:; it u it j li It !1 9 ( 1 '1 !' ;i !l li !i it p !' 1 1 !' it ! . i) I ti ?! ! !! n !i :i !? :: : i! B ti ii ;i INmOilJiarara 5- 3! 8" g- 5 M ' II Efc a News FIVE WAY WHIST TIE Quintet t Trams Even For Hours in VPWst League Whist; L&Tgue scores last night, were at follows: Legion 7, Totem Park 2. Seal Cove 5. Empress 4. ' Moose S, Musketeers 4 Sons ol Norway , Grotto 4. ' v Game between I. O. O. F. and Fish Packers postponed. League Standing W. L. Ofotto 8 5 Empress 8 5 Listen S 5 JAemc jl 5 Sons et "Sonnet 3. 5 I. O.O.F. .7 5 Musketeers 3 6 Stal Oove .6 "8- Fish Packers , .; .4 .. 8 Totem Park : 1 12 leading New York Ranws. Pt. 3 8 8 8 8 7 7 3 4 1 CANADIENS ! IN SECOND Played 3-A11 Draw With Maroons in National Hockey League Last Night j MONTREAL, Jan. 29: By playing a three-all overtime draw last night with their townsmen, Montreal Maroons, the Montreal Cana-' diens moved Into exclusive possession of second place in the inter-' national division of the National Hockey League with a one-point margin over the New York Americans with whom they had been tied. Detroit Falcons continued their upward climb by vanquishing the Chicago Black Hawks 4 to 2. Hockey Standings International Division W. U. L. Toronto 13 5 JO Canadiens 11 S IS Americans 10 8 12 Maroons i 15 Amerlcan Division Rangers 17 5 7 Chfeaga 10 10 S DelfoR 12 4 14 Boston 8 9 10 sporting interest ln New York. P. Lewis was discovered by Sandow 01 'while he was working his way it 2-2 39 23 25 of Ine through the University of Kentucky and acting as assistant wrestling coach. Sandow taught him the hadiock, which was largely Instrumental in winning the world's chamDionshin and hU sur- 50:cessful defence of it for nearly eight yea. The earnings of the partnership have been estimated at $500,000. 'i Jack Dempsey will make his ip- ' back'welter ln a chk rln- title jaranc- 4 j ruary 18, for the first time since his CHICAGO, Jan. 29: Jackie famous 14-oount battle with Gene Fieldi of Los Angeies last night Tunney four years ago. The "Man- regained the world heavy- assa Mauler" has been signed for 1 ?X,,ng hjf 1 four-round exhibition In the Chi- bv declslonintr Lou rm BrmiUlarH. French Canadian of Worcester, ,ca th the probability! Mas who toak the Utle a few tnat King Levinsky will be his op-; months age from Young Jack ponent, provided the Klngflsh will Thompson. It was a ten-round accept the financial Inducements bout. Levinsky, with noent victories ov- 4- er Tommy Loughran and Paulino Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Yrndora or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, Victoria, B.C.. BEST PROCURABLE' PURE SCOTCH $tfUSK RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bottlrd and turtntd by WillUm Grant Sou Umitfd CU-uMJich and Ualrrnir-ftlnilivrt miUIWiw, Dud. town CIfow, 8otliui. asimui J Tliis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of British Colombia, Sport U. S. Sprint Ace Frank Wykoff, who can dash off 100 yards In nine and two-fifths, starts training this week for the Olympic games. Here he is giving the new Los Angeles si adium the once-over, pointing to the cinder track SPORT NOTES A rumor o the severance of the 20-year old partnership between Ed "Strangler" Lewis, former The lowly Boston Bruins Imposed world1 heavyweight wrestling Sabre Champion John Huffman of New Jersey, present national sabre cham-ion, will likely represent the U. S.jin the Olympic tournaments MORSE CREEK ICE IS GOOD Following the cold snap of the past few days, skating conditions arc reported today to be ideal at Morse Creek. There is one -of the finest sheets of Ico there so far this winter. It is stated. World SMOKER IS If iWOGD MADE ; NO RECORD Fallot l$(v Narrow Margin at Miami j aeacU to Better Mark of Kayc Don, English Driver JETROITV, Jan. 29: It was an-.ouhced. yesterday that Gar Wood, troit speedboat -driver, failed at .Ikuijl Beach. Fla. on Wednesday , y .08 of a nautical mile to beat ihe resent speedboat record held by :aye Don. the British driver. j AEADY FOR BOX FIGHT .Max Ba'cr anrt Kin? Levinsky to I Meet Tonight i NEW YORK, Jan. 29: Max Baer, '202 pounds, of California, and King Levinsky, 185. of Chicago rounded bat their training here yesterday preparatory to their main event : bout at Madison Square Garden to- ! night. While both fighters express ; iOnTWpno ihe "tTtnirHeVl" U rtvan I i the edge by experts. ENJOYABLE I a 4 t 1 defeat upon the league- j champion ane?- his- manager, Billy ever witnessed a boxing show in the his Venetian Orchestra. .Samiow, has been confirmed by j Stadium. Sandow. Sandow refuses to discuss the reason for the break, but it is rumored that Lewis has been offered $50,000 to Join the Curley served In abundance. I The committee ln charge of the evening's entertainment consisted Sound Picture CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 28: The Harvard University graduate school of education has commenced an experiment ln the use of talking pictures in education ln Junior high schools ln Greater Boston. The tests to discover the value of films as a supplementary aid ln teaching science will be made In the Junior high schools of Lynn, Qulncy and Revere and will con-tlnue for six weeks. ' Three hundred students will be j Instructed with films and textbooks and a larger "control group" will be Instructed with text books alone. At the end of the period both groups will be given tests. The films deal wfth physiology and biology, each unit consisting of a chapter of text together with a talking film presenting the fundamentals of the subject. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silverlde, who have been on a month's holiday visit to Victoria, are expected to rv turn to the city on the Cardena this evening. I Tr sparkling Gold! . .... ; with a subtle flavour and. .: .f 7 peculiar tang everybody r. . will recognize at once. ; SMOOTH, so refreshing, and what a racy beverage for SO dull appetites. It is DUTCH GIRL Lager, that mild, crystal clear beer. The ideal ter for household use, espe-cially luncheon and '11 o'clock snack time. Here is a real treat for your family take home a cartdn. -- (Continued Irom Page ! action would be considered carve led. DUTCH GIRL Lager is packed one bQ0 invuea to aaaress uic rtuiii !Mr. McDermid pointed vr hM during the past four or five ye.. his company had been instrum"fl Splendid tol ln PaclnS s mm of Programs Boxing Bouts and Music Presented Last !Prlnce RuPert wriu- To "r: i NUht Bv Eaeles' Lodre itct company's Investors and In Va Mma Hma Vtoln tVto rttv ' . . ... . -. s The local Eagles' LodEe staeed aiinu iiBKion was oeing mercu. dozen Domes to a canon ami loin at uovernmeni ijiqnor stores REMEMBER! r tha he might return to Van .uver. Mr. McDermid pointed out that the bond market was In a very un-table condition and could not depended upon. At present the xansactlon appeared to be one pt rMueh benefit to the city tn t'tic saving of exchange charges. The deal appeared be an vantageous one to Aid. Pills' who seconded the matter that n rr Dom DOTCH OIRL u we'd M Ptlsener, Cascade and U.BC. Bohemian Been art th tine quality producU of one of British Columbia' leadla IndutUie, the popular aalt of which oerttftra tht -welfare of hundrefli of BrltUh Columbia famllle. DUTCH GIRL WeT JVoJiirt of the VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED ThU advertisement 1 cot publUhed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Uie Government of BrlUsh Columbia. IIOXD DEAL AI'PKOVED Making Will T 1 is recess dUU&V l.Uf.1 1 ,.UII idIM 111 ' Ifttly n Subject at R Club Luncheon The desirability of v anv nronertv nf anv k. J i be accepted. j w411 was stressed by Ju. -rl To Aid. Collart the whole mat'tr son in an address to appeared very simple. The city had jo the Rotary Club .i fine smoking concert before a fair-' Mr- MCJjermia suggesiea wiai, in me opportunity oi emng 540.003 raiwi yweraay aucrr. mirtipr, ir, unit 1 view of exchange conditions, it of bonds and getting s47J6 In Commodore Cafe Oc last night. George Brooke presided ' woul1 eem advlsable Ior the dtv Place of them. The city needd presided. Uzcudun, Is the man Dempsey lover the program which Included eonm" getting as much of lta secnrlties in United State fund. The Judge gave a num:. want to meet. Dempsey. regarded I boxing bouts and musical number. stnlclnK runds as P05'6 mto Ani-lln order to save exchange taw-vson why it was desirabi as a ring idol in Chicago, figures to ! Throughout the evening there were I er,can funds- Thls might 80 a 1m ! and he bellevl was up to th? ! a will, atnong the most draw one of the biggest crowds that! selections bv Charlie Balnsno Qfi wy toward offsetting exchange council to embrace the opportune ; being the cost of admini The boxing bouts were all declar- losses. lity of avoiding loss. the estate and the spec Loral Bonds Satisfactory The .mayor stated that the trea up the affairs When ex ed draws, being as follows: Wendlei His company, Mr. McDenridiurer was or tne opmian mat tnc appomteo me cxecuici-v vs. Hlckey- Parent vs. Healy: Hie- stated, had handled a large am-j deal was a good one for the city, will at once took pc :' key vs. Chenoski. , ount of Prince Rupert bonds. None ' H it was good busbies. Al l : carried on without v The bout of the evening was ajof the company's clients were dis-; MicCutcheon said he was agree-! court action, strenuous three-round oonteat he. ' fattafied with Prince Rupert bond?, i able to it. After satisfactory ex-; It "was necessary, 'i tween Paul Armour and Bill Stone. Indeed, there were other munlci-Pn"Oi had been made for Aid said, that the win shot At the conclusion Referee Doug palitle close to Vancouver which 1 Mtcdonald and Aid. Black, the by two witnesses, both Frlzzell declared it a fair draw. were far worse off than Prince Ru- council votea to approve the deal tne person making Slim Llnstead regained the bar- pert. On the whole the transac-4 rel boxing championship of the tion as offered appeared to be an : city from Bill Stone ln a spirited advantageous one for the city, and amusing bout. Aid. Cdllart. chairman of the ft- The musical program of the eve-' nance committee, pointed out that inlng Included bagpipe selections by the matter had been gone lntodur-James Sturgeon and Alex McDon- tag the afternoon. The conclusion aid: accordion solos by Mike Colus- 'had been reached that this trans-si; comet solos by Emil Hudema: ( action was very similar to tw vocal solas by Ollhs Couture and j others that had already been en-icommunlty singing. The feature of tered Into by the city. As there the program was a comedy sketch , wa a need for United States fundi ' by Harry As tort and Joe Cook. j In order to meet exchange, the I Smokes and refreshments were , deal would appear to be beneficial to the city and he moved that It be accepted. I Aid. Casey stated that, not uu- of F. Ellison. Leonard Brewerton, J. . derstandlng the situation, he was Christoff Henry Smith. F. Fitz-1 not ready to vote on the proposal at Jewelers Lead ture between TIawka onrt Jiwior1eitV council last ntafr gave the latter an aggregate lead of i unttl next Mono'. 400 to 328. Individual scores were the annual report of a follows: i in which certain expr William Murray aiawks). 145: water main extension gerald, R. B. Peacock and Paul Bay-: this time. He asked why more William Stuart 1 Jewelers), 200 kin. Prpulrtlnff- nt the rtnnr wrp memhera of thp enunell had'n.il UUHmn TTiMann ifii- T. n..k. 1 James Brown and Peter Oamula. tbeen taken into the conference. 200. I Mayor Orme replied that the of-i Games of John May fHawkii vs. fer had only been made by wire John Bulger (Jewelers); Chris from Vancouver the same alter-.Perry vs. Johnny Saunders and Rov noon. Mr. McDermid was anxiowt Wicks vs. A. Strachan win he nlavwi Value Tested have e matter settled ta r- tonight. signing at the same 1 in: son had absolute pow of the estate subjer for the wife and farm. in DllllalUS Maintenance Act ' The English gover ; : i legislated to provide ; Only Two f Five Games in I,ast 1&37 but It was nut ti Night Fixture Were riayed; a woman was allowed b Rest Tonight paae of her own pn pc 1 1 , wished. Two of five game played ln iasi : night's Junior Billiard League fix-1 Al request of Aid Ma recommended. JUNIOR BILLIARDS Feb. 1 Empress vs L ' " Feb. 4-Jewelers v Ihvl Feb. 8L. of N vs J. w TVh 11 ITtiuVa v FmH HENNESS THREE STAR BRANDY BOTTTLED IN COGNAC, FRANCE This advertlfvmcnt is not published. or displayed by the Uqwr Control B-varu or by tto oi uriusn uoiumbla rlM T 1