PAOEBEK THE DAILY NEWS "mMIKIJ VMlUi KXKSMMJUtUZMJM'.iWi H MJUXMl KXMSMSMXWSU 1 S New Things For The Babies A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF Babies' Coats, and Sweater Coats Hats, Tarns, Bonnets and Dresses Has Just Arrived CALL IN AND SEE THEM S CAPITOL BABY SHOPPE (Mrs. Anna Johnsen) mm i n i use i b ii a a i ax ir in Biia i Hx ta i kizxxkbti tar ma rm The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous s Kuoeri ran Qtuafter Flour KpWARDSBURtl Hi H SMOKED isetw JUt&Ji IV, VUI Prepared Daily liy Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LHZ3 - ? (LIT I "A wonderful micccxt," tayi Mit. F. Matthews of Abbots, ford, B.C. IT'S easy to make bread by th Quaker Method. Jutt im agine no kneading, no setting the sponge I You actually bake lighter, more delicious bread, in half the time . . . and at leu costl But you must use Quaker Flour and follow instructions in our booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." Quaker Flour is of unvarying high quality because milled of the very finest wheat. Tested at every stage in the milling. Samples are baked in our own kitchen every day. If you're not ' satisfied that Quaker Flour Is the finest you have ever used, your dealer will refund your money. Write us for the booklet ... or ask your dealer. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. 111 Hacked by the TomiwstDietitians For nourishment, delicious flavor tnd low cost. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP It recoftnlzed as the most healthful food by forcmoit dietitians. Thi CANADA STARCH CO., Limit!. MONTREAL tnt m tfi t "0m4'. Mm UdM." I MdoH lie hf mUIo. NAMI , . ... . ADDKtSl . . w i! i' Judge Howay Tells AancouTer CAME HERE VIA PEACE Transport Men How First Settlers Arrived on . '.M-tttfff.UGL ' gl VANCOUVER, April 18 The first SUpMIpm on th mainland of B.C. tame to the coast by way ol Peace River and the first man-built trail in the Interior was cut from Fort St. James to Fort Mc-Leod to shorten the route from the Parsnip to the Fraser. It was some time after that when Sir James Simpson made the obvious but then remarkable discovery that the distance froi the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific is considerably shorter than from the Rockies to the Atlantic. 'That is a discovery that the Board of Trade might well keep in mind. Too many have overlooked it since the days when the Hud-sons Bay Company started brinjr-; ins its furs to the coast and taking Its supplies in from here." said Judge F. W. Howay of New West- ' minster in an interesting address' before the Transportation and! Customs Bureau of Vancouver Board of Trade. His subject was 'Transportation Pioneering In B. C." The absorbingly interesting and rr.mantic history of the Cariboj road formed the chief part of Judge Howay's notable address. He traced the various links of the; road tliat succeeded the trails and recalled the succession of change from packing by Indians to horse packing, mule teams, camels, and then the wagons drawn by horses ind oxen. Tried to Use Engines There was even an unsuccessful attempt to use steam traction engines brought out from Scotland. But they were no faster and UirTP miifh mnrp r?vnlv than J horses and not one of them ever made the trip into the Cariboo Stage coach days were recalled in delightful anecdote. It is a mistake to say that the old Cariboo road was built by the Royal Engineers, Judge Howay Queen Hatchery JO W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks. Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 . Cordova St., Vancouver Mechanical Manicures Now that Colonel, and Mrs. Lindbergh htve publicly commissioned two notorious gangsters as their agents to deal with the kidnappers. Both theory and fact offer sad commen tary on the extent to which the government of the underworld has usurped the functions of law ful authority. One reason this subterranean rovernment is effective Is that ft practices law enforcement. Infringements "are not tolerated. Punishment Is quick ana surt. Only when honest eiUsens inject some of the same efficiency into the police and the courts will they 'ease to be vdgsals of gangdom. For vassals 'they are, In great oi small degree , Every ettteen pays taxes to gang' government In the gigantic annual bill for crime And none is free from the threat of racketeering and violence not even the gangster with his body guards Men. women and children are seised on the street and abducted from their homes. No American but Is potentially subject, to a tyranny seldom exceeds by any despotism in history. If the Lindbergh baby wv not immune, and if constituted authority has been unafcle to recover him. what is to assure ordinary folk? ifcey can seek dlvtn protection. And they can revolt against government. They can vote. They cm interest themselves in ward politics. They can support honest police. They canjiurUy ana strengthen leflHmate gernment Until they do they can Hardly call themselves free or self-governed m The Dally News can be pur- chased at-. Posj Office News Stand. 323 obtrjvjlle Bt. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George. B O. -R. W Riley. Terrace. B.C. General Store. Anyox. 4 8mlthers Drug Store. Smith- 4 4 ers. B.C. 4 4 4444444.444 Daily News. !!.. ,., ,1 Li II B A machine - v. sw I u do tvzryihoij a manicurist can. except make a c. u..3 rc "! d. iyod u: . i;oi.v.-ntton of beauticians in C' i u It shape file- and poh.sht- but won't listen to your domestic troubles GOVERNING BY GANGS Christian Science Monitor Comments on .Lindbergh Kidnapping Case Some months ago an English cartoonist pictured Al Capone in the act of overthrowing constituted authority in the United Statei and himself entering the Whl:e House as head of the Government. Such a view is. of course, an ex aggeration of the extent to which gangsters rule America. But it Is only an exaggeration; all the materials for the portrait exist in the Ameriean scene. That is the unhappy fact, and two circumstances connected with I hp Tjnritwtrch Ictrinannlnc have jid. They surveyed and planned, publc recognHlon to uii iuju iiuu uuiu iwu small mt Hons, but only that. To many it is still a mystery 1hw the cables for the old Alexandra suspension bridge at Spuzzuin were transported there. The fas! is that the wire was taken up and the cables woven on the spot. Judge Howay said. A number of members of th New Westminster Board of Trade were guests at the luncheon, including President Archie How- The head table was ornamented with. a model of the pioneer ss. Beaver, lent for the occasion oy the Hudson's Bay Company. Another relic of early days was largo model of the Vancouver Belle. first schooner built on False Creek Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert April 18.1912 The Earl Orey's Rifles were on annual church parade to St. An drew's Anglican Church where Bl shop F. H. DuVernet preached an appropriate sermon. The great White Star liner. Titanic struck an ice berg near the Straits of Belle Island while en route from England to New York. Over 2000 passengers were lost including Sir Charles M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and many other prominent people. Returning Officer Ed. Clark is now conducting the official count following the recent provincial election when William Manson. sitting Conservative member, was elected with a decisive majority over A. M. Manson, the Liberal power of utt underworld, one is he popular credence given to the throry that . Capone enginecreor this latest abduction and hopes tc bargain with. the Government, of fering return. of the child for hi own release. The other is the fact CROSSING OF PATHS f'hanre Meeting In B. C. Rockies Has Sequel Lately in Montreal MONTREAL, April 18 Two men who crossed one another's path by chance last summer in the Rocky Mountain Canyon met again quite unexpectedly in Montreal recently. They were Dr. Norman Henry. Philadelphia's director of public health, who was the first white man to cast eyes on the "sub-tropical valley" of British Columbia and Rev. George Wolfendale, a Church of England missionary from Fort St. John in the Peace River District. Beth visitors wen lecturing in this city at Me tlin of their meeting. Mr. Wolfendale was returning from the most northerly part of Mils scattered parish last Septem ber when he met a young goM panncr near OoM Bar. They Join ed forces, paddled by raft a few miles down the Peace River and then found an abandoned boat They travelled on. balling as they went, but 'topped at midnight and tamped on the shore for the res! of the night The missionary had a '.ra-r-th. a lane haversack and the gold-panner had only a little rice. Next morning found them at th Canyon and witness the fort una meeting with Dr. and Mrs. Henry md thrtr party, which included GO pack horses in the expedition. "We were lucky tn meeting thr Henrys." said Mr Wolfendale as lr smilingly recalled the etnsodr "They gave us their lunches which hid been prepared that morntnt . i nd I never ta-teti better. Thar were een chocolate bars In those lunche. We don't get them ofter In the north and how they were enjoyed," he said. With a fair-slsed list of psssen gers inducing a number of cannery workers for the Naas River, union steamer Catala Capt A. E uicxson, arrived in port at 4:45 yesterday afternoon from the routh and tailed at 9 pjn. for An yox. aiewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning enroute back to Vancouver and waypoints. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD " Operating ihree Dry Docks Total rapacity 20,000 tons if'- Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinincMachlncry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts "Atonement" Is Science Church Subject Sunday The subject of the lesson-sermon in Prince Rupert Christian Science Society on Sunday was 'Doctrine Atonement." ! One of the Bible texts was: "Seeing ye have purified your souls In obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently." (1. Peter 1: 22.) The lesson sermon also Included the following passage- from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "If Truth is overcoming error in your dally walk and conversation you can finally say. 'I have fought a good fight I have kept the faith.' because you are a better man. This is having our part In the at-one-ment with Truth, and Love." (page 2D. Mrs. Jean Latham and Mrs. 8a die Wright, both of Ocean Falls, have been appointed provincial el-' ectlon commissioners for Mackenzie electoral district, it is announced in the current issue of the B C. Gazette. Monday, April u, Monday and TuesdaJ HYP SHOWS - 7 and ,JJ Thrills, Chills f; Mystery in reoJ "MURDER BY THE CLOCK iff, i I witn wuiiam Boyd.! yan 1 ashman, Irvirl The beautiful vampi-brings death u thrl A T). .... i Ti! . Comedy ANDY CLYDE la THE CANNON HAIL Musical LILLIAN ItOTII tl "NAUGHTY GAL PARAMOUNT NEWS ADMISSION 15c i ; l eaiurc Marts at 7 10 Thursday Only "NO ONE MAN" ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Wn. You are assured in getting full nfljht JASI'LU WILDFIIti; K(;r. Per Ton. SI2J50; Cah Price IASPKU HILDriUL LUMP Per Ton. S1JJ0; Cash Price PEMBINA EGG Keg. Price. SI 2.59; Cash Price in 12 11 These Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 "from Contented Cows" theHuttAed and Magic in ihe Kiichen NOTED baby specialists find that Carnation Milk (pure, unsweetened, evaporated) is easier to digest than raw, boiled or pasteurized milk; that it is rich in vitamins and other necessary food elements. Air-tight sealing keeps out all contamination. Being homogenized Carnation docs better cooking, makes foods smoother and richer. Carnation a is satisfactory, convenient and tnntmical. Writ ftr Irtt Btby Bh ni Ck Bttk Csrnition Co Limited, 134 Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Milk UOX FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKtD IN CANADA XH CANADIANJUU CANS AND CAStS MORE POWER TO YOU VfrJMil I UU MUM Vfc IN SPRING WEATHER I2 BIG BISCUITS Madt ln Canada with Canadian Whtal THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.