DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F". PULL EN - - - Managing-EditpL. ...... i i SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . 5.00 For lesser periods,'. paid fn advance, per week . .' 10c By mail to alt parti or Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year $8 00 By mall to al other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word . Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal nottees. eaeii Insertion, per agate line Traaslet dsspfajr advertising, per Inch, per insertion Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Kwapil Coming Meet Fishermen 8C 98 9.00 .02 55 .15 1.40 WORLD'S BAD DREAM Right Hon. David Lloyd George, former Premier of Britain, says that in future people will look back to the was such a period of inflation as that of a few years aeo and the swing of the pendulum has brought about th i rm.. t i i i Mr Kwapil is nsnrttd to have been very successful in Seattle, the Another Effort to Be Made to Mar- :MR there to get 1e and 4e for their Kei iiaiiDui co-operatively F. J Kwapil is expected in the city Wednesday to try to gat the local fishermen to sign up with concern which he represents. A modern streamlines which characterize the THE. design, of th new Ford V-t motor cars art exemplified In the new Ford V-8 Oe Luxe Tudor sedan, shown abovt. Th car It long and low, Its V-type radiator, slanting windshield and the forward slops TEA-SALE ENJOYABLE Oflijhtfu) Affair &v I.O.D.E. At : llto-me- 'vt Mrsi MeLennxn C J. Norrington Win Trip A very successful and delightful tea and sale of home-cooking was iheld at the home of Mrs. J. C. Mc Lennan. "The Cedars," Borden BILL' .MITCHELL LOSES IIB LIFE IN TIJAGEDT AT SUA WAT. LANS LAKE. Tpntfnuerr from uaire ouei Bill had stood tip in the skiff to clear his fine and the boat lar ked, appaarentlyln the current of she creek which flows nearby. j He fell backward but not completely ' out of the boat. After the pair had i sat down again, the skiff started to' fill and sink and both jumped out. After assisting Young Kelsey to Street, on Saturday afternoon un- get started on the first few strofcc. der the auspices of Municipal j Bill shouted to his younger com-Ofcapter. Imperial Daughters of panion: "You will have to swim for the Empire. j shore." Kelsey told Bl'.i :o let e. as Tiw guests were reeefved by Mrs., thought he could make it him-McLenaan, and Mrs. D. C. Stuart.' elf. The latter was. uvparent!y Munscfpal Regent. swimming behind the boy to sec Mrs. S. P. MsMordie. Mrs. A. T. that he got In no diffic ulties. Young Parkin, Mrs. Robert Blance and Kelsey had reached shore safely by Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod poured, himserf before Bij wen' down. Serrtteirrs were Mrs. C. 3. Nor- Young Keteey had learned to rtngton. Mrs. J. H. Macey, Mrs. swim only last year and H was about Hob. Davie. ,Mis. O. P. Tinker, the first time he had tvn for any w Miss Florence smitn, miss wma distance out or hflrdept!. Bill Mit-Dyer and Miss Patricia Owyer. eh ell was regarded as quite a pre- Mrs. Ernest Anaerson was gen- 'kient swimmer. Ui.cioubteeUy. eral being assisted by heavy gust w, . Mrs. w H. warm-Murray and sweaters wMeH 1st w ; Mrs. S. V. Cox. Tbe hcme-eookkie teeioed to fore- hsse down table was ua ebarg of Mrs. J. A Water Fifty ret Deep Tent d Mss. O. W. Laidler. Miss it was stated by arte of the sear-Bessie Betss was cashier. cfeers this moresns; tba' the fishing Fortune teHing was carried on -od being used by B8I MiteaeB was present period as the "World's Bad Dream." There never bv Mes- waaam Bra and Mrs. c. dieted upaboat wo leet tnm share. E. Oullen M. H. L. Laundreyhad !ndlcatmg that the pair went in the chanae at the raffle The winning .kj tk.i -v- ,..- - 9 wkw Rimw vnev Milb. in mm fim m n wmm14 tM m trMvi, w . .... ... . " "v w nere miy ices cieep ami snetves wurKi greatest, utuiauun. ine uacKwaru swing was ver Nsx 876) was dsawn by Mrs. greater than even the upward swing. What is difficult to c. h. Orme and was held by c. j. realize now is that after a time the upward swing will Norrtaejtoa. come again. By that time many people will have lost their A uf!''d m property their enthusiasm, their optimism and will re; HIIbSS T. mam broken by the ruthlessness of the forces arrayed asoo, ptaacforte duet by Mrs against them. Robert Bardett and Mrs. Stam- However, it is when things are so bad that people are tor- ,Bd 7loHn 80tos y Bert wondering if they can ever bear up under them that re- cMnl. lief usually comes. It will come silently, steadily, even BiackSdMrs! c stealthily. There will be no blare of trumpets. In the mean- time people must adapt themselves to the new conditions which have come to stay for a time at least. We have to spend less because we have less to spend. Things looked LOCAL NEWS upon recently as necessities are now being viewed as lux- coastwise steamship & Barge uries and to many as unattainable luxuries. When we have co.'s freighter ortfieo. bound from accustomed ourselves to this new condition, the improve- Seattle to Anyox. made a brief call ment will commence but not before. in port this morning. ' J' P- iteilfllaB- manager of Ctex- WIIV wnnnv? , uUKUl. ton cannery, was a week-end vbl- An t-. Englfe t publication "Efficiency' hM the following tor to the cjky on business, having interesting paragraph in its latest number: arriveo on Saturday from the "If you are in business you are either busy or not busy. skeena Rlver-If you are bm there is no need to worry. If you are not Ald. H who hM been busy you will either get busy or will broke. If you go you on a tn daj business trip to se-get busy there is no need to worry. If you go broke, either atue, returned to the city 'from someone will leave you a fortune or you will go to the ,he " on the catua yesterda: workhouse. If someone leaves you a fortune, there is no fternoon IIe W8 ca,Ied to seatth " 8 witness in a case arising out npH tft vrncrv If vm.ii a tr tKa nrVliniica ,;B :... : j :rt .it. - 11 oi ary uvc lo a npc uiu agtr or you win uie. n you live to a ripe oui age, there is no need to worry. If you die you can't worry. So why worry ?" dock construction here. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshrp BerUngham arrived In port at 10 o'clock this morning " ' from Ketchikan with four car- saeetiag of tithing vessel owners loada of fresh halibut for trans-aad fishermen is trected to be eal- antpment to the United States on lea- to saeet him aad hear Ms pro- Ma afternoon's train. HOME OIL TEAM Home Oil wfll Held the following team against Regiment In tomor- row afternoon's Senior Football League match: Moxley; Blake and Estimated gold production In 1931 ' Murray; Webster, Howe and Fisher; in Canada .showed an increase of Nskamoto, Currle, Davis, Marshall 2' over 1930. and McMeekin. FORD SHOWS NEW V-8 DE LUXE TUDOR of the rear pansl, emphasizing Its graceful lines. The De Lux Tudor sedan la tqulpptd with cowl lights, dome light, ash trayt, front door pockets, adjuttablt driver's seat and Is fitted with safety glaii In the windshield and In all doors and windows. af f nearby to a much greats depth. , It was in the stifle from the interning ' creek that the tragedy wwwt Norsaan Frees, wading oat. from the sheee tilt the water was above bis waist neJd out a stack to yosng Kelsey whom he helped' to (Kill in to shore. Raving seen Mit-' rhell swisaraing behind. Freeman j had intended to gtve him stopfer! asskUnce but, when he looked out again, be had dtsapfjeartd. It was almost dark at the time. City Is Shorkrd News of the tragedy, beeomtm seneraHy known in the ettjr yes-' -erday mornteg. cast a pal of gtonm j over the eosnmtmtty for BUI Mit-' ?hefl was widely known and highly popular. Twenty - seven years of age, he had lived here state he was a very small boy with Bis par-mts. A member of Uv taff oi the xmtracUng firm of MiteheR Si Carle, of which his father is senior nember, and at one time Identified .vith the Iatty News typographical j taf f. deceased was prominent and : active in athletic, eteb. church and , ocUl cltcles. He was a well known 1 footban and baseball player and a! valued member of the Elks' Lodge.! 3yro Club and Presbyterian Church. Among the older andj wunger people alike, he was great-, y esteemed through his generous mature and happy dispostUon. There tre few citizens who do not feel a! ense of personal shoek at khe'tra-! 1c nature of his fate. I To the deeply bereaved and well' newn family, the deep sympathy t the whole community will be ex-wded. In addition to the parents, here are three brothers James mtcheil of the West Vancouver Wgh School teaching staff. George Mitchell of the Bis Bay Lamfeef Co. lore and Alex Mltchir of Mtteheil U Currle here and two stiff-Miss Caroline Mltehell'of the Maeh-ing staff of Booth Memorial Seheel here and Mies Irene MKebfltf, who recently returned ivuae fresrt her studies at the University of British I Columbia to spend the summer va- ! cation. Bill Mitchell vm 27 yean of ami (and was born at Orange, Beaff-I Jshlre, Scotland, coming here when ' (four and a half ynrs old. I Searchinr AraHi Today Drnttlnx opera Hons were re-' sumed this mornint with &rp. A.j Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Dock Total capacity 20.000 tens. Shipbuilder., snd Ship Repairers for Sleer and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mlnlng.Maclilnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Elertrfo and Acetylene Welding SO.tnn llerrick for Heavy Lifts Monday, May rs, ijjj Here's Something You II Like tiiantupjptn uilb tvtrj Choice quality Virginia tobaccos -. blended for men whV'roil their own" - - Ogden'8 fine cut Is 6ure to please - - it's the brand that has arwdvej sofJon its merits. OGDEN'S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO YOUR PIPE KNOWS OGDEN'S CU7PLUG Stone, provincial police, in quainted with the nature of the charge, assisted by Bob Frizzell and lake were still hopeful of success. 1 other local cMtaens. After the thor- Mayor Cyril H. Orme was among :vo heavy oaahnes of yesterday's work, the the many citizens who went out toi wearing pettee fek that there was now little Shawat&in Lake yesterday to as- hepe of recovertng the body by list the police In the dragging op-, drugging, although some well ac- ieraUoiis. , 1, C-V.IL TUA1NS For the East Mondays, YftUMMity days; , From the East nil Fri. Tuesdays, Thursuay aim Satut-.' "i 40 in Lwa v 'rv i'rK ."., - m 1 our Monthly CllCCUC fl5 long as you live VVIIEN you retire, you will apprrciate a guar-anteed Income of 8150.00 month a never-falling income which wfll continue, without change, as long as you live! ; Such an income spells independence. It opens the door to a care-free future. It- means security from money worries. To mate your dreams of retirement come true, simply invest part of your earnings each year In Life Insurance. Your future income ran be more tlian $150.00, or less depending entirely upon tle amount of savings you set aside for this purpose. m i- f And? should yon not live to- old sgf, your faint! it fully protected by the saine, Ufejlrutirance by the same monthly income. Any Life Insurance frpresentatite will gTaoTy give you complete information oi this he most modern form of Life Insurance. He can suggest an attractive income plan exactly suited to your ueedt. tyrowy: Ont t a mitt 0f menafsi sswisored b lift Inmranv CompunUt