Today's Weather Prince Rupert Overcast, calm; barometer, 29.74; temperature, 48; sea smooth. Vol. XXIII.. No. 00. t t KILLED IN COST OF Two Newspapermen Injured, Woman Killed, on Granville St. Bridge Mrs. W. V. Findlay Dies Following Accident and Her Husband Is Not Expected to Recover Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutherland Other Members of Party VANCOUVER, April 18: Mrs. William Findlay, victim of an automobile accident Saturday night, died shortly after noon today. She and her husband both suffered fractured skulls and other injuries. Mr. Findlay is not expected to live. He is prominent in newspaper and sports circles, being a member of the editorial staff of the Vancou BIG LOAN APPROVED Victoria Ratepayers Ratify $500,000 D)law to Meet Deficit on Unemployment Relief VICTORIA. Apjll 18: By a veU oi -tin to i sea. nifc Tfcupiym Vi ii h i approved a bylaw submit ted by the city council for $BG0.0)0 to mrct a deficit Incurred on ac-ro ur (if unemployment relief ex-pciidiiure. The bylaw Had a margin of 172 over the number of vote required to carry It. Thr bylaw was submitted follow-In;: the refusal of the private bills i ummittec of the Legislature to approve the loan without sanction of the ratepayers. Titanic Memorial Service Was Held In New York City NEW YORK, April 18: A memor lal service was held here on Friday for those who lost their lives in the Titanic disaster exactly twenty years ago. "Nearer My God to Thee." the same hymn which the orchestra of the Titanic played as -.he great ship foundered with more th.m two thousand souls on board Hfu r striking an iceberg, was featured in the memorial service. PASSING OF MINING MAN f'Wgc Henry Aylatd Dies in Victoria Saturday Night At Age Of Seventy-Four VICTORIA, April 18-Gco. Henry Aylurd, aged 74, one of the. most outstanding figures in British Columbia mining, died hero Saturday night. 4 THOUSANDS KILLED IN CHINESE QUAKE PEIPINQ, China. April 18: ". Rcpor), received here at the week-eftd stated that scores' of villages In Central China had been virtually destroyed by sc- verc earthquakes. Many thou- ands of Chinese are believed to be dead. The earthquakes occurred on April 6 and centr- fd In the northeast of Hupeh Province. ' ver sun. IAL Charles A. Sutherland of the Dally Province editorial staff and Mrs. Sutherland were also injured. Mrs. Sutherland is suffering from a fractured Jaw. The accident occurred when the automobile, in which the party was riding, skidded on Oranvtlle Street bridge Into a street car. 'Is Great Country' Says Mrs. Biddle Philadelphia Society Woman In Vancouver After Flying In Central Alaska VANCOUVER. April 18:- Arriving here at the end of the week aboard the steamer Princess Norah after having spent three months flying in lonely Central Alaska. Mrs. Ed ward M. Biddle. Philadelphia soci ety woman, remarked that Alaska was a "a rand country." Mrs. Biddle laushlngly denied that she had made the trip with a view to writ ing a book about the customs of the native women of Alaska. She pro ceeds from here to her home in the east. Troller.s Get Few Fish at Week-End Kuns on Trolling Grounds Fall Off; Lower Trice is Being Paid Today There was a light run of salmon nn the trolling grounds over the week-end. Small deliveries to port this morning brought 9c and 2c for red and white springs respectively. Ln't week 10c and 11c and 2c was being paid. No Developments In Kidnap Case ! NF.W YORK. April 18: xncre . .,.inr,mnf over the wc" i,lu r .7'::: ". VMn,. WCCK-CJ1U HI WIU UIUUU1..B plng case although negotiators expressed confidence that the child would be soon returned safely to Its parents. GOVERNMENT AGENT HOLDS AUCTION SALE AT FENNY PRINCE GEORGE, April 18:-nnvemment Aeent George Mil burn made a trip to Penny last Tuesday to auction off a number of ...LIU ItwinrAVil, . suD-amsioiu -r; mmm system, announces ,uof that a a snv-i . V. $600 Der daJ V, I naa .r-ruJ pcen piuvvu " tarouttht'ear Ithout authority. p.-i. Parce s brouM,' an n average average price price oi s per acn, mid Pturciinse" TJZull .Tohn IMrbacz. K Aussland, j J. Fin-' Fin - , lalson and R. Johnson, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIANS; NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1932 SERVICES MEANS HEAVY CITY Relief Workers boughboys doughnut express visits the ste m-torn area of Aia'i ma Former fighters found fun furnishing food to the suirken farmers a round Tuscaloosa. The legion's famous train, a a familiar figure in convention parades, was put to work this time. RAILWAY TO OUiT; Trans-Andean Line Will Cease Ser-1 vice Unless Chili-Argentina j Tariff jyVarStops , , j VALPARAISO. Chill. April 18: i The Trans-Andean Railway, great railway which crosses the Andes Mountains at a high elevation to connect the two South American republics of Chili and Argentina. will be forced to discontinue service on April 29 unless the tariff war between the two countries, which has attained serious propor tions, ceases, It was announced at the week-end by the management, of the line. Married Women Banished From Police Service VANCOUVER, April 18: The Vancouver police commission has adopted a policy under which it will not have in its employ married women whose husbands are receiving in excess of $100 monthly. One policewoman, whose husband Is a minister. Is affected. Dinner Tendered Andrew Mellon Prince of Wales Among Speakers to Welcome New Ambassador of United States LONDON, April 18: Andrew W Mellon, new United States ambas sador to Great Britain, was the VinnAv at a rtlnnor nf th --v-A; . . . . Pilgrims ooaeiy nem vc the week here. Among the speK- crs who welcomed Mr. Mellon was the Prince of Wales. The King sent his greetings. Traction Savings In Seattle Amount To $600 Per Day SEATTLE, - April 18: Walter M.j i manaKer ot the city street ; - t a . PU,u f economies which havfe been put Jnomi In Alabama's Storm-Torn Area In Washington i Hon. L . Fiemics. nu mber of i the Ro.ii Air Force, who is j air uttnin ut the British em-piS'y Washington. DC i HIS BRAIN BEQUEATHED Odd Itcquest Is Made By Arnold Gale, seventy-year Old Fhy-schologist, Who Died Recently MINNEAPOLIS, April 18 Under he will of Arnold Oale, 70 year old physchologlrt of radical views and former rrvtmber of the faculty of the University of Minnesota, his brain Is left to a Chicago icctor, who was a personal friend, for dissection purposes. Galedled recently i .Bv WEATHER' REPORT ' Dead Tree Point- Talning. fresh ;.outheast wlndi barometer. 29.64; umntii!. temperature. 4!i; 4a; h..v hef-y swell. ,Pll Trlnle uiahd "art cloudy. otf.riv ri. mtnto Ungara Island-noudy, light & calm. BIRTHDAY OF DARR0W Chief Defense Counsel In "Honor Murder" Trial is 75 Today HQNOLULUy Aptil 18w-CUrerjce, Oarrow. chief counsel for the defence in the "honor murder" trial, celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday today. The hearing resumed today after a two-day delay owing to Mr. Dar-row's Illness. Great interest was manifested in the evidence today owing to the expectation that Lieut. Thomas H Massle would confess the killing with a plea of temporary Insanity. Halibut Landings Summary Amertcan-141,500 pounds. 5c and 2r to 7c and 3c. Canadian 98,000 pounds, 4c and 2c to 5.1c and 2c. American Clipper, 50, 000, Atlln. 6c and 3c. Arctic, 27,000, Cold Storage, 5.6c and 2c. ( Havana, 45,000, left for Seattle, j Oceanic, 18,000, Cold Storage; 6c: .and 3c. ! Hypertan, 12,000, Cold Storage. 5c and 2c. j Onah, 15.000. Booth. 7c and 3c. Garland, 14,500, and Wave, 5.000, Booth, 6c and 3c. I Canadian Margaret 1, 6,500; Capo Spencer, Mr Justlce Fliher presidlng, re-17.000; Aiken. 12 000; Albert K.. 2.-turned of a verdict guUty against 000; Pair of Jacks. 12,000; Helen II. lMrg Mlnness and EUjah 9,500; Morris H.. 10,000; Tramp, 7 - j Mmn m chargM of consplracy to 000; Gulvlk. 6.000. and Rose Spit, defraud a nre lnsurance company 12.000. Cold Storage. 5c and 2c. Lf approximately $6000 in connec ts itoy, o.uuu. ana oiuoa, o.uuu, , uoom, D.rc ana Fanny F.. 3,000, Atlln, 4c and 2c. CONTROL IS ADVOCATED Senator McRae Thinks Radium I Production Should Come Under Dominion Government i OTTAWA. April 18: -A move to orlng radium production in Canada! und control ot the Dominion gov- ernment in me mieresis oi sui ferlng -humanity" has been lnstltu ted In Parliament by Senator A. D. McRae of Vancouver. Senator McRae warned prospec tors against rushing in too great ,imKi- inin fhP now nrat Bar Uke country, declaring that It was j by no means a small man's field. J Tomorrow's Tides Tuesday, April 19, 1932 High 12:17 pm. 20:9 ft Low 6:11 a.m.' 3:2 ft. 18:25 pjn. 3:8 ft.. PRICE: FIVE CENTS VANCOUVER AUTO SMASH Over $12,000 Hoisted i On To City As Result of Budgetary Change Reply Received From Minister of Finance Regarding Payments For Institutionary Services and Mothers' Pensions The city clerk is in receipt Hon. J. W. Jones, minister of mated that costs of social services, transferred at the re-Icent session of the Legislature from the province to the j municipalities, will involve some $12,040.32 annually as iar as Prince Kupert is concerned, this figure being based on the present basis of use of these services. Mr. Jones, in replying to ! an Inquiry from the city, tabulates these costs as follows: Mental hospitals, 32 Inmates, $5,-840. Boys' industrial school, eight inmates, $2,336. Girls' industrial school, two inmates, $58 1. Tranqullle Sanitarium, three inmates, $60225. Mothers' pensions, 10 pensioners, $2,678.07. - PASSES IN ESQUIMAU! Airs. Elizabeth Pooley, Mother of Attorney-General, Dies At Age Of 83 VICTORIA, April 18 Mrs. 131-zabeth Pooley, widow of the late Charles E. Pooley, K.C and mother of Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney- general lor ariusn ooiumou.. uieu Saturday after a long illness. She was eignxy-mree years oi age ana had lived tor the most of her life In Esquimalt. COUPLE GUILTY Vancouver Jury Convicts Man and Woman of Conspiracy to Defraud Insurance Company VANCOUVER. April 18: A Jury Int. thp Knnrrmp Court Assizes here. ,,h f. t r. The nalr , rprnnn(i.d until the end of Assizes for sentence. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, April 18: Wheat was quoted at 61ic on the local e'xehange today. 44 TROTSKY INVITED BACK TO RUSSIA CONSTANTINOPLE, April 18: It is reported here that Leon Trotsky, formerly dicta- tor of Soviet Russia, has been Invited to return to his native country by Joseph Stalin, the present dictator. Trotsky has been living In exile in this country for the last few years. BURDEN of a communication from finance, in which it is irrtii WOULD USE LASH MORE Vancouver Believes It Would Be More Effective on Criminals Than Long Prison Terms VANCOUVER. April 18:-A drive i9r.njre liberal use of the lash in- neaa or long prison -terms, especially for crimes of violence involving the use. of guns, has been Instituted by the Vancouver1 pollc'tjorn-'' misslon, following up suggestions made recently along this line by the Vancouver Board of Trade. Support of the movement will be sought from Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney-general for the province, and Hon. Hugh Guthrie, federal minister of justice. PROBE IS ON. AGAIN New York Stork Exchange Trading) Methods Under Investigation . Still By Committee NEW YORK. April 18: With RU ehard Whitney, president of the New York Exchange, still on the itand, the senate probe of trading on the exchange returned Its inves tigations today. Specific and pertinent questions had been prepaid for Mr. Whitney to answer Instead of mere general inquiries such -as those of last week. PARLEY IN 1 HONOLULU. Trade to Be Discussed Ky Nations of Pacific on May 1, 5 and 6 HONOLULU, April 18: Arrangements are being made for a trade conference here on May 4, 5 and oof representative of countries bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Japan. China. Australia and United Sta'tos. will be among the countries repre sented. Body of Aged Woman Eound Miss Annie Symcock, Aged 70, Was Victim ot Drowning at " Esquimau VICTORIA. April 18: -The bod of Miss Annlo Symcock, aged 70, was found on the beach at Esquimau yesterday. Death had r;cll duo to drowning V - "J