GG “ats. a ET ge a aaa, . ing i Page 6 THE DABLY NEWS ' eh Local News Notes : | ae | ——— ee | aaa ji. P. Hawkinson arrived ! - Anyox last night | 1c vat night. | (MAG UING ; There were no arrivals for this j ning’s fish sale. | at a, | alli Son ven TAY, r. B. Coughlan f Thurston | Madd wo" 2 t « in the eity No waiting in shoe repairing at) <= . " MeArthur'’s Shoe Store tf a i James Turnbull, forest ranger | at Hazelion, is in town. a 1 r P c rmpetty tu ed. $06.00 _ ; —... ianos corn y 1a + ov. ° . ram wart ad 1G. C. Walker. Phone Biue 389. tf PIRII iF DID NOT FRENCHMAN COMES BACK OUS FLIER DIES : * . . —— — , 4 for first class shoe repairing, | START DISTURBANCE al via G.T.P. Telegraphs,) (@pecial via G7 : j here Ss [- leasure |B. M. Simpson, Fifth and McBride. | PARIS, Dec. 26.—Lietit. Poulet, TORONTO, Dec. 2° _ ; ’ . ° ” the French aviator, will abandon McKeever, M.C.. D. 8.0 : for all in the good | J. MH. Pillsbury left on the Princ: From Evidence Taken It Would | ss AGaketite, ak tk @METEEh died Were th music ou can ) George last night for Vancouver Appear That Prosecution Wit- et to Frenee by the ai yute. ar peration H u y : .:-. * ness Started Trouble. He’ ie 8 present ts Baradl i Uetaetion wee, produce ad easily New shoes are expensive. Have 7 man machines during ' ou ole one? ob at q ‘| } Pirall used of creating > ' — oa —— oe oe ee ee ear | FLOODS IN THE vosars / hi G / Arthur's. tfia disturbance at the General Hos . SC SPSS SESS He shay CNG TOP ORAS a ti Se |pital last Monday appeared be aan ‘te 04>, Cea * ® ; | When you need a pair of shoes};,,... wacistrate MeMordie this ef “ef : > TU SUBSCRIBERS e Come in and hear igistra STRASSBURG, Dec. 26.—Inu of better grade, cail at MeArthur's | norning and the remaining ev ; ) .& a ’ » . the newest rec- Shoe Store. eT... tor the Géfence was heard, diations are repor ted from all a Subseribers to The New. ords ee ee ee . Al vi to a sudder : . . wer lsace. ov 4 oO ¢ 5 ae , 3 Pirillo was acqnvifted and it ap ‘ att te pes ug iliiatod te * are asked to pay ‘ We don't cobble ao en pe ured in the evidence that Fra oe _— > re 1s ee ree pee | \# livery boys each th # 3 : o P F e i@vs OT 1e os@es., an . ‘ ‘ son's—we repair them. Corner lmrown, one Gf (NS tunth Witnesses the valley '* when they call, except ¢ rm eS imite a a for the prosecution, had himself ON ST. CLAIR where payment las n ®@ 2% ICE JAM ae a ' i > » "bance 5 - made for the year j 2 Captain L. J: Bay, of Anyox, ar. | Start a the nai A sum ; a ” ae ‘ a n : ‘ 7 4 _ . : » city las «|mons is now out for Brown, ‘ : : ve, » boys hen * Two Phones 82 & 200 Al J our Service rived ir a: — : . . er ; : (Special via G. T m Tele graphs.) | collecting carry offi ® Fegicsred at She He " c . V IN SARNIA, Dec, 26 An ies ae ceiptsa which should al. ¢ r 4 ’ r rive ine af nt Liana" «.. . THRILLS, ADVENTURE n the St. Clair rives has stopped ways be preserved. 6 ferr com across i” I Champlin Carpenter ry wry or * * . of a : border ‘wee ee eee eC eeeTE ST 3 ! - |Contract and repair work solicit-| : SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION . ’ ig ; | DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE eu paimng a spec ialty. | Ay ng man, writing for a liv- . ISLANDS Phone 176 302 vr , ath to te 6h | COREE RN EEN OEE ORE EERE ERE REE ER Kee eD saa ae ° ing, Dot barely able to live on his * Life Insurance TAKE NOTIC2 that William J. Leary | a riting | » with a rich or if * a B. 4... settler, intends to appi : Recruiting Unit of the O. B. I writing, Is In love Vv 1a i "i ; . 3 ° or & liceliw to prospect for coal and Py ruardis s of elt : Hs Tx Contam cease eS ea meets tonight in the 0B. U- Mal [oven Me ast vcore omclt | WESTHOLME || EMPRESS described ' «nds . oe ae ‘oHor, Street | opinion rightly wrongly mati & ; ‘ a acing at @ post planted at the) Sixth Avenue and Fultoy, Street, ii Sina aioe. to suitenemre Haake : north-west corner of DL 498, thence} at & o’clo it ey » =n es ne | Th IGHT Re ects U ue east 60 ecbains, thence south 86 chains.| @ ck tit tens nent Gowe ety thet © Theatre TONIGHT eatre TONIGHT : thence west 80 chains, thence north s¢| eo . a ’ |* * chains, to point of commencement The drawing for the $77.00) lady's wealth He put the love-j® ; . Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919 : ene ‘ > . ; Other kinds of insurance provide WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant.|] Brunswick Gramaphone resulted/lorn swain to the test, In a series . : or losses , : ined ollows 5152 7 5067 ;) of ved calamities. Sufficient une O e P apo ae SKEENA LAND RECORDING pivision. |2* follows:— 6152; 1071; 6067;/ of for oe * : Life Insurance provides for an in DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE 949. The first number wins.jto break any man’s heart Hye > ‘ » evitable loss. ISLANDS hs” ate ee fag gp emgage Siti, Mek atta mike Fal : : The premiums on other kinds ef nailed nt = a ; i he others win in th rder. he boy rises al \ a 2 . . ‘ : as See ee Ul tats. sopign a Wien 2. Ley wl wee oe nes one attr another, and «-'t | Caprice || a Aurry } miums on @ life policy are pay jfor &. license to prospect for coal : 1 © e ° merges victorious in the end, with . : monte on aeceuns ef GB epee; Ker \Sescriped. ae — yo $I With a very light list of pas-! the publishers bidding abainst > ; i STARRING ; at some — eg oy re | Commencing at a Post planted at the; .engers, the Prince George sailed| sach other for his hitherto re-|-¢ =In~ : and be pai jther kinds o 4 north-east corner of D 2795, thence “ . 4] . ede a expedient; Life Insurance west 80 chains, Petes sort 86 ebais.s,| time at midnight last night! jected manuscripts, and in pos . ‘H. i } Carlyle ‘ : thence east 80 chains, thence south ) ; - 1@ She 2 i. . ‘ s ‘ » ian wea fs essential chains, to point of commencement. ™ ; for Vancouver. She made cor session of a fair bride i y ; Car Ss Oo i ll ; \ building may never burn, & B\ Dated this 21st day of October, 1919. | nections with the westbound pas-| worth seeing at the Westholme| s ” ackWwe AND : ship — never sink, but ALL men a WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant senger train which was on time. ght. ; Ro ance ; must ie. - on ‘ 2 in E | G / : The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of é tate oe QUEEN CHARLOTTE At the Empress, the two se ir | ve yn ree ey : a aa BIG GERMAN SHIPS Js will have another episod | ane e, who ywwn in the “Carter Lase” and | « FOX 7th EP SODE of * TAKE NOTICE that William J.e«Leary of ° - * MeCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, BF) sxiacsaie, B.C. sever, intends “to apis FOR GREAT BRITAIN. The Iron Test” and there will be | } Sunshine Comedy “The IRON TEST” | 3 ” @ license Ww prospec or coal an< Limited, - sow petroleum on and uniter the following 1 good Per as well, . j Lic : > > - - srd Avenue lesertbed lands eer : Phone {1 Commencing at 4 post planted at the (Special! via G.f.. Teteerapis i a es ' ungry fons’ ‘the Carter Case’ » north-west corner of 498, thence . . ‘ & . ate . ast €0 chains, theneé north 80 chains, LONDON, Dec, 26.—By direc- ‘BANK CASHES FORGED : —$$ ___________ - 5 oan, to polat oe oe *’\ tion of President Wilson, the Ger- iz * M.M.Stephers Wolary Putli- pon cer FOR SALE Four - roomed plastered on Eighth Avénue between McBride St. and King Edwayd Schoo! with ex- cellent lot $1,000.00 Terms. house, M. M. Stephens Rea! fs.cte insurance Financial Agent DODO POF OE. PL OPPODEOEPELAE CEL ODDO Cadomin Coal No wait. Full weight. $12.50 $13.75 Ton, Loose Ton, Sacked Consumers cal Company Phones-- Black 51, Black 293 At Christmas Time Solve your gift problems with Photographs. Make the appointment to- day. It’s none too early. PUONE Red 328 [he Peeriess Studio Suite 22, Aider Block All busses stop at our door A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 socerceroed jated this 22nd day of Octeber, WILLIAM J. LEAKY, 1919. Applicant SKEENA LAND wVisihICT OF RECORDING DIVISION QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TARE NOTICE that William J. Leary « Kidegate, B.u., settler, intends to apply ur @ celine Ww Ppruspect [or cusi sain veuvieum on and unger ti fulioW tary descrived lands :- Cohupencing at & post planted one wile east OF the north-west corner of bi. 4¥o, liewlce cast 50 chains, Wience north 50 chains, thence west 80 chains, Lie soul BYU chains, Ww point of colamence went. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919. es Svittic~ J LEAKY. Applicant ShEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTHICT OF QUKEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of wegete, B.C, settler, intends to apply or 1 tivenee © prospect for coal and pelrweun «4 and under the following Gescrived lands Commuencing at chains east of the DL 6114, @ post planted twenty horth-@ast coruer of thence west 80 chains, ibence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence Berth sv chains, to point of com- mencement Dated this 23rd day of October, 191° WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SHEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS > iAhKk NOTICE that William J. Leary ot Skidegate, &.C., settier, intends to apply for 4 liccuse © prospect for coat and troleum on and de scribed lands Commencing at porth-west corner west 80 chains, under .he following 4 post planted at the of DL 498, thence thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 86 chains, to point of commencement, Hated thie 29nd day of October, 19/2 WILLIAM J. 1+ \vertise in the Daily News KY, Applicent. SATURDAY Special ~ Maple Leaf Milk per case $5.25 9 tins for $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211, 212 man passenger ships of the “Im-| peragor™ to Great Britain. KING AND QUEEN OF SPAIN TO CROSS THE ATLANTIC — Spreetal by G.T. P. Velegrapns.) PARIS, Dec. 26.—King Alphonse! and Queen Vie teria of Spain will sail for South America next June. ALTERING THE” SHAMROCK” (Special vie G.T.P. Telegrapps.) New York, Dec. 26.—The Sham- rock IV will be practically, re modelled before entering in the of races for the America (up. Among the other altera- tions, her keel will be shortened by five feet to increase her speed in working to windward. series TO REGAIN STATUS (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs LONDON, Dec. 26.— British trade commissions are working in all parts of the world in a great effort to make London again the dictator of commerce and prices. SOVIET saver TO ITALY (Special by G.T.0. Tetegraphs.) Paris, Dec. 26.—The Russian Soviel Envoy charged with a special mission to the Italian gov- ernment has arrived at Naples. The “Dinector” Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. tf There may be something you want. See the classified column on Page 5. DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE | Office Boese-Maming, y to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Sazur- dey, 9 to 12 only. ‘Tien 8, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE : PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT CHEQUE FOR $2,40. group are to be delivered) } EDMONTON, Dec. 26. A bru | nette, tall, well dressed, lady-lik |ziving the name of “Mrs. J. M Allan,” stepped up to the paying jteller of the Bank of Montreal! jhere at 1:36 on Monday and ‘ashed a cheque for $2,400. The | ine ident passed without particu jlar notice until the cheque wa- | presented at a Calgary bank, upo iwhich it was drawn, for paymen! when it was discovered that th name endorsing the cheque was a forgery. The result is that th wolice are in search of the fai ady, but no trace of ber has ye been found, The cheque in question wa from the department of militi ind defence and was separation allowance ‘signed by Major J. M Allan, of Calgary, and was afte: wards found to be of fou: recently stolen from militia lepartment’s ollices. the Qneen Charlotte Isianders ecan- 10ot do better than mail thei: printing needs to The News Print shop and get the work done -romptly and well. COMMON DISEASES OFTEN DANGEROUS Chief Among ‘These Is_ the Or@nary Cold in the Head ~—FPrompt Treatment Required. Many poor think a cold in the head is something which comes once or twice 4 year, and that it will always work itself off without attention, No greater mistake could be cold in the* head will sow acute disease unless it is tr: Even when the made A the seeds of ated promptly cold does work off itself it leaves the tient Weakened and lable to an attack fom disease, When a cold in the head appears start work at once, Keep the system open week the fever which shows, especially toward night. Allay the soreness whic) develops in the muscles Tone up |t system to fight the after weakness The drugs which will do this work are contained in Grip Pix, a preparation which has been used for colds in the head for years, and with wonderful results Is nothing in it which would not be proved by any physician and the content: are plainly jaoted on every box It is prompt in its work, relieving a had cold in A Hight and @ case of Grippe in 48 hours or 80 Have There ap BOO em | ' ' } ! i 4 box of Grip Fix in the house, | lt comes in fapsule form and sella for 45 cents per box, It is on sale at ail druggists Me Fe dn aad tt RRR ERE ERE AREA EERE EEE EEE REET PRE eT ee You'll Lilke Ilt WEDDIN G BREAKFAST COFFEE ---The steaming cup of warm com- fort ---Just smell it-- the rich aroma of coffee with a pieas- ing personality ~--Wedding Break- fast Coffee is ground pr perly from beans grown in an ideal soil-- packed in airtight | containers, it has the strength and flavor that bring contentment ASK YOUR CROCER He's Got It Packed by the Pioneer Coffee & Spice Mills, Ltd., Vancouver and Victoria. —