PAGE SIS THE DAILY NEWS IL f , . ,i .11 ic axcatcdt uvluu Hbk baby . . . thriving . . . gaining by leaps and bounds! His back strong and fine as a little champion's. His teeth developing perfectly. Hit legs straight and sturdy. His skin rosy, his flesh firm, his whole body a living promise of health radiant, buoyant health through the years to come! Can any food except Nature's food build such a baby? Millions of mothers in the past 75 years have answercaty tt to this question. And now more emphatically still a world-famous clinic answers Yit. Living proof in millions of healthy babies Seventy-five jears ago, Gail Borden pioneer in the movement for pure milk gave Eagle Brand to the mothers of America. Today, Eagle Brand second only to mother's milk in easy digestibility is known as an infant food the world over. Eagle Brand has raised more healthy babies than any other food on earth, excepting mother's milk. In practically every community in this land are healthy, sturdy boys and girls, and men and women who got their start in life on Eagle Brand. Inquire in your own community and sec how these Eagle Brand ex-babies compare. sua ttg.'zmMgina.g.rj r-n tmn uta jgrtr DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED A DOCTOR? ci nto tlwz can L What the scientists discovered But novcr still is thenews from a world-famous baby clinic. Two physicians fed a group of 50 average babies on Eagle Brand over a period of several months checking with closest care every detail of their health and growth. X-ray pictures of bones were taken regularly, to make sure of the way that bones were growing. Tooth development was watched. Weight and height were periodically recorded. Strength and alertness were measured. Blood tests were made . . . And those 50 Eagle Brand babies, judged by every known test, proved themselves ideally nourished. FREE ! Complete Booklet on Baby Care THE BORDEN CO, LIMITED Tnt B m Co, LtMtrtfc Dtpt 61 so twii v.imtw. ac of Wctbn. JVuu diimst C, . fr (Flaw priat - mmi MnN rUimlj) CW.JI . Now, Mr. Businessman, have you ovocitrlefl to cllagnoso the reason for that sudden drop in profit ovdr the figures of "last month?" If the temperature of -.your businoes alarms you there is no need for you to lose any sleep the remedy is simple. ADVERTISE "Ah!" you say, "But that's all vory well. I'm only a small man and can't afford it" That's the reason the small man remains a small man. The big men in business today did not become big by hiding their light under a bushel, they advertised, and Advertised, and ADVERTISED. Advertising is as necessary to a "sick" business as the doctor s services are to a sick person. And it Vill find the money to pay its own bills, if done judiciously, from the increased volume of increased profits. Start with a small !N "THE DAILY NEWS" tomorrow and test the idea for yourself after all it's RESULTS that count today. We havo an export advertising man at your sorvice at any time. Ho will advise you as to size of space to use and see that your space is filled with "business bringing" copy. PHONE 98 and make an appointment Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Consolidated Taking Outfit Into Slate Creek Barney Mulvuny Leading Large Party Into INIc-Connell Creek Mining in Omincca ,stati who Has been in cnarge on - tests which have been conducted Mountain, Immediately west of fur the big company during several Smithers, the Glacier Gulch, the i sea: on.-. A w;v,on road was among Mamie and the Yukon and Jessie the improvements in connection 'with plans to. fringing the Slate Creek ground into production. Displaying many fine samples of channel gold taken from a claim he and his partner own in the Cariboo district, Kai! Johnson, a former resident ol Forestdale, has been 1 spending a couple of days in 8mi- ing the reek to be richly impregnated with gold. At present the property is being worked by his partner but Johnson is returning to his claims in a short time to Jon in the work. For the present they will sluice out some gold for a stake and. when this has been done, they intend to sink a shaft to bedrock for test and, if this stands up. they plan on equipping the property for hydraulic work. In the party headed by Lyster Mulvany and J. J. Hepner of Bums Lake which passed through Van-derhoof last week enroute to the MconneU Greek gold diggings there i are sixteen men. They arc heading for Bulktey House from which point they plan on flying to their destination, this depending on whe ther or not1 the price for carrying freight by plane is lowered. If not, it will be UOfen the remainder of the way by -pack train by which means it would take about twelve days to cover the last lap. Quite a number -of Hie men going in are re ported to be identified with the en terprise of Mickey Brown although others are going in on their town. Trie Bert MeCorkell pack train is. conveying the party and freight to Bulkley House and will continue the trip In the event of the planes 1 not being used. The MeCorkell pack i train to taking another party Into the same ana, having left about the first of June. In some quarters interest in the MeConnell Creek dis trict is increasing and more parties are expected to leave Vanderhoof ! heading the same way. Placer deposits as ytt known in the Omineca Mining Division are mostly of the type requiring development on a large scale by such companies as the Consolidated which is tion In was stated then in a recent lecture. The Mc Connell Creek find, ot re-discovery. Is most promising according to the j reports of M. J. Brown and his associates but it has not yet been confirmed from Independent quarters, Mr. McGlll said. In any event. groups are all potential gold mines, Mr. Mcom declared. Bight hundred pounds of food was recently dropped by Pilot E. P. H. Wells of the Canadian Airways Limited from an altitude of 200 ' et onto a snowbank for the men at McConnell Creek diggings who ran out of provisions. The exploit j thers after an absence of several was attended with considerable idays from that district. For two risk for the occupants of the plane i years he has been working off and as the flight had to be made In a ion on the development of his canyon only 100 yards wide and too 'ground and with discoveries made narrow to turn in, there being no j fall he Is now confident that open water upon which to make a i success Is dose at hand. In addl- landing. Pilot Wells' experience in Itton to come gold in the gravels of dropping bombs during the Great 'Willow Rim. Johnson also has War stood him In good stead In some good looking quarts on ine wo .ing om (ne prooiem oi ensur-same property, his . samples show- Ing the safe landing of the food sup- plies. The door of the plane was taken off in order to permit the' food to be taken out. I Prince George ! Appeals Are on Victoria List Among appeals being heard ni a) 'ses.m of th British Columbia! Court of Appeal now in progress I m Victoria are two invoivin,' ludgement-. given by Judge II E A. Robertson in County Court a' Prince George One anneal is that of Burrows vs. Brooks Construction and Transportation C- et al and the other Cusack vs. Brook.-Construction and Transportation Co et al. Counsel- for the appcl lant in each case is E. C. Mavrrs. K. C of Vancouver while P E Wll-j son. K. C of Prince George is .counsel for the respondent j Another appeal of northern interest is thit of Graham Island Timber Co.. Ltd. vs. Brown, beint i an appeal from a Judgement of jW. H. 8. Dixon of the Court of Revision in Vancouver. Twenty Years Ago In t'rince Rupert June 11, 10i: Owing to the government wharf ! having started to settle, the city jwas unable to unload a large shtp- LJ? f OTernrncn there but had to have it removed w butWlng In smtthers ta a convenient , (rom the M b at the rocker for In extract use ptacer(0ran6 Trunk IMine wurf goldwWch is proving of Interest to. 8 M Newlon lnfwrntd the city men who are contemplating trying i councU their luek at panning the creeks in search for gold. The outfit being' atubbt a well known displayed by the government Is ex- and wrid travelled writer, arrived wemeiy simple m mruowon. tn the clty from Vancouver on the ha the advlntage of being taken Prlneei8 Mnf here ln apart rapidly and the light weight connection with the compilation of makes It advantageous for those . history of British Columbia, with little money for packing ex-1 p rises. H W. Haskamp has purchased lots 5 and 6. block 20. section 1, Second Avenue (between Second and Third Streets) for $30,000, it Is announced by J. Lome McLaren, who handled the transaction. i now now preparing preparing for for opera opera- a i e ?jrr'. Superintendent of Duudmg Is Named N hi The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. is moving a large supply of placer mining equipment into Slate Creek in the Manson Creek placer area, the shipment consisting g of pumps, gas engine and slack-line outfit for handling I gravels, 'ihe equipment is being sent north on recommen-tg elation of Money Ogiivie of the Consolidated engineering j William A. Gaiw Itcreives Appointment by Vote of 8 to 1 From Seattle City Council It is not a poor man's proposition. SEATTLE. June 14 The city Brown and his associates have the council by a vote pf 8 to 1 yester- enure creek blanketed and If is aoo day named William A. Gains as jrnllesjrom the nearest transports- superintendent of building for the lUdn point ew)'ajrpll PlT-"cy of SeattU. Councillor Otto !cer developments on' 'Lome' CreekPcase alone voted against the ap-1 126 miles east of Prince Rupert, pointment of Gains. and on Nation and Manson Vlv-. ers were reviewed. Some are in the ' hands of individuals but mostly! they are of the class requiring large ' operation. Whjie existing prices for . silver, lead and copper have stopped lode mining In the Omineca. a considerable amflUnt of development has proceeded. On Hudson Bay TltAINS For the East Mondays, Wednoidays days ... and Fr 3 p.m From the Hast Tuesdays, Thursdays jind .Saturdays 10)40 sjd jEh mm iW I P SJB" B . . Bfc I JBygBBBBBBBWa UBW.Bf.BU Tuesday, jUne u , i'KBa:i:i:B:i:i;x:a:iBii:KBXn:aj:H!ii'i:rBii:B:i:B;iB:rBfi;i:Bi;B: '.! El. i Monday and Tuesday 1,,u ouuiyb 7 and 9 pm Feature Starts at 7:15 9.15 ADMISSION - i5c & 5(( I Adventure in an Oasis of Missing A 1 "117 1U men ana women Konala Lol mo in man LY GARDEN With Fay Wray, Estellc Taylor, Warren Hymcr Here was a master-criminal who fooled nations but who Couldn't fool nature Comedy "MAMA LOVES PAPA" Sport "FISHERMAN'S PARAIHsp MusicaWOUT OF TUNE" PARAMOUNT NEW ANOTHER GRAND PROGRAM Wed. & Thurs. "THE MAI) GENIUS'' Wed. Only "MARILYN MILLER in "SUNNY" B EBXCJCB UUM M'B 'B M M: 3HB RIKB IBIS M IS IB KB : .V : g a . pUTTING up fire safe walls, ceilings and partitions in: 8tores. nirnttt Roomi Warehouses Chkkta Coops Factories Theatres Hotels Farmitesds Barns Dairies Attics lUteaitnls Sammer CotUiM Sen-porches Covering old Gyproc costs liftle, b quickly erected, nails and cuts like lumber, has Insula-lion value nnd structural Btrencth. It may be panelled, papered or finished with Gyptex or Alabastinc (vtfi-r may bit tilth id' tht name on the hnt'i : ( i'i tn itrtpe alnk ' CTPSCM, LUIC ANO A) DA.mM, C4, l.fnlld TlKHIII. B For Sale I Albert & Mr( affcry, Lid. - - Prince Rupert U M. V. Nourse Uurns Lake 1U R. S. Sarfjcnt. Ltd. Hazclton. 1U The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers. Hazelton and Terrace H.C The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. AW The most economical saws to use Sirnond Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rcml tX. and Acorn Av V.ncovvr, n,C. MONTMBAU SI. John. H.B- j("'c ',l, '4ilJUtristijuiMViMn'f J