A Difficult Spectacular action is displayed ns Captain Barord of the United States army Olympic team takey Suzanne over a difficult three-bar hurdle at Fort Rosecrans, Caliiurnio. where they are training. Winter Sports in Prince Rupert SKMNG ON MOUNT OLDFIELD By Dr. II. Skl-jng i one of the finest forms of winter outdoor recreations. And Its popularity as a winter sport here in Canada has in recent years grown tremendously as every year an Increasing numbers of lovers of the great outdoors takes up this wonderful ana thrilling sport. For example, the Ottawa Sfc dub ten years ago had only X members. The membership toda; numbers 2,300. And that is only one of the several Ski Clubs In the Capital. in Vancouver there are now t least three ski clubs, with their ski camps on O rouse Mountain and Hollyburn Ridge. It. therefore, Is surprising to find that, here In Prince Rupert, wj have as fine a' place for skl-tne as you can wish for. In fact, It can be favorably compared with the skl-lng grounds of many of thi most famous winter resorts In Norway but nobody seems to know about It. I came to Prince Rupert In January last year and, although I was told there were no possibilities for skl-lng here, I wanted to find out for mycelf. So I went up on Mount Qldfleld several times during the winter and, spring and was sur prised 'to find an abundance of snow up there even quite late latt spring. Now. last year we had unusually little snow so there should be plenty bf snow on Mount Oldflelu every winter for skl-lng. Should Be Ski Club I, therefore, think Prince Rupert should have its Ski Club, with a club camp on a suitable place on the ski. trail leading to the top of Mount Oldfleld. When speaking of skl-lng, mos people seem to think it a very dangerous sport with fractured legs or even worse accidents Rabin to happen "at any time. Of course, like all sports, skl-lng has lu risks. But I have seen the thousands o' members of the ski clubs I used to belong to go skl-lng Sun One To Take collector of taxation. r- PA02 .v3mil DAILY 'NEWS "' Mi. All!. s District News Husky Looking Hoop Squad I News of The Sport World f PHILLIES m LEAD Quaker Town Supreme In Ilolh National and American Baseball Leagues PHILADELPHIA, April 18: Philadelphia reigns supreme In both major leagues as a result of week end phty. The Athletics won both Saturday and Sunday over the Washington Senators, who had been hitherto unbeaten, and toppled Walter Johnson's crew from the top to third place. n the National League, the Phillies, although losing their first game of the season on Saturday when they were shut-out by the Brook lyn Dodgers, came back yesterday to shut-out Brooklyn and retain the exclusive leadership. The Chicago Cubs' are in second place in the National League as a ' result of defeating the St. Louis j Cardinals yesterday. j Chicago White Sox and New York Yankees, as a result of victories on Saturday over Cleveland Indians and Boston Red Sox respectively, are tied for second place in the Am erlcan League. Results of week-end play were as follows: SATURDAY SCORES American League St. LouU 2, Detroit 3. Cleveland 1, Chicago 5. New York 14, Boston 4. Washington 2, Philadelphia National League Boston 5, New York 4. Philadelphia 0, Brooklyn 5. Pittsburg 0. Cincinnati 5. SUNDAY SCORES American League St. Louis 1, Detroit 0. Philadelphia 11, Washington 3. Cleveland 6, Chicago 1. New York-Boston, postponed or i account of cold weather. National League Chicago 4, St. Louis 1. New York 6, Boston 0. Philadelphia 2, Brooklyn 0 (11 innings). Pittsburg 4. Cincinnati 3. Made Perfect Score Irene Knox. Buiti sharpshooter, knows her buliseyes all right. She scored 509 out of 600, tried again and got a perfect total. CONSENT TO JUDGMENT Counsel for defendant conwn.ei to Judgment with costs this plotting in tho- County Court case In which J. R. Mitchell et al were su ing A. Richmond for $98. T. W. Brown acted as counsel for plaintiff while W. O. Fulton appeared for defendant. 'his advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of lirltlsh Columbia. O. Johnsen day after Sunday with hardly any worse accident than, perhaps, a sprained ankle resulting from, all the unavoidable bad falls during a winter season. ,4. Of course! most of th? people here know about skl-lng only from what they have seen In pictures at the show and these have been pictures from Jumping contests. But Jumping is only a branch c! the ski sport and. Just like hl(?h-diving or fancy-divine. Is taken bn only by a small number of the people who find pleasure and recreation in the swimming sport. Only few of the skating enthusiasts go In for Jumping on skates, so only a very limited number of the members of a ski club will take up skl-Jumplng. largely due tc tne ract that Jumping requlroj special sktls, not suited for any other form of skiing. The most popular forms of skiing are cross country-skl-lnz mountain climbing on sklls and uownhlll racing which furnish thrills ample to satisfy even the most venturous. Had Splendid Sport I have certainly had a lot of splendla skiing on Mount OldfieM this winter and think it is a shame nobody takes advantage of the opportunities for a wonderful winter sport we have so close at hand Now, the old trail Is, of course, no good for skl-lng. as eve'rvon who has been up there can easily Imagine, but I have this winter been using another trail that 13 splendid for skl-lng. both easv to get up and giving plenty of speed ana innils when racing down. Of course, this trail can marked up and a little clearing ma a lew improvements made so is to not make it to difficult ro follow. Now, In order jto give people, at. Idea of the wonderful sfi.ln(j grounds we have right here on Ka. len Island, Mayor Orme has kind ly promised to exhibit some n!.. turet from skl-lng trips lo the top of Mount Ol&fleld. Those pictures might as well nave been exhibited as skl-lng pictures from some, famous Hnr. welan winter resort, bjnV they are i. lain rigm nere on Katen Is land. i look at the picture, aprf If you are Interested, send m note and tell me so, and clve your name and address and. If r find there is enough Interat In It. we will try and get a ski club started. j The B.C. Qazette announces the ; appointment of Government Agenl Hubert B. Campbell of Bmlthers as Edmonton Grads Beat Vancouver Basketball Team VANCOUVER, April l8:-Edmon-ton Commercial--Orads, world's i j champion women's basketball team, defeated Vancouver Witches by a score of 100 to 43 In a fast basketball game here at the end of the week. Baseball Standings j American Leagu j W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 3 1 ,750, cil Chicago 4 2 0Q7 New York ,.2 1 .697 it Washington ;...S 3 ,600 Detrplt '.: ..3 3 .600 Cleveland 2 3 .400 St. Louis .....2 4 .333 Boston 0 4 .000 National League ' W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 3 1 .750 Chicago 3 2 .600 Boston 2 2 .500 Cincinnati 3 3 .500 use Pittsburg. 3 3 .500 Brooklyn 2 2 .500 St. Louis 2 3 .400 'lew York 1 3 s I i i nr... .: ; v; ft , e - - '. , I 1 ' 4 20 for 25c The Burns Lake and District ildard of Trade has hud 1000 folders printed containing Information of Interest to settlers thinking of coming to this district to take up land. While driving a load of wood on Monday last on Burns Lake", the Ice suddenly 'gave away a"nd Thomas i JUdley, hit team and load were precipitated into Jhe icy water. There ere no 111 effects following the old bath. PRINCE GEORGE There has been cooler weather here during the past week with touches of frost In the evenings. The North wi t Telephone Co which controls the local telephone 'system, has assured the city coun that no increase will be made in ,tes here for a period of five years i least The city council is considering building a sidewalk and roadway on Wells 6treet which would open up he Crescent area of the city whlon las long been clamoring for direct iccess to town. Ottlnff in In trfrenp U'tth Bur- v j rounaing ctuaen ana property, it i may be necessary to prohibit Uw of Duchess Park here for fur ther playing of baseball games. F. J. Boutell of Prince Rupert, re-250 presentatlve of the International Mrs. W. J. Allan and W H r-l Tne Hit of a series of enjoyable Smart... To be truly smart one must hate a certain keen perception which enables them fa recoguhe at a glance that which is not only the vogue at the moment but which also has real value . . . that is why so many of the smart, younger set choose Dixie Cigarettes. Those vtith an eye for vnartness recognize a finer appearance . . . those with a taste tor a cooler, sweeter, more fragrant mellowness realize how much more they receive when they smoke Dixie, Canada's Pleasure Smoke, DIXIE The BETTER Thtye imi-aly uwkr the i ilic we admit, but the play a nifty game of basketball All art member Young Women's Christian Assoc i ttnn, WHwpuuucHci: ocjiooi, u spennmg Armstrong. Mrs. w I Ar a few days In Prince George on and Dr. Carl Ewert v IhmlnAsi . i . ... ... , biuu jjiizcb jor ine H-ii" n milieu uc ucru inc nri jooioaii uanv 11 held here during, the past winter season to be seen here vt oj ine uanaawn xegion look pmce last Friday night w hen M last Wednesday night. Prize-win- George and Scandinavian ners were Mrs. William Blair. W. L. met. WW CIGARETTE . 't. - t V and in flat tins of fifty and ono hundred