jay, De ember 27, 1919 —_———SS— S Regis Cafe Will Close Its Doors for alterations and general | house cleaning on Saturday, December 27 at Midnight. WILL REOPEN Thursday, Ist January - ae Inder New Management, with new ideas, which will Cafe the finest the ‘afe in the north. signed] J. C. GAVIGAN Boston Gril The Best Place to Eat MENU ON THE COUNTER We have No 50c Lunches We employ All White Help Open all of the 24 houfs. Look out for Tomorrow’s Menu in the same place $76: 0.00 Buys 2 lots, 7 reom house, complete furnishings, coal and i supply. . The Easiest Possible Terms OCUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. SMivH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. . Surrey, Eng., and a package ed per peturn with full er erne ne “or Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to the SAVOY HOTEL », ©. T. BoWness MANAGER Phone 37 PO. Box 1704 oe Ome Hote! Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN ‘} 9-60 per day and up. ; “FIRST-CLASS CarE : A La © seeee,,,,. > Lid Garte, ON ererrenooroooe oe To Near” Boading House “ixth Avenue East Near Drydock oth or Week, Phon e Red 245 vera by M ——————————— SUBSCRIBE FOR Phone 174 P.O. Sox 274 er Orne ~ a DEAF NESS *%2 NOIses 18 — You are « Sufferergo to your - ei end order Concen- ‘sec Sourdal, price $1 per tin viettyY gives almost im snd qguick'y effects a re it Peneweies to ‘eat of the compiaint, and 7 cured many cases considered hopeless. If od [| does net yet stock urds of accept any sub nd money-order for a ' to_the *Sourdal’ Dis- \ributing Co, 38, Station Road Croydon ao ee nsession POPPER OOOO OOOO OOD DAILY NEws Se — rHE PRINCE GEORGE ISBEINGMADE =... farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land s Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 Much Assistance Given to the) Institution to Be Recognized. og acres, may be leased as homesites; — title to be obtained after a resi- ‘ bs p ne“ he dential and improvement conditions, TASS ' : For grazing and industrial purposes words “George D. Tite Ward S| areas exceeding €40 acres may be ; eased by one person or company. to be mad: iad place Mill, factory or indus sites on ‘ : . oo eneral mber land not exceedi #0 acres door of the ward me , may be purchased conditions include Hospital furnish und kept P| payment of stumpage ' . Natural bey meadows inaccessible by the popular ! ; by existing roads may be purchased . t) "< : jatior conditional upes construction of e road such was ' to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of brought to th meeting road pet qqeceting half of purehar rice mi Hospital! Board by the He . = es ; PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS Committee at last BuULS CSC ACT. and unanim ly adopt } The scope of this Act is enlarged to : ‘ his inelude al reons joining and “7. It was~ consid a ; ing with His Majesty's Forces e . . was ti time within which the heirs or devisees rec ognition we of a deceased pre-emptor may apply Mr. Tite ! the t ca tended , 5 ve for title unde his Act is ex ard could 6! nifested| trom for one year from the death of interest he had aiwa@ys tna ‘ | such ereon, a5 formerly, until ene and 80 eonsistently backed } year after the « nareree & the present om . war. This privilege is also made re fis which he ia troactive Us with various & on fn eye made to the institution ev due or payable by soldiers on pre emptions recorded after June 96, 1918 its inception Taxes are remitted for ae years + 5 furnished ‘ Provision for return of moneys ac : : as fu Mr, i me . ; ni crued, due and been paid since August than one ward in the hospital abe) @ ‘yo14 on account of payments, fees y I pul spirit or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions has always shown a pul . Interest of agreenucnts purchame res the instil " town of city lots held by members o O6 interest fn = | Allied Forces or dependents, acquired . direct or indirect, remitted from en ALL RED WIRELESS | listment to March #1, 1920 S$UB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN - een | LANDS heme al London, Dec. *' A senel Provielon made for issuance of nica Crown grants to sub purchasers 0 Imperial wireless | Crown Lands, acquiring rights from is being prepare d under the & purchasers wh« failed t ompiene 8 be of ‘ ; nvolving forte ‘ t ul +} } ane f ; " the Secretary t of cond,tions pu ase, in rn of rf oe And tases Where sub-purchas Colonies for the purpose ' ers do not claim wh f original pas k all British oversea i cel, purchase price due ar d (axes may ink up a : be Aistributed proper ately over sessions for both mimerc ta whole area Applications must be j maée by May 1, 1920 atewics wurposes mrategsens puri GRAZING > Lie Grasing Act, 1919, for systems THE ANGLO-JAP ALLIANCE oan ment of lives k industry pro rasing districts and range a Ni . ; - r t m under ommissoner TOKIO, De . ~ ° azing permite issued : rable at — » ors ranged, priority for estab Okuma Japan e yveneral ‘ Bu a biosk-ownere ay A ' the contin — esociations for range manage- man, favors } ie erus nennola tions tially free, . the Anglo moor a pe tor eettiers, campers or Wav ay Ye vow whieh expires in 1 w ° DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ‘ ilone . Princess ADVERTISING et ed to Prines ae AT LOCAI D Since be.| Phone 98 the arr lie. oa e a a , : ar ” Mr | This is the Advertising Column that a i gore “Ea! WOPK) people read when they want anything Two Hui ncouve#r it brings results — Are Beginning to Take i i norete Shape in the ® George Hotel whi hy _ WANTED. ” Ship Ways. ed since Octoben|janrron waren — , has been reopened under| 4) 2% WANTED. Applications tl Ww » receive , . a REPAIR WORK STEADILY gement of J. H. Johnson he 7 cose by the under. ; signe , ’ @ " GOES ON—aLBERT DONE the Alexandra sned for the position of jani- cuumentenne ° . . i or at the Borden Street School With a force of about 250 mon! y vas Dorn to Mr. and Mrs, | until 5 p.m. Tuesday —W. D. steadily engaged at the jooa) «hj, ‘and on December 17 VANCE. 302 yard ¢ De : * -, mame a 7 _ ind repair dock. wor} is g th® b anes | FOR SALE ing steadily : as of the forward. Being coy ty the anow 1 , sintsttncteetihagasenaensiati : Show is almos . . sidered practically i pletely disapy rad j i sanaa |) ott Music cabinet, five . oti ; ‘ ed anc > a . . ’ the small night ehir that he abieinn the + ane shelves and drawer, mahogany been engaged at Hays Cove f Patt t} tap " os finish; a niee Christmas gift the past few week has beer ne of a ne Special price, $14.00 Also an om and the mer ire now on day ee attachment for; your Edison so work . that it will play Victor records, For the Past few week« ‘ \ delight les vas held in only one, Special $4.50. Prince work has been taking a lot of at-| the Alexandra Hotel on Christmas| “UP¢®t Music Store, opposite tention at the yards. The “ppi; night. There was a large: number heen in 30 Albert” has completed her of Guests present : — dasiten 7 ont t i : 7 ted he epairs gl prese and excellent |) FOR SALE at sacrifice, first-class 5 now on e! egiular aoe Vas ' ed lates | gain. The “Py . : . Balagno’s} quarter section in the Naas pected to go on tt ‘ aa | Valley at $1,500. Will be worth n and will | a EE sie “ae | $5,000. Partly improved. Light os * ivplaced on the venth epis le rhe Iron | taxes. Good loéation. Country outside run by lhe “Albert ry rest’ and “The Carter Gase” at epenive ; rilamook” is laying i s the Empress tonight I ng up. Just the thing for: ' th 7 an ip 10 he : e a good farm in future. Apply . e drydock and repzirs . box 28 Daily News ice 995 are being gone on with, She wi June Caprice in “The Heart of ~ uily ee = not be needed for active . Roman Westholme tonight FOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8. months yet Phe al NOTICE 7 |} a8 engine; rebored and thor- the yard expect get the big HE MATTEE oughly overhauled. Complete three-stacker “Prines Rupert ay iF pice Pe) equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. the pontoons next Monday. She|"%% Done cantar Baten | boat. List of other engines will | nbd 06 Ge Beth ethas a tory proof of joss of certiNeate furnished on application. Union ’ ’ e yee filed tice ia hereb 1 . ’ returi from Anyox on Sunway t it is 4 nten at the om ration Machine Works, Juneau. tf gh ' ne month from the first publication | a ities I nt next F rec to fres ; rtifieat of title SNAP Fifteen H. P. i-cyele ; Car Barge Work. [which Certifera . Title te dated stb engine and equipment in first Wi , os ~ oo \ Dated at the ane Regiatry Once Prince ‘a568 shape for sale. $800.00 — Pulp and Paper Co. in| rupert, B tis 16th day of October,; Can be seen at Parkin & Ward ar! rpulp ans » tate >, | 1919 | Ca ying | p and De betwee W. E. BURRITT Klectrical Co., Cow Bav. tf this port and Swans Bay for ae Acting District Registrar —- - - - . CSE _ ESSE re? _Seogis' | ; shipment over the G Pe 6 the, [VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT | } DTISON GRAMAPHONE, Large fast ia he rH @ . OF COAST, RANGE Ill Size Mission is s ce ast is being put hape. There] rage Sener’ Gee Se ae iz fission finish, just like u : { iiring and| Ocean Palls, B. ( ecupation married wo- | new, with twenty selected rec- tions to be put on the barge |irase the folowing described lands | OPds. Special price. P. R. Music and it be af least a month he. | mmencing 8t @ post planted on the Store. Opposite the post office. fore sh ves tl i Aft } cached Posmeen, ot P teunter lalla aaa ore ene leaves he ards fte f Choked Passage west unter that the r ¥ } ae . os south 40 chains, thence west | FOR RENT ia if 118 Willi a i | ' hains thence north 40 chains, thence; - = on at the slip but this will take |in¢ Containing 166 acres, more or less. |) OR RENT—Large room with two very little time ee ore ome beds Steam heated Suitable Besides this re pair rk sma j September 4th. 1949 { f gentlemen. Apply 708 Third er vat ‘ ntinually ¢ 2) Sd « Avenue, between 5 and 7. 300 ‘ aulaiaesiidldan latins the ti that the fist 7 ;} FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom i eC ee . ¢ 4 w at ti , me me ;} tminutes walk from drydock. dock has been kept very } | ° Apply box 29 Daily News office Ship building Progress Minimum prise of first-class land \@OR RENT — Five-r : ~ | uJ »-roomed house Work on the two hulls is going aa cosen’-caas © with bath, furnished. Newly progress is Pre-emption new confined to sur- decorated. Close in. Phine 195 sidere e satisfactory |! the veyed lands only. After 1 o’cldeck, phone 292 ti flicia M han ha t land suitable te rt oa ee _ —— t fra f ' | ané which is nen-timber land. ~. ro RENT—One furnished suite. Partnership pre-emptions abelish ' Iter 1i ready place and il progress | but partieg ef nor more than feur may Mrs. Wolters, St. Louis Rooms. , ‘ . j ‘or jacent pre-emptions Phone Red 91. 298 can be as U at J (| with Joint residenee, but each making a hone Red 94. ial tihtien . ‘a take shape necessary improvements on respective sis Ruy ' sabia i , ' c FOR RENT—Housekeeping rooms Although n : egarding | must oecupy claims for sameaiail nee ieee - ‘| ve Hand make improvements to Drexel Rooms, Second Ave. lange e and | ue per including clear- avon ee neetneae general | y of the plant tf t ~~ ©) cultivation of at least 6 acres, lO RENT—Five-roomed house { these are cont Mie 7-y~ bf — th bath. Phone Black 454 ail ‘ {f these are con! vi here pre-empter in occupation not with Dath., one ac . he fl They ; ' leas than 8 years, and has made pro- | — the officials he portionate imprevements, he may, be- Lost changes the pla : a 2 ne or “ ~-_> i : bia eran ntermediate certificate ° a ore oe = pwr 5 sidered, still nothing definit has provement ed his = LOST Pocket-book containing 7 Records wi t permanent - yet been setiied uy N dence may be aad prevides appli. army discharge papers and a stateme regarding changes cat cant makes imprevements to exten . , ay i : as tatement gardir i fey et 7 sum of money. _ Finder please yet be obtained year. Failure to make improvements return to Daily News oflice. 0 or seats, Goame will operate oo i. padanmmnemnitets feiture tie cannot obtain in . less 6 years, and improvements MISCELLANEOUS MR. TITE HONG of = or acre, ae t sae Ba a clear and cultivated, and residence “g 1c ™N wf ARD f at least 2 years are required SONGS UNBIDDEN, by the BY HOS Pre-emptor holding Crown grant Prospector, will make a nice may record another pre-emption, if he | ae . | requires land in conjunction with his | gift book for your eastern | Poems of Love, Nature, | Religion and Sociology. It is | fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette $1.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by | Wietonia Printing & Publishing Co., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B. C. friends. covers, FARMS FOR SALE c. P. R. FARM LAND Civics farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now—they are going fast. For free booklet and full information write Il. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C, = nee LAND AOT IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — DIS- rhicT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. rAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation returned soldier, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at & post planted on the shore on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles dis tant, and in a westerly direction from the entrance of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains south; thence 40 chains east; thence to shore. thence following the shore line to point of commencement and containing 20 acres, more or less, THOMAS B. STRAIN, W. EB. Green, agent, October, 1919. Fr OF SAWMILL EQUIP PORT Dated 26th SALE AND LUMBER AT CLEMENTS, B. C MORTGAGE MENT Under and by virtue of the powers con tained in @ certain chattel mortgage held by the vendor there is offered for sale up to and ineluding Frid@y the @nd day of January the following chattels, vis the plant, machinery, equipment and lum ber of the Port Clements Box and Lumber Co., Lid., at Port Clements, B. C, Por Richards 8t., Vaneouver B. v, 1920 How to Foil Wind and Weather on Washday Next, bundle up your family and have our driver call for it. ron The weather, and the hardship of fall and winter washing need never be a source of worry. Use your telephone and let us help you. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 v Dimension, Shiplap, Double Dressed Fir @ Finishing LIME PLASTER LATH CEMENT BRICK SHINGLES Complete Line of Building Material ALBERT & McC AFFERY, LTD. PHONE 116 or 564 Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central 8B. CG. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE .FIR CEDAR Yov SAY da S NOF YQu&® AULY YOURE ar Tae FOOT OF THE CLASS ' wnos FAULT is «tT? ‘ =f, FRANKIE KELUNS' He Gor Sick AND CANT COME To SCHOOL varticulars apply to J. B, Weir, 1306 ; 308]