Madame Lacrolx'a delicious CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKC H rip butter 1 tup " 2g 1 t.ispoon vanilla extract J tup milk I ; i u is paltry flour (or 2 cups and J lcspooniof Usad flour) -.. ii 'kim Mifk Bilfctg Powder (i HiSJJOOn lilt C: out butter; M wsr, a Kale it ., i:inc, beating until light; add j.j "n yolks and flaroring; add f :, silted with lalt and bating r r.altcrnattlywiihmilk.Fold 1.1 vffly beaten egg whites. Bake ,, greased layer eakt nam in r : rate oven at 375 F. about 20 r ::,,tts. Recipe for Chocolate ( and Filling U in the Magic L 'jl liuok. Why Magic Baking Powder is used exclusively at this Montreal School of Domestic Science "We teach our itudenti only the tureit method," fayi Madame R. Lacroix, Assistant Director "f the Provincial School of Do- nee, Montreal. "1 hit's t . I jl'JVf ue and recommend : r fegtticn it. hh l : quality iilavs uniform. i p -t tho game satisfactory re-r i rv time you i:se it." A ! M.i(;ic Daling Powder ii the t : ti ned choice in the major-it . K.Lirm schook throughout e J' .nmiion. Cooktry teachers i I i .jM wives, too prefer Magic 1 . c uf iti cwumcntly better Free Cook RookW'btn you bake nr. the new Magic Cook !' "-ill give you dozens of recipes ' i lu ious baked foods. Write to I ml Urandi Ltd., Fraser Ave. t j Liberty St., Toronto, Ontario. maim war' a- u OauUiiKtaMitulel rONT.WNS NO ALI M I hi.. I .la ment oft ton tfM (Mir tf'iartint l u: Mmi. Bakla Po-d. I . rr from alum or any hrrn ful lar lloat. 1 ' Mcintosh arrived in the city ' lav afternoon's tram from '"nv home at Terrace to at-1 ' diocesan meeting of the A 'i i .'hurch which will be held 'his week. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating throe Dry Docks Total 4nactyrr;p,00p,tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairrrs 'r Steel and Wood Vessels Sa w mill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 8"lon Derrick for Heavy Lifts LOCAL NEWS ITEMS City worKmen have completed Ur work ol renewing the timber portion of the platform at the Fire Hall The whole platform has now be n restored to safety. Aibi'rt Farrow, steamboat Inspec-"f'-er having spent a few days i lollowing his return last week from a trip to Atlln and White-horse, silled yesterday afternoon by the Prince Rupert on his return tu Vancouver. E. C. Aves of the Drovlnclal col lector's office here Is making good i recovery after having been quit" ill with plurtsy and Influenza Hl older son, Teddy, who has been suffering with ear trouble, s alt, recuperating nicely. Rev. Canon T. D. Proct-ir and Mrs. Proctor of Pouce Coupe arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Peace River Block. Canon Proctor, who was formerly located at Hazclton. Is here to attend the synod meetings of Caledonia diocese. ! The Northwest Telephone Co.'s broadcast from Vancouver of the Shell lUppytlme program from Oakland, California, was again heard plainly this morning over the telephone company on local abort wave receivers. Greetings to Prince Rupert were conveyed over the broadcast. O. A. Woodland, local agent' of the Imperial Oil Co., saUed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a brief visit to Ocean Palls on company business. He and Mrs. Woodland will be leaving at the end of ttis week for Seattle to Attend the Rotary International j convention. ' The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyn Club was held today in the Commodore Cafe when various matters afectinc the affairs of 'the club and Its activities were taken up. President Wm. Orulcfc-sbank was in the chair and there wm a fair attendance- of club mesabs There was conatta-ble Indignation among officers at the cUy poM:e station this morning when It was found that several choice blossoms had been removed during the night from a pretty lilac tr which has been carefully nurtured in the jail garden. The officers will be keeping a close watch for the culprits hereafter. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Ac Cold water: Steam Heat :3c. PER DAY AND UP J ZarelU TH'phone tSI W C. King. city. Plumbing Prices Reduced Why Send Out of Town For Plumbing Goods? 4-Plece Plumbing OutJlt Complete with v CQCJ trlmmlnft Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced from $1.50 to $15 per hour Smith & Mallett Ltd. Phone 174 P O- 274 COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta At Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats it Barley. Pratt Baby Chick Food, Seeds & Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co J. O. Johns returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a business trip to interior points. ., ' The cheapest fuel in town, fig load slab wood $3.25. Albert & McCaffery Ltd., Phones 116 ana H7. tt M. A. Burbank. divisional engin eer for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official The late John Durum m of AUin, who died recently in the Bridge River district, was a past president of the Atlln Conservative Association. Robert Arthur, Jr., who has been spending the post month or so In the city, sailed by the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on his return to Victoria. Walter 'Hall, who visited friends in the city for a week, has returned to Prince Rupert from n fortnight's visit with his mother in Vtetbrla. Vancouver Province Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Dickson, returned to port a' 11:15 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern point'. and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and wayports. W. H. Sherman seems to hav Mn the first to exh'blt outdoor grown tweet peas this year in Prince Rapert. He plated severa blooaw .Sunday and yestcrda tbat ltr on view in the wlndov thwteuitol Barbel Srmtv ' f. Mtea Agnes Brown and Miss M Attcnborough of Vancouver have been visiting in the city with Miss Brown's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown. Miss Brown left here yesterday for Mayo, Yukon Territory, where she is to be married. PR. GEORGE FOR NORTH Canadian National Steamships Summer Schedule to Alaska Opened VANCOUVER, June 14: The summer service between Vancouver and Skagway was officially opened by the Canadian National Steam ships when ss. Prince George, Capt. Neil MacLean, sailed from this port Monday evening. There was a good passenger list and It was a happy crowd who exchanged their hundreds of colored streamers with thise on the farewell gallery as the ship slowly backed away from the pier with an orchestra supplying the music. While a number of the passengers were booked to ports between Vancouver and Prince Riipevt. the majority were ticketed through to Sk.itway. Many of the latter are lettving the ship at the northern terminus and will spend some time visiting the Ulterior of the Yukon. Dawson. White Horse and the Lake Atlin territory. One of the features of the first sailing was the Inclusion In the passenger list of three honeymoon couples who arrived in the city on Monday from California. The second Alaska sailing will be on Thursday evening when ss. Prince Rupert will make her mu den trip of the season. Announcements Eastern Star Tea June 15. Salvation Army Sale of woil junc 18. Moose picnic. Dlgby Island, Jun 20. Presbyterian Missionary Tea oi July 6. Wed. Special WATERMELONS per lb. Munro Bros. 8c Norman Moorehouse 'returned to the city on yc3te,'rifay Afternoon's train from a trip to Terrace. W. C. King of there N. R. electrical department arrived in the dity on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior. ' Benjpmtn Austin Spencer of Ai-yarh hus been appointed a jus- 1 lire of the peace, it is announced the B.ltlfih Columbia Gazette. . )' iv of Manual Training and t'.'fd'ii Economics work. P.T.A. Tea an Sale of Home Cooking will be held in the Booth School Thursday J.r.-.s 16. 3 tj 0 p.m. Dress Pa-i . ;.i udUorhup at 3 p.m. Those i:i' i - t .d are cordially invited to a: tend. 139 Union steamer Caruena has been relieved of the Rivers Inlet calls on her run north to the Skeena River and Prince Rupert. The schedule of the steamer Venture on the logging camp run out of Vancouver has been extended to take in Rivers Inlet. The Rose tea and sale of home cooking held by Hill, Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the EmDire. In the Prince Rupert Hotel Saturday aflernoon was a very suc cessful affair. Part of the proceeds will go towards the children's ward of the Prince Rupert General IIos-oltal. D. Scott was the winner in the raffle of a $S gold piece. EVERY package of Kellogg's Corn Flakes is sold with the personal guarantee of W. K. Kellogg: "Kellpgg's Corn Flakes must more than satisfy you with their flavor, crispness and freshness. If they aren't the very best corn flakes you ever tasted, return the empty red-and-green package and we will gladly refund your money." With such a guarantee, it is no wonder that for 25 years Kcllogg's Corn Flakes have been considered the standard of value. When substitutes are offered you, remember it is seldom in the spirit of service. Demand the genuine. Made by Kellogg n London, Ontario. ill! CORN I $l LOCAL NEWS A Mass Meeting of Unemployed will be held to-night at 3.30 p.m. In C.L.D.L. Hall, 2nd Ave. W. All welcome IiMl; (pi ll'- I i , The Wquor theft cases involving five defendants are coming up today for 'the completion of the preliminary hearings. Eastern Star Tea tomorrow, Wednesday, at Mrs. John Dyb-havn's, Atlln Avenue. Come find bring your friends. i ' Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip j to Anyox on official duties. 3. C. Hunt of Port Essington is paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived on yesterday afternoon's train from the Skeena River. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Comer of (Stewart arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from the i north. They will pay a visit in this district. i Mrs. S. D. Johnston and son sailed this aftprr lrwin nn thr Pataln j for Victoria where they will visit wn Mrs. jonnswn s moiner, aits Joshua Kingham. Mrs. E. Musto arrived In the city on the Catala this mornlnz rrom Stewart and will proceer. from here to the Taku River district to Join her husband. Miss I. Thomas, scnool teacher at Hydcr, was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning golnz through to Seattle where she will spend the summer vacation. 1 Rev. O. H. Moody, Anglican Churr.h clergyman at Stewart, arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from the north to attend synod meetings here thin week. i O. E. Oullck, local manager ot the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Catala this morning after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart ; on company business. Beatty Electric Washers are selling at prices far below cost. Phon 311 and our special representative will call on you personally. During this sale you will save $35.00 to $60.00. . GORDON'S HARDWARE, IMcBride Street. Morley Shier, well known Vancouver powder traveller, was o passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon returning south after u week's business trip to Anyox and Stewart. R. W. Sinclair of Inverness cannery arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Skeena River for a brief business visit to town. Rev. J. S. Brayfleld, Anglican Church rector at Anyox. and Mrs. Brayfleld arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from the : smelter town to attend synod meetings to be hid here this. week. , hcednokl Mail Schedule . For the East I Monday. Wednesday and Fi. I day 2 p.t i From the East ; Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs. ! day 10:40 ajn. I I or Vancouver j Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday .. .9 p.m. Friday 11 p.m. June 5, 18 and 22 ... pm. i From Vancouver I Sunday .j. pjn. Wednesday 10:30 am Friday . pm June 13, 17 and 27 am For Stewart and Anyox Sunday . 7 p.m Wednesday - pm From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ... ,..., 11:30 am ThursaVli..s.iii6..Aj.t.8 p.ra. For Naas River and Tort Simpson-Sunday 7 pm. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlottes-June 10 and 24 9 pm. From Queen Charlottes-June 8 and 22 am For Alaska-June 13, 17 and 27 am From Alaska-June 5, 18 and 22 pm. PAGE THREB Milk By Rail Strictly Sanitary Dairy A Modern Plant An Ice Machine Makinc 4 Tons of Ice Per Day. AH this because the stored up goodness In Bulkley ValJcy Mills is worth prescrvlnj. Milk from chosen herds only, all government tested. FRESH COTTAGE CHEESE BUTTERMILK, WHIPPING CREAM SKEENA It KAN I) CREAMERY BUTTER SPECIAL MILK FOR BABIES VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 AACTAI iTEAMSHIpt SUMMER SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for VancouTeri M. nilaya .... - 4.00 p.m. WedneMlaya - - - - 9.00 a.m. 'Saturdays - - - - - 7.00 p.t. CIb t Ooa FrJIa mU P.-il Ria u For Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway (railing at WraageH outhltound) Wedneadmya ami Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. For Anyot and Stewart Fridays, 3.00 p.m. Fortnightly serrice to Queen Charlotte Islands. Particulars on request. TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains lrare Prince Rupert Mondays, Wetineeday and Saturday at 12.30 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and. points East, fir. ri Mi jm WHILE YOUR DOLLAR IS WORTH 20 MORE iVOIK is the time to take advantage of: (1) Reduced steamship rates (from 10 to 20 less). (2) Lower cost of travel in Great Britain and Europe, and ENJOY a really economical holiday abroad. LOW OCEAN RATES One Way Round Trip Cabin Class. SIM . 00 up J192 00 up Tourist Class 89.00 up 157 00 up Third Class 67.00 119 CO Isciltint AttQmmo4ria-Mnown4 Cuisln mnd Settle Regular weekly salllnjs Montreal to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Belfast, Plymouth, Harre. Also Express Steamers from New York and Boston, Boo through your Loctl Afnt-So one tan terve you heller CUNARD LINE, Hi lUaHoSS Slt W.(SEymour UW VANCOUVER - " - v Lou Summer Rail Fare ftoic in Effect fat iBfornftlioa call or rils local (cat or U. McE WEN, D. F. St P.A. rriac Rapcrt, B.C. V-7M2 Canadian National UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prim's I5u wrt or Vancouver: P.8.9. r T.l,.t EVKItY Tt T.SIIAY. 1:30 P.M. V'.r. WsypotnitH. arriving Vancouver. Thursday sin. T.S.H. CAIdlrAA tVfcUV I'ltinAY MIIIMdllT. Arrlrlns Vancouver Sunday midnight, appro. Weakly M41uia to Port Simpson. Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Nsas River potnta, Sunday, s pm. Further information regarding sU sailing and tickets at ntlMfc ItlTKKT AtlENCY: Hecond A trnur. Phone SSS. SAIL EUROPE now Auction -rrr Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results ci;Ri.i;a.i:sixBi:a inxmiBiiBtiiiii ;aci:Kii:B.):ni:ii;Hi:ii;E.i.iii:iKaiiErB.iii