PAOESTZ WATERFRONT WHIFFS Salmon Packing Starts Next Week Many Boats Get on Fishery Patrol Power Cruiser Argo Changes Hands - . Fishing for sockeye salmon in District No. 2, of which! Prinpft Rnnnrr. is tho ppnt.iv will o-pr unrlpi wnv nf m.r?. I night tomorrow after Which time canning of fish Will be- A bulletin issued by the United vagc Co.. power tug Salvage Prm- . 1 !. Ol J 1 XT T; rrn Ml Oa... r. - . PIK.I. f?arvt IPrinlf Tutor lull !il II couiu guneiai on mu anemia aim iaas n.vers. mere will urtau oi runenes snows ' -i : i! iL. ot ti ii nhnt thpro h"e hn hn been more than h,n ociockon Thursday mornine at aI be nine canneries operating on the Skeena River this sum-jihat uhas SIh ?huJSh ?T.inB for the 50Uth' Xt 15 JdoubIe tnc hallbut landed at Scat" i V" expc'r mpr m pnmnirPfl with eiVht last St vpii- whilp nn " tho NaaS"e . mm, thrggSgy this year than last. Up to the 11 will be away for about eration whereas there was but one In 1931. In the central area two canneries will be in operation this year which is the same number as in 1931. The packers will concentrate this summer on the choice and higher- Canneries in operation on the; Skeena River this year will be Por cher Island, Claxton, Carlisle, B. A. (Port Essington), Balmoral, Hays- port, Cassia r, Sunnyside ,and Inverness. The plant which did not operate last year was Balmoral. ' On the Naas River Arrandale which operated last year. Mill Bay and Wales Island will be packing this year. In the central area, Butedale and Namu canneries are to be In oper ation. There Is still some doubt as to which canneries will operate In the Bella Coola, Rivers Inlet and Smith's Inlet seining areas where fall varieties will be largely put up and where canning does not usually start until later in the season. Canning plans for the Queen Charlotte Islands are also uncertain as yet but It is expected Langara at New Massett will l)e the only plant to operate and It will be on a limited seale. Between 900 and 1000 licences have been Issued for the Skeena River thU year which figure Is about the same as In 1931. Among Prince Rupert vessels, most of them fishing boats, which have been successful In getting charters from the Fisheries Department for fisheries patrol work this summer are the halibut boats Joe Baker (Capt. Clarence Camp Smith, H. and R. (Capt. Robert Shrubsall) and Unome (Capt. David Ritchie), the service boats Billmor (Capt. J. M. Morrison), Dixie Ru pert (Capt. George Newcombe) and pncea socKeye variety 01 saimon trollers Mabel (Capt. John Pres- ana mere is still some aouDt as to (M ..,, . ,, . T u cott), Maivin r Jack . . .... (Capt. McLcod) , t w iL Inst nnw pvtpn.itlvp will hp fhp nrn. duction of the lower-priced seine fish of the fall. and Seminole (Capt. Ivor Wick), the seineboat Ogden (Capt. J. W. Moorehouse) and Joe Howe's cruis er. Capt. John M. Morrison, for the past three or four years agent of the Prince Rupert branch of the Deco Sea Fishermen's Union which organization closed down Its Prince Rupert office last winter, Is returning to nautical life, being about to assume command of the Prince Rupert service boat Billmor In fish eries patrol work for the summer. Before he assumed the position of agent for the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union at Prince Rurjert Cant. Mor rison was owner and skipper of the hallbut boat D. S. T. There are not more than a dozen vessels of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet operating on the flshlne grounds at the present time. Sev eral of the vessels have taken on other work for the summer Includ ing fisheries patrol charters and saimon pacKing while some are waiting for an Improvement In the price situation which shows little tendency towards betterment Capt. Henry Edenshaw of Mas- sett is those whose vessels are engaged In packing salmon from North Island on the Queen Charlottes to Butedale for the Cana dian Fishing Co. He made a call DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED A DOCTOR? ,cnu u nym iianuui landings ati Seattle totalled 5,324.379 pounds as j from Mrs. O. a. Bushby. The Argo. which was acquired by the late O. O. Bushby from J. D Lawrence several years ago. had been used as pert and Mr. Bushby's reduction a service boat between Prince Ru- plant In Tucks Inlet. The vessel is 26 feet long and is equipped with a 20 h.p. Kermath gasoline encine. The new owner plans on making a number of improvements. A good-sized Indian power cruis er, which was paying a visit to port, anchored at the mouth of Cow Bav Just west of the Prince Rupert Row ing & Yacht Club's floats on Wed nesday night and, early In the morning, filled and sank after having become stranded on a rock which had. apparently, not been no ticed by the native navigators when Now, Mr. Businessman, have you ever tried to diagnose the reason for that sudden drop in profit over the figures of "last month?" If the temperature of your business alarms you there is no need for you to lose any sleep the remedy is simple. , ADVERTISE "Ah !" you say, "But that's all very well. I'm only a small ....... man and can't afford it" That's the . reason . v . . the ,,iv small uiiiiui man iimn remains a small man. The big men in business today did not become big by hiding their light under a bushel, they advertised, and Advertised, and ADVERTISED. Advertising is as necessarv to a "sick" business as the doctor's services are to a sick person. And it will find the money to pay its own bills, if done judiciously, from the increas-ed-volume of increased profitsStart with a small IN "THE DAILY NEWS" tcst tho idea for yourself after all' it's IlbbULTS-that count today. We have an expert adver-tising.manat yourservice at any time He il( advise you as to size of space to use and see that your space is filled with "business bringing" copy. PHONE 98 and make an appointment THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, june .. .. bound from North Island to Bute- natives sleeping on board the ves- dale In the Edenshaw. jsel and they had a narrow escape. Later in the day, the sunken vessel boats wnicn are engaged In fishing "car me floats wnere it is now De- l ttvvnv uvint to navtto stave well- -mmo uui. a w w um-v.m led at Prince Rupert for bait dur- little damage as a result of the im-jlng the past wepk. These included -merslon which was complete. ; the' ttnVtncc' Wac.flna.rl klnJn.l. fiMmavaai.' anrf ' TAet I .. I nn w...... TTilVlnir in tnnt 1 tpntli n f Hflv llim- .wuumitl dliu Ul ..aafc .4. tun aaaas . w WWJa ba.a which are making regular deliveries ber from the Billmor Spruce Mills J tL.r'LTche - II 1.. 1 1 ill 1 ! n (i t T- TV I - 1 jjiam, ui, imruur .ur ut'- Mvery to Vancouver, Pacific Sal- compared with 2,126.924 pounds in1 Tne Fisheries Department i.. nuw the same period of last year. At uslng the floats of the Pacific S;U-Prlnce Rupert American landings va&e Co. for the mooring of its pa-up to the end of April this year are tro1 vessel while in port. The cir 'piaccu at i.DJi.auu pounds ana Ua- t""cuua uwii uusu on we kv .u Irene T L (Capt. Lome Peek), andad!an at jooo. Last year there waterfront was wrecked by u raJ naa oeen no naiioui lanaea nere up aa" w"ucr aner wnicn u was iowt:a to the end of April. Alaska landings 10 DIgby Iiland. for this year up to April 30 totalled ; 2 A77 rtmmrie oe o K.V4 ' Harrv flrnH hp nt Tlnlrnr Tilii year. At Vancouver landings for this lne conclusion that his labors of year up kj tne ena or Aprih totalled w,c h' wmier ana spring naa war- 217 7nn nnundi as nnolntt itunnn Hinted Inri parnpH him a n all. juua.vao ho U(yCtOlr tUT,UW " " .....a aa na... , pounds last year while Vancouver merlted vacation, suited the i Island landings up to the date In thought with action, and arrived In question this year mounted to 55,800 Prt on Monday aboard his gasboat pounds as against 39,800 pounds last Li,a and has since been a prominent year. j figure In his automobile on the I Streets of our fair citv. Harrv in not . (certain as to how long he will be ; Argo Changes Hands J abie to stand vacationing but. if' une 01 tne trimmest and best.thlnes net 'tiresome hr h mBV Known vessels of the Prince Rurxrt i takn a i ivuw. vW4V VII IK hI.ab... t- 1 .1 m . 1 ...... vwiuiK ouaw iicet cnangea nanas miter injet, he made a shipment of recently when Norman Klnslor purchased the power cruiser Areo logs to the Big Bay Lumber Co.'i: sawmill here. Changes Boats D. S. Cameron, fisheries Inspector for the central division with headquarters at Swanson Bay, ar rived in port on Thursday afternoon with the patrol cruiser On-erka II, which he has been using of late, and transferred here to his regular boat, the Senepa, on which he left on his return down the coast yesterday. The Onerka II will leave soon for the Queen Charlotte Islands, her regular station. Minor repairs are being made on the fish floor of the Royal Fish Co. fish handling plant on the local waterfront.: Jim Hun blacksmith. well known local joined Capt. Tom the halibut boat Ringleader which is to be engaged in fisheries patrol work this summer. Ron Pitcher and Jack Macfie, employees of the woodworking department at the local dry dock, are at present at Esquimau taktnc their annual courses of training as mem bers or the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. The lighthouse tender Blrnie has been undergoing annual overhaul at the local dry dock, incidentally naving a new tails haft installed. Other boats which have recently been on dry dock for cleaning and painting have included the halibut-ters Livingstone, Southend and P. Dorreen and the Indian Department's cruiser Naskeena. A 10-foot rowboat has been built at the local dry dock for A. J. Squire. Halibut Landings Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1032 season up to and including yesterday had reached a total of 5,496,040 pounds as compared with 6.386.540 nounda at a similar date last year. Landings oi American nsh so far this season have totalled S .542.000 nminrln a; against 3.5t5JM pounds so far mi year while till year's Canadian landings to date total 1.953.750 pounds In comparison with 2J01 J00 pounas up to the same date in ivy. During the week endlnv vmtr. day landings totalled 4 OS ,500 pounds of which American vessels brought in 364.000 pounds and Canadian 38,500 pounds. The price situation saw nine change from the preceding week with Canadian boats re ceiving a high of 55c and 3c which the Gibson received for 7.000 nnunrfi and American a high price of 65c and 2c which the Ethel received for 4,500 pounds. The low Canadian price of the week was 4.5c and 2c and the low American, 4c and 2c. Sher Thomson, caretaker of the Prince Rupert Rowing it Yacht Club floats, who is enjoying a month's vacation, will leave this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Ho 'Intends to go through to Soap Lake. Wash . for a visit to the hot springs at that point. I Back To Sweden? aHaalaHaaaat' k A chiiminii new portrait of the film siren, Greta Garbo, who recently announced that she would paw up her weekly $12,500 contract and return to Sweden. Choir Picnic Is Enjoyable Prwt)) trrian Church Sinters Had Outing on Mr by Island The choir of First Presbyterian Church had its annual picnic last! evening on the sandy shores of Dig-by Island, about thirty persons being present at the outing which was very enjoyable to alL Oames were played, there was singing around the campfire and delicious refreshments were provided. The picnickers made the trip across the harbor In Charlie Curried power vessel C. R. C. leaving at 7:15 p.m. and returning home lust before midnight. J. A. Teng and S. J. Hunter were in charge of arrangements for the outing. Rev. Canon and Mrs. T. D. Proctor, who have been attending the synod of Caledonia diocese here during the past week, will leave on ! Monday's train on their return to; Pouce Coupe via Edmonton En-1 route thy will pay brief vi.-lts to Kltwanga and Hazelton. REDUCING SPECIALS for l Saturday & Monday Aylmer Blueberries per tin Pumpkin-2-lb. un 2 for Gold Dust 2 pkgs Swansdown Cake Flour per Pg. Molasses -3-lb. tin per tin Waffle Syrup Quart tin per tin Munro Malt Extract 2'4-lb. tin Rown tree's Cocoa tt-lb. tin ' Aylmer Raspberries In Heavy Syrup. 2's 3 Dot. Eggs and 1 lb. Bacon, for Strawberries Arriving iTiaay, per box Certo Der bottle 15c 25c 1 45c.B 27c 20c 42c GOc 22c 24c 58c 12c 30c Rh-ibarb From Vanarsdol QCp makes good Jam. 7 lbs. for,i Our Store Will Close Every Saturday at 6 VM. Mussallem's Cash & Carry Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 319 Third Avenue Phone 18 & 3C0 i . U aaaaaaiaaa.a. Friday & Salurda, THO SHOWS - 7 and 9 ' "Hd Iih'cw Only the Law of the Jungle .. . . w ,,v.iii.ik oiiuiv MILKED UNDER STRICTLY SANITARY CONUITI . ; - Baby's Milk a Specialty 9 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Visitor Welcome DOMINION DAIRY Telephone Red 60S giQ m Watch Repairing Old Man D. Pression is worki us now on the outside, sending new business. Has he called " yet, or are you stili paying th prices? These Arc Economy Days I am Riving the people of this district the best ami W.itch Repair Service they ever had. My thirty yen:.- i experience guarantees absolute satisfaction. The new i will surprise you. A. E. IRELAND Watchmaker ami OntnmclrUl ni; lot Pm. "Tarzan The Ape Man" Starring JOHNNY WEISMULLEIl, Swim Champion un. O'Sullivan, Nell Hamilton, C. Aubrey Smith' " Junle Thrills Elephant Stampede Primitive Love Novelty "BABBLING BROOK" MFTRO r Admission 15c & 50c Feature Starts at 7 o and S ? linVT MISR TIIIC lvni.i en... " Monday and Tuesday "SHE WANTED A MILLIONAIRE axcnnuavnra ra mxm mmtumxnmrwiumm mm, v , , FRESH ILK DAILY From Our Own Local Herd fir - "i ', 111!1. 321 Third Avenue Prince Unpt The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert BrancF SMOKED BLACI COD Prepared Daily Ry Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. 1MUNCE RUPERT, li.C. i !,! ami BfatsaxKi e kiki man Bw.aj.nai a:i max m " 9 1-11 Daily News Want Ads. bringfquick Results