December 27, 1919. satunday Sram the Canadian Rockies to the coast of Nova Scotia Canadoy Favorite is~ lies and other patriotic insignia __ Ze ind emblems The floor was ir > the best of shape and the dances olf without a hitch. The fact that the augmented orchestra specially supplied by Harry Har- " vey for the event was encored time and time again evidenced the fact of its popularity and = the oo E > —— ; qual ly of the musie played, At oS lectric Co. Ltd. oo it dnight the serving of refresh T on A nts, arranged for by the ladies hird Avenue and Cow Bay iuxXiliary. commenced and they . | d M ‘ ‘ ; were indeed tasty and tempting. | Me mbers of the G r ‘e Electrica an arine Supplies ; f th » W. V. As OE | sided in the supper mom and EE j fully four sittings were required to handle all the guests. o™ Probably the feature of the ; pevening was the drawing for thi ab $500 Victory Bond rattled by the | Aseor ation. The lucky ticket ‘ . i a ‘ ‘ " 3 jholder was E. V. Ling, of Pattin- 4 CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES oan & Gaeta, atin eae THE IDEAL ENGINE being 2013. J. H. Kelly and for se etary D. 8. Cameron conduct : jed the drawing and Miss Get Mv ID ild was hos { rollers eed ne ‘ re i tl inNnOoUNnCEe. t! T rl i f th are 4 Z the M il Szes from Sizes from Phe | et way in which every 2h” fg 2 HP. lo Sy WLP. 50 HP. Complete Lighting and Ignition Outfits to suit all requirements. Owing to the high cost of production the Regal Gasoline Engine Co. are compelled TO RAISE THE PRICE TEN PER CENT. ON ALL ENGINES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 Take advantage of present prices. Place ycur orders “now for spring delivery. Wher ‘4 Wy protest sourel by he canal PENSLAR THROAT ‘ DRAGEES Ky y i handy for preventing throat ition J] / / and huskiness v Penslar Throat | gges are wide / used and rect ded the most discriminating pe i the «oO tr , ary wee ‘ re t ' t ‘ t resuits will follow your cas Peoshr / 4 ‘ in geneiou ‘ es ‘ ent , Y/ carry and ca irchased at our y Store. / — y The PRINCE RUPERT pRUG CO. * le idi YY aoe oH Phone 3rd Aver P.O. Box = 134 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attesten 215 FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC 4 Room House and Lot 7th Avenue $1600--- Cash or Terms = DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent Cor. 2nd Ave and 2nd St. «<< Subscribe for The Daily News The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia PHONE 57 P.O, BOX 1535 “cca ——— SUCCESS MARKS VETERANS’ BALL Dance in St. Andrew's Hall | Last Night. } E. V. LING WINS FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR BOND veather cleared off aus pi ly for the occasion of the Great War Veterans Dance last ind the affair proved an tanding success More than one hundred couples were in at hdance at St. Andrew's Hall and there were many Fentiemen pres ent besides this number who did not dance It being two weeks ® last large danee had een held, the dancing proved iOuDlY enjoyable to all present and there was just a sufficient number on the floor for each num- ver to make he general appear- ance of the affair pretty but com- fortable rhe dance was quite formal] but many beautiful LFowns were seen rhe hall had been artistieally decorated for the occasion with large flags of the countries of the Robertson’s Fruit Cake SPECIAL---Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday only Regular 40c—On Sale at 33 1-3e ib Christie’s Fruit Cake Regular 75c tin, Special to clear, per tin ove JAP ORANGES, PER BOX $1.00 NEW WAVEL ORANGES FOR IHRISTMAS Special, 3 doz. for $1.00. Also 50c. eve, and $1.00. Spt zen Si.s Dottie Beer, per a I Peanut Butter Je Jars ior Reguiar 4 aut Only a few left. MALAGA GRAPES AND SPANISH UNIONS AND NO. 1 APPLES PRESH STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES GROCERY SPECIALS OWN TEAS at 50 ‘ Ib ire 8 action CL Have You Made Your Deposit Fuller's Ltd. Phones 45 and 534 | mittee, THE DAILY NEWS BUTTER GOING UP IN PRICE New Grapefruit and Oranges are Now on Market—Eggs Going Down. During grapefruit the past week Florida has been replaced by the California product and navel oranges are in to take the place of the seedy Valencias which are now off. Butter is going Op and fresh eggs are down 5c. The fol- lowing is the list of average mar- ket prices for this week: Meats. PIO, CUGRE -4 4 ¥incesdie wal 40K Beef, pot roasts, Ib...22¢ to 2t Beef, chuck roast, Ib. ..... 23¢ Beef, rib roast, Ib....6.26. 32¢ FOOT, BOMMG, PDi o24 cs eee . 20 Hamburger, per lb. ..... » Bi Stewing beef, per Ib. ...... 2 Corned Beef, per Ib., ...... RA cE |: Gib tis Kita AN oak CG WR i 6 kd ek Gaiman POUeee,. GOON «is Seve Mutton, shoulder reast, VORs, ROWE 6 kk cr tbe Veal shoulder roast ....... Leg of veal ........30¢ and Dripping, per Ib........... Pore SGN oi ve AG Tomato sausages ........%% Pork, WH, 666 ti 61s tee Oe eee Pork, shoulder, ......... ee Ayreshire bacon, sliced jacon, piece, per Ib. ...... Bacon, sliced, per Ib., ...... Hams, WOR. oso 00s eevee 60¢ Heh. Gibemee: ixs ia hs 5 Salt GHGRS 2 occ ecteemeese rurkeys, DOP ti, «coder eves ChieRem, Per Bi, «0 scsi dete Fow!, POP Wi, svc icv Ducks, POP 1D, vsceccseeces Geese, POF Way cris vcds ovaees Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... Cooked ham, sliced, per th... Spare Ribe Het Wis. iscdace Oat BOM iso ced sc Veckaissd Bologna, per Di, 6 i. svete Jellie® temeGe. .c isis weaves Brotlel@ sce iis CS 5 labbite, GOO “seo setecices 75e Dairy Produce. Batter .. <0 cde bbe chateau 70¢ Butter (cooking) per Ib. .... G0c Cheese, POF Ts > o ves pa ve ee 40¢ Limberger cheese, per lb. ... 60¢c Meee (CBSO) .coseccsessbes 85¢ Washington kegs fresh $1.00 Strictly new-laid éggs .... $1.10 ar aa ware 45c Comb ROREP. oo cceccvecvate 50« Fish. Frozen salmon, per Ib., 30¢c 1G, B Bi -dwes's 600 b4 e058 0 35e tod fillets, smoked, ........ 20c Fresh black cod, 2 lbs ...... 35¢ Finnan haddie, ..... 2 lbs. 35c¢ eS Se er ee _ 25¢ Herring kippered, 2 Ib. for 35c Salt Herring, each, ........ 10¢ Flounder Fillets, lb., ....... 20¢ Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 55c Oysters, per dozen, ........ 50c Bulk Oysters, Pint, ....-.. $1.00 Crabbe, lar@e, or. scceeces 20¢ Shrimps, ID. ....ceevweree 25¢ skate, per Ib,, ..--eeeeeeers i0e Vegetables Onions, dry, per lb., ...... {2%e Spanish Onions, per lb., .... 415¢ Carrats, per Ib., .....+.-:- 3%e rurnips, per IbD., .....++-.> 3%e Celery, per bunch, ........-- 15e Beets, per ID. ..sececesees 5e¢ Cabbage, per Ib. .....-.+-- 8c Sweet potatoes per 'b. ....12%e CaunliiowO® «ccccscerveseteace 40¢ Head Lettuce ......eceenes 1i5¢ Brussels sprouts .......... 20¢ Fruit. emma onc ket iscthedess 60¢ Grapefruit (California. .. 12%e FO 35e Dates (Grom) ...-e-eeeeeeees 35e Figs, cooking, lb. ....- , 2 Navel oranges ....- 35¢ to $1.00 Christmas Oranges .....-.- $1.00 Jap Oranges, per DOX ....-. $1.00 Black Emperor grapes ..... 30¢ Grapes, Malag@as, ..+-+++0+> 40¢ Jonathan apples No. 1 < $3.50 Cox Orange apples ......- $3.25 Cooking apples ....+.++e+. $2.25 Cranberries, per ID., ...++-- 30¢ Canned Italian prunes ..... 4 Oe Raisins, per ID, ...+.eeeee- 25¢ Currants, per ID, ...-.+66+- 30¢ Peel, per ID, .ccceeeeeeaee 50¢ Mixed nuts, per Ib. ....++++ 35¢ Cluster Raisins, DOX, .....- 30¢ fable Figs, per pk@., «--.+-> i5e Glazed Cherries, lb., ....-- 81.00 Poare, GOR. cccrecccecece 50¢ Mince Dee Lk d's oh eee.o 6 20¢e part of the evening's program was carried off reflected much credit on the master of ceremonies, Jaek Frost, and his entertainment com- vhich consisted of Perey rinker, Ray MacDonald, James Neville and James Parks. The Ladies Auxiliary neeeived the un- stinted praise of all for the ex- cellent supper provided, five. anak .|debted to the estate are required to pay See the classified ads. on page a dane DON’T help the bowels and ki ae aed think that stomach can because your food ou are proof against indigestion, most mportant digestive work is done by the bowels, liver and kidneys. Unless these are active and work in harmony, you are in danger of self-poisoning. BEECHAM’S 7% to functionate , and influence the liver vs to act very efficiently. A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 Phone 524 Motor Delivery National Grocery VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet 4 in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine ‘Ways, Ltd. W, E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 Cor: Fulton and Sixth Co. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE PPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS FOR THE SEASON OF 192), Applications for permits to graze live- tock on the Crown range within each razing district of the Province of British ‘olumbia must be fled with the District oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- oops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver nd Vernon or with the Commissioner of irazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. «, On Or before February 29, 1920. Blank forms upon which to submit ap- lications may be obtained from the Dis- riet Foresters at the above named places r from the Department of Lands at Vic- orta, B. C. G, R. NADEN Deputy Minister of ‘Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B. of. ee ak et IN\ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTIA- TION ACT” — and — IN THE MATTER OF SELDON EDWARD STEBBINS, DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Honour F. McB. Young, made the 19th day of December, A.D. 1917, T was appointed administrator of the estate of Seldon Ed- ward Stebbins, deceased, and all parties having claims against the suid estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before 15th day of December, A. D. 1919, and all parties in- To back up the d Holidays and tide you over the busy sea- son, better order a load delivered now. SCREENED - LUMP COAL $13.00 per ton, delivered in bin Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co., a) the amount of their indebtednss to me forthwith, J. H. MeMULLIN, OMecial Administrator. Dated this 29th day of November, 1919. NOTICE OF GCANCELLA’TION OF RESERVE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the windbreak Reserve covering the belt of land ten chains in width and ».tuate along the north shore of Graham Island, notice ff which appeared in the “British Columbia Gagette’ of the 28th January, 1909, Is caneelied in so far as it relates to that portion lying between Indian Reserve No, 1 and Indian Reserve No, 3. G. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Deparument of Lands, Victoria, B, C., November 17th, 1919. OUR Pool Room moved to \ 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATYER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — end — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of Rts! Honour F. MeB, Young, made the Sixteenth day of December, A, D. 1019, 1 Was ap- | pointed Administrator wo the estate of Charles W. Shairlin, deceased, and all parties having claims against the sald es- tate are hereby required to furnish same, | property verified, to me, on or before the 16th day of comhaty, A. D. 1920, and all, parties indebted to the estate are required | to pay the amount of their igdebtedness to me forthwith, JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMeial Administrator. | Dated this 16th day of December, 1919. The Daily News is the recig- iized medium between seller and, buyer. People all read the ad. ortising columns because the. Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Vay or Week | Launch Alice B. Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES Chili Con Carne Hot Tomales advertisers are live wires. CHILLI PARLOR - 835 Secord Avenue Delivery Service Extra hone 657