rp'ikr i.- y ' p "1 ' Weather Today's Tomorrows lides Friday, April 29, 1932 mmm High 9:02 a.m. 16:5 ft. prince Rupert Clear, calm; barometer, 22:00 p.m. 17:8 It. 30.14; temperature, 53; sea Low 2:56 ajn. 9:8 ft. smooth. 15:20 p.m. 6:8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIII . No. 99. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS 2- ORmm . TRACK BOMBED-ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN NEAR Switch Blown Up By High Explosives At Thrums Settlement Eastbound ' Passenger Train on Canadfan Pacific Railway Had Just Passed When Explosion Occurred None Were Injured as Result of Incident NELSON, April 28: An attempt was made to wreck an eastbound Canadian Pacific train from Vancouver at Thrums, west of here, last night when the switch at a passing track m that vicinity was shattered by high exclusive. The train had just passed over when the blast oc-lurrrd. No one was injured. Thrums is one of the Douk-tmbor settlements between here and Castlegar. IMPRESSED WITH MINE i Tea of Inspection Paid to South-Miter Property at Skldegate By Vancouver Capitalists SKID EG ATE, ' April :-Vaneou-i . ..... . i uu SouUMMtor mine here.! ,v ; ,M u, h.ve;ben favorably Un- pr-w Kith Ahc property. As M re- ! I the ir-pectton. It U under- that UnTmln wlU be opera-. ted on a considerably Increased scale in the very near futirre. i TWO TRAINS IN AT NOON Traffic Restored on Hallway Here Following Interruption in Rocky Mountains Following interruption on the lo-' '' 'me of the Canadian National Railways due to a "atnk hole" near Hwre in the Rocky Mountains, two , 'Mini arrived from the east during noon hour today. The first train. !hf one which should have been In 'n Tuesday morning of this week, '-nvd ilt i2:io whtle today's re-ti ir train arrived at 12:40. five-Day Week To Be Adopted ! Ai'teles County Employees To Go On New Basis After July 1. lOS AK0ELB6, April 28 Th? I0u't.v council has decided to Inaugurate a five-day week for all JPloyces effective July 1. All sick Icavp, wlll ttlso Uf. nboiuhed. Ex tensive savings to the public purse expected to result. '"irilOVAL OF PEACE PACT BEING SOUGHT SHANGHAI. April 28: The PKfe pact In the Slno-Jajian- PN0 dispute was yesterday pro- I ,Pn,Pd to the Chinese and Jap- anrse governments for final approval and signature follow- ,n the reaching of an agree- Went between the represcnta- "vcn of the two nations here n Tuesday. Bishop Rix Asks HelPFromEast Describe DWtrcss tn Caledonia Dlo eee Before Catherine in Montreal MONTREAL, JVpri MUUnr p Dlea for lUDoort from the mort fa cnreaUor of Boern Prince Rupert. BWhopj f onla, 80 re of distress in ocee- juries and staff, tadbm ,ori 'w'""' refusing w operate umi w uc cause their earnings would not pay for fuel and Indians were almost entirely dependent upon the government for relief, Bishop Rlx de clared. We have our backs against the wall but we are not tut on our backs," the Bishop added. Royal Troth Is Broken Off Fnmf nt of rrllCfS, Beatrice And Duke of Orleans is on. It Is Announced PARIS. ADrtl 28 -The engage ment of Princess Beatrice, daugh ter of Former King Alfonso ann oiun Victoria, of Spain, to the Duke Antonio of Orleans, her mimIm hu ihoon broken off, It UVUMtlt ww--- was announced yesterday. Illinois Bank Bandits Used Machine Guns T.ANRTNO. Illinois. April 28 Bindlts using machine guns held up the National Bank here yester day and escaped with $5,000 In currency. Los Angeles Officer Dies Injuries In Second Storey Fall Prove Fatal For Lieut. James J. Hawlcy LOS ANGSLE6. April 2- J' J. HawUy. Los Angela police lieu ninrey oairiiny ui to RELIEF CAMP DISORDERS HAS PASSED ! IN SOUTH Geor;e McAfee, Former Manager Of Big Bay Lumber Co., Died Suddenly Yesterday Long in North Veteran Sawmill Man Managed Mill At Georgetown and In Trince Kupcrt For Years It was with a sense of sn . shock that many friends In Prim Rupert learned today of the sudden death at Vancouver yesterday of George M. McAfee, for years ma nager of Big Bay Lumber Co.'s saw mill at Georgetown and here. N-.-w of his demise was contained In a wire received last evening by hi. son. Weldon R. McAfee. It was only a short time ago that Mr. McAfee , had become settled at Ladner. He was paying a visit to Vancouver! when he was found dead in hln room in a hotel there last night. Ills son and daughter. Miss Jean Mc Afee, wiU leave tonight on the ss. Prince George for Vancouver to attend the funeral. Bom In the Gattneau River dlv UrQueie sixty-three yearsawl-- line iai yvir. aicau ee at an early sge became identified witn tne sawmill Industry In Quebec. In 1903 he came front Montreal to th Garnet Mills near Vancouver ami In 1907 became manager of tnr Canadian Pacific Lumber Co.s ' sawmill at Vancouver. Having be-ccme Interested with H. R. McMillan in the Big Bay Lumber Co . Mr. McAfee came north as manager of the Georgetown mill In 1918. In 1928 Mr. McAfee moved the Industry Into Prince Rupert oi. Its present site at Seal Cove. Having suffered a breakdown Uo years ago, he retired from the management of the local mill lat year and moved south. His health had been reported to be Improving and news of his demise came as a great shock. In addition to his widow, Mr McAfee Is survived by one son Weldon R. McAfee, manager of the Big Bay Lumber Co. here, and three daughters, Miss Jean McAfee, Prince Rupert, and Misses Jessie and Irene McAfee. Vancouver. The family wlll have the deep sympa thy of numerous friends In its bereavement. AMERICAN IS WINNER Canadian Loses Out in First Match of Davis Cup Play at Washington Today WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 28: Wllmer Allison, United States, defeated Marell Ralnvllle. Canada, 9-2. 6-4, 6-4 In the first match of Davl Cup play this afternoon between the two countries. Mrs. Belmont On Warpath Nqled, American Woman Continue Fight Atmst rarucipa-tion in World Court PARIS. April 28 Continuing hrr fight against United States participation In the World Court. Mrs. Oliver 11. P. Belmont of New York vpsttrdav declared here that wo- tenant, died ye;? Ij.men-s rights were not properly pro. sustained In a fall from a sond" rb tnP LeaKue Court Has A Sweet Job P rw wm PMki A&&k fy9U Wm. Beierj as candy technician f jr candy chain stores, eats 158 pounds of 'candy a year. lie says he has no taste for sweets at home but will make fudge for the kid; tn the evening in they Insist. NEW TIME 0N;FLIGHT d W. A. Scott Chops Five Hours and Forty Minutes Oft Butler; Record to Australia; PORT DARWIN, Australia, April 28: C. W. A. Scott landed here at 10:22 a.m. today, establishing a new lime record for the flight from England to Australia of eijht days, twenty hours ami forty-nine minutes. The former record was held by J. A. Butler and it was beaten by Scott by five hours and forty minutes. Appeal Dismissed By Judge Young Argument on Costs of Case Brought From Ocean Falls Being Heard In County Court Today Judge F. McB. Young in County Court yesterday afternoon dismissed an appeal of Clifford Wlllard of Ocean Falls against a conviction and fine of $29 Imposed by Stipendiary Magistrate Hlli of Ocean Falls on a charge of vagrancy. Argument is being heard this afternoon as to costs of the appeal, having commenced this morning. W. E. Fisher Is counsel for the government while T. W. Brdwn Is acting on behalf of the appellant. NO HALIBUT SOLI) No boats being In with catches, there was, therefore, no auction of halibut on the local fish exchange this morning. . 4- MRS. HERRIDGE MOTHER OF BOY OTTAWA, April 28: A son 4-was born this morning to 4- Mrs. Herrldge, wife of Hott. W. 4- D. Herrldge. Canadian minister to the United States. Mrs. Her- ridge is a sister of Premier R. 4- B. Bennett. The birth followed 4- 4- a caesarian operation. The 4- child weighed seven and a half 4- pounds. Both mother and son are reDorted to be dolnc well. 4- t- .t t4 4 LOG CAMPS ARE BUSY Timber Activities pose Depression On South End of Islands i ! With three logging camps In j steady operation, the south end of tne Uueen cnariotte islands are possibly not feeling the depression ! Just now as keenly as some other parts of the country. The logging camps In operation are the T. A. Kellcy Logging Co. at Logan Inlet. the J. R. Morgan Logging Co. at Crescent Inlet and A. P. Allison Logging Co. at Queen Charlotte City. Development work Is also pro ceeding at the Southeaster mine at Skldegate and prospects for the property are said to be quite, promising. Massett Inlet Is still quiet but Is looking for an active salmon canning season. The B. C. Packers plant nt Shannon Bay will be one of the operating canneries there tms season, it is expected. BUDGET IS APPROVED Division on Main Vote in House of Commons Yesterday Afternoon Was 108 to 72 OTTAWA, April 28: the defeat of the United Alberta sub-amendment and the Liberal amendment, the main budget was passed by the House of Commons yesterday by a vote of 108 to 72. The division was along straight party lines. I;R ARRFR IS I - ARRESTED Bycrs Murray Suspected of Com pllclty In Seattle Department '! Store Robbery SEATTLE. Adla-Byers Mur - ray, barber In the Rhodes depart - Man fr.r hfr wai arrested ve. - , trday on suiplcton or complicity ! In the payroll robbery from the More en Tuesday. It was was Byers' Bvers' 'car In which the robber made n is Vetnwuy following the hold-up. Unemployed Men Tried To Take Over Control At Allco; Are Foiled Eighteen Leaders Are Expelled After Attempt and Ninety Follow Them on Their Departure For Vancouver Following Riot VANCOUVER, April 28: An attempt by a group of men to seize control of the Allco unemployment relief camp was thwarted by provincial police officers yesterday. Eighteen of the ringleaders in the attempt were ex-peiled from the camp and about ninety other men accompanied them to Vancouver. The incident followed refusal of the men to accept the $7.50 per month wage scale set by the provincial government for relief work. PRIMARIES JURY HAS ARE HELD! Roosevelt Wins in Pennsylvania But Smith lias Heavy Victory in WASHINGTON, D.C., April 28: Tabulation of returns In the Penh-! sylvania Democratic presidential primary shows an ever Increasing and impassioned argument to me jlead for Governor Franklin D.jjury yesterday lfl his capacity as Roosevelt over Former Governor Alj defence attorney In the "honor 'Smith. Returns from MassachussettS. however, showed a three to one vlc- tory for Smith. OPTIMISM EXPRESSED Important Developments in Lindbergh Kidnapping Case Are Expected Today NORFOLK, Va.. April 28: As a .result of statements made follow- tng recent negotiations conducted final stage when the Jury retired by John H. Curtis of this city, per- j at 4:22 p.m. to consider Its ver-sonal representative of Col. Charles, clct. A T nrihrah urith thp kldnftnnerg I . , ..w.aa, " - - - - 1 of KJol Lindbergh's 20-month old son, there was an air of new optlm-1 ism yesterday and It was believed that real progress was being made toward the restoration of the child to his parents. It was suggested to newspapermen to "look out for developments" in the case today. ifjKetchikan Plane Here Yesterday Pilot W. M. Sassen and Two Passengers Call in Late Afternoon Bound For Seattle Piloted by W. M. Sassen, a Stln- son-Detrolter monoplane of the Ketchikan Airways put In here for an hour late yesterday afternoon, having on board two passengers on their way. from Hyder to Seattle. TheiplaheWghted here at 4:30 pjn. and was oft again about an hour later for Alert Bay where It was 'A 1 i - VANCOUVER WHEAT vanuuuvkk, April so: wneai .was quoieci ai ooc on me wcai cs- 'change this mornlns NELSON CASE NOW Honolulu Murder Trial Reached Its Final Phase Last Night nr.. -r, j. Darrow Eloquent HONOLULU, April 28: Clarence Darrow. with his old-time vigor and brilliance, presented a lengthy i murder" trial in which Ljeut Taos. n. wassie, nirs. uranvuie rones- que and two United States naval seamen are charged with second degree murder In connection with the killing of a native youth who allegedly assaulted Mrs. Massio. Stressing the sufferings of the husband and mother after the assault, the celebrated 75-year old criminal lawyer made a stirring plea for a verdict of not guilty Mr. Dar row's address was followed by a brief closing argumert by Prosecutor Kelly, who made a fiery demand for conviction, after which the presiding Judge dellv- ered his Instructions to the Jury The sensational trial entered Us Earthquake In California Is Not Damaging PASADENA. Cal.. April 28: -The seismograph here registered an earthquake shock yesterday. Centre of the disturbance was believed to be around Bakersfleld, Cal.. which point, however, reported no damage. UNITED STATES INCOME 4- TAX IS BEING DOUBLED 4- WASHINGTON. D.C.. April 28: Meeting behind closed 4" doors yesterday, the Senate 4- finance committee adopted new Income taxation measures ' which will virtually double the present normal rate of taxa- 4- tlon. The surtax was increased 4" from 40 to 45 percent. The vote was 16 to 1. the only dissenter 4- being Senator James Couzcns 4 of Michigan who was In favor of even more extensive In- creases. 4 4 . X U i '4 ,