo “SONGS JN iN,” y e : of at least 2 years are r ed ’ © if You are a Sufferer—Go to your spectively Pro-empier holding “Grown qrent Prdspector, will make a nice Regina. E ges ; y - - . . may reoor another pre-em n, e , trated Sourdal, ee a. r ‘ : end th seanives land in ‘catheneee with his gift book for your eastern STANDARD PRICES emer e os he Cassial row! it Hae farm, without actual oce tion, - De . . ; J ef. “y iar alee s j } nee a deve ping well vided centenary imareuenneain. B+ fr ie nds. Pos ms of Love, Nature, ire. It penetrates to tuby mu ' , aaa and repeeage maintained on Crown | Religion and Sociology. It is eat of the complaint, and and a t f good ore was in- granted lané . } oo i 5 f ely cured ~ases i Unsurveyed areas, uot exceeding 20 | fragrant with the breath o nsidered hapetess. If overed this seas The forme , cores, a leanes . ee | balsams and pines. Leatherette egy 8 St } st does mot yet stock hoe nade a part ilarly - | o SESAINGS Oster tu ne F eo, m ‘ e ore Sourda - ocenh ‘aay oud i nad -- dential and improv t dit covers, $41.50; velvet sheep, Wiel AEE a, Wenowing, running copper ore (o al “Sarasa ted Etats poms | 00rers S408; valved. showp, t to the ‘Bourdal’ Ole- , : | areas exceeding €40 ~cres may be $2.09,.post paid. Published by be tributing Go, $8, Station Read f 8 per tor | leased by one person or company. Victoria Printing & Publishing i‘. 4 Croydon Surrey, Eng. and a package . . Mii: pnetery or meas sites on ime , aon. 8 t St. Victoria, B.C bs ‘ ; : ry} timb ot reed! 0. ote ; 1 per return with full Word has been received here j canal _* apeiaaed taninen a... : ciate 521 Yates St. — i ss ay of eed , the death at Guelph, Ont. iM “Tieceenl nay mentows inaccessible FARMS FOR SALE SE Helen J. Bone, who, for severa!) by existing roads may be p years, was superintendent of the| conditional wpon constructies areas Jc p. R. FARM LAND Choice: “or Comfort Cour tesy~ local hospital. | a yt. nell of purenew farms in weil settled districts é al | PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE odianaat in Western Canada; low prices; and Service ERHOOF act. twenty years to pay; irrigated © to’ VAND The scope of this Act is enlarged to lands in Sunny Southern Al- g | inelude all persons joining and serv- ' : , sn \ ing with His Majesty orcas hs berta, with loan of $2,000 in . las | tl within which the hetre or devisees . » ssi > i mt - - The SAVOY HOTEL On ‘Tuesday night i Ms 2 dec aan pre-emptor may apply improveme nots to assist new Dimension, Shiplap, Double Dressed Fir & Finishing ° Barnard, defeat d labor Candid@le) for title under this Act is extended settlers. Act now—they are nem arnt ; , bye-e tion from for one year from the death of fast For free booklet . ; at the recent Vict 8 O7O-SH" such person, a» formerly, until one going st. . : . T. Bowness addressed the public at ohn | eee Ee ieee te ole meas be and full information write i. LIME PLASTER LATH MANAGER ing held under the auspices of (he) | trosctive aii G, Loughran, General Land| CEMENT BRICK SHINGLES pemase -4 jating to pre-emption: a : Phone 37 P.O Box 1704 Great War Veterans Associa | eas of papanie bs soldiers. on pee age nt, 744 Hastings St. West, , . j s oO current ion ecorded after June 26, He discussed p ~ eta ee Taxes are remitted for five years Vancouver, BG. Complete Line of Building Material ree ‘ ed speciai Provision f« etu f moneys ac a . Pa aaa NTedeiemeniunees+cen interest an | — ld - 1 det | aa due an ‘a mean . aid since August LAND ACT condi ' eterans should stand . | 4 on account of payments, f fuaeay. for adequate re-estab-| teas Rit ecko |i oat site came oorwer oe || ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD Tot | Pri iene + At the close of the] oo" ouy agreesent members ef Pct of QUERN, CHARLOTTE ISLANDS | , . e rince upert meeting a resolull was passed o— —— oS ney ti omnes of Vancouver, B, C,, occupation returned PHONE 116 or 564 ee es } x ince of the} stment to March 81, 1920 soldier, + o sO beh lands. to erilticizing Lhe exXtreyae ae . ? lease the followin — t and at il RCNASERS OF CROWN 5 neing at a st planted on the ene PLAN Federal government and ad | sus-PURC asene sparen wel wet” tS mies ais det iovernm \ wovieion made for issuanc na we e per day and up. ing that . ede “as a bi if errs grant = einenkenen ot entrance of oun Tees) cast, thepee’ to compelied to best it ‘owe Srown Lands, acquiring rights from soul thence 4 tablish - who failed ¢ mp! sho thence following the shore line to FIRST-OLass CAFE the people on the rr u re oo Baan ape? cent of © smimeneement t and containing 20 A La Oarte, ment issue f ent of conditi f pu se, in acres, more 0 ? a “ Bliment oF com Where eub-punhane THO B. STRAIN, wi i ee , . F j eo . ) ~ clait whole of orig nal par- W. E, Green, agent. re PS rerere. TESS 4 new loading station Is cel, purchase price due and (axes May Dated 26(@ October, 1019. va ; 5 utec Oper stely over The'‘Gaptlang” 4 built in the ioecal railw Ay . a tribute i eee nately WON TOAGE aut uh AgANayt, woun PHONES 130 and 423. P. 0. BOX hei , ' a. 620 : . Boarding Ouse rhe increasing busi! made by May 1, 192 2M » @ Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. : oxmnsinuiegiamsmentitelitediesss ' : neh this point has \ GRAZING. - Nts, . TY '" Sixth Avenue Bast throug : ae vrasing Act, 191% for svyatemmtle Unde and by shai the powers con FISH BOXES A SPECIAL Near Dr dock new structure neceses seve t of livestock industry pre- tained ‘aa —, mortgage held Dart Mone eae tion 320 traieg “Gira and eage | Bing Noma, era a ams oe te SPRUCE FIR CEDAR ’ th « Congestie stien «oun Comm A o a MP etcces vert, Phono Resee , . ’ A : crasing nareniee a January, 1920, the f aot west none rhe wedding of Ada Mary, * en BU : ra need, priority fer Be plems, macerneey, oa aA Consult Us. S SOC . : ; \ and M } \ aoe" . anal 1 or age Co,, Lid. at Port J UBSCRIBE FOR daughter of M : a ; \ssoolt tone Sa ee YY 2 “ a 1g9¢ HE DAILY NEWS mmem, to