inn R3 Mr R Ont -a thrffl is Bi-to. A s!rc; T.V -tea ; ttasa ted re. VAhmirv 17. 19S5 1 1 ...... i v rruiuuij - . eaDt.- - at some oi mem say- bcrt Greenhorn, PhilipsvDle, I am toe mower oi seven and when I see any one of i cold coming on it Own Tablets I flee .- v.htn I could not V ;-ht with baby's cries . fj,v...'- r...n that cleared the little in . ...-..--- and gave sweet sleep Mr An Ue Begble, Consecoa, q-. we nave noi ki , t rr t tnrougn iteming, - me my old m l n j s. - dt) Own Tablets. mis nir nmv 4 v w Aofvh 1 15 ALL if? tv- l rs )rth their wettnt to gold." Mr Frr '"rick Morin, LakeCeM, Ont., When my baby was four imruuin rui up feature Csme-llith School Defeat ' ' ' I Merchants of basksiball was " Auditorium last 3 1 .trrmedisrts put up it evening, the High hard to defeat the ha low score of 14-9. it 1 was a fast one In fathers again stepped d the Sons of Can-" i- ladlas' game was '"st the girls have put 1 In a hard fought masons defeated the i 12 i contest the Rovers its 16-U. Intermediate Game Parted with close both sides "whkh was muRhout the game. a little rough but 'the tasUies of play. 1 "ded with the close "if oi 8-6. The seoonc: - 'h first with both !k to obtain a safe lead; '"'"K able to get tt untU ylcs the Merphanla oat llUWOVPr fnr iiinni 'he Panthers got two. 'he game ended with "f 42-28. Mitchell 1 0 , Mac'don- j aid 1 10). Kelsey 10. Cross 14i, Irvine )2. Lyons. j Sons of Canana Stalker 2. ,Currie, Weadie, Mcsules Mi. Walters Rstchlord 4. Ladies' Game A good exhibition of basketball was displayed by the girls last nigni There was not so- much fumbling with the ball and their combination was good. It was really anybody 's game all the way through and. if the girls play this kind of ball the rest of ths season, there will be a perfect league. However In hut night's game the A masons checked hard to hold their slight two-point lead. The Cardinals were a little off In their shooting. Anasons Boddle 9, Prltchard Morgan, Ritchie !. Tite (3). Jack. Cardinals Lowe (. Irvine 7. Krikevsky (3), Stone, Steen. Rtvett, McLeod. Junior League The Rovers are playing good ball now and took.the flashy Scout team last night. These boys were trailers before but now look to be promising contestants tor first place. Rovers McKinley 8, McMee-kln, McRae. Davles (4), Wllllscroft i4). ScoutsWllson 8, Miller. San- turbane , Smith, Vierecn '2 Nelson. Naylor. Announcements ElksVopeuixig. daflce-. Feb. 26. Moose Badminton- Dante ren. m Baptist Church supper Fes. 19. names' SocUl Dance FrKay February 19. dancing 9:30 to 1:30 Oentlomen 50c. Ladles, refreshments. Everybody welcome. Pioneer Banquet March 10. Catholic Women s Lragus Sprint Sale April 7. An itching skin? Ugly pimples? Red eruptions? The artire fluid 1)1)1) will wssh (he flitcase gemu out of the skin. Touch a few drops lo a bad po wstrh the formuls penetrate. Repeat the (et one, two, three times the roufh un-sl(htly spots have disappeared. V J. .McCUTCHtON, DKlIGfJIST OK.MES LTD. Capt. H. E. Nedden and sot.'P twenty members of the crew arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to Join the steamer Prince George which is to be reeommisstoned in coast service next week after having undergone annual overhaul at the local dry dock. Joseph Bennett, superintendent of Pacific Coast elevators for" the Alberta Wheat Pool, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert th's morning from Vancouver on ot tidal business and will return soutn on the same steamer tomorrow night. He is being accompanied by his sister. Miss Bennett. " and High. School I League otV Hattont-Hawtt Juhlo.-J 'THURSDAY F11IIAY1 ; :ms on persrtdojuJsiBffl oPECIALS ,V1 NO BILLIARDS PLAYED Two games remaining In the lust- cnecKing game .night were runner postponea irom enough to assure; last night to this evening. M""i Walters. (5), Wng-v'" '2. Uhger (1). To- ! Comadlna. Pierce "' 3). Hunt (1), Mc- Senisr tJanf ! 1 laif .of the Senior game 11 1 1 ' nd close with both oifenslve ball. The ' '" 'fii had hard Inek In ' when they started to under the basket, their UKI to come lin Tt irn. JU BIAllBi US gCAl MXUSWZMZMA SQUARE DEAL Meat & Fish Market CASH & CAltltV . 1'lionc 93S Third Ave. Weenies, 1 lb. and, 1 lb. Krout Liver, 1 lb. and Vs lb, Bacon .. Beef Steak, 2 lbs. and 4 lbs. Onions Lamb Chops,- 2 lbs, and 4 lbs. Turnips Loin of Lamb, 4 lbs. and 1 Cauliflower .. Pork Steak, 2 lbs. and 1 lb. Lard Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. and 2 lbs. Rhubarb Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. and 2 lbs. Krout Cottage Rolls per lb. 30c 25c 50c 50c S1.00 45c 80c 45c 16c Be a Canadian, fight for your rights. When you get your rights, be Irish. Fight for more rights. Vote Home Rule for Prince Rupert. 33 Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Woodland. who have been on a month's vaca tion trip to Bermuda, New Yort the Maritime Provinces and else where in the east, returned hnn on the steamer Prince-Rupert this morning. ( . i C. M. MeKlnrton. teaeher of 1 native school at 'Vanaftdoi. wi has been to Vancodver 'to receive treatment at th hanrft nf annotat- lists, and Mrs. McKlnrjfm armed in tne city from the south on ttc Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded by train tnls, aftcrnooA to the Interior. ' 1 Rev. P. R. Kelly or Bella Coca Rev. H. Felr of Ocean Fan and Rev. K. Kobayana of Ocean Falls arrived in the citv dn lhe Prinr. Rupert this morning from dow.i the coast to attend meetings of Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada opening here this afternoon. Bryant Company Limited Quality Men's & Boys' Wear It Pays Well to Dress Well , A We take pride in keeping new and up-to-date goods on hand for'yoiir inspection. Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Rooks Radios Sewing Machines McRAE BROS., LTD. Inrpector John Macdonald, pro-' vlnclal police, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this mornlti'; from a brief trip to Vancouver ana Victoria on official duties. Why pay more? Best Alberta footless egg Coal $11 ' per 'ton Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone? 116 or 117. tf Albert Farrow, stamboat inspector, who has been spending a tew days in the city on official duties, left on this afternoon's train fcr Francois Lake where he will make an Inspection of the government ferry. He will be returning hen-Saturday morning. Vorman L Freeman and O V Erickson, local representatives of the International Fisheries Commission, who have been srr n- the winter in Vancouver and Seattle, returned to the city on tne v. Prince Rupeu this morning to- re sume their duties here for tl season. J. Field Strang, well known can nery man of the coast, is a vUHt in the city, havini arrived this morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver. He says he is Jus', 'ooklng the river over on this trip H and hi ano.ates have no definite nlan to announce vet in r. rard to possible cannery opera- Hons. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest in the domestic field. Government analysis shows it to be the highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. It 1 starts quick and lasts longer. Fur-1 t saj thermore, for your benefit don't S think for one minute because our coal is lower in price that we are Iff giving you a cheaper grade as other , coal dealers may state to you. Ig Your next order "Jasper Wild- ;j fire," " cash i egg or lump. Note our adv. fori i rjrfces 'ah.3. ve - yoltr I'cfoliaTs. 5 ' 1 (tf 11.. Hyde nr. Transfer .. . r. il.. Phone V 580 ha TOO LTE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE True bred Police Dog, about 18 months old. Good witn children. Apply Box 122 Daliy News. Queen Hatchery 36 tV. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks. Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red. Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 XV. Cordova St, Vancouver BUY CANADIAN GROWN Sweet Pea Seeds Varieties, and quality the WORLD S BEST Also up-to-date selection of DAHLIAS Including all the latest types. Write tor our Free Catalogue CROSLANI) BROS. DUNCAN, B.C. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating, three. Dry Docks (i Total, capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts ii HE modern Miss needs no time out',' (or the time of month. If you've ever taken Aspirin for a headache, you know how soon the pain subsides. It is just as effective in the relief of those pains peculiar to women! Don't dedicate certain days of every month to suffering. It's old-fashioned. It's unnecessary. Aspirin will always enable you to carry-on in comfort Take enough to assure your complete comfort If it is fenuine Aspirin it cannot possibly urt you. Aspirin tablets do not depress the heart They do not upset the stomach. They do nothing but stop the pain. Headaches come at inconvenient times. So do colds. But a little Aspirin will always save the day. A throat so sore that you can hardly swallow is made comfortable with one good gargle made from these tablets. Neuralgia. Neuritis Rheumatism. Pains that once kept PAGE THREE These Mothers Speak from the Heart When they tell of the strain the! , anxiety of having a sick, helpless child V f V hundreds oi unctre letters jYl ! rome to us from mothers r; i ., tell with thankful hearts ( Vrw Bale's Own Tablets are malc- ;J keeping ineir tunuicu wcu. , l- i :ii i f-'r CIO DC w icutwi iu, uu ! 1 ,;t tour pounds, we inea -ai t ads of food, but he still vo- A. t: 1 was terribly constipated. i - I . . u.t (fcra Ta: j and wtien 1 Degan giving uniting erased.- uaoy could , i and the bowels Vere more Mr Fit.::- A. T-llen, Harrowsmith, c,.tfW k cver wu uminisbed and the child wu back to normal" Mrs. BeaSlavenwhite, Armdale, NS, says: "My baby had stomach trouble! and I was nearly frantic until the woman next door Rave me some Baby's O. Tablets. They made her quite welL" A minister'i wife In Brantford, Ont, Mrs. (Rev.) M. E. Conron, says: "Our first baby was cross and fever- GUARANTEE Montreal Testing Laboratory I kwfcy trrtitt Out I bm ludt a until iMJuk. e BAr-t Owi TMl w hick I pmoatljr purcturd in a dru start Hi Vlontiril. tad tkc uid Mtlyw hu ftilrtl lo drtrct the pretence of ur aoitu a untitle In ihrra (iinoJ) Uilon I Hmty. U Sc (McOU). DR. WILLIAMS' isn and would not take his fOOd. We lost n miirti rt . night I was completely played out cut one dav wh mi husband, who k mini.t.- was calline. a laHv aitvieA to buy a box of Babv's f)n TableU. We certainly found they worked wonders. In 24 hours we had a different baby." Baby's Own Tablets are effective for teethinr colds, simple fever, cobc, upset stomach, sleeplessness, and whenever a child is cross, restless and fretful. Children take the tablet like candy. i3 cents package, tfort than J250MO packatet told in 1931. ' anilyit't cntitqU la eck puUn: Male and" Keep Children Well As Mothers Know ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED 211 iiriH &v i iir iiii. - - - - inn iizjiu' acn t-rirm ii i u Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Auction Sale Friday, 19th at Ideal Gift Shbp, Third Avenue. Befl' Tax!, Phorl 678. "Service" is our motto. Give us a call. tf Rev. H. T. Allen of Terrace arrived in the city from the Interior on yetterday's train, being here U auena sessions oi Prince Rupct Presbytery of the United Church lot Canada 'which open this after noon. Citizens defend jour sovereign rightsVote for Prince Kupcrt and home rule. Address "Where Now Stands England" by -J Dr. J, . Wesley Breaay. ton arrived in the city yesterday from the Skeena River to attend'. feMiohi Qf Prince Ruper Presbyter of tfie United Church of Ce- nacia opening this afternoon. Responsible Government is isa- .i ered to Canadians. It was Baptized In blood. Be a Canadian Vote responsible Government for Prince Rupert. 39 C. T. Finter o Terrace arrived in the city yesterday from the Interior town to attend meetings of Prince Rupert Prefbyterj of ths United Church of Canada which opens this afternoon. Rev. W. H. Gibson of Bella BtlU arrived In the city on the Pnncc Rupert this mornteg to attend ce-slons of Prince Rupert Pretbytery of the United Church of Canada of which he is chairman. Rev. Dr. J. Wesley Bready of To-roto is speaking before High School and senior public school dudUs in the auditorium of Booth Memorial School this afternoon. His subject is Tw-- Great British Reformers- Lord Shaftsbury and Dr. Banardo." The name of Dr. F. O. Kcrgin of Prince Rupert, was among tios" who recently registered at Bj C. House in London. j Show confidence in yourself Your fellow citizens and your City. Vote, Home rule for Prince Rupert. 39 Fpr Trajiipotfatlon to the polls Thursday call Citizen's Committee Rooms, 6pHSsitc"(?bmmodore Cafe. J Phone 7$, ' 40 C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupart, Capt. D. Donald, arrived In port at 11 o'closk this marnlng from Vancouver Powell River and Ocean Falls and 1I!U will win sail eati at ai 4 n O o'clock ClOCK tha lilts uicuujltlliuu auspipa "Woman's Canadian Club.; afternoon for Anyox and Stevnrt i . I . ... . ncuueauay, -ceo. 1. b pm. uityiwnence she win return here to-llalL Admissloh 25c. 39 ', morrow evening southbound. Rev. W. II. Pierce of Port Essine- i - -" flientho latum 76e healing cream for Colds. Catarrh. Jore -ihfoai, ec MAPI IN CANADA C. Thomas, well known curio store proprietor of Hydcr, is -a passenger aboard the Prince Ku-pert today returning .north after a visit In Vancouver. " Vote for the retention ' of the present -Prrflnoidl :Polic4 'eyittm. For Information and transport- tion Phone .73. '3 I 9M going,, aty,way gsBBgsBjviS gsBBBBH BBW 'H gTsV -; BBH 4BJ people home are forgotten half an hour after taking a few of these remarkable tablets. So are the little nagging aches that bring fatigue and "nerves" by day, or a sleepless night Genuine Aspirin tablets cost so very little after all, that it doesn't pay to experiment with imitations! "DEMER'S" February $1.50 Weldrest Service HoW now $1.95 Weldrost Chiffon Hose now $li.50 Silk Dresses now $15.00 Silk Dresses now -j ST IV J ill 25 Sale I ANOTHER SLASH IN PRICES WE NEED THE MONEY $1.20 1 ;1.40 .... $12.95 9.50 6 Otld Dresses 4.95 7S"&''''y.$7.50Vo$17.50 1 ' Come and See These Bargains ss turn miii in mm mm mmmm mmmm msmm m mm m tm WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL Jfyouvdrtito wh,cn e,m (he giest i,eat jyvrfJiVUTehVSe. for the money expended, be- JJuyTiecaoJ. lieving that a satisfied cus- JZ .4 eijTeSw ........ itat -""-v " ' lomer is me greaiesi asset a . . , merchant can have. Phone us . jrM for a trial order and join the family of contented householders who are using the best fuel In town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 618 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER KXCURSION FAltES E!teoUv November lt" (Oowi to rbnuU7 .39, 193J. t REDUCED rtRST-OUASS RETITRN FARES. From PHINCC , hUrBBT (including Unit and Bmh) To Vaneouver and VtoStrM : rr TO PRINCE RUPERT (Including Meals and Bcrtnl lJv l'Tara OCEAN FALLS S2US reti rum ANYQX -i.'. MiM rtt From 8TEWART ...r.. S16.70 ret. StMinni leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver , EVERY TUESDAY J:S0 p.m. tBJB. CATALA.) I EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOIIT. (3 S . QARDENA.) Full lnlormatlon, reaervatlona and tickets from R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Agriicj. Xectind Atrivi. I'lume Afti SINONDS SAWS The most economical saws to use Simond Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rem! SJL. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver. B.C MONTREAL) st John RB 4 m. n m H a n a ml u ! H s B B