yonday, December 29, 1919, - THE DAILY NE asain: 4 EWS ee am Page 3 € Irom the Canadian Rockies Onnn : —— Taoagioaten «| CORPORATION 7 LE ie CONTROL BAD MAGIC Canadas Cavorite is FOR PIONEER 4 iat Pe 2 BAKING | Advocates institution and Support| . , of Free Miners’ League. A ] so 3 a | = a PRINCE RUPERT Is GOOD | Wie ih CENTRE MINING OPERATIONS | News from W. \W 1 OF Seattl \ h.. dea i Hit s in Nort} . : | — —_——— | | i ‘ at : ’ ! ia a. re te BIG DELE J. P. Hawkinson left for Alice|}are now in Los Angeles. Mr. : ; 7 al gre \l at midnight last night, | Alexander, who formerly was pro- . ; 01 | ‘ ao a eae eomesemsiinatineeiyg |prietor of the Empire Baths in and th _ iIrsé REPRESE Mr. and Mrs, R. Moen left for! this city, has not yet definitely dieu, 1 are 2 co the south on the “Beairice” Sat- | decidag where he will locate per- , e wm s, d irday evening. jmanently. He says that the e | pect d ne be prs AT CONY TENTION | canecnepnepiateate ; weather in California is beautiful a, eda" e I | [r. and Mrs. J. J. Alexander| and summery. s ‘ it wy contro ; , and thus : r Se in right up Many Students Go to Des Moines. suggests thai a good st to Gathering of North Ameri ie Maes Ca - Open Ist February, 1920 I lLeacue would ha can Bollege Pupils. 7 powec in Maha NEW MARINE WAYS ’ ! ‘ nd could brine The delegation from the Uni- « wilities operative sity of British Columbia to the Shawatlans Passage ar ele u ! be _ ble| International University Students Equipped for building and copgisiog all classes of boats up to 100 feet wise, ha Such a nvention at Des Moines, Ohio 7 re en - : having behind it alleft Vancouver on Fr ide y . weer aa aa ae ACKSMITHING Ona Y aiken w * ; : saan . ig Best equip ed ‘d plant in Centra in Central British Columbia. e ’ 11g} ast 1@ deere on 18 Oo be in | nand government recog-| the Ohio city to attend the all- M rin W Canadian conference on Decem- Seal Cove a e ays, Ltd. I e development of the mineral] ber 30, The object of the con A. Swanson, President W. E. Thomson, Gen, Manager f the province and esp vention is to foster a spirit of Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 illy of Northern B. ©. would mutual co-operation and interest ch stimulated by the estal between the various institutions . : put pe n " SS ———— ec Co. Ltd. a e sampling plant} of higher educafion in America —= government at Prince R and the party from the University Third Avenue and Cow Bay _ oan mineral belts in] of British Columbia goes with th« Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth rth wouk nd a suitable] determination of seeing that B. ntre n Prince Rupert and the}]C. does not suffer ack oO : | ty could be n ieee - a I . zg saverticiay end Gee ‘ehied National Grocery Co. wo. drawn to it. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY President Klink, of the Uni- Electrical and Marine Supplies } Never forget to look througt vel sity of B. C., heads the party ™% | , arty 4 jthe classified list on Page 5 from British Columbia, and O. J Motor Delivery , ne | TO0d, preressd r of Classics, will ieee e+ ee ee ee ee ie ilso attend. Other delegates in- ‘ ' he TU SUBSCRIBERS FT Pega serPmg: mh lps: ee 4 CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES hd - * rss finan a erat. nah os. , a | ; . of New estminster James 2 ' eNC 7 ® bscribers to The News # , ; THE IDEAL ENGINE ¥ asked te pay the di * litehell, of Prince Rupert, presi- . for } hom cosh meath © dent of the college Y. M. C. A. and s a hacia except # ts ‘21: Miss Lila Coates, presi- a wuseed nee tucn © lent of the Y¥. W. C. A.; Miss Case ro ers . t year in ad | Vorothy Brenchley, secretary of DEPARTMENT OF LANOS » : l i : whes . the Y ww, G. A. Alex Monroe, —_——_—— ry , ats . president of the ( ollewe Returned NOTICE » niet: ateeeil e Soldiers: Mr. Harry Cassidy and — — i Fs an os on «| Miss Marion Mounce, . PPL ATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS FOR he eserve t = « UF ‘ o * Dr. W. H. Stith, the recently pans oo oes Fem Sizes from eevee ee ee oe ee oe BS) APPOinted principal of the Pres-| , ac . ‘Cro ‘Dermmits 10 erase oant c : lo 2 HP. to vierian Theological College, and souns district of tee fans aot oT . s¢ lull i t 4 with e istric °O WP. 59 WP. Mr. Holmes and Mr. Atkinson, of] oresters at Craabrook, Fort George, Kam- | To back up the the Anglican College of Vanco vops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver) ¢ on 5 “ ‘-] nd Vernon or with the Commissioner of Holidays ver, represent their respective in- | raging, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. y 0 er Son S , on or before February 29, 1920. . stitutions. Blank forms upon which to submit ap- and tide you over the busy sea- ; Quite a demonstration occurred | #eations may De obtained from the D's |§ sn, better order a load delivered Complete Lighting and ignition Outfits to suit all Fruit Cake it the train-side as the party of] ¢ frag te Searels a i agp as ee SPECIAL—Menday, Tuco jp *tudents left Vancouver end the} " ” O. R. NADEN, SCREENED requirements. day and Sodmeodes only customary college yells were 8iveN| pepartmen Tt-F, © Sam * ee Regular 40c—On Sale at 33 1-3e Ib is the train pulled away from the Victoria, B. C. , oe peguls : station _______ December bth, Se i Owing to the high cost of production the Regal ( IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH . s . CULU) A. Gasoline Engine Co. are compelled C Fruit he 7 —— B pel rislie's GREAT PROGRAM AT IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTIA- 13.00 TO RAISE THE PRICE TEN PER CENT. ate ewe ee ae on i ; we : a WESTHOLME TONIGHT IN THE MATTER OF SELDON ENMWARD per ton, delivered in bin ON ALL ENGINES STEBBINS, DECEASED, INTESTATE. —_— ‘ YT IS y ' JAP ORANGES, PER BOX 98.80 TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 NEW NAVEL ORANGES FOR The Prince of Wales, Fatty Ar-|iionour F. MeB. Young, made the 19th day Phone Black 85 Special, 3 doz. for $1.00. Also 60c. 0c, and $1.00. of December, A.D. 1917, | was appointed . buckle and the Great Russian administrator of whe estate of Seldon Ed- erm Actress Make up tInter- ward Stebbins, deceased, and all parties "9 having claims against the said ertate are Pool Room lake advantage of present pone Piace ycur orders ’ | : now for s sprin delivery. Braz esting Show. hereby required to furnish same, properly - . s k verified, to me, on or before 15th day of December, A. D. 1919, and all parties in- elation” is the name of the |debted to the estate are required to pay : the amount of their indebtednss to me 5 . photoplay to be sereened tonight rthwith ve it ' ‘ » West} J. H. MeMUL®IN, d tomorrow at the Westholme, Offcisl Administrator ! it is one*of these plays that | Dated this 20th day of November, 1919 ist be seen rather than deserib- ed Nazimova, the great Russian wl ; js the star artiste, and her talents have brought her into the first line of the emotional ones The story of the play tells Peanut Butter R ilar 40c jars for ev PENSLAR THROAT ‘ DRAGEES Only a few lett -* - moved to of a miracle, and concerns an artist’s model in Paris, but the} NOTICE OF CANCELLATION 721 Third Ave. MALAGA GRAPES AND SPANISH ONIONS AND NO. 1 APPLES 4 Pe iri ue W PRESH STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES story is as nav ght compar ed with OF RESERVE. used and . ; i queens ; diserimina f GROCERY SPECIALS Nazimova,. = . wil ae bs NOTICE 18 HEREBY G1VEN, that the Opposite and t ‘ ict es of the rince oO a'cs | windbrea Keserve covering the t o A _ ‘ ; — a . ie New Yor! tan ul te n ‘chal ns in width and situate along The Empress Hotel a , : 1 rT on his official visit to New YOrK) ihe north shore ¥ Graham Is land, A lice Pe ur Throat Dragees are $1 City and* the reception he got Jof which appeared in the ritish Columbia Wy y : : F Gazette’ Of the 238th January, 1909, Is . there. and with Fatty Arbuckle {cancelled in s0 far a8 it relates to that / lp Soave © se - ; . Out “ 1st” is rounded out a portion lying, between Indian Reserve No, 1 CIGARS SODA to 5 ° “land indian Reserve No. 3. _— ; A splendid evening's entertainment. G. K. NADEN, Two per cent. Beer . or is Deputy Minister of Lands The PRINCE RUPERT DRUGECO vs —-— —-— Depertme at of Lands, - . ictoria, B. YN Phones Sri Ave t P.O. Box R , 2 BROWN FOUND GuiLTY . November “Fran, 1919. 3 ne 1 BS Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 215 Meal, . . = l 4 . : IN PROBATE. - 25 Frank Brown was found guiltY]in THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Phones 41 and Red 391 pm : ate . g, per bot of creating a disturbance at the COLUMBIA. . — th z General Hospital by Magistrate | IN IMR MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- | For Hire by the Hour, ’ 7 oO} c per @ MeMordie in the police court this a Day or Week IRE UBLIC ' ron ’ ak 4 as fined $25 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FIRE INSURANCE WOTARY PUL y Pea wr $1.3 morning and was fined $25 with CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, |, e ‘ $i.t the option of 30 days’ imprison- INTESTATE. 4 Room House and Lot sa ie] ment vaxe nonce aaron onger ot sit Launch ALICE See bili. . ‘ oat m acer r wen. Young, mage 4, Sixteenth | ; af Milk a3 3 ——-— day of December, A, D was ap- 7th Avenue ' mus, | ; { ‘ i \ Mr F. T. Orchard re. | pointed Administrator to the estate of | T ple putt S , i —S rs aver by the Prin. | costles ‘Ww. Shairlin, deceased, a and all) Picnic and Fishing Parties ' t irnes o Vancouve ‘ > ” parties Hn claims against t Said ¢s- $1600--- Cash or lerms nave very ane ie nice, am Saturgay even |fate ate heraby. required te TurRias site| esac gre , . ¢ ) . ’ . properly ort e 0 e, on o Rh OWN TEAS at al tae Mr. Orchard, who is the som] 16th day of January, A. BD. i920, and “| J. MYHIL JONES parties (ydcbied to the estate are required ; of Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Orehard Of | {pay the amount of their Indebtedness to} SE DAVID H. HAYS) |} ee E® ; | this city, has just recently re-;™ forthwith JOHN 4M. McMULLIN, mies General Real Estate Agent hiave You Made Your Deposit leovered from an operation in the OMetal Adroinistrator ' ’ PHONE 57 Cer. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. P.O, BOX 1535 jtocal hospital. _ Dated this 16th day of December, 1919 | chill Pr. ry" | | ; ; The Daily News is the recig ; — | I. MeCorvie, of Stewart, was 9 | tized medium between seller and | At the |passenger for Vancouver on the |buyer. People all read the ad- CHILL! PARLOR - 835 Second Avenue “Princess Beatrice” on Saturdey)-ertisiag columns beceuse the Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 night. vdvertisers are live wires. ——| Fuller’s Ltd. Subscribe for The Daily News Phones 45 and 534 The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia .