Saturday, Deeen) Page @ THE DAILY NEWS Ba ; j Ce SE Tae. | 1 ist week's B. ©, Gazelle ap ——— a AT OL SNS eer Same ra — 2 : i ! f the = \ ! vent the mcorporation a] — i Local News Notes j jy,.cot: rimnber, Go. Ltd, capital 0 ' 1 : "| 0 ee ree ee a | 81,000,000 public . registered of comp at Vanco “! wy i Constable Simon V, Duff re-'fice of the company a Vancouve ‘ ( SE EEE .., ee * jeurned to town today. : t night's meeting of the , ‘ ‘ . b fast & . . {| } No waiting in shoe repairing at! Hospital Board it waa decided t - . — t the request of Miss Bun orm MeArthur’s Shoe Store. tf grant the . £2 lnerry for an inerease 0: salary . , : iH, Wearmouth left for Vancous! fpom 875 to $85 per month, said iver on Thursday night. increase to take effect January 1. | ¥ | *. . * . . 7 } ' } Pianos correctly tuned, 86.00, On Sunday, December 28, in the OR present and fut Pe ) i G, CO, Walker, Phone Blue 389. tf Church of England, there will be wear nothing ; : y ae special music at both senyvices. ot : & more de uf ; cum mag te = aie Heart of In the evening most of the servic | sirab e than these hat 0? + } Romance,” Wesiholme tonight. will be of a musical character and} Tweed Raineoats cor : | . * . } ; | bh = 4 er f carols and solos will] ; . 4 For first class shoe repairing, . ae see ¥ ; procured. : » rendered. i i orare 8. M, Simpson, Fifth and MeBride, °° '°™ ee a | D> oe *. . * | ‘ 5 } oO Met t is not X- | : mele « j bee 3 1 a The Heart of Romance,” star. ve ; ons ne anti at | Made in Dark and Light ing » Canrice ‘es ; pected to revurn vO som es wen ] Awyuraic) il ] here § ] easure + Degas Caprice, Westholme to- | Now Years, which he will ['weeds, heavyweight ‘ i! for all in the good NIGRS. i eS spend in Vancouver. Mrs, Me wool cloth i, thoroug} ; f her siste ss Me . . , music you can New shoes are expensive. Have ‘ lymont and her sister, Mi I berized. making a dr ait ‘od so easily your old ones rebuilt at Me- Lenaghan, are also spending the) eT th a produce ; ; i Vancouver Coat tor any weather ar 1 i rthur’s. tf holiday in ancouver, ng A n | i on one of our ea oe c " r ial efficient protection ag: PP C | hi G if l When you need a pair of shoes Despite the adverse weatner) . é ' aie : fo — ‘ ¥ ; , “rs are i | SLO c lh. olumota rayonotas of better grade, call at MeArthur’s | prevailing many hunter are tak torm and rair Come in and hear Shoe Store. tf|ing advantage of the last day of| * « . the duck and geese open season] oe iad ’ ~ € ore it the newest rec James B, McKay returned from that closes today. Many parts rh y are tail red in both ords. a short holiday visit in the south'are reported to have braved th belted and loose styles this morning. storm to hunt the fowl. e e Fee i ee eee The two serials “The Carter The annual meeting of the Hos-| y | Ormes, Limited Case’ and “The Inon Test” at the pital Board will be held im the} Empress tonight. city council chamber on Friday, | Two Phones 82 & 200 At Your Service 7 = Se January 30. At this meeting will | . We don't cobble shoes at Simp- py. pead the annual financial re Priced from son's——we repair them, Corner port and the election of next ee Ce ei) and McBride. tf year's board will take place. SS SS — 4 ° , Ss . lo ae a | Walter Scrimgeour retummed = gy. 6 talk of starting the drive SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION . some va . ple DISTRICT OF vt EEN CHARLOTTE tfrom the south on the Prince Ru- for funds for the hospital in ’ s f N i : ‘ . Life Insurance ISLANDS pert this morning. |mediately was put at rest whe | ~ " : 7 > ” ; * | . « | skidegate 8. Ge settler, invends rag rres : - i a Ve ; President Stewart announced at} ® for a license to prospect for coal and A great tale at the Westholme last night's meeting of the Hos Is In petroleum on agd under the foliowin«| tonight. June Caprice in “The pital Board that it would not be eser s:— $6 vite ar € o 0 ’ Commencing at a st planted at the| Heart of Romance. ; ‘ an a R . north-west corner of DL 198, thence er ee gin till early in the year and ther ¢ c b ; }west 80 chains, thence r s, . _s : . “nce “hi espects ue | then e east 80 chains, ene TS a Seventh episode of “The Iron it would commence with mu hy z 9 | Senea” cole one y a ys rest’ and “The Carter Case” at, enersy. se Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. + Other kinds of insurance provide WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant.|}the Empress tonight. ; 043. with which K. V. Ling] ’ . NO. s , ith ch KF. V. bi per lscse et MAY OG — | SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. : ee the 8500 Victory Bond raftl | \s meen n= y Life Insurance provides for an ir DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Captain H. B. Babington was a Won the os * va ; ny Ne LT LL LL evitable loss. SLANDS. a les ae ; a . by the Great ar Veterans ssi papa passenger south by the Prince The premiums on other kinds of laa anger > aaa . aie an : tke insurance are an expense, The pre mite, oC. Soldier, “totende apt George on Thursday night, ae — miums on a life policy are pay for a license to prospect for coal and | -*@ held on the drawing, He says th! nents on account of an asset; for Soak ey moe under the following S. Hada, a Japanese, was this|;winning the $500 will just abo ° oe oe aor wane “i t Hi: weet auras $ port, peaniee * the; morning fined ten dollars for ®e- cover all he has paid out . nN in 5 . i » 0 2 ortu ves corne: o ® wep € . a - oe a ae Insurance east 80 chains, thence south 80 chait s jing drunk and disorderly last various raffles, etc., in the past Surapce-ere Oss thence west 80 chains, thence north 80/ night few years ' : 2 . is essential, chains, to point of commencement. ent. o ° i We are showing some | A building may never burn, @ Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919. 7 . ! » ” larly good designs that ; ship may never sink, but ALL men | WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant L. F. Champlin, Carpenter. rhe G. T. P. three stacke! iol . iN pe aan a . , : ‘ woopie a recial “-- = + Lite insurance Co. of SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. ontract and repair work solicit- “Prince Rupert’ arrived on tin on ue ai ae ‘eal pdiunenane eats a po ees Tet anba CHARLOTTE “dd. Roof repairing a specialty. this morning from her last trip , , pts 0 i — Phone 176. 302 from Vancouver this season. © | i / ) l ;} TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of ; j A McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, | Skidegate, B. C., settler intends to apply 7. Fs * will complete the run to Any lh; ine ewe ry " Limited, - Agente. tor rabpare nee tog Prowgect for goat ang] Mr. and Mrs. John McRae ai® tonight and returning tomorzo | includes many dain : Phone 14 - - 3rd Avenue §) ‘described lands spending the holiday in Anyox, the night will lay up at the local d } ments at moderate pr i a | aepen-dest * corner P's.” ee thenve | Buests of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ox- qock for her annual overha NX HHT aseful articles for ol nY "| Seaees neSitine> ,teenee. porte, 86, seeing iley’of that place, — which it is expected will take w NUTT people. If you are « ‘hains, to point of commencement. over aemonth. purchase a gift, don’t fail to look over our display first | Dated this Oa, pay F Seer tit. Stewart arrivals by the Prince} a — . ’ | AAD + LE » # IC . . ; | ° iF - — Albert yesterday included F, W The Hospital Board last night R W. e C The Jewellers SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION arve ? riche ’ A. N.! : 7 . ‘ ‘ A >» 2) ““pISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Harvey, F. Re ichenbach, A. N. tendered a vote of thanks to J 2 . ameron G 0. 622 3rd Ave. eilae e ens | ISLANDS. Galeson and Grant Mahood. \Myhill-Jones. Last fall several * >. . ; TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of! ,., : ‘pairs of blankets and other sup-| . mnawn Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply rhe Boilermaker and Shipbuild ' ’ e s . ‘ : + 4 Notary utlic |for a license to prospect for coal ardlong Brotherhood are giving a plies had been borrowed = from . —_—— EES petroleum on and under the following , , ” the Digby Island Quarantine Sti- Conveya cer = , | ee 7 leacribed lands: ance > 6 St. J , 7 <> ¢ |‘ Commencing at a post pure ot the —_ Sen ees ~ = — . Ar ‘tion during the influenza epidemic. * LAR COALERS ' ; th-west corner f Db 498, thence “ew § - & rchestra. : oie ; j FOR SALE cast 80 chains, thence north 86 chains, — ae | Mr. Myhill-Jones had made two ES et i thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 he : e 7j » * eo B : \ chains, to point of commencement. Hyder visitors in the city in- \trips free with the “Alice B. ' : Dated this 29nd day of October, 1919. ; ‘lude R. W ‘our - od lastered WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. | ‘ . reer eee P Mrs. M. Curtis, Mrs. A. Miller, Keith, B. W. Bob, |Teturning these. ny MAMMA MADE & musTAKe AN' fot A LETTER ‘IN THERE ot ie SHE WANTS ™ ee iT BACK ~ ITS B LETTER TOMY TEACHER aAbOUT Some ai ‘ig e SKEENS LAND RECORDING DIVISION, ; : = house, on Eighth Avenu DISTAICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Wm. Woerne and Mrs. W. Gray. h between McBride St. and ISLANDS. a rot do better than mail the B TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary «! ’ inti eeds to The News Print King Edward School with ex- Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to pply Among those going south on|Printing n« I cellent lot petroleum om, and wakes. the following|Christmas night was W. J. Pit-| Shop and get the work done wsertbed lands :— man, who will spend New Years} ‘rTomptly and well, * i { Commencing at a post planted one ” ’ : aa a mile east of the north-west corner of DL| with his family who are in Van- i} 498, thence east 80 chains, thence south ese ©# @Oeewe ee eee : 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence |COUVEr, é H north 80 chains, to point of comimence- . * * Pi 9 e ’ Queen Charlotte Isianders car ‘ ment TU SUBSCRIBERS Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Parker, Sr., me . WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. have returned to the east via Van- a ga AGIEE _ ; Subscribers to The News . - noo “~% couver after spending a few weeks a arr : : are asked to pay the de. J if s Joy M. 1M. Stephens initing with their som M8. POH fiery” boys. each month Rea! Cstat2 insurance Financial Agent BAF rst CHURCH | a et weep hey. eel, annem * +e ‘The first prize at Tite’s Furni- where payment tas beer * | ture Store prize drawing was won|* made for the year in ad by Mrs. M. Clark with ticket No.|®. vanve. The boys when * 12343. ‘The second prize was won collecting carry oMeial ve 7 Terms. **** = #8e 4 Ler -sencensenoene | SERVICES — . ES There will beno service 01 Sur- . sy : ; iby No. 5765, and the third prize|® Ceipts which should al- * lay morning. i ender Cada mh : Oa a z lwith number 1666. 303|*% ways be preserved " ral .v] R on Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. “ee” * chin Ae Robe Gis * t : : oe ’ : z : Evening Service at 7.30. The drawing for Bulger’s ie i| No wait. Full weight. Christmas prizes was held last $12.50 $13.75 Yio rereeeeeees Frizzell, took the tint orig e\SWAL THE COLD Ton, Loose Ton, Sacked . ‘diamond and ruby ring. The sec. _ ond prize, the ladies’ or gentle ---A HEALTH SLOGAN +2 : man’s watch, will be awarded t) Consumers (val Company MONDAY ithe holder of ticket 3945. The alg? a gS oe =< a Phones--Black 51, Bleck 203 third prize, a ring, was won hy|Health Authorities Are Back Capt. E. MeCroskrie with ticket of Cempai which C . one. : Campaign ch Covers * S ecl | ennchlililitens taine Entire Continent. ~ eres time pecia The “Dinector” Corset. Manu- . ve your gift problems factured in Prince Rupert. Phone |, Th, familiar “Swat the Fly” slogan ts — ef apes Jonathan Blue 92. tf the’ pupite |S bees advised ea the e the appointment to- — 4 a ee as heartily as they ‘swat ee we nh summer, day. It’s none too early. Apples PHONE Red 328 ¢ > Behind the movement is the desire to ? spread of ‘flu by the ,}Prompt treatment of every case of ecoid * DEN IS RY he symptoms of the ‘fu in its early erless tudio I I stages are the same as those of a bad This is the last — —— a MY TEACHER TO-MORROW WHEN TRE WAR wilt Eno Pop AN’ THEN (LL LET You KNOW To-mORROW NIGHT cea + check the possible t | — ont aes year the ‘Nu reached an Don advanced stage in many cases before the chance neg ect your Teeth patient realized that the trouble ‘was more One decayed or missing tooth serious than a cold Suite 22, Alder Block per box lowers your efficiency “If every person would wet busy as soon 48 a cold develops and use home i All es stop at our —_ remedics to break it up, we wouldn't hear = a $2.10 . DR. BAYNE omcial. “It 'Would do’ wonders, “and then ! Office Hours--Mornin 4 oe.” peor * “, 9 to 12; olds he ad « . Afternoon, 1.30 to 5. 30; Satur- coe bits i. ee yo Shastivers A. G. GRAY - —————__—___—____ ; avy. 9 to 12 only. Evenings, yeas I Re the ‘use of Grip Pix ; : 8 if Not @ patent edicine co Teacher Sane Rupert Table Supply Co, f } tas temn'rtoan 8 "fli hater ih tlh ta ; . ry y physician comes in capsule | Studio 137 Second Avenue , miata ; form and relieves 4 cold , i DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE $\acts promptly Ih case of Grinte MaBE and P NE 182 or Phones 211, 212 PHONE 109 POR APPOINTMENT | At this time of the year every home : HO 444 should have a box of Grip Fix. ft is on =e sale at all drug stores, where it sells for 35 «cents per box