'AOL TWO . DAILY KDtTTON THE DAILY NEWS. PKLVCE RUPERT - ERITISH COLUMBIA Published KeT7 Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rapert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. r- JpjBttgH--;-.- Ifcpagintgiitoi SUBSCRIPTIOX RATES CUjr delivery, by sail or carrier, yearly period, paid ia ad ranee SJM Tor lesser periods, paid in advance . per week IGc By mall to a putt of Northern and Central BrWeta OulumWa. paid ill advance for year!)- period , . J 00 By mail to all ether parts f British OwlnmMa, the British Empire and United Statat, paid in advance, per yev $400 By mail to .01 ether countries, par year 9M .ADVERTISING KATES CTanaflud sdvui Using, per iasertfean, per word Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal notfeea, each insertion, per agate Hue Transact display advertising, per men. per trtsertaen Contract rate on appafcattoo. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Cfreolatien Telephone Member of Audit Bnreae of CImtlitioQV The eaty council took no action last night In regard to a resolution sent by the Nenatsno city council with a view to receiving endorse -tlon urging the Union of B C Mu-nlcinalittes o endeavor to have the B. C. Telephone Co. reduce its tolls. The resolution was filed on motion of Aid. CoUart who pointed out that Prince Rapsrt was not affected by the charges which were being complained of. 4 -25 . 1.4i Tuesdny. May 10. 1832 REPORT SATISFACTORY The report of the special committee of the House of Commons seems to have been a very satisfactory one. It recommends a national system of broadcast, thus insuring that the power! ni stations shall not get into foreign eontroL It would be unthinkable for an American or Mexican company to get control of a chain of Canadian broadcasting stations and thus control any propaganda which may be sent over the system. When Canadians need that, they can tune in to the U. S. stations. CHANGE WELCOME The dhange of administration in France will be welcomed by a great many countries. The former administrations have been strongly militaristic and have been effective m stopping advances in Europe toward disarmament. The fear of German militarism has impelled France forward with the result that Europe today is bristling with guns and loaded down with a burden of ammunition which is waiting to be used. Let us hope that the new Prime Minister of tat country will make a decided change in French policy which wit! be beneficial to the whole world. UNITED FOR CITY Now tifuX the civi flurry is over and everybody has had hi? say iW regard to the fisandalcoaditwn of the city and the durability of any particular kind of taxation, it might be well to forget the differences for the time being and unite on paying taxes and trying to improve the local condition. Much can be done through the efforts of the citizens. Some people tell us that mind is everything and material fe non-existent. Others seem to mdicate that there is nothing but materialism in the world. A third school of thought advocates a half-way poKcy, claiming that all matter is influenced by mind and that mind is also influenced by the condition of matter. Illustrations of the latter are seen In the condition of a man's mind when he is under the influence of liquor, or when his liver is out of order. It is also seen in the mental and moral condition of. a people struggling against poverty. J It is certainly true that our mental condition can influence our business and also the business of the city. If we : are always saying and telling everyone that our business is going to the dogs, it is likely the sheriff will be in charge pretty soon. If we put on a good face and keep cheerful, we shall be muoh more likely to win out and our customers will have greater confidence in us. mwammuamuwamnmwwanmmwmwmunMmumuBmunnnm ' i Council Files New Garbage Phone Protest Dump Chosen No Action Taken In Msve to Have Hte Al-ns Highway Two Hundred II. C. Telephone Co. Itedace Yards This Side of City H Toll Limits h Chosen Th new city garbage dump will be located along the Sfceeoa Rhwr highway MO yards this side of the city limits It was decided by the H'y council last night This sHe wax chosen from a number which were cniared and the dump at hi site It wai felt, will create a pi-vm of nuisance to rosidtsa It ha? teen necessary to move the dump from Park Avenue where the eapadty has been exhausted. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered JJry to Vonr Bin. You are asurrd In retting full wrirht MSPfit WILDFIKt: E(iC Per Ton. SliSQ; Cali Price ... SUM IASPKK WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton. S1J59: Cah Price IZM 1'K.MHINA KfiG Reg. Price. J1150: Cash Price 11.50 Thew Coals are from Alberts. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 OVERSHOES PATTULLO PLANE TO FOR PLANES SCOTTISH VANCOUVER Swtllinr. Robber CraM Off Ice and Va'aeavr Province IvUaU-fl8ri,$ Lake Moraine Biflf Over-Frees Machine of Winter Ancestry! Opption--' aakd rettovs N HoaU Rarden , Leader Sesth Rubber and air nave been sae- It was a beadnne m ceasfully combined to conquer that liable family newspaper which gave create tee of the airman, the ice Jie news to trie vor:d. and what it which forms on the wings and sur- raid was this: "Dm'.'. PattuUo faces of tne plane, thereby destroy- of Good Old ttatu&c Stock.' tag their flying qg.littes and cans- dies a canard anou; oar old frmnd ing dangerous farced huxttngs Thomas Doiferin P.ulk It w im i This "de-icer" Is in reality a very Uiat anrmwn had been saying that afttpje affair. "m'tn tit iuoher Jat Hon. Leader at iat Qnpasauor coverings containing air tubes derived from some un-Bntish nor. which are automated Kg inflated that his tri MUkaii were not with coatpreased air in flight, ex- . ins .frglmHaapeakirig peonK. ponding tne surface under the Ice formations and cracking the Ityan of ice into small particles, which are blown away in a rash of wine as the plane moves through the aii. Tr? est coverings are often termed "robber overshoes-" Three enginim reeentay hwannad the de-icing equipment on a mime cabm trajnet plane, flown by Wesley L. Smith. cnie pott of Wind Tannel A refrigerated wted fcennel was then built in a factory where ice be i where the proposed product could' be tested. In this tunnel it was pot-' sible to create a wind veteeity in 1 excess of 83 nsfies an boar and to lower the temperatnres from free-. ing to xeto. An airplane wtag see-1 tion was then installed and lee could easily be formed an its lead mg edges similar to fonnattons oc currmg In actual f&cht A small "overshoe" section w manufactured and stretched over a model wing. Ice was formed on the surface, and as compressed air was; forced into the tubes of the over-' shoe and then released, the 88-mile gale tossed the small chunks Into' the ah-, leaving the overshoe dean. PoBowtng victory m the wing, problem the research group turned ' its efforts to Are and strut Bppitan-! ces and In a short time bud also conquered these problems. : Early m 1BS1 a test plane was' completely equipped with over-' shoes. Tailored covers were snapped to the wings, other shoes were fas-tened to struts wtth ripper fasten-' ers and others were laced on the tall surfaces. Whhe movie cameras clicked at Akron Airport and while aeronautical and technical men observed,' the airplane circled Into the clouds, picked up a heavy layer of Ice and . successfully eliminated it from an surfaces. The motion pictures, made In flight under actual operating eon , dttiont. show graphically how u eearfurly this new product has eon- : .querea ine pnovs greatest foe. Oaneda rnoys unique leadership' in flat Y.11.0.A. in America. (Montreal I ' r. . 4 1 ---- ' J UUI - -w e chased at- Post Office News Stand. 325 e Oranville 8U Vancouver. v Karl Anderson. Prlnr 4, George, B.C. ! R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. j General store. Anyox. 8mlthers Drug Store, 8mlth- : era, BXJ. 4 The Senate favor of toS9. If the Senate sncava uz. it is believed . loadenhln coal mines (I The Potter apiane. which Pilci K. P . H Weils has been ussne throughput .he past water ir :r.ntnaring zuning rjppnta fron Syais Lake to the aaw 34eCoen .reek gotc'laM is -yw w Vaneon- - to be wurhoaicd at the Cana-iiiu Airway ha.".??: before r-."-v Bmm Lake alter the break-m-j resume wrrice with OoaU in- t4 of skta. FTjinr from Bums Lake to Van- We Mee tafcnov that it an so. auttwr last weak. Hum vteUs . w rw-...tBrHig tc drover, as the n- anzineer W Panrkner followed .ecenl ancestral tracings uveal, s. mm via rra-tooa and Whitesail ihat be is poroS-cu vr? oack to Lik: and over :he Coast Range to ne thirteenth eei.-.jr" lOnuamU and Ocean Falls. The But how much zk ..: i: n tc know Bjgh; vl made non-stop in five .hi PattaOn c- Pncce Roper, hoars, antes of tne ant&tnuc PHUiocks of -tie. xeeon sjnee be name r.orvu ail the itoriad acrjerataons of ihn the grtan Hieh- Trsiisconthiintal & Wesra Air !and Patoriaas were nevmg the cat-Transsort. ( , it of the Loujiaad Totoie? PitU- Express Comcany Is Denied Relief At Newark. N J, PSot Saitoh west : toch beeame Piuunch. and then to lOW feeC aMrtse to get an Ice- PHtaHo. and thee Pauilo. and so at CHy Cswweil Inutv on rail Licence bearing dond. chased it out to sea, test PattuHo. Vaccjuve: Province. fee of SIM Being Paid Xj and phrngcrl has plane through X - i ' Canadian Pacific He reported that the lee which eoi- tocted on the shag was all thrown N A I H N I A I I The city council mat night off with the exception of a bit ob the wireless imrnns The nUne, with iU de-icer cwutpanetrt. at to be used reanmrty on the enstefn dM-aton of TTansejnUweaiUl Western Airttnes. ABMciean researeh along the ted in 1922.1 mH with Mtfe sue- Otfferent fabrics were used to SALES TAX IS FAVORED Cnited Stales JUr Adopt It Fottow-iag railare of Other Revenge Measares WASHtNGTOK DC. May 10: The tide of senmion it ratine aeain the whsos, and many Kovlds, fan ibIm t- n rw v . were tried m a vim effort to pre- u mMijtaKi budget foi- vent tne nxnunas or ice. lawteg rejfrrlon mImHh m of The Owgsenfeeien Fonnaatisn at mat intrusted the proMem to Dr. WUnaa C Ceer of Ithaca. N.Y. measures. A aulas tax of one percent ' an aH ilhlM rh tit tmnHm nf Experiments proved it amposamlesee(aB( Uwor io impregnate we airpt&Be sanacea xmld prevent ice formation and It then deemed that an ice-removing device of some sort vowtd be nee-mry A rubber covering seemed mt-practieal to ezcerimeat wmfa en alfamaM smhaot fine iii.mhiii Caneda the product to laboratory teoU. a v .u w to wMh a roaueat from Oat Canadian Pacific Express Co. that it be given relief from the annual neence foe of SMS It is re-; quired to pay here. The company lien that kt was entitled to this re-tief in view of the fact that biua-fnes had decrsuaed and. further, because of the fact that its compe- tttor m the express busmem here Is' onem from the licanoc under Oo- .minion order - in -council ; AhL Oonart and Aid. Btaek ex- sympathy with the com- certain ,,. tJ-TrTK. tsuTcionaWI held the view that. iwusn nowansoners wwre navmg ao to the eitv. it warn no mg you will show with pride aum W inmnmnmmmnl After hearing a report from Cttgr :"r 1 on reducing the icnargos ur coruornuons aucn at " c o yu . ystoromy voted m ., V" . . -. the the Canadian National was for the benefit of children's ptey- Jfe TMt it "MArriMe- Confoltum CeM Sol Mux So. 629 Tlila beautiful Con go! cum Rug vill lie on dUplay in the vindovr of jour dealer's store Iteteen Mar 6th ami May llth. Kenealh the 'Cold Seal h!ch MentlCea it as a Genuine Congolrutn Itug n urcret number has leen placed. If you can CL'ESS THIS NUMUFIt, OH IP' YOUR GUESS COMES NEAREST TO THE CORRECT NUMHEIl the rug is yours ... absolutely free. : Consider what thiv means to you. It means that you may 1 the proud poocor of a beautiful new nig ... a rug that vill give astonishing sen ice, clean easily and always look bright and attruclWa ... at no cost at all. The full range of delightful new Congoleum patterns Mill he oil display during this contest . ? why not viit your nearest house-furnifthings dealer and see them? GOLD SEAX Rugs The World's Best Value in Home Furnishings CONCOI.EUM CANADA LIMITED au MONTREAL A NY man who caa drive nail can pal p hxte ceOinja and parti Uw of Cyproc Measure the area to b covered, (hen order as maay sheets of Gyproc ai yg need. It cuts to size V lumber and you nail it te the stods, joists or ever oU plaster. Paper it, panel it, or flnisi it with Gyptex or Alahastine and you have an inexpen sire wall of professional appearance. vf. mty bt ttiiy iJf :'uwoillfcrj ... t,IK ittipttlum, , : . crrst-M. umc and ajbx should be accepted The report of the stated that there . , wer- Is Discussed p. whkto 10 b , the estate could be rl city treasurer advised u .: was not m a position y y, meet this hadebtedriei With the estate Inrli :. that were bringing in $K rent, AM. Casey fell tl-. 'paying the city ea49 annual? m grounds, the city council last night ance committee should t No obligation to buy rtn Ul ikte mMI 1. IKli. Ikm to M Liu.. -w;M .t.aS. (M mm ckaara. AU m d ..k twt mm Miry Ptrm mm4 Nrari )tr mm. If m tk. ttmti Im und.t Im UM l.l. w If )HI tu It Ik. k... ) Kill tHm tk pri rrntL orrra. ir m Carrk.M a l'mmUm tjmmf una U mI Hi W -. Ikt BOTtoat ml Ikli ranlMl aa lata mmm tka alaa.r f Ika rM Hu. M k.ta IW. aitlkaa mt i.Llaa lk frUaar kla Ikaaliaa'-raaM mrirm mf laa raf ymm aaraaraaa mmmght ralara- TkU raala.1 will rlaa. Maf Itlb (aaaa. taaara ltt k 4arlaral al 4 J Ik. a.a. Ur. V lanUa waakar " ka aaalMi la Ika aaaaa ala-an km Ika nig I. aaa aUaUf.. Thlt C-IJ Sml f-m mm Ika .arara all fn"" anjvJ.m fmmr aaraa-IM Mllaarf hM ..4 ' aaalllra UMKt ml fcaaa Mlal JmM ' Saa. 4V Yor -ai: f Albert .Mc( affcry, Ltd. Prince Rupert, IJ.C M. F. Noure Hums Lake, H.C. K. S. Sargent, Ltd. Hazelton, U.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers Hazelton and Terrace, H.C. McPhee Estate cef : p. T: mo:.- decided to have a further report oughhr into Ute matter in.d trA The roaueet s filed. from the finance coramittee on the , whole matter with a view to ftoaUy oV s f.um-ni turn r.K. deciding whsthor the beojoeot back to the council His n . along tMs line was can . :d bj :v oouncil. i