OFFICERS INSTALLED , Ceremonies of Oddfellows and Re- bekahs Lodges Conducted rf 1 Installation of officers of the lo- cal Oddfellows- and Rebekah Lodges j took place Jointly in the Metropole nun uisi uigub, uuui unc (immimit nersons being in attendance for the ceremonies and the; .social pro ceedlngs which followed, J. E. Bod die, djstrtct deputy granctj master, assisted by H; M.. Halef'as T . district deputy grand marshal installed the following officers for the Oddfellows: ' Past Orand, Norman Moorehouse. Noble Grand, S. L. Peachy. Vice Grand, S. N. Boyle. Recording Secretary, S. V. Cox wMai stDrv a v. wh Treasurer, N. W. Appleyard. Warden Peter Cameron. : Conductor. M. McArthur. Inner Guard. M. McLeod. Outer Guard J E Jack. I Right Support of Noble Grand,, J. W. McKinley. Left Support of Noble Grand, J. Dehorne. Riaht Sunoort of Vice Grand. J.!fowd the installation ceremonies' L. Mcintosh. Left Support of Vice Grand, Dan McLennan. R. S. S, H. J. Smith. L. S. S, J. Duncan. Chaplain, L. C. Sby. Rebekah Officers Mrs J. E. Boddle, district deputy president, assisted by Miss E. M. Barle as district deputy grand marshal Installed the following Rebekah officers: Past Grand, Mrs. S. L. Peachy. Noble Grand. Mrs. Bert West. Vice Grand, Miss Rita Johnston. Recording Secretary, Mrs. M. McLeod. Financial Secretary, Mrs. A. Blaekhall. Treasurer, Mrs. VY. A. McLean-Warden, Mrs. W. H. Sherman jr. Conductor, Mrs. Murray. For sale at all Government Liquor Stores or order direct from the Liquor Control Board Mail Order Department. Victoria, B.C. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Llquoi Control Hoard r hv the tjovfrnment of British Columbia ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SCHMELING-WALKER BOUT AT MIAMI IS OFF NEW YORK. Jan. 14: The championship fight which was j to have been held in February - a TffianflJelween' Mlx weignt uuenoiaer, ana Mickey walker, welterweight cham- pion,; has been cancelled, It is announced by Madison Square uarueirwnicn was promoting the bout. It was felt that the fight might be a financial fail- ure at Miami whlciv hasf not Vroveif areat unporter of Jn a. pUKlilSQI. Outer Guard. Mrs. W. Pierce. Inner Guard, Mrs. S. V. Cox. Riaht Support of Noble- Grand, Mm J. L. Mcintosh. Left Sunport of Noble Grand, 'Mrs. Alex McNeill. ' Right Support ef Noble Grand. ; Mn. B. Church. i Left 8upport of Noble Grand.- Mrs. Day. i Chaplain. Mrs. W. S. Hammond. Social Follows The social function which fol took the form of a Leap Year Party. : rJellcious refreshments were served 1 at midnight and dancing followed; with music by the Oddfellows' Or- j chestra. One of the features of the proceedings was the presentation to Mrs. Montelth of Deborah Lodge No. 13. Rossland, with a 25-year Jewel. The presentation was made by Mrs. J. E. BOddie. J. E. Boddle was master of cere- .a ujviiico mi tenuis u "";aay s work in reutrn tor nis ooara StaSta Jotahnsfo7corvene,r11li2 1 " 1 IV? FT ? "Z Miss Rito Miss Johnston, convener. ; think of a man who would reduce i u. wooa, Mrs. t. Peterson. Miss Durran and Miss E. M. Earle. A. J. Matheson returned to the : city on this morning's train from a brief trip to the lower Skeena ! i River. , j , iu :t::::::::::::::::::::::si. JJ:::::::n::ii:::::::::s:it Also the Dc Luxe Whiskies; Extra Special Liqueur and Nc Plus Ultra SHED ! i Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured In getting lull weight NO. 1 ALBERTA EGG Iteg, Price, J2JS0; FotCash $11.50 NO. 1 ALI1KKTA LUMP Iteg. Price, $13.50; Cash Price .... 1S.50 rilAIISlNA KdO ltrS. Price, $11.50: Cash Price 11.50 Dry Jack IMnc and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 WON LONG SKI HIKE .Pete Sandnes Captures Honors In "" IliiielHnifontesi AC Prince ' PRINCE GEORGE. Jan. 14 A ; gruelling 10.5-mlle cross-country ' ski race was won by Pete Sandnoc. j club captain and former Western i Canada champion, during Uie annual Skl " a"d Toboggan Club ! "y u wo tl- wness wai runner-up. 53 leroutis 'later. later. The course was along Oeorfte Street, through the ON it. yards, j across Nechako River, up a 400-foot hill, across Butcher flats and return. ,1 Arthur Henderson won the boys mile and a half cross-country event, with Maurice Lambert. (second. ! A Moon won the ski iumoing wtit wih Pet- Sindm-s. who 'hlWrl the best style, second Harold Hoist's standing jump c.f in wmr r urn i tm n n iw mil w nna mnnA KV UK IVItgVOt 1IWU7, i The Letter Box MEN AT CLOVAII BAY Editor. Dally News: May I encroach on your valuable space In reply to Mr. Gwyer's re- cent statements In your paper? He states that it has been a mat- tar nf arpat rv-aret to him that not' smgie man has offered to do a j our condition to that of chattel! slaves. The logical retort of course 1 Is that it has always been a matter ; of wonder where the money comes I from to support the numerous or- i namental personages ln the pay of :the government. It surely is not necessary for Mr. Gwyer to be told j that a man cannot do manual labor i (for very long without wearing out his clothes. As a matter of fact we worked for several weeks for $2.00 a day and did Just as much work as if we were getting the regular wage of $4.50 thus leaving the government In our debt! Mr. Gwyer ts evidently incensed with our resolution to Mr. Pattullo ln which we pointed out that provisions could be purchased more economically by contract Instead of patronage, and asking for an investigation of his books in order to prove our point. When a government is so financially embarrassed that it has to cut rations, we have a right to wonder why .The time for economizing Is long overdue. We as workers were promised everything and have received nothing. The B. C. government has funds to disburse specially for the relief of unemployment and Instead of secur ing experts with financial training and experience we find ex-country storekeepers whose only knowledge of governmental finance ln the past has' been that of patronage, so that after the money was all gone their only recourse Is to economize on the Unemployed man's rations and subsistence allowance. We do not blame Mr. Gwyer for the fault of the system, but why should he purposely evade the question by waving a ration list to enlist the sympathy of the housewife-on his side, and add insult to injury by referring to us as free boarders and "contemptlbles?" His gross exaggerations are not the result of his personal experience but the result of reading the menu. Reading the menu and sitting at the table are two different things. For Instance, what would a milk inspector say to 6'4 tins of milk for i 100 men for three meals a day? This Is one ounce of milk daily per man for three mealsl Jam hat been put on the table once In the last month and not a single eg ; proved by MusaoUni for Rome will tovernment by proposing a coal I -has there been on the table In that . take fifteen years to carry to com- tlon. He saw no good In such a period. The eggs we get on Sundays ) pletlon, It Is announeed.--London . move He had spoken against It and are a camouflage commonly known as scrambled more flour than eggs. The men who happen to be working 'get no extra rations. Also, wouiaryie. average housewife like to have ner' son cooped up in a camp of Mr. Gwyer's design a room 41x24 with double-deck bunks for 30 men? If Mr. Gwyer's attitude Is the attitude of officialdom to the work-ingman who produce everything and has nothing we do not care how soon there is a change. The trouble Is that no government outside of Russia has more than a five-week plans. All they are inter- OX O youte been looking (of BLANC MANGE 2 "Oio" Cubes A little milk 1 Ubltspoon cornflour 1 pint of water Add the "Oio" to tbe water; pour into a pan and place on the fire. Mix the corn, flour with the milk, nice and smooth. Add it to the "Oio" and stir for four or fits minutes until it thickens. Then cool. Start Saving Wrappers Send your Oxo Cube Red Wrappers to Oxo Limited, 1 9 1 0 St. Antoine Street, Montreal, Que. This ojffer applies to residents of Canada only and expires on April 30, 1932 pre?eh?sy,um msuiuuon tor me lew. it uwy sic barren of ideas we can give them lots. j Thanking you for your courtesy ln permitting the use of your apace. I q CHAPMAN I Free Bcnrder at CUyah Camp-1 District News ; McBRIDE Miss Irving bat returned here rfrom a trip to Winnipeg Mr. Lindsay, a son-in-law of 0 F. Bayes. has arrived here from Port Arthur. W. It. Keat has returned here from a trp to Edmonton. M'.s. Keat and son are both doing well Thomas Oarner and J. Nlvn -v . . . ... oi uunaier were among visitors n. town during the past week. The matter of the incorporation CUBES Wasted Experiment Continued from . Nob whal wou,d hn I .i .i.i . iamb uiiid. a. xiv uHiuuiiiauuii was In a direful financial condition the government of whien they had expected so much. Dr Tolmie had ln the hut election campaign promised to bring back servatlvea believed ln government prosperity to the country and now : for the special interests. The pre-they knew what had happened. I. ! sent tovernmnt was not even Con-usually was the business of the , stnrative. It was a government oo Liberals to rescue the country af ter a Tory administration. A ahn- War thing happened In 1916. The hy-elections came in for tome attention. Mr. Pattullo said hv ma nnt rnt,iMt .th.r f u. conservative seats but they fough' I wlthout coming to him. Somebody ' !North Vancouver because it harl!had to e,n UP lh Hr been a Liberal constituency. Thev I d,d cr'e tn ,ob DUt 11 1 dtd not ejrpect to win it At Co- 10 done nd ne WM PP to "ned ,Ie how iIimbta it had been proposed to al low the SMt g0 without contts' i ben Vic , The ConwrrmtW. eandldati. hd 'orla nd Personal friends of the, of McBride unJer the Village Art takra pjace'Aii new arrtvals ln the' 8mct government hsd Uken is to be discussed at the annu-. COntituency had been registered ,c h1 Pnt tDO.OOO.OUO meeting of the McBride Board cr.By the other side and an effort lWhen UberaU went out of of-Trade which wUl be held next m, even mMte t0 omttr- f1w l'nm financial condl Monday. Uon had bee good They did nn vatlve ornniKt on the ,ut. xh l to hu Plttoo to knot- had been objected to The resAni A. Jack and George McNeil have of tne rteeUon .nowed the feeitau. wnat 11 llke tody The e irone into tbe Beaver River coun- of tne pp throughout the Prtmnt t proving try to endeavor to lot-ate Cart country. In ie camp m that con-i,w'ntym,p" Mint and N. Storjra who were ex- atltuency of twelve men who had,,,"' Po said he was in th pected tp be out for Christmas but a enrolled by the government 10 stav would be a can who have not yet arrived. ietgnt yotad for the Ubefal. In an- d,date agln m prlne R"Prt if U A general meeting of the Mr- Bride Badminton Club was held on tlvtri Tn- election had undoubted-Tuesday erming. Badiamton, has ly ne!pfu, to the Liberal oecome a very popular game nere. t q tm ,k k.. k-. .t w f -j wuyrni, miv saaasy .- aimm ferlng from paralysis, 'eft tiv week tor Prince George where ho will enter hospital for tcratnient. season at her home at Dunster Misses Do rut and Oraee Oooddt , spent a vacation recently at th-Mr home here. NOT KEIIUILT IN A DAY The citv reolannlmr scheme ao- . Times. 1 ' . , w The ball v-News con be pur- ornmlid that if they would do so h ui,, not w, . cndui.t- w there - at the Oeneral election. Peraonal- Iv hart iirMl that th aat h .... .w. ya 'other the whole ID had voted Lib- eral lncludlnc the returnlnar ol- mm- The Liberals at the meeting were reminded that their party wai only a means to an end. As lone " as thaf they represented .nuii fK the idea thn:i u i all the people had right, they were alwayl ran country 1 the ground and it was the busi ness of the Liberals to pull it out Coalition Propaganda The coalition propaganda that had been put forward in tlie'aotith was the next thing discussed. The speaker said that an effort had been made to rescue the n-Mfnt the election ln Columbia had given it the final Quietus. "That settled the idea of oaaiitlon." , I Mr. Pntttilih then reviewed, the financial situation of 'the provfnr- ovar Uie period during whleh their chased at had been party government. He Post Offlce News Stand, 325 showed how Sir Richard McBrldr Granville 8U Vancouver. had run the government into deb Karl Anderson. Prlnw j and finally 8lr Richard's successor, Oeorge, B.C. Mr. Bowser, had been defeated and R. W. Riley, Terriee, B.C. ! the IJberals had brought the General Store, Anyox. ivlnee back to financial stability. Bmlthers Dnig Store, Smith- Now again a Conservative govern- ers, B.C. ment had brought the country to fiUte verge of bankruptcy. ThU Jquealkm of finances and the Un ... In exchange change for for pers. Oxo Cubes JL ment which your prime, lean in beef in provide that extra nourijh. family needs . . . they arc concentrated form . . . , economy any home and a source of health to every family. Nou By Tolmie in Administration! Page It . Vr ' Iblen, Hd be the , i.. .i.v. ,k uwu ms (Uk aiBHm uu w - - - mie i ii election would be fought. The great difference betwten thr two parties was that the Liberals were for the people and the Con' behalf of a ctlque. Cheers greeted the member as he referred to the local situation and asked why - was that some party magnate Uhould lord it over the rest and not "w P h a Job !m)nlltr retained. Any incomlnr administration m -i a aa M would ..a have to o.. with this situation. The extra vo gaht liquor administration would hare to go out bag and baggage w pany tap plause). He thought it would be i nice thing to make his sixteen years of service into twenty. Ai in 1018 they had pulled the province out of their financial difficulties to lie could do it now. One of mi UnllrldM Ufftialrit Ik. a. . " 1,nd , POlwy. He wanted an oppor- .,, tn t " ,i7. ". ."L" "OT-l?e"1 .w inuj wai a;irr- ernment for all the people. Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Hooks Radios Sewing Machines McRAE HROS., LTD. We Carry a Representative Stock of Popular Car Parts For Prompt Efficient Scv!re Phone 566 RUPERT MOTORS Oarage it Service Station Night Calls 101 50 50 Ox Oxo Cube Red ViW Solid Aluminum Spoon - inchei long ft LUllllUl Id Ti ormc 1 1 mm allUllllllJ liVlJli n "the -frienih TT1 '1 at ii S Yi. ti -1 I d d nail ju Jim Hr iv va tr a iirMti r n f . v viivviy w w ' - Hotel Arrivals SVt T- I II I ivoiir Kmmi mil TUB HOTEL WU.'lil W& Hot & Cold water K Eft 75c. PER DAY AND It J. Zarc!! Trlilion' nil I Mr. and Mrs 0 Bruyn. city Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operating three Drt V Total capacity 20.000 iom Shipbuilders and Ship Uepslr lor Sleel and Wood W Sawmill and MlnlngMachJ"'" 'Repaired and Overnsu... ; Iron and Brass CaslW Electrl n.l Arrivlriie W'fM1"1 I IfB 50-inn Derrick for Hf" a m ausa' II Amnkan TrictvUMP ),rt.. ' V