La Jauary 29, 1932 Week-End Candy Special .Assorted Chocolates Chocolate Covered Cherries Chocolate Covered Fruits in Cream . ?! In 1-Pound Boxes, 50c Take a liox Home OrmeslM. Jfit JPionccr DrttQrfists THE REX ALL STORE phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. DEMERS Bargain Sale Dresses $5.95 to $15.00 Coats, up from $10.95 Hosiery, Chiffon (Welldrest) $1.50 Hosiery, Service (Welldrest) $1.25 Hats $1.00 Everything to Clear ill i i 'iB'iii'fltaiimiiBiaifliiiiminiiiiBi HOSPITAL DEFICIT iplta grant. notation Was Operated at Lovij Chief item listed under expen-of Kllll in 1931, Financial jdlture we, re $28,18750 m bad and Statement Shows doubtful debts. $21,588.01 tn salar- lies and $16.8116 for food supplies 'and laundry. hi statement or inei Explaining the deficit, Frank n General Hospital. Dibb chairman of the finance com- thr annual meeting j mince, stated in his report that it in' ul Association last na( teen deemed advisable under i ii deficit of $913.09 pre3ent conditions to make full al-'lr-nnrr for bad and doubtful MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET Friday & Saturday SPECIALS! GRAIN FED PORK r K 90c f Perk 90c r Pork- 85c ;ui, r .!JS 50c RIME STEER BEEF ";. R 25c yt i it). Hi..!.,- p. 25c P? : I" ib. F'Ood oven Roasts- 15c Pc t lb. Wl'llll Tint r. 23c P'T II' pump Roa.M.s - Per lb 20c n.Mstj, of Mnttn ' 20c PCI lb. 1 15c P'T Ib, ' R" j. st. s of Veal prr lb 25c "Wled Pork 4Q1. Pff lb IZ-.rC I , ?k;u.sace Made dr.ilv for 35c ll our meat order, iriivpr.i fr. Avrnti til a a o a v i iiinirs is aim ni a n, g i I on operation of the hospital in y j year 1OT1 Principal items of revenue were $53.503 .86 in hospital feea charged. $15,4543.53 in government grant! and $11,970.60 in the city's per ca- debts and take the loss now rather than postpone it to future years. The usual charges for depreciation had been made amount -in to $a,34.8 in all. The deficit In 1931 was compared with a surplus in 1990 of $3900. The industrial and financial depression was held responsible for the deficit of the past year No special grants had been asked for or received from either the city council or the provincla government. The report held that It would be false economy to disregard such essential matters of repairs and maintenance as the painting ot the nurses' Home. etc. The x-ray department had been busy during the year, revenue amounting to $1SS$.49 or an tn-irease of $30$ over the previous year. The number of hospital day for the year had been 19.951wlth a revenue of $27,427.15. This was 516 hospital days less than In 1980 with the resultant loss In reveiue it $1.892 30. Compliments Secretary Speaking to his report, Mr Dibb tribute to the work of H. W Birch as managing secretary of th hospital. The satisfactory financial condition of the nospuai aurum he past few years had been largely 1ue to Mr Birch's effort. Purchasing of hospital supplies was a tremendous task but ft nad been rimd nut In an eminently mtu- .r manner bv Mr. Dlroh-' Hhf vork in connection with collections had also been splendid. Mr. Dibb pointed to the fact that, when Mr. Birch had assumed office as managing secretary, the hospital had a deficit of $10,000 This had all been wiped out and trie financial position of the local hospital was an enviable one when nmnared with that of other hospitals tn the province and district TUB DAILY NIWB PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Basketball, Auditorium, tonight. Glasses fittcA by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Young people's dance tonight Metropole Hall 9 o'clock. Refreshments. Admission 35c. All welcome. John L. Kask ot the Internat' -nal Fisheries Commission staff, af ter spending the past few days here on commission business, sail ed by the Prince Rupert last nl?ht on his return to Seattle. The city council last night passed a motion providing for the appointment of a court of revision on the assessments for the western portion of the new Section Five sewer The personnel of the court will be named later by the Mayor End Pain, Swelling A Bfeedlnf of PILES. s (HAEMORRHOIDS) u. Mcuermia. jr . or tne var. ;atbson of district; headquarters of gicouver bond firm of McDermld.!the provincial police, Harry Car- Miner 6t Mcuermia sanea Dy tne Prince Rupert last night on his return south after a brief visit here to confer with municipal official., on financial matters. Alberta Sootless Egg, $11.00; Bulkley Valley, Lump, $12.50, Nanaimo-Wellington Lump, $13.-50. Phone 116 or 117 Albert & McCaffery. Richard Knox, superintendent engineer of Canadian National Steamships, after a brief visit hen In connection with the overhaul ing of the steamer Prince Oeorg? in the local drydock. sailed by tn Prince Rupert last night on hl-return to Vancouver. There was a fair attendance a-, the annual meeting of the Pnnrv Rupert General Hospital Association which was held but night in the city polio court. Vlce-Prest WLB )n chJU in place m President O. P. Tinke who is. a patient in the hospital suffering from a broken leg. C. F. Davis, chief engineer of the steamer Prince Qeorge, which is in the local dry dock for annual overhaul, was operated on last night at the Prince Rupert General Hospital for acute appendicitis and complications. Mr. Davis, who wa-taken violently ill on Wednesday was retorted this morning to be progMMlng as favorably as cou'o be expected. I'hone 933 Phone 933 De Jong s Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Purity Quick Oata With 35c coupons, 2 pkgs. for Orchard City Peas 28c Sleye 4, 3 tins Bjinnybrook Butter 79c per 3-lb. brick Fraaer Valley Pure Red 36c Plum Jam 4-lb. pail Red Arrow odas Dollar 41c slae, per box B. C. BgW Scott's Fresh 45c Extras, in cartons. 2 dos. Malkln's Best Spinach 19c 2'j's, per tin ylmcr Catsup 27c 3 bottlca for Hue Ribbon Matches 29c . per pkg. Red, Arrow Ginger Snaps 25c e& prumWs 21c 2 tins for Oe! Monte Prunes 25c 3 lbs. for Fairy Sonp 25c 7 cakes for Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or over Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" Is our motto, dive us a call. tf , Economize in fuel, order Bulk-cy CoaV Mrs. II. W. Birch will sail on ths Cardcna tonight for a visit In Vancouver. K. Mork of Anyox is a visitor to the city, having arrived from the smelter tpwn on the Prince Rupert last evening. Hulklry Valley the High Hrat unit coal. Miss Jean McAfee of the Bij Bay Lumber Co office staff wil sail on the Prince Rupart tonlgn for a vacation trip to Vancouver i ; T. C. Warkrmn, surveyor ot the London Salvage Association, sailed by the Prince Rupert last nlgt:t on his return to Vancouver after a brief visit her to- Inspect the steamer Prince George which is receiving annual overhaul at the local drydock. Tn rmtnrlv nf CnnKtnhta Rnhert penter, who was sentenced th's week at Anyox to four months' Im prisonment for vagrancy, was brought to the city from the north on the Prince Rupert last nlghr. He will be taken on to Okalla later. Northern B. C. Fishermen's Assn. Halibut Branch All halibut fishermen favoring this organization are requested to attend a meeting in the City Hall Saturday. Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. Final decision to be made ODD GIFT FOR CITY I'amlly Hciifficiary Society Kcfuscs to Accept Exchange Premium and Keturns It A rather unusuatcommunlcatlon came before the city council at its meeting last night In the form of a letter from the Family Beneficiary Society which sent to the city a remittance of $3.75. being the premium which had been paid the So-lety in connection with the sale of a Prince Rupert bond payable in New Vork under present exchange ates. The letter stated that the So-lety had no desire to penalize the city by accepting an exchange pre-nium which had not been counted ipon and which had been derived through circumstances over which neither the city nor the society had control. Therefore the amount of he premium $3.75 was being returned to the city. On motion of Aid. Collart and Aid. Black, Instructions were issued to write a letter of appreciation to the society. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Goal is now th hottest in the domestic field. Gov eminent analysis shows It to be tru highest in B.T.U.'s and leas ash. I starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for your benefit don't think for one minute because our coal ts lower In price that we are vlvlng you a cheaper grade as other -oal dealers may state to -you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire," egg or lump. Note our adv. for ash prices and save your dollars. tf Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Announcements I Eagles' Social Dance Wednesday February 3. dancing 9:30 to 1:30 Gentlemen 50c. Ladles, refreshments. Everybody welcome. C.N.R. annual dance will b- held In Moose Hall Friday, February 5. 1032. Moose Valentine Dance, Feb. 12. Moose Badminton Dance Feb. 13 Catholic Women's tie Sprint; Sale April 7. TRAVELING MAN ENDORSES ALL-BRAN Says It Brought Relief From Constipation - "I want to take this unsolicited means to tell you what All-Bran has done for me. "I am on the road all the time, and this has a tendency to constipate me, or any one who travels all the time. I ued to suffer a great deal from constipation, until some one told me about Kellogg'g All-Bran. Since I have been eating this cereal, I have been cured of constipation. I heartily endorse it to any one suffering as I did." Mr. B. F. Pollard. (Address on request.) Constipation is caused by lack of two things in the diet: "Bulk" to exercise the intestines. Vitamin B to tone the intestinal tract. Laboratory tests show All-Bran provides both. At the same time, it supplies iron for the blood. i The "bulk" in All-Bran is similar ! to that of lettuce. Within the body, it forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines of wastes. Being a natural corrective All-Bran is not habit-forming. now much better than risking pills and 'drugs so often harmful. Two tablespoonf uls daily will overcome most types of constipation serious cases, with every meal. If you have intestinal trouble not relieved this way, see your doctor. Serve All-Bran as a cereal with mill; or rrea?- or use in cooking. At all grocers in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Birthday Party Surprise Staged II. Lincoln Honored by Friends at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Members of the St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir and several of the members of the CNJt. Rifle Club, with tneir wives, gave a birthday surprise party last night at tin- home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pe-.y in honor of II. Lincoln. Games and music were enjoyed by all until delicious refreshments were served at midnight bringing the happy gathering to a close. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COMPETENT woman would look after children or care for youn baby. Phone Green 556. 23 'j axsro: Kiln a. : kt n mi mxast ECONOMY SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday oranges Sunkist, Juicy 71c Navels, "3 doz Quaker Oats Quick 20c cooking, per pkg Lard Gainers or Swift's 40c 3-lb. tin Lard Swift's or Oainers 66c 6-lb. tin Pineapple Marmalade ,67c Malkln's Best, 4's, per tin Salr Dates Fresh stock 25C Pork St Beans Aylmer 25c 3 18-oz. tins towntree's Cocoa 46c 1-lb. tin Stoned Wheat Thins A new health biscuit, ask for sample 4Cn per pkg Brooms 5 string, a good 38c household broom, each Rogers Golden Syrup 19c per 2-lb. tin Choice Cooking Figs 25c 4 lbs talkln's Best Loganberries i Pac Pac- ked in heavy syrup 20c ,No. 2 tins, each ... Singapore Pineapple-No. 23c 2 tins, 2 for ... Chocolate Ginger A delicious 36c confection, per lb. Quaker Cake Flour 22c per pkg Vinegar Crosse & Black-well's 27c 26-oz. bottle Corn on.Cgb Aylmer 25c Golden, Bantam, large tin Oel Monte Prunes 10c per lb. Watts' Grocery I'HONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST VOtt LESS i ia anil im mmmmmm ni i Presentation at Tea Yesterday Mrs. Malcolm Campbell Honored By Anglican Woman's Auxiliary IT. AV "fiOl "The Woman's Auxiliary of St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral held a very enjoyable tea at the home' of Mrs. Chris Perry yesterday afternoon, the occasion being a presentation to Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, who has been an active member of the Auxiliary for some years, and who is leaving town this week. The president, Mrs. W. J. Oreer, received the guests with Mrs. Perry after which tea was served and a social time spent. There were vocal solos by Mrs. C. E. Cullin and Mrs. F. N. Good, and pianoforte solos by Mrs. Robert Bartlett. Mrs. Oreer made the presentation with words of regret at Mrs. Campbell's departure, wishing her luck in her new home.Mrs. Camp-hell replied suitably, thanking the members for their gift and good wishes. Those assisting were Mrs. Thomas Andrew, who poured, and Mrs. E. W. Tucker, Mrs. W. A. McLean, Mrs. West, Mrs. Waddlngton and Mrs. C. V. Evltt as serviteurs. GETS FOURTEEN DAYS Fourteen days' Imprisonment waa imposed by Judge H. A. Robertson In County Court yesterday afternoon upon Matt Johnson on a charge of attempted wounding. Johnson was charged with at tempting to stab John Kalande: with a penknife in a downtown poolroom the night before last. Bilious For Days At Time Until She Took Vegetable Pills Gratefully, Mrs. C. writes: "The first dose of your wonderful Carter's Lktle Liver Pills gave me great relief after every medicine I tried failed." Because they are PURELY VEGETABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for correcting Constipation, Acidity, Headaches, Poor Complexion and Indt-tiof.. 25c & 75c. red pkn. everywhere: Ak for Carter's by NAME. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Telephone SSI S. Ohashl, Skeena River; Bill th Jap, city. Typewriters FOR KENT Call or Phone 6 McRAE BROS., LTD. UNION STEAMSHIPS 6PEC1AL WINTER EXCURSION FARES. Effective November 1st (Ootid to February 29. 1933. REDUCED FIRST-CLASS RETURN FARES. Fran PfUNCB KUPKBT I including Meals and Berth) To VtnooUTer and Vttorta Slo.oo rrl. TO PRINCE RUPERT (Including Meal and DtritH From OCEAN FALLS S31.3I ret. From ANYOX S13JS ret From STEWART 116.70 ret. SUamera leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. (S S. -CATALA.) EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOHT (S3. CARDENA.) Full Information, reservation and ticket from R. M. SMITH. Prtnc Rupert Affiicy, Nrruiirt Avriiue. I'lmne M r ft mni.UKE IT rDISTlrACIlVt WD Mis Ann Adam's Recipe for at Bran MuHlna t V cup brtS ft cop tut ar 1U CUM Sour cup nui 14 teanaos ult 1 n( 0 S tcupoosi M(l U cup melted Baking Powder borteoioc Mil the fcren with the lifted fine dry la: (redieat. Meke a well la the centre end pour la the milk end well-beaten ess. With tbt feweit poiilble number of itroVee.'fctend theee Iscredient and tir la the tborteaias. Half BO treated muf. Ra pane tad bake in a hot oven, 400 F, IS to'20'mlautea. A ft chopped datea, licbtly coated with tome of the meaiured Sour, nay be added. Miss Ann Adam bakes her famous Muffins with Magic Baking Powder "When selecting ingredients for my recipes," wyi Mica Ann Adam. cookery author ity of the Canadian Home Journal, "I consider three points economy, health value, and successful performance. "Magic Baking Powder meets them all. I use and approve Magic, because I know it is pure, and free from harmful ingredients, and because experitnee has taught me that I can count upon successful results with Magic every time." Magic Baking Powder is used txdiaivtly by the majority of cook-cry experts, dietitians, and housewives throughout Canada. In fact, Magic outsells all other baking powders combined I ... FREE COOK BOOK When you bake at home, the new Matic Cook Book will give you dozens of recipes for delicious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Ltd., Frascr Ave. and Liberty St Toronto, Ont. 1 ocrha. been hoot- tttxod ad ptrovtd by tbt Hoot Service) Bunu of CftM-diu Home Jottoal,. TorcMto. aid to tba only CwadUa bak-tng powder thaU fcaa bm awarded their eOkUl CmiiKataef Approval I 'CONTAINS NO ALUM." Thla atate-ment on rry tin la your guarantee that Mask Baking Powder la free from alum or any harmful ingredient. Do you read the classified advertisements? .'"ii- ' 1 ! s. 1 f ' tilt. r If. .' s - 1 ml ; 7' 4 ' J : .5, ,.M 4 I fl4