PACIE FOUR B if CANADIENS MOVE AHEAD Defeat Maroons in Hectic Match And Ti With Maple Leafs Tor Leadership MONTREAL, Feb. 5 Montreal Canadlens defeated their towns-men, the Montreal Maroons. In a hectic overtime contest by a score of 6 to 5 last evening and, as a re-, suit, moved into a tie with 1a ronto Maple Leafs for first place in the International section of the 1 National Hockey League. The Boston Bruins had an easy five to nil victory at New York .... . . J-i T other National Lague nocsi-y game last night. Hockey Standings International Division W. V. L. P. Toronto 14 a' 11 33 Canadlens 14 5 13 33 Americans 12 6 13 30 Maroons 9 6 17 1 American Division Rangers 18 5 9 41 Chicago 11 10 9 32 Detroit 12 4 16 28 Boston 9 9 11 27 AMERICAN IS WINNER Jack Shea Captures 1500-Metre Olympic Skating Honors U. S. Beats Poland in Hockey LAKE PLACID, N.Y., Feb. 5: PURE I SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT MBMBBBjj " GAR WOOD CLAIMS NEW SPEED RECORD MIAMI BEACH. Fla., Feb. 4: Gar Wood, Detroit racing driver, claimed a new speedboat record today with a two-way average speed of 111.712 miles an hour with his Miss America IX. This is claimed to be 1.489 miles faster than the record of Kaye Don, the British racer. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vrndora or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, Victoria, B.C. II 1 (i BEST PROCURABLE II ti I lumxuual SV I Si! I Bottlrd Mid fturanto-4 by Willi ra Ortnt t Soi Umltod Gl aMdkk and llalrrnMiWnlim IHatilltro. IhtS-tawa 4 Clitiow, Scotland. This adv. nwiiu-in i not published or displayed bv the Liquor Control board or the lovernmcnt of Urii'ih Colombia. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RESULTS INWHIST Empress and Canadian Lesion Tied For League Leadership Whist League scores last night were as follows: Legijn 7, Grotto 2. 3eal Cove 7, Musketeers 2. Fish Packers 7, Totem Park 2. Empress 5, Moose 4. I. O. O. F. and Sons of Norway, postponed. League Standing W. L. L. P. Empress .', 9 5 5 9 Legion 9 5 5 9 Jack Shea of the United States won Sons of Norway ...;;.L....8 the final of the 1530-metre Olympic I Grotto 8 skating event today. Alex Hurd, Eill Moose : 8 Logan and Frank Stack, all Cana- j I. O. O. F. 7 dlans, finished second, third and j Musketeers 7 fourth respectively. i Seal Cove 6 United States defeated Poland 4 i Fish Packers 6 to 1 In hockey i Totem Park 1 5 8 4 6 I 8 8 13 l 4 Boat which Gar Wood drove 111 7 12 miles per hour at Miami today. BILLIARDS ARE CLOSE Jewelers Have Two-Point Lead on' League of Nations in Playing of Three Out of Five Three of the five games in last night's Junior Billiard League fixture between Jewelers and League of Nations were played and Jewelers pr leading by the narrow margin of 573 to 571. A. Strachan and Prlmo Vaccher put up a tight game, the former winning for the Jewelers by a score of 200 to 109. Individual scores were as follows: John Bulger 'Jewelers), 173 Frank Aldridge i League of Nations). 200. Len Raabe, 200: Earl Batt, 172. A. Strachan, 200; Prlmo Vaccher. 199. Games of W. Stuart 'Jewelers) vs. Benny Wendle i League of Nations) and Johnny Saunders vs. Roy Fone are to be played tonight. Billiard Averages Junior League G. T. Av J. Saunders i J 4 800 200 R. Wicks ill) 8 1528 191 W. Stuart (J) 7 1338 191 J. May (U) 8 1509 JM P. Vaccher LN) 7 1325 189 N. Chenoski E 7 1319 188 W. Hutson (H) , 8 1493 187 P. Johnson IE) 7 1307 187 O. Howe (El 7 1298 13 A. Zadoroskl E 7 1292 18-1 R. Fong (LN) 6 1110 185 L. Raabe Ji 8 1474 184 P. Chenoski E 8 1459 182 W. Funnell J) 3 548 182 W. Murray H 4 719 180 F. Aldridge (LN) 7 1222 175 A. Strachan (J) 8 1392 174 E. Batt (LN) 7 1211 173 A. Murray LN) 2 335 168 B. Wendle iLNl 3 480 160 J Bulger U 8 1286 158 C. Perry (H 7 10)5 151 W E Hayhurst 'ID 4 004 151 SPORT CHAT In addition to Kaare Engstad of the Omlneca Ski Olub at Burnt Lake, members of the ski team re i presenting Canada at the Olympic Winter Games which opened yes.-erday at Lake Placid, New Yorlr., are: Arnold V. Stone, Orous Mountain Ski Club, Vancouver, Jacnues B. Landy, Ottawa S'. Club; Leslie R. Oagne, Montreal Ski Club; Josetln Nordmoe, Cam- rote Ski Club; D. Howard Baggu- ley, Ottawa Bkl Club: Arthur L Oravel. Montreal Ski Club; John F Currle, Ottawa Ski club; John 1'. Taylor, Ottawa Ski Club; John R. Velt. Ottawa Ski Club; David II. Douglas, Ottawa Ski Club. Jackie Fields, the new welter weight champion of the world who recaptured the title last week froM Lou Brouillard, has agreed to de fend his title against Young Cor-bctt III. of Fresno. California, at San Francisco, February 22. Cor-bett won a decision victory over Fields on February 22, 1030, during Field's previous term as cham pion, in a non-title bout, tyuoh interest will be taken In the return bout with the possession c the title at stake. Whist Schedule February 9 Panthers vs. O. N.R. Tuxis vs. High School, Amazons vs. Cardinals. Rovers vs. League of Nation. F.- THE DAILY NEWS attiatsHiiiiis CEREAL RELIEVED New s of The Sport World I Makes New Record CRIBBAGE i MEETING ON BASKETBALL j Only Two Teams Now in Ladles' J League Refereeing; Dispute i Taken Up The executive of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association held a special meeting on Wednesday in the City Hall. The purpose of the. meeting was to make a settlement In respect of the Ladies' League and j the complaint of 32 Taxi in respect of refereeing of Senior games. The ladies attended in full force and It was mutually agreed to dU-1 continue the Comet ' team which was badly weakened by the departure of Phil Harvey and the fractured ankle of Enyd Morris. At the same time the Cardinals were with out their captain, Lillian Lowe, and Cathie Irvine. For the present each team has seven players, Ella Steen and Chrlssie McLeod becoming Cardinals and Edith Connery and Bev. Jack becoming Amazons until Lowe and Irvine are ready for action again. The ladles will play as usual every Tuesday and Friday, but some of the players will only participate in one game per week. It was pointed out that the ladies were very much missed in last Tuesday's games. Now, however, they will play .egularly as usual, but with stronger and better matched teams. The 32 Taxi was represented by only one player, so it was Impossible to handle the matter satisfactorily. This team had trotest against the refereeing of 1U1 Mitchell who Is. incidentally, -he coach of the Panther team. However, his duties as a referee oreceded those of a coach. The executive felt that, after questioning regular spectators and members of other teams, the concensus of opinion was against the 32 Taxi protest. Again it was pointed out that. If the executive considered a referee competent and impartial, It was up to the teams to abide by his decisions. However, it was obvious ' that if the 32 Taxi team were permitted to drop from 'he league the competition In the en lor games would not be as varied and consequently Interest In 'iesc games would wane. Therefore, 'he president declared that, rather than see sport suffer over the complaint of a minority when all others were satisfied, he would referee all games in which 32 Taxf participated, unless R. R. Skinner was nvailable. This offer was made, however, on condition that 32 Taxi field a team of at least six regular players at all times. The president suggested that, no matter who refereed. a team would lose If It did not practice and pre rent a united front with a constant spirit of good sportsmanship. SCHEDULE February Swlfu vs. Orotto. Musketeers vs. P. R. Hotel. Seal Cove vs. K. C. Elks vs. Moose. Eagles vs. I. 6. 0. F. February 13 Musketeers vs. Elks. Moose vs. I. O. O. F. P. M. Hotel vs. Eagles. K. C. vs. Orotto. Beal Cove vs. Swifts. Frbruary 23 Elks vs. Seal Cove. Eagles vs. Musk'eleeis. Swifts vs. Moose. I. O. o. f. vs. Orotto. P. R. Hotel vs. K. C. February 29 Grotto vs Musketeers. K. C. vs. I. O. O. F. Elks vs. EaRles. Seal Cove ys. Moose. P. R. Hotel vs. Swifts. BASKETBALL February 5 Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. Merchants, Cardinals vs. Comets. Scouts vs. League of Nations. HIS CONSTIPATION Kellogg's All-Bran Brought New Health Every one who has suffered from constipation should read Mr. P. M. Fisher's letter: "For many years I suffered from constipation and used, for relief, all kinds of laxatives. After a few days' treatment, I would only find my condition the same aa before and at times worse. "Some time bko I started to use Kellogg's All-13 ran regularly, once a day as directed. Since doing this, I have found that I do not need any other medicine to procure the desired result, and it keeps me in a very healthful condition." Mr. P. M. Fisher. (Address on request.) Constipation is caused by lack of two things In the diett "Bulk" to exercise the intestines; Vitamin U to tone the intestinal tract. AiX-Bran supplies both and also Iron for the blood. The "bulk" in Ail-Bran Is much like that in lettuce. Inside the body, it forms a soft mats, which Kently clears out the wastes. How much safer this Is than riik-in? pills and drugs so often harmful. Jmt eat two tabletpoonfuls daily In serious cases, with every meal. If your inteitinal trouble is not relieved in this way, see your doctor. Equally tasty as a cereal, or used In cooking. Get the red-and-green package at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. PARIS LIFE DESCRIBED (Continued from Page It destly clothed In black and with his attache ease under his arm. Few of the students are rleh and education Is only obtained at a sacrifice. No Skyscrapers There are no skyscrapers in Parts, so the skyline is very different from that of most large Canadian cities. entered a strong No building is more than six storeys high. There are many bookstores, every second store In the Latin Quarter being one. The cheapness of books makes up for the absence of lending libraries. Novels are sold unbound and If one wants a binding he takes his book to the bookbinder and gets It bound to suit his own library. The French family life differs In nany ways from that to which Canadians are accustomed. The family Is very closely bound together and the father's word Is law. Mar riages are arranged and are usually successful for the contracting par ties belong to the same class and each knows what to expect and to give. At Christmas most of the fam ilies go out to a cafe for the Christmas dinner whereas Canadians make the Christmas celebration a family at-home. On Sundays all the stores are open and the streets are a very busy place. The stores advertise what they have for sale by displaying the commodity in front of the store on the sidewalk so that there Is little room left for the pedestrians. A half of a cow would be displayed outside the butcher's, a pig, a hare or a large fish. The cooking was, of course, different from Canadian cooking but always very tastefully flavored. Feeding wine to hare before killing It gives a delicate flavor to the flesh that U very palatable. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss Lucas on the motion of Miss Halliwell and Miss Hartln. At the business meeting which preceded Dr. Lucas' talk. J. 8. Wilson presided. The matter of the annual Easter convention was discussed and at the next meeting resolutions for that convention will be considered. JUNIOR BILLIARDS Feb. 8 L. of N. vs. Jewelers. Feb, 11 Hawks vs. Empress. Feb. 15 L. of N. vs. Hawks. Feb. 18 Empress vs. Jewelers. SAVE MONEY I "Roll Your Own" vAth ZIG-ZAG C1QARETTE PAPERS 120 Leaf Book - 5C The original automatic book. One leafatatlme. Vowatf, 120 leave Sc Demand ZIG-ZAG riuse imitations , NORTHERN B. C. Parsons, chief factor of the fur department, Hudson Bay Co., Winnipeg; W. E Brown, chief fur inspector for the company. Winnipeg, and William Ware of Vancouver, fur Inspector for British Columbia, a big dlan Airways Ltd., with Pilot 8tan ! McMillan, at the control, arrived from the At tin and Northwest Territories on Monday about noon and landed in the snow at Mission Point. The official have been on an inspection tour of the north. Com-itnlssioner Brown proceeded with ,the plane to the Llard country I while Mr. Brown and Mr. Ware proceeded to Prince Rupert where they embarked on a steamer for Vancouver. The passengers on the plane reported that weather was generally cold in the north. ' H. C. Wrinch, M. L. A. for Ekeena.i will be leaving next week for Vic-' toria to attend the session of the Legislature. lt is reported that the thermo meter dropped to as low as 55 degrees beldw . zero on the Yukon Telegraph trail north of here dur ing the recent cold snap. Reports from the relief camps in the central Interior are to the effect that the inmates are fairly well satisfied with the treatment they are receiving. The Ladles' Aid of the Hazelton United Church has elected officers1 as follows for the ensuing year: resident. Mrs. S. V. H. Redman; vice-president. Mrs. A. H. Tomlln-; on; secretary, Mrs. William Grant: treasurer, MUs Sutherland. A Trail Ranger group was organ ised In Hazelton last week under the direction of Rev. S. V. II. Miss Helen Pratt of Skeena erasing has been a pal lent in the Ha-elton Hospital for the past week, or so. J. C. K. Sealy was down from hU Tinch at Olentanna the latter oart jf last week and spent a few days it Hazelton with Mrs. Sealy. Roads of the district have been considerably Improved by a recent fall of fresh snow. The KUplox Band gave a splen-lid concert recently In the Klsplox ilall, the p'rogrnm being a high lM one. Indians of Hazelton, Kltwancool. Xltwanga and Skeena Crossing ave been holding a series of revival meetings and left on Monday for Klsplox. Corp. Kingston, officer In charge if the local detachment of Roya' .anadlan Mounted Police, has left for Reglna to take three months' peclal training. Corp. Fielder of Vancouver is In charge at Hazelton luring his absence. A daughter was born at the lazelton Hospital on Sunday to Mr ind Mrs Lubke-Seel of Endako. Tha Women's Auxiliary to th- Hazelton Hospital held Its first ncetlng of the year on Tuesday at 'he home of Mrs. A. D. Chappell. SKIDEGATE Capt. J. B. Scott, with the Forest Branch cruiser Lillian D., Is. here from Prince Rupert on departmental business. He will return to Prince Rupert shortly. W. Rennle and D. McRae motored down from Port Clements a few days ago for a brief visit to Sklde-gato and queen Charlotte City. Quite a cold, snap struck the Queen Charlotte Islands a few days ngo and there Is still snow lying on the ground. VENTURE DUE TONIOIIT Replacing the steamer Cardena for five trips, Union steamer Venture. Capt. James Flndlay, Is due In port this evening from Vnncou-ver and waynolnta. havlna mil r. ' ported her exact time of arrival un iu cany wis aiternoon. The Cardena has been taken off the run for annual overhaul after which she will relieve the Catala on the Van-couver - Prince Rupert - Stewart route for two trips, NEW NEWHAZELTON ! SMITHERs Having unvtnir on on board board Commissioner Commissioner Skloued bv r i Canadian Natinn iM WOn a Srwrlal here. There were nj In competition, r'' A well known was in court mi : l cd no and ri motor vehiu . ... 0pel :. v ""UUUl thiol The Smlthers and Dlstrk- I to broadcast the of this district wcrWI ...... .1.1 . 4uii for each broadcast of ii l WU1U11UI1. I A general mctoi thers Radio Asset mm ,-. fit. Ti v luguk wun rr -iuc: .: i, kett in the chau Tuui't terettlng dlscu.--. 4 ;i , tubes. a I B. Wurner iia beca rd scnooi trustees In the final n.init ;f Hockey League schrds day. EJJka and C ai. i battled through hx.' pt ,1 jne-ail draw. MAGNATE IS DLU ontlnued k .Tl P:; by the American Lt cu. thru? Mr. Dreyfus br t as an lmportani f s : a lor circuit. The sc. :u r,.-i tempt of the Fede . 141. tablhh Itself .in .M r t with the Natioi.fl Leagues. The American L cerned Mr. Drryf j. only In a gencul v. fort was made bv AH J i 'if r zatlon to Infrir.'- uir:. ?i tory of the p. -:!r. 1 when that ior.ii j fettled the Plttsb j m to strengthen 'tir : "arranglflg a post , : . 1903 between h) p n r Pirates and the B J) W champions of Ui- Asne-Those gatnt s w 1 ner of the world s came the outstunu u biueball world m,..' During the Fo : Mr. Dreyfuss lu d .1 HDoIem to com. : rn.ll fight aguinv Federals made PUf ' :olnts of their 't-laclng a star teutn ' ome of the pauui a'"'" ' B oyment of which a P't' tn unmolested Met Clullrnte Dreyfuss met M;. team that pluyo.; "Usburgh and m; lards and conscq :i trwter attraction Trs, The Pittsburg t -.w ection of Dreyfuss vs ucccsful. flnam u "l r was regarded ns c-ne From the ploying -lub's success was 1 Satlonal League p' 2-03. again in 100? '.nd 1027. as well r cries against De walnst Washlngt) " Mr Drevfuss WD urg, (iermany F b. barney, was educa.: fter working a v. r In 1,1 llftti In 1881 III. nurrlM had a son. Samur! v w . I oclated with his f l licl ".-I urcr oi ine rmw' - . 11 laughter, Mrs. vagner. 7? r 1 & Cut tt' r wear longer , fa ere S"i r M gcril 1 , iiti 1 " and money $ ..MooaWN;,',, ear I 192' in0