1 Pa 1 ,; PAGE EEC 'l, " M 111' SATURDAY ONLY FRASER & PAYNE'S Kayser Full-fashioned Hose Service Weight and Chiffon, full-fashioned, new cradle foot, first quality, in all new Q1 ft A 0.JJ spring shades, per pair Shadow Proof Princess Slips, excellent quality, non-run Rayon doll finish, small, Q4 A A medium and large site, each ?AvU Ladies' Corselettes. O. is C. make, made from strong silk stripe coutil. elastic in- C " ft A sert. 4 garter supports, sae 30 to 40 V-LvJU Non-Run Rayon Silk Bloomers ex- Qf fin ceMent quality, dull finish. 2 pair for Ladies' House Dresses, 79c 12 Duz. Drews, size-: 34 to 44 many patterns anC styles to choose from, fast color 7QP prints, each Boys' Three Quarter Hose Spleniid value In Boys' J-length Hose. Mercury Children's Hose Fine pare wool on? and one rib Cashmere Hose, shades fawn, almond and white C1 Aft ate 5 to 64. 3 pair tor 8te 7 to 2 pair for S1.00 Fast Washing Prints, 36 Inches wide, in 10 neat designs, excellent wearing quality Q-f A A yards for Finest Quality Wabasso Prints 10 Pieces Spots and Neat Designs, all 36 inches wide, guaranteed fast to sunlight Q-i Aft OX.UU and washing. 4 yards for English Broadcloths Excellent quality English Broadcloth 36 ir."hes wide in shades of pink, green white eng.-r;ell mauve rose light blue and dark Aft blue 4 yards for ?AUU SUN-TftfATfD Bed Sheets Pure Irish Linen Fast colors and guaranteed pure Linen. 36 inches wide, colors, eggshell, rose, lavender O-fl A ft yellow. 2 yards for t?X.UU "in est quality Linen finished Pillow Cotton. 40x42 inches wide, circular make, abso- A A luUly free from dressing. 3 yards viUU 50 Sheets, double bed and 3-bed staes. bieacbed or unbleached, sheets that will stand the test of washing and wearing. 04 A A exeepttcnal value at, each ?JLUU mst!tchd PiUow Cases, ready to C?1 AH vi.vU full stae. good quality. 5 for ) Doz. Genuine Irish Linen Tea or Glass Towels. . izt 22x32 inches, fine dose finish, absolutely pure linen. 4 for 81.00 jil cloth Table Covers, printed in blue, green and rose designs, size M by 54 65C At Cloth Dresser Scarfs, printed, as- O-l jA O A U sorted colors, lx45 inches. 4 for V English Cretonnes Vsaorted designs, good colorings. 6 pieces only, excellent wearing quality Q4 A A QZ.UU 8 yards for Genuine All-Feather Pillows, with extra good quality covering, fall size g J QQ j-Inch Table Damask, no finer wearing made, bleached white Qi A A 1', yards for ?X.UU Nottingham Net Curtains, full size, finished ready to hang, white only J QQ Men's Blue Denim Pant Overalls. 8-oz. ClZZrt riveted pockets, all sizes, per pair vOVs M':n'. Blue Denim Pant Overalls. 9-oz Q4 OC riveted pockets, all sizes, per pair ?Xdt M'rnV Biue Denim Bib Overall" 9-oz Q ffft riveted pockets per pair vxWU MILDandMELLOW Now irradiated by the new ultra-violet ray process TOT DAILY KVWB Friday MUCH FUEL IN CANADA Central Heating and Fewer C ordinaUon Will Slake it j Valuable TORONTO. Feb. S: Canada has unlimited resources of faei which. not at present commercially sound, will become of extreme importance with the development of central h rating units and the co-ordtoa-lion of hydro-electric and fuel plants, declared Prof. E. A. Aftrut of the University of Toronto In a paper before the Engineering Institute of Canada's annual meeting here yesterday I At the same time the meeting i heard of the municipal central heating plant in Winnipeg and the 'private central steam plant of the ameers. Prof. Allcut pointed out that el- unuiation of waste was one of thej jiuusv uumwii luncuBui at me i TERRACE CHURCH MEETING Annual Conjrrcatioml Meeting of Knex United Managers Elected TKHRACK. Feb. S: The annual congregational meetsag of Knox United Church. Terrace, was held in the Church recently The opening exercises were conducted by Rev. 11 T. Allen, after which the chair was taken by C. Ftater. Among the reports swbmltted were the foUoFxIng: The Ladles' Ootid, by Mrs. S. O. Milks. The Missionary and Maintenance luiuuMj lexrainai ttauways kjobi- pond by O pany. in papers by two other en- fne C G T. Sandal. I. T. by Mrs. Geo. Bev- leridge. , Sunday School by Rev. Mr. Allen. Treasurer's report by R. W. Riley The following were elected to the rnztneer. Under present conditions t .w . sub-bituminows coals and licnitesi n n m . Iromprise three-quarters of the fuel jchaa. Pinter. Clair Oiagey. D L. resources of the Dominion and McNeill. W. Olsen. O. T. Sandal and nher fuels, now largely wasted, are jo,. S. O. Mills. Mr. Ftater was no-produced as by-products from Tar- j as a new member of the I lous industries. A paper plant using ,fritwl " flOO cords of wood a day. for in- f nance, has 222 tons of moist bark o dispose of. If this were pressed I ind burned Use saving as compared j . ith coal at $7 a ton would amount j'.o iiJSW yearly. Depends on Economies The development of the low rank j fuels must depend on the relative economies of importing fuel from Kher countries and using efficiently the fuels available In Canada, he admitted. But there were other factorsthe necessity of conserving the natural resources and of production on an economic basis O W. Oliver of Winnipeg, dealing with the central heating plant in his city, declared the main reason for establishing the plant was the desire to make use of the existing boilers of the steam electric standby plant during the winter months, adding to revenue. The Winnipeg plant, one of four to the province of Manitoba, now supplies the business district with heat and connects with 246 buildings. J A. Shaw of Montreal dealt with an entirely different type of plant, that of the Toronto Terminals Railway Company which supplies steam only to the Union Station, Royal York Hotel and associated buildings A feature of this plant Is the direct steaming Installation In the locomotive roundhouse of the Canadian Pacific Railway at To-rono'o the first of Its designs In Canada Week-End Specials Swift Premium Bacon- taking wri'ile or half lb. MalUn's Best Tea 1- lto. pkg Fraasr Valley Peach Jam 4-lb. tin Empress Red Currant Jam 4-lb. tin Mafkin's Best Raspberry Jam, 4-lb. tin Empress Orange Marmalade 4-lb. tin . BrookfteM Cream Cheese 2- lb. box Malkin's Best Custard Powder, large tin Royal City Peaches Haifa large tin s. iBeeklst Honey j 5-lb. tin Aylmer Corn-on-Cob 3's per tin Navel Oranges) Medium size, 4 dos Ready Cut Macaroni 3 lbs. Large Pitted Dates 3-lb. pkg Princess Soap Flake- 2 pkgs P it a Naptha Soap 6 bars 23c 40c 50c 50c 55c 50c 60c 35c 25c 75c 25c 95c 25c 40c 45c 25c Alberta Market V. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 E D Hogan of Porcher Ula-d cannery arrived In the city yesterday aftfrnoon for a brief business visit to town. COLDS u Ctaadi'f Kimiird manly. Jt oatwQ all cdr roasb od coU prrptnaoat. BETTEH W why ana DIFFERENT Art Lit F1tk A Smat Sj Panes n M ! sflllllHHilHIHHBHBHRH ECONOMY STORES We offer a real saving for thrifty j housewives. Check up your pantry j requirements and phone us your orders. We deliver orders of $3.00 or more Aylmer Fancy Golden Ban tarn Corn. 2's, per tin Aylmer Peas Stse 3's, 2's, 3 tins for Aylmer Marmalade per quart sealer . Creamery Butter per lb Cooked Ham Machine sheed. per lb. Aylmer Sliced Peaches 2's per tin Johnson's Floor Wax 1 -lb. 1 15c tins. reg. $1.00. to clear at 40c 33c 25c 35c 20c 65c! Liquid Veneer . Eftp large bottle OVK Pin-Ola the miracle soap tn the following sixes 50c, S1.00, S2.00 Honey Graham Wafers Pr pkg Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs. for Rhubarb 2 lbs for Australian Butter 3 lbs for 20c 25c 25c 83c Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores -Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave Phone 18-81 No. Z Store 319 Third Av Phone 360 No. 3 Store 77 Third Av Phone 375 Typewriters FOR RENT Call or Phone 6 McRAK HROS., LTD. FRIDAr and SATURDAY v . ... , TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Feature starts 7:49 and 9:10 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 2:1 15c & 49c anuBai - as. i,iirri YOU CANT KEEP FROM LOVIN THESE KIDS JACKIE COOFEK and ROBERT COOGEN In "S00KY" itvin ni'Vk- hi1 1 1'fl f V I. I. Dmii'tiivn,! . . Telephone cm s ervice to Vane Vict VVfVVTfh7Sf, it i in twtii' nii.iLiii, nii.imu ituui.ikiau.1, J.M Kit StAtl I r Two Kid with bat a slnrle Ihourlil A . "1 5 A PARAMOUNT PICTURE - "iiic ior ... Z Comedy -CrWhiliMi ke.0" SItTnoxt! KB17V K XT tn "SiriSC Mlivnirvrc MONDAY and TUESDAY "LDIES OF THE BIC HOtSC ifBiirsTisniirxtBiiiMBnniiininiiVTaivii i lri . Oliver ona etc. NOW OPEN II is now possible to telephone from Prince Rupert to points throushout Canada and the I'ni-tetl States. Ask the operator for "Long Distance." Rate to Vancouver One minute .. . $8.00 Two minute ... $8.1$ Three minutes $L90 Rate to Victoria-one minute HJ& Two minutes . $t0 Three minutes .. UM For the present the hours of service arc 9 a.m. to G pan. North-west Telephone CoJ WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL which iItcs Hie t for Hie monev CSPCnM' lirviiip (hat a Eltj fifJ tomer Is the grratrit ' merchant can have rhol ... . i - . 4 inia W I ior a iriai orarr " ' "u era who are using the MM In town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. rhone CIS ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your "Bin. You are assured In tftUnf full"1''! JASPER WILDI IIti; EOO-rer Ton, S1U0: Cash rrirr "Jj .......... iiibiniiki. i.u.ir rtt ion, 1 -. ias" ..gi nt-linilil .nn ... J' I iiu. lA.u iieg. rrice, SI2J0; Cash Pnce Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE