t 1 1 A NEW Red Arrow health food! Made from stone-crushed Western wheat . . . with bran and all the nourishing elements left intact. Baked at the exact temperature which retains the living vitamins of the wheat and yeast. Delicious! . . . satisfying . . . nourishing! ... and yet always "kind to your figure." RED ARROW PROD U C f TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Someone Asked the Other Day why the Daily News had such a large circulation in the city. It was easy to answer. The reason is because those responsible for the production of the paper put the very best they can afford into its makeup and sometimes more than they can afford. They give the people the best possible for the nioney. ONLY 10c.a Week that is the price of The Daily News Delivered to Your Home It's worth ten cents a week to get the Waterfront Whiffs on Saturday. It's worth something to have the topics of the day discussed in an impartial and interesting manner. It's worth something to follow the adventures of Tillie the Toiler every evening. It's worth a good deal to be able to read the local advertising, and to know where to Buy and jvhqt priq tojmy. jj T5b Daifl$Newl$ti parjjr attls teientatffe of the city arm no one fieed'oe alhame"o tffsend itfaway to their friends. Telephone the office and the boy will call and collect. THE DAILY NEWS Third Ave. Prince Rupert JUBILEE IS CELEBRATED Arrival of Christianity Among Natives of Valley is Observed BELLA COOLA, Jan. 29: The Oolden Jubilee of this United the old heathen houses which they occupied then, they now enjoy liv ing in good homes lit with gasoline Egga, 4 doz Sliced Bacon, 2 lbs. Eggs, 2 do. IKlMsTJXtil WEEKLY SPECIALS Creamery Butter 4 lbs B. C. Fresh Pulleta Extras Blue Ribbon Tea, 1 lb Blue Ribbon Coffee, 1 lb. Gold Medal Pudding, 1 pkg. for Aylmer Chili Sauce, 1 bottle kl l. 99c 99c 99c 99c Aylmer Peaches, 2's, 2 tins Aylmer Raspberries, 2's, 1 tin Aylmer Soip, 1 tin QQp iui 8tal oMWly Olive OH 4-gl. tin 88c Empress" Vinegar, qU 1 bottle. 26c Soda Biscuits, 1 small pkg., 10c 99c Ul , Fresh Rhubarb, Lettuce, Celery and Cabbage at prices that arc right We give prompt attention to all miliar malUortlers i LYiussaueni s lasn et Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18-84 Phone 08 No' 2 store 319 Tl,r(' Av Phone 3C0 . No. 3 Store 727 Third Av. Phone 375 Ui,:t evening. A basketball tournament in lower Bella Coola Hall took place where the Women's Associa tion of Mackenzie United Church ! jold hot dogs and coffee and took In $40. The people met old friends there. January IS Reception for Rev. W. II. Pierce held in the church at 8 pm. Chiefs Joshua Moody, Samuel King, Reuben Schooner and James Pollard Church Indian Mission which was Pke words of greeting and wel- celebrated for a week has come to come on behalf of the Bella Coola a close. Both natives and whites people. A very fine spirit prevailed were deeply Interested and It was : 1" the meeting: a great success. I Indfcm Agent Ivor Fougner and The comparison of native lives, : hU wife were present. The Mission-habits and surroundings at the ary, Rev. Peter Kelly presided, present time, as compared wlthj January 17 tHelr heathen life of fifty years! Oolden Jubilee services at 11 a.m. ago, was a revelation. Instead of ! and 7:30 pjn. At the momlng ser- lights, and, instead of occupying appreciation. Dr. Darby read the their time with their old heathen rites, they are busy cultivating their land -growing all kinds of vegetables and small fruits. At their own expense the natives have built a large hall which will accommodate five. hundred people. There arc also a good day school and church. They can boast, too, of a fine brass band, instruments of which cost $4,000. Through the valley there are good roads and they enjoy the comfortable rides. The canoe has been entirely forgotten. The gasoline boat now takes Its place. The following is the program which was carried out during the week: The Week's Program January 11 Dr. Darby and Mr. Pierce arrived vice Mr. Pierce spoke on "Ood. a Consuming Fire." The sermon was listened to with' great interest and lesson from Hebrews 12th chapte. The Indian choir sang" two anthems. At 1 p.m. in the Mackenzie United Church on the "townslte, a service was held for trie white people. Dr Darby led In prayer. Rev. Mr. Pierce gave an Inspiring missionary address. At 7:30 p.m. a service, which proved to be a fitting climax to the day's worship, was held in the Indian church. Dr. 'McLean led In prayer. Dr. Darby read the lesson from John 1st chapter and spoke on the beginning of medical work among the Indians on the coast. Rev. Pierce gave an earnest address on the beginning of the work. Decisions were made for Christ. The choir sang anthems. January 18 At 6 pjn. 260 persons sat down to a fine banquet. Chief Joshua Moody killed a steer and donated it for the occasion, while Chief Samuel King provided the other necessities. The following interesting program was enjoyed by all: Songs, by the school children and choir. Song. Chief James Pollard. Speech, Rev. Sangeng of the Lu theran- Church. Speeches, Dr. Darby, Mr. Fougner. Mr. Brynlldson and Chief Samuel King. At the close, an Interesting pag eant by some of .the friends, repre senting the arrival of Mr. Pierce by canoe the first missionary In Bella Coola 50 years ago. The crew consisted of fou&nen and two wo men along with' the missionary, who entered the hall with their packs and paddles equipped for winter travelling. After they mar ched up to the platform they sang the same hymn that their mission ary had sung at their first Sunday service fifty years before At a special gathering on one of the days Mr. Pierce introduced to the natives the temperance sub Ject. All were deeplyMhterestcd and 132 signed and h received a pledge card. Clty accounufior the two wcck ending January 22 totalling il6 973 were passed for payment last night's coifricll meeting. , The 6ally taws candle pur chased at- Post Office News 8tand, 325 Granville St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. General Store, Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. Smlth- ers. B.C. V'A ... at "The training school over which Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, presides is doing excellent work and in this connection I would point out that one of our students In the 1031 Registered Nurses' examinations ranked third in the province,' 'said the report of President O. P. Tinker presented last nlcht at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association. "The matter of the building of a new hospital has not been lost sight of but, owing to the existing depression', it is felt that, the time is not yet opportune to approach the provincial government, the city or the public. In the meantime, In spite of the fact tliat additional expense Is required each year for! maintenance and repairs, we must make do with our present premises." The presidential report thanked members of the medical profession who had assisted in the work of the school by means of lectures and in other ways and expressed appre ciation to all persons who had in any way promoted the welfare of the hospital. Personal thanks were expressed to members of the board for their support during the year and aiso to Miss Harrison and her staff for loyal co-operation. House Committee Report The report of the chairman of the house committee, W. M. Brown, referred also to the question of a hew building along similar lines and expressed appreciaUon for the services of all members of the hos-oltal staff. During the past year, in addition to ordinary maintenance, the report pointed out, a new lighting system had been Installed In the operating room, roof, evetroughs fire escapes and elevator motor had been repaired, new skylight built on the roof of the ODe rating room, new heater power line for the nursery and new steriliser filter In the operating room Installed. At the annual meeting of trie Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital Association last night votes of 'hanks were tendered to the Im perlal Order. Daughters of Uv Empire, all societies, the press an! my organizations or persons wl. had a sited tn any way tn th ork of the Prince Rupcri Oer. ral Hospital during the past yea Week-End Specials vIUk-All brands 9 tins Nabob Melon it Lemon Jam fCn lor mison's Health Bran large pkg. Boneless Pickled Pigs Feet- per Jar Malkln's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin Dry Prunes Large size per lb. Malkln's Best Spinach 2's 2 tins Best Foods Relish Spread 8-oz. Jar vlalkln's Beat Orange Mar malade, 2 Mr lb. Jar Best Foods Horseradish Prepared Mustard, Jar . ) rooms Good quality S string, each Olobe Lunch Tongue l's per tin Sweet Juicy Oranges S doz rtoscdile Toilet Soap 3 cakes Fairy Bath Soap 6 cakes Gold tpusti.Wanhlngi Pow- der, per pkg $1.00 25c 25c 40c 10c 35c 25c 35c 20c 40c 25c 95c 10c 25c 30c Alberta Market P. GAMUI.A. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 Friday, January jj. yy 1511 PAGE SIX TOT DAILY NKWB WHEAT REPORT OF mrnmxmtmsmmmmtmmmmmxmmm FRIDAY and SATURDAY STONED TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. PRESIDENTS Feature starts 7:10 and 9:40 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:10 15c & 40c Good Work of Hospital Training School Acknowledged New -i n Building Off .Meantime , .. Tw .Great Star us Norma Shearer and Robert Montgomery in 1 H With Reginald Denny, Jean lfcrsholl. Una MerkclDivurccd 0 Haste They Repented at Leisure A Scrcaminply Funny Comedy Comedy FORD STERLING in "PRETTY PUPPIES'' Mickey Mouse in "Wild Waves" Sportlight "Blue Grass Kinsj' Monday and Tuesday "OVER THE 1 1 ILL" ratimusu rutnm tranimmi vmvwtm tumm tmm :n ::i : JUST RIGHT FOR TODAY SHREDDED WH EAT & & ? Madt in Canada with Canadian Whtat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL If you j&nfo vyf yeure hftse. tAdtS-itisjes. Bay the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 5S8 which gives the greatest lint for the money expended, be lieving that a ttatisfied ru; turner is the greatest asset a merchant ran have. Phone tn for a trial order and join the family of contented household' ers who are tulng the best fuel in town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 618 TAKE BOVRIL and keep up to "Pa" From early childhood on through life, Bovril increases vitality and builds up the resisting powers ol the body. It has the unique property of making other foods more nourishing. 70 fry1 1 ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You arc assured in getting full weight JASPKIt WIMIFIKi: EGG Per Ton. SI 2.50; Cah Price JASI'F.lt WlLDI'llli: LUMP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Price rEMMNA'F.GG Reg. Price. S1S.50; Cash Price )ry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE COAL $11.31 Kit lUI TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIKf TO SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & CnHnvf Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED ,a AND CREAM lA"- Early Delivery Throughout tne ur