'I. i 0r Price 50c "a boi i . nt t nue'i ft rn oaire one) V' iii - to Palpitation of the Heart iouia Hardly Get Around Mrs. Charlea Storms, R.R. , pin- rw weak I could hardly get around. Mrs. J Lamble went out on the TllnB'i""7VnMi,il''Ner .paWKSSto AWrniyanaratfoJUKhere she reurred of thene attacka. will visit for a fu I trouble. ishop's Charge S! ! Church Army Work work of the Church Army ,v i amended ind reference . , ' o the work among the Jap-, j lie Ridley Home also came (.'.- tfUI.S t favorable mention I Can Arfvmr vaii 'ilK.ii iVni .t- - . v. n il J muuuni neart ana Nerre Pills are a wonderful builder." learned, that is that a much simpler Jife will provide all that is necesaary for comfort and rerrorce many of the luxuries have had to be discarded, and people have found, that they have been missed little." A business man of Montreal stated to His Lordship during his recent visit east that his income had been reduced two-thirds but, In the simpler life he was compelled to .... llt'P Vl nam hnHUH 1 i- :icw cnurcnes or cnurcn nails 1 ' man ne naa ixtii erected in the diocese 1 bwn tor ,Whn we think of the last 8ynod,also a bishop's the hBPPine of our earlier years, u.n- and the new Northern ' wnen Wttons were simple in the has been built for mission i extrem- e cannot help but think iiung the coast. Besides this wie artiI:uties of life today :ial progress, there had tven;have added utUe to the real en .- of spiritual growth which real test of usefulness. . f inancial depression has af-the church as it has the :i.cciai worm, aeciarea me i nends In England and said: .: at our wit's ends." and in he was referred to Psalm 107. ' i m' in which he fuund much i'!nn Thhl tihu Im nrlv uld appear that as a dte- n untied Ur Bishop, we nut every ounce of wisdom : rtty and sacrifice of which! ' ;ablr. Into our plans and ' and having done so, toi . (vi 1 1 nn rinri nut hll that ! juyineni. ICrliance Upon God "Our reliance upon God can only be Justified when our prayer does not go beyond the prayer which and. it we are ever going to j us Uu?nt to use: 'Give us this .m the work now in exist- u " y " he re will have to be much1 ',paul couW content even ,-a support obtained from its .' hen gmg through such dlfficul-and particularly church J1'88 few men and 11 shou,d te ta our own u and to f our own diocese who will uive more freely and make "r ,tachlni! our demands sacrifices than heretofore." : ould1.be limlted' our need modert-Bishop mentioned that some I church 043 the rett to rfom of ,Utto UP Chri Ultm no he wrote to one of Cale-1 nim up as we savior or the world and lifting him up as the example for the world. "If that Savior is accepted and His example followed by even those wh word ctoowledfe Him. the the case. "We are at Our tnd. And We Cry Unto the :. Our Distress " . also says: He delivered ' of their di&tre.w. and gave ;;net and brought them to 'V -ired haven Oh that men i world's problems would be solved and we would be brought to oar desired haven. "That Ood's richest blessing may rest upon the church everywhere, and especially on the Diocese of Caledonia, and that His galdance . .,JL ijJVZA and wisdom will be bestowed upon .I he doeth for the children T ? I of your friend and bishop.'' LECTURES HELPFUL o: tns; just our aeMrea na-, KeT if, Trumpour Cave Ke- :e fhould be no doubt left, tmiur Coure at Synod of ir sicresisibillty to the divine I Caledonia use Doing only those things ie In accordance with His 1 should, with confidence re- Depend Upon (iod a . i j I unc oi vat awn uwfiuu( aiiiu hlnfnl thln durtna the af Ion of His help in carrying out 8ynod here this week was a refresher course of three theological lectures given by Rev. : remarkably evident in these ; prof H. R. Trumpour of the An-ii t times that among the giuan Theological College in Van-minds which are seeking for couver. iwi'ii of our problems that a The first lecture was on prepa rail umber are coming to the t,(n for the New Testament in " tabllEhment of proper condl- christian community and showed! i - In life would be the Incorpor- how. nitCitnst.- ,bh wmsw ' u in all business imd social ac-! ultimate and satisfying truth and : -ies the prinriples of Christ I reality are found. In this Epistle Something must be done to platonlc mysticism and the philo-' i.:niue the lamentable conditions aophy of the relation of the seen 11 i h exist today. Men should not and the unseen were used In the ' ure enforced idleness when . quest of truth. ' e l so much to be done Men. i The third lecture outlined the at-"wn and Children should, not be tihipte in ancient and modern iim. aVV,n.inthrf'wW there-tfines to understand Christ s per- ' af undance1. .tenot. wouf h . that s j,aHty andgkve fj& 1-tabW MWe the of M In-, " ' dlsioed' 'tAp' , express dtry ' '"if much to relieve the necessity. ! carnation. Asserting the essential, '"nn oravers our thoughts and ef-1 likeness of the divine and human i ! leader- and showing how God indwells all "its should be that strong 'P should be found ready to sub-; life m different degrees and how lives dwell in each other, itself to the will and guidance human nod It surely cannot be Impos- the lecture substituted modern terms and Weas for scheme psychological Me to devise some i".eby the promise of God may be the ancient. ""'"Jf" the ones still used in official definitions 'uUilled that he will not see showed how the human pereon- f'Kliteoun forsaken nor his seed and bf-m. m-ir hr-,! allty of Christ was a compicw w Ood. In Christ man sees e thing should be learned and prelon of ievp in many cases is being what Ood Is like ' I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS . Mr.ypia Mx,JU. A. Hooper ot the Digby Island wireless station were overnight visitors in town. S. J. Mayer of Smlthers is payinK a brief" Visit to oie elty, having arrived on last night's train from the interlorrallway town. The cheapest fuel in town, big 'oad slab wood $3.25. Albert it McCaffery Ltd., Phones 116 and 117. tf The fire department had a call at 10M5 last night to the home of Chris Perry in the Stork Block on Second Avenue where there was a chimney fire which did no damage. The Frank Waterhouse freighter Southholm arrived in port at 9:45 last night from Vancouver and discharged a small cargo of lumber and general freight during the night. Ven. Archdeacon E. D. Hodson of Ocean Falls sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on bis return to the paper town after attending sessions of the Anglican Synod here this week. Rev. C. W. McKkn. Anglican Church rector at Terrace, who has been attending sessions of the synod of Celedonia diocese here this week, sailed, on the Princess Adelaide last night for a trip to Vancouver. W. L. Stamford, agent for the marine department, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Oeean Falls. He wttf inspect a new aid to navigation which has been Installed at Boat Bluff hi Dean Channel. A. O. Sturgeon, postmaster at Ferestdale. will catch the train leaving here today in the interior tomorrow morning and proceed to Montreal where he will embark on Miss M. Heoden. R. N.. a graduate of the Prince P.upert General Hospital nurses' training school, who was reUeveing on the staff of the local institution last summer. Is leaving her home in Toronto shortly for a trip to England. A special dinner party was held for officers of the ship aboard the steamer Princess Adelaide while that vessel was in port last even ing, the occasion being the birth day of the popular skipper. Capt. S. K. Gray, who was in receipt of congratulations all round. R. A. McLean and E. A. Mac- oonaia or Stewart will pass through the city on the Prince Ru pert this evening going through to vanrntivitr nrhnr t.v nrlll nm. that God and religion which Prof Trumpour traced many irMW, t Mnntrai wh. t..i i 1 k ... Im mi. t iM lMUk Utm mvut thAlloHt - luiiKci uc uui inttiigia ' w tripy -,'iu sail on the steamer get oaca ui me nurnuu m me various owvte Duchess of York for Stornoway conditions" hc showed how Christianity could of tjwi Rrntianrt BishoD mentioned two per-; become a personal and universal experiences of this trend that religion because the crisis of the . gnfBtefnttMfjmimxiwsw wiurc nun jusi itcliiuj. exue revrai nir m-wfu w - ' -.i-'-e it was a letter from a dividual and the inferiority of J " ' i.-s man In Toronto in which! merely national hopes. The Persian I "" Mian half of it was taken up period evolved the synagogue and. j UMAiN AMiUIMv the argument Uiat the solu- so. the congregational type of wor- LJOUNI) WITH EYES ' i of present day problems must ship. The Greek period added cul-j.. , . . ncpn through Christian principles tural and human emphasis to theimL,r uaau ! interjected into everyday life. Jewish sacrificial ideal. The Roman' I' second was that he had tra- dominance affected the lnterpre-j u mi wrst recently with one of the tatton of many parts of the New ' mi;; business men of the west- Testament. 'i iruvlnces-a man with com- The second lecture was on thej n.il Interest which are ulmost Epistle to the Hebrews in which thej v :l wide, and he did not hesitate speaker sketched the spiritual lapse j t' ,iv that the rjt factor In the in some unknown early Jewish Local woman was unable to keep here eyes open and see well, so consequently she would always have, her eyes half closed. Had beh, bearing glasses but still her eyes were always partly closed. A thorough examination by G. F. Davey, Registered Optometrist in charge of the Optical Dept. of Max Heilbroner, Jeweler, revealed a very bad case of astigmatism, the proper glasses made especially to suit this particular case immediately, corrected the error and she has no trouble keeping her eyes open now and reading is a pleasure. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. rot DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Tflfphon tut Wah Soon, city. All bakers, butchers, grocers, hardware and paint stores will close at 6 p.m. on Saturdays on and after June 18, 1933. DOUGLAS FKIZZELL, Secrelary, Retail Merchants' Association. James Bryant returned home on the Prince Robert this morning from his studies at the University of Washington in Seattle to spend the summer vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A, John Dyfehavn returned to the city yesterday afternoon on the) fish packer Jedway from a brief business trip to the Massett Can-ners' Cannery at Old Massett. It is not intended to operate the plant this season. Cel. J. w. Nlehells. Aid. J. H Piusbury and W. H. Tobey were guests of G. A. McNIoholl, general passenger agent, Canadian National Railways, .Vancouver, at luncheon on the steamer Prince Robert today. i. Harold McEwen, C.N.R. district freight and passenger agent, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from atrip to Prince George and other .interior points on official business) He was accompanied by Mrs. McEwen CPU. steamer June 34 fer a vtsH to London. Enr-i completing the land. Prtneese Norah, company's first! tourist voyage of the season to Skasjway and making her farewell appearance here this spring, is due in port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Alaska and will sal)- at 5 30 pm. for Vancouver and Victoria Rev. F. A. Anfield. superinten dent of the Indian Residential School at Alert Bay., arrived in the city on the Cam em last night from down the coast, being in chart of- a party ml native chil dren who a re going tdj their homes in the district for the summer va cation. A special article on aerial pro specting In the central interior dis-trica by George Cross appears in the magazine section of the lasr Vancouver Sunday Province The article more particularly describe the exploits of Dick and Tom Cor-less of Prince George. Misses Viola and Nlta Arthur. I young daughters ot Mr. and Mrs. ! Robert Arthur, Jr.. arrived in the! city on the Princess Adelaide yes-1 terday afternoon from Victoria to! spend the summer vacation here! with their grandparents, Mr. and! Mrs. Robert Arthur, sr.-. , Mr. and Mrs O. T. Oilbank of Arcadia. California, arrived in the city on this afternoon's train from Jasper Park, where they have been paying a visit, and wil sail on the Prince Robert this afternoon to make the round trip to Skagway and thence south. During their brief stay here, they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Walkr. Sec ond Avenue. ! Announcements 26. Salvation .une 18. Army Sale , of work Eagles' Dance Friday, June 24. Admission Gentlemen 30c. Ladles refreshments. TJy . Moose plcnle. Dlgby island, Jun Eagles' Dance July 1. Admission, Oents 90c. Ladles 25c. No refresh ments. Presbyterian Missionary Tea on July C. 10, Eagles' Picnic, drossy Day, July White sports skirts and dresses Just received at Demers. 143 S. J. Jabour is sailing this after': noon on the Princess Norah for a United Church Missionary Tea .business trip to Vancouver. July 7. j Wllllam Miller "of the Seavlew Miss Nellie Lawjence will sail on! Grocery sailed lasinight on thei the Prince Rupert this evening fori Princess Adelaide 3or irlp.-tdn' a holiday trip to .Vancouver. it Mrs. T. H. Prieat-fls sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. McDermott. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wlllan and child, who have been on a two-weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon . Vancouver. Mrs. O S. Hills, who has. been visiting in the city, sailed by the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on her return- to Stewart. R. O. Oreggor, assistant district forester, sailed last 'night on the Princess Adelaide fW'a'trtp lo'tlfe Ocean Falls district on official E. J. Moore of Terrace. 'Bailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. He Is the father of V. S. Moore of this city. Miss M. Attenbury, who has been visiting here for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on her retnm to Vancouver. James McGlaahan, Edgar Hyde, W. H. McOallum.and L. Mcllarg sailed last night on the Cardena for Bella Bella where they will assume duties as fisheries officers the summer. G. A. McNicholl, general passenger agent, Canadian National Hail-ways, Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Prince Robert today going north to make the round trip to Skagway. J. R. Muir, district manager of the Famous-Players Canadian Corporation, Vancouver, and C. 8. Neville, accountant for the company, arrived in the city on the Prince Robert this morning from the south for a brief business visit to the Capitol Theatre here. J. H. McVety, superintendent of the Employment Service of Canada for British Columbia with headquarters in Vancouver, ana his bride were here this morning on board the Prince Robert going north on a honeymoon trip to Skagway. They were married in Vancouver on Thursday iraiiTCTgarwiii.1 km In tac Because it doet pou-tWeljr relieve the itch ing almost as soon as pplied and effects a healthful healing of the skin,Dr. Chase's Ointment is a most satisfactory treat ment for Eczema, Hemor rhoids or Piles and all Irritations of the slun. Fifty or tube. vear of " COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley VaUey Coal; No. -1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats & Barley. Pratt Baby Chick Food. Seeds & Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co rilONE 58 & 558 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total csparllyJI.OOO tons Shipbuilders snd Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts "1 WE f Sharker Itd 1 DEALERS PAGE THREB Lef us equip your car with brand new DOMINION TIRES HC C CCM EUROPEAN EXPERT O -Js01j1N watcilmaker Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working In the btg cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA Milk by Ra ii Is good customer of C. N. R. The year ending Sept. 30th, 1931 the freight and express charges arblng out of Milk, Cream, Butter and Ice Cream shipment were: Milk Shipments Express and freight r Ncclxako Creamery, Vanderhoof $1,055.56 2,562.12 1,00932 Total $7,327.20 Four railroad men are directly engaged in handling these shipments making wages; giving the farmer cash for his milk so that he may do his shopping, and why not In "Rupert?" FRESH MILK & CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 UNION STEAMSHIPS LI3IITEI) SmT: leave Prmoe Cuper' for Vani-iuver. I'.S. r Tl KVKRV Tt KSH.W l:Ji. P.M. Vui Wvpoint. nrrlv iic Vajjcourer Tbutsdav m. TJH.S. I AUIi;A EYEKY t'KIIlAY MIUMCIIIT. A:rlvln Vancouver Surnlsy midnifbt. appro Vr'fekly sallinga to Port Slmpnon. Alice Ana. Anyoi. Stewart and Rivrr points BUtutajr. I pai. Furtlwr informatltm rrgurdlnj all aalllnsn ami tlekato at I'KIXCE lit I'KKT .OEXCY: Second A veMur. I'han SMS frreshoutofthebox . . . after the show. . . at bridge parties . . . teas . . . dmners . . . always . . . terve Christie's Snow Flake Sodai. Their fine flavor snd flaky freshness add a test to every mouthful. In the big, iteu; family-size package. Christie's SNOW FLAKE SODAS Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. J